View Full Version : disabled facebook account.

14-06-2011, 07:53 PM
Account Disabled

Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.

I was blocked from Facebook a month ago without any prior warning but I didn't look much into it, I simply created a new email and created a new facebook, re-added my friends and got on with life. What if I wanted this account unblocked though? How would I go about doing this? I've had several websites tell me to "email facebook" but there isn't really a clear email to send stuff too.

Thanks +REP!

14-06-2011, 08:36 PM
All you have to do is send an email to [email protected] inquiring about the reason that they disabled your account for (usually it’s a hater reporting your profile to be in violation of the EULA of Facebook) and explain your willingness to remove the violating content and if it was just a “clerical error” to reactivate your account.

Other accounts to “CC” in your email:

[email protected]
[email protected]

That usually does the job of getting your account back within a period of 2-5 days, depending on whether you actually had a violation or not, doesn’t that sound more like a country’s court system than a websites usage violation?

Most common reasons for Account disabling?

Showing too much cleavage if you are a women but men can almost get away with anything — love the commitment to the status quo of society!
Adding too many friends, too quickly, getting a warning for it and ignoring it.
You didn’t use your real name that is on your birth certificate!
Browsing too much of Facebook too often, mostly due to apps like Snap2Face and others like it.
and many many more!

source from here (http://blog.thoughtpick.com/2010/08/how-to-reactivate-a-disabled-facebook-account.html)

14-06-2011, 09:16 PM
All you have to do is send an email to [email protected] inquiring about the reason that they disabled your account for (usually it’s a hater reporting your profile to be in violation of the EULA of Facebook) and explain your willingness to remove the violating content and if it was just a “clerical error” to reactivate your account.

Other accounts to “CC” in your email:

[email protected]
[email protected]

That usually does the job of getting your account back within a period of 2-5 days, depending on whether you actually had a violation or not, doesn’t that sound more like a country’s court system than a websites usage violation?

Most common reasons for Account disabling?

Showing too much cleavage if you are a women but men can almost get away with anything — love the commitment to the status quo of society!
Adding too many friends, too quickly, getting a warning for it and ignoring it.
You didn’t use your real name that is on your birth certificate!
Browsing too much of Facebook too often, mostly due to apps like Snap2Face and others like it.
and many many more!

source from here (http://blog.thoughtpick.com/2010/08/how-to-reactivate-a-disabled-facebook-account.html)
tried doing the [email protected] one but once sent it re-sends as if the sender doesn't exist, dunno about the others, i'll +rep you when i try the other two you suggested.

edit: received an automated reply telling me they'll get back in touch so +rep for the handy links.

14-06-2011, 09:32 PM
I got mine bloody banned last summer for the whole of august, I emailed them as soon as I realised it was disabled and they wanted a picture of my passport to prove my identity, then after all that bloody messing about it was an error and i was allowed back on. Did annoy me - expect a long wait though is what i'm saying :P

14-06-2011, 09:37 PM
Typically it your account has been disabled it is because something you did triggered an alert on Facebook and they automatically turn off access to your account until a person (ie not a computer) looks at your case and decides what to do. In most cases your account will be re-enabled with everything as it was. In some cases however, depending on what you did, you may loose all rights to your profile and will never be able to log in again.

Personally I have never had mine locked/disabled, but I know two friends who were (both for sending too many messages on a daily basis) - they were reinstated, after about 10 days and were told they needed to cut back on the volume of messages they were sending. When the logged back in, everything was as it looked before they were disabled.

Hope this helps.

Source here (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090129090350AAw92pU)

I haven't had any experience with disabled facebook accounts, but most of my research tonight says that they hardly ever get back to you regarding the account, in most cases users get ignored. In other cases the user recieved an email (to the login email) with a code to re-activate the account.

15-06-2011, 04:46 PM
I've been unbanned and I waited less than 24 hours, thanks alot Davage!

15-06-2011, 08:01 PM
No problem, glad to help.

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