View Full Version : N00bish Traders

17-08-2005, 08:56 PM
Ugh... Today I had a guy in my furni shop saying "Offer on my mega rare gold pod" when it was brown.

And want person said "Donate and we can trade for dog bones". I refused to donate and she said "Oh, you don't want them? Bye". And then she hung around for a bit continuosly asking me ¬_¬

Post your issues with annoying people trying to trade XD

17-08-2005, 08:57 PM
I hate when they say "your profit" and they are actually trying to rip you off. Lol, it's like the icing on the cake.

17-08-2005, 09:04 PM
i h8 it when ppl want loadsa profit or open a furni shop and don't know the values :/

18-08-2005, 10:45 AM
The people that open shops that say they want profit pee me off.

I found one shop that was ultimatley funny! This boy (I would love to say his name but can't) wants lots a profit.

I mean, I can understand a profit is reasonable, however, when its a rare that is worth 2.5 Hc, they charge an extra .5 for 'profit'.

Let me put this in perspective: If you went to buy a brand new car for say £7,500, and you found the car you really wanted and its at an affordable price. You go to purchase it, you give them the money, and they say "Your going to have to add another £500 for our profit scheme, but you also get a free trailer!!!!11 :D "

These people take it a little too far with profit and its laughable until they kickyou out on Hotel View.

18-08-2005, 12:29 PM
Yeah what right does it give people to demand double for something?
It's especially annoying when your dealing with simple norms. Like one time i needed a yellow doormat really badly ans i offered a blue doormat and he said more! So i also threw in a hc chair and he still said more! I turned round and said it's a doormat not a blue birdbath and stormed out!

18-08-2005, 12:33 PM
I hate that. But soon they will be the owner...

18-08-2005, 12:50 PM
"My super rare tub! It's worth ___"
I can't remember how many Hcs she claimed it was worth >_>
Then she traded a normal bathtub in =']

18-08-2005, 12:52 PM
I hate it when in casinos...

I'm at a booth and I get...

Press accept *I press accept they press cancel*


I'm like: You never traded...

I threatened them with a hobba... Lol.

19-08-2005, 06:23 PM
The people that open shops that say they want profit pee me off.

I found one shop that was ultimatley funny! This boy (I would love to say his name but can't) wants lots a profit.

I mean, I can understand a profit is reasonable, however, when its a rare that is worth 2.5 Hc, they charge an extra .5 for 'profit'.

Let me put this in perspective: If you went to buy a brand new car for say £7,500, and you found the car you really wanted and its at an affordable price. You go to purchase it, you give them the money, and they say "Your going to have to add another £500 for our profit scheme, but you also get a free trailer!!!!11 :D "

These people take it a little too far with profit and its laughable until they kickyou out on Hotel View.

People on usually like a extra 0.5 cos usually thats what they have had to pay for it.

19-08-2005, 06:37 PM
The people that open shops that say they want profit pee me off.

I found one shop that was ultimatley funny! This boy (I would love to say his name but can't) wants lots a profit.

I mean, I can understand a profit is reasonable, however, when its a rare that is worth 2.5 Hc, they charge an extra .5 for 'profit'.

Let me put this in perspective: If you went to buy a brand new car for say £7,500, and you found the car you really wanted and its at an affordable price. You go to purchase it, you give them the money, and they say "Your going to have to add another £500 for our profit scheme, but you also get a free trailer!!!!11 :D "

These people take it a little too far with profit and its laughable until they kickyou out on Hotel View.

I don't agree because sometimes I have a silver nelly or something in my shop. {This is in the olden times;) I don't go on anymore} And the person offers 2.5hc or the exact price it says on habbox. But I know I can get more for it because i've had it offered to me before. I don't like people that think just because it's on the rare values at that price, it will sell for that price. ;l It's just a guide.

19-08-2005, 06:38 PM
Club sofa worth for their blue HC plasto ^_^ (chriz- was offered it but me post it) lolz how n00b

19-08-2005, 07:21 PM
You go to "shops" and usually there is competition between vendors for who can have the best price and that's what drives their business. If you're asking for too much profit chances are you never sell anything. One reason I enjoy being rich is for the fact I don't have to deal with these fools that feel special when they get 2 lodge bars for their lodge corner just because they need "profit". Because I can afford it, I don't mind overpaying to get what I need. People who say "I don't offer" either say that because they are hoping you will overpay them and that's why they remain owning poor norm furni shops and I remain sometimes making 8 thrones from a single trade.

Ziploc Bag
20-08-2005, 04:01 PM
i hardly go into furni shops if i do i try to make 2-3 creds profit. it always works!

22-08-2005, 11:31 AM

Some random n00b gave me bad rep because of my sig...


*Kicks person who gave bad rep*


22-08-2005, 11:35 AM
The worst is when they ask for loads of profit on norms so e.g we were trading a mode sofa for a candy sofa nd there like add 3 creds worth more norms :s its lyk yeh riteeeee

22-08-2005, 10:47 PM
I hate people who ask for outrageous profits too.

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