View Full Version : Lost Job

13-06-2011, 11:10 AM
Well, I've been on reduced hours for the past 3/4weeks and finally got laid off today.

Having worked from 16 years of age until now, this was my first job. Has anyone got any advice on what to do? Is it worth going to the job centre? or Agencies? or does anyone know of any jobs going nationally?


13-06-2011, 01:26 PM
Ouch that sucks Tom :(
As we Australians call it you could 'live off the doll', which is Government welfare.
But really, i hear prostitution is kicking off ;)

13-06-2011, 01:39 PM
Well what did you do? Do you want do carry on or move on to something else?

13-06-2011, 04:37 PM
What area did you speacialise in at work? (Im gonna use Gfx as an example since your a gfx designer)
Depending on the area of speaciailism it might be easier to find a better job, or even the 'dead-end' job like a supermarket (least youll still be working) until you find one

13-06-2011, 05:00 PM
Is it a temporary lay off or permanent? You could look at the jobs online from the job centre. You should sign on though as you are automatically entitled to some benefit as you have paid National Insurance for over twelve months. Bad luck, Tom:(

13-06-2011, 05:48 PM
Why need a real life job when your a Graphics Designer at Habbox? :S

But seriously, first you should decide whether you want the same/similar job or something different and then look online :)

13-06-2011, 06:10 PM
Ouch that sucks Tom :(
As we Australians call it you could 'live off the doll', which is Government welfare.
But really, i hear prostitution is kicking off ;)

Yeah the doll is the 'Job seekers allowance' in the UK, so effectively the same.

Well what did you do? Do you want do carry on or move on to something else?

I was a on a parts apprenticeship at Jaguar, so predominately mechanical engineering. Possible stay in the same area of work.

What area did you speacialise in at work? (Im gonna use Gfx as an example since your a gfx designer)
Depending on the area of speaciailism it might be easier to find a better job, or even the 'dead-end' job like a supermarket (least youll still be working) until you find one

I was a predominate mechanical engineer for Jaguar, with some electrical skills too. Where I live, the majority of factorys etc are in the same area of work, it's just a case of looking round and seeing what jobs are available at this current time. But like you said, even working in a shop will be money in my pocket until the next 'big' job comes up. :)

Is it a temporary lay off or permanent? You could look at the jobs online from the job centre. You should sign on though as you are automatically entitled to some benefit as you have paid National Insurance for over twelve months. Bad luck, Tom:(

Unfortuneatly it's a permanent lay-off, but part of me did see it coming having been given reduced hours, and then allowed to use my holiday allowance in a block. They were hoping to keep us on, but obviously this hasn't happened now and a few of us are out of the job.
Having paid into 'the system' for 2 years and a half(ish), as you quite rightly said I am entitled to it, so maybe it is worth signing on to claim some sort of money back. :)

Why need a real life job when your a Graphics Designer at Habbox? :S

But seriously, first you should decide whether you want the same/similar job or something different and then look online :)

Haha, in all seriousness I also do graphics for a few others(non habbo companies), so there's £10-£50 here and there.

Like I have said in a previous post, I'm gonna look around and see what's available now - if nothing, find a short term 'temp' job until a job in my area of work crops up.

+rep to you all for replying, thanks. :)

13-06-2011, 08:54 PM
Did you get any qualifications out of it? Experience wont help you out much with the current job situation. If you didn't I'd say get a part time job at a bar or stacking shelves and do a college course in mechanics, chances are a proper course would be at least 2 years, you could try for short courses but there not really ideal. If you know anyone who owns or work at a garage see if they can pull a few strings and get them to take you on as an apprentice, but as far as I know apprentices in garages are rare as they would rather people who are fully trained.

If you haven't got any qualifications then you're in a crappy situation, because any courses you can get on you'll probably get bored of quickly as they'll be stupidly easy with your experience, anything more advanced needs basic qualifications

14-06-2011, 07:14 AM
Tom, McDonald's is calling ;)

14-06-2011, 11:42 AM
You can claim on jsa [job seekers allowence] but because you got laid off you could ring them up and claim from today.
Theres 2 types of jsa one pays like roughly £10 more a week? I dont remember which one it is though but you may be entitled to it. :p
But as said youd probably be better off getting a job in a shop while you search for something you actually want to do

15-06-2011, 01:43 AM
Yeah the doll is the 'Job seekers allowance' in the UK, so effectively the same.1

I was a predominate mechanical engineer for Jaguar, with some electrical skills too. Where I live, the majority of factorys etc are in the same area of work, it's just a case of looking round and seeing what jobs are available at this current time. But like you said, even working in a shop will be money in my pocket until the next 'big' job comes up. :)2


2; How about an electrician career, I hear that's good money? But you said something along the same lines, so you'll probably go for mechanic again.

It's terrible when this happens, especially to the good workers & the people who depended on the money. I wish you all the luck in getting back into work ASAP :D!

15-06-2011, 07:39 PM
Sorry to hear that :/ That's horrible news.

I would start sending out your resume to companies that interest you, or look for some work online possibly?

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