View Full Version : Do you ever....

09-06-2011, 09:12 AM
Do you ever, sit around worrying about starting to revise all week, rather than actually revising. I'm stuck in a rut at the moment, like seriously lacking motivation to revise.

Like sometimes i have a day where i don't move from my desk, i don't eat, i don't sleep (literally). But then i may have a week when i'm like 'i'll put it off until tomorrow, cba today'. Then i sit around worrying all day that i'm not revising and working out when my exams are and how long i have left, when i could just use that 'worrying time' revising.

Wondered if anyone else has this issue and how do you overcome it?

09-06-2011, 09:16 AM
Yeeeep. My first exam is next Wednesday, and I'm yet to start revising for it. I kinda don't know where to start, to be honest. Then I just end up getting distracted, then panic I'm going to fail... it's a bit of a vicious cycle :(

The only thing I can do is turn off my laptop and make my mum take it downstairs so I don't have any distractions before I can work properly!

09-06-2011, 09:21 AM
Distractions are half my issue for some reason. I do find it easy to switch off my laptop or TV, but i just seem to then not revise. I don't know what i do, but i end up thinking all the time 'crap gonna fail if i don't revise' and then i'm like 'why dont you bloody revise then' but i still don't... really wierd.

I have my next exam on Monday, luckily i enjoy Biology and so i've already done quite a bit on it. But i also have an exam on Wednesday that ive done no where near enough for. Tbh i have a feeling i'm going to do some today.

09-06-2011, 09:24 AM
Distractions are half my issue for some reason. I do find it easy to switch off my laptop or TV, but i just seem to then not revise. I don't know what i do, but i end up thinking all the time 'crap gonna fail if i don't revise' and then i'm like 'why dont you bloody revise then' but i still don't... really wierd.

I have my next exam on Monday, luckily i enjoy Biology and so i've already done quite a bit on it. But i also have an exam on Wednesday that ive done no where near enough for. Tbh i have a feeling i'm going to do some today.

Have you ever tried like making yourself revise, like, 'if I know this chapter by 1 o' clock, I'll have a *insert something you like here* and if not, I'll have to go without', because that helps some people...

09-06-2011, 09:36 AM
I'll just have the *insert something you like here* when ever HA!

Nah, i may try that. I can't live without Coffee, so i'll not drink coffee if i don't revise. I'll get my dad to take the fuse out of my coffee machine or summet :P and i only get the fuse if i revise

09-06-2011, 10:04 AM
I lack motivation to revise at the moment as well :(. I just get distracted too easily!

09-06-2011, 10:09 AM
Yes! I start of worrying and then time goes by and I panic even more that I've left it so late and there's too much to do in the time period. :( It's really hard to get out of it but I would usuallu make plans of the days and put what topics I'm going to learn into each then my head is sort of cleared to start revision.

09-06-2011, 10:19 AM
yeah I have this problem too, doing it right now... i put my revision on to my laptop so I don't get distracted but even then I'll stare in to space every 10 minutes or make a cup of tea or decide that I should tidy my room :(
only thing that helps me is to go out of town or to the college library without any distractions plus I see everyone studying and it makes me too, I don't take my phone anymore either cause I end up texting people to go out for lunch or smth :( only way to do it is to just do it lol plus once it's over and done with you'll have weeks/months of freedom

09-06-2011, 10:56 AM
yeah I have this problem too, doing it right now... i put my revision on to my laptop so I don't get distracted but even then I'll stare in to space every 10 minutes or make a cup of tea or decide that I should tidy my room :(
only thing that helps me is to go out of town or to the college library without any distractions plus I see everyone studying and it makes me too, I don't take my phone anymore either cause I end up texting people to go out for lunch or smth :( only way to do it is to just do it lol plus once it's over and done with you'll have weeks/months of freedom

Lol i'm actually the exact same. I start doing wierd things that i wouldn't normally do like tidying my room and stuff like that, for no reason.

And yeah, my phone is also my biggest down fall, why did i ever get a blackberry?

09-06-2011, 11:45 AM
Dan, I have the same issue too. I seriously need help for it. It's really hard for me to revise. I can't concentrate on it and I'll end up feeling guilty for not revising. I think it has something to do with laziness and lack of motivation. Like you said, I'd rather do other things for no reason instead of revising. I just don't find the mood to revise. :(

09-06-2011, 12:21 PM
Dan, I have the same issue too. I seriously need help for it. It's really hard for me to revise. I can't concentrate on it and I'll end up feeling guilty for not revising. I think it has something to do with laziness and lack of motivation. Like you said, I'd rather do other things for no reason instead of revising. I just don't find the mood to revise. :(

I love it when i am in the mood to revise though.

I've done a whole 10 mins today GRRR

09-06-2011, 12:51 PM
10 minutes!! Congratz! lol

09-06-2011, 01:16 PM
And yeah, my phone is also my biggest down fall, why did i ever get a blackberry?
Good question. Shoulda' got a HTC with Android.

Imo, the problem is that you're doing too much revision at once. Having days where you don't move, eat or sleep is terribly bad for you and that is no way to go about revision. You're only going to end up getting tired and bored. I tend to revise in 30 minute blocks and then do something to reward myself.. or maybe I'll try and do one test paper a day.

In January for example with Psychology, we have three topics in Unit 1. In the two weeks prior to the exam, I did half a topic per night which was 6 nights... then I did half a mock exam paper per night. It managed to work out perfectly with the final couple of nights free to review everything once again. It's all about time management, and cramming everything into your head at once will not help in the slightest.

09-06-2011, 04:23 PM
I do atm about researching haha, just sat there like "really should do work, oooh itunes"

09-06-2011, 05:31 PM
I don't even revise let along worrying about it. Well I done a little for maths just because the subject is vast and I've forgotten a little compared to what I knew a month ago.

09-06-2011, 05:51 PM
I've only started being like that recently, before that if I had an exam I would revise, revise, revise! Now I leave it to the last minute and get distracted easily, mainly by my iPhone! I don't know what's happened to me :'(

10-06-2011, 04:02 PM
What you need is a routine. Don't try and do everything at once and don't do too little either. Wake up early, eat breakfast watch tv whatever and then start revising all refreshed and stuff, do a couple of hours and then take a small break where you snack and whatever, check facebook/hx etc and then do a couple of more hours. Make it so you do a maximum of about idk 8 hours per day and a minimum of 4 and so you still have time to relax during the night. That way you will actually feel more relaxed and feel like you're being productive.

10-06-2011, 09:46 PM
I do that all the time, I only really start cramming 2 - 3 days before the exam :S

11-06-2011, 09:31 PM
For subjects such as History and Science, I can cram it in about 30 mins - 1 hour depending on which topic it is, the night before. For something else like Maths I cannot revise at all and rely on my friends to teach me at school, although my dyscalculas fails me anyway. Revision at GCSE is useless for the most part but I can see at AS/A-level it's absolutely essential for super-duper gradez.

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