View Full Version : [WIN PET STUFF] Do you love your Habbo pet?!

17-06-2011, 09:22 PM
Do you love your Habbo pet?

I have some spare pet goodies so post here what your Habbo pets name is and why you love them and I'll choose a winner later on.

Edit; also say what pet you have.


17-06-2011, 09:25 PM
My habbo pet name is McDonalds and i love it cos it's cool like me :)

17-06-2011, 09:26 PM
My habbo pet name is McDonalds and i love it cos it's cool like me :)Also forgot to include; what pet do you have?!

17-06-2011, 09:29 PM
I have 4 spiders called McDonalds (cool name tbh) and a dragon called Pebbles? ;o

17-06-2011, 09:37 PM
I'm Kasabian. I have a cat called deadmau5, and it's hungry. so it should win.

17-06-2011, 09:40 PM
I have a cat on Habbo called Thomas!! He is named after my irl cat who I have had since I was four so I just grew up with him!! :)

We first got Thomas and his brother Percy irl when my Grandma found a cardboard box with them in next to her car. She asked us if we wanted them and obviously we couldn't turn down two ginger kittens! :D I remember coming home and my Dad was like "guess what I have in a cardboard box in the dining room" and I was like OMG RABBIT.... HAMSTER... and then I got home and it was two kittens AWWWWWWW.

So then yeah.. Percy died when I was about 8 I think and I remember that evening so clear. My Grandma and I took Percy to the vets because he'd been run over and he just had to be put down... I remember seeing him for the last time just disappear around the corner and I said goodbye for the last time. To calm me down, the vets let me have a look round the rest of the animals they had there. I cried SO much and I just remember coming home.. sitting down and having my breath steam up the dining room table. I cried for hours.

Here are my other pets on Habbo:

Thomas - Cat
Percy - Cat
Tilly - Polar Bear (my Gran is nicknamed Tilly and her favourite animal is a Polar Bear! :P)
Freda - Terrier - (my late Gran who I mentioned above had two Yorkshire Terriers called Penny and Mitzi!)
Thomas - Lion
Albert - Rhino (Albert is such a cute name for a pet!)
Mushu - Dragon

So yeah, I have lots of pets on Habbo.. but Thomas is my oldest! :)

Here are you both together, awww so cute:



17-06-2011, 09:43 PM
Dragon called Spyro
Chick Called Peckie

Or I have a Terrier called Gina on Scrogum

Or on Samanfas

I have a frog called Daisy
2 Cats called Aaron ad Chels
2 Spiders called Kelsie and Georgia

Or on Samantha421

Bears called Gruzz Kerre ChocLiz Frostbite and Sheepish
Cats called Zalatia Charlotte Samantha Gina.2 Mat Sam and Ali
A dog called Alex
A Croc called Kyle
A pig called Waikin-Yip

Mainly, I love them for being there, I know they don't have a choice but come on!
Also, because most was free, so I can spend more feeding them (A)!

17-06-2011, 09:51 PM
Dragon called Spyro
Chick Called Peckie

Or I have a Terrier called Gina on Scrogum

Or on Samanfas

I have a frog called Daisy
2 Cats called Aaron ad Chels
2 Spiders called Kelsie and Georgia

Or on Samantha421

Bears called Gruzz Kerre ChocLiz Frostbite and Sheepish
Cats called Zalatia Charlotte Samantha Gina.2 Mat Sam and Ali
A dog called Alex
A Croc called Kyle
A pig called Waikin-Yip

Mainly, I love them for being there, I know they don't have a choice but come on!
Also, because most was free, so I can spend more feeding them (A)!

what about rosie the lion :O


ok hi i'm rosie.
my favorite habbo pet is my dragon called jazz, i had no option choosing the name because jazz bought it for me;) wooo i love my jazzy.

thanks bye.

17-06-2011, 09:54 PM

So same reasons yeah.

17-06-2011, 10:23 PM
My pets name is Brucie. I bought it the day my dog Bruce was ill, and wanted to keep him there so that I was always thinking of him even when I was on the computer. Sadly the day count marks day from possibly one of the worst days of my life, luckily he got better though so the pet doesn't make me sad or anything, just more grateful to have my dog :)

17-06-2011, 10:25 PM
Because I have a pet called Wales


17-06-2011, 10:53 PM
My Habbo dog's name is Willy. I love Willy (not in that way dw) because he was gifted to me from a dear friend. Also he entertains me when I saw Willy down or Willy play dead heh :D


18-06-2011, 11:24 AM
I have 3 pets:

A frog
A cat
A cat

I love them so much and their names are Ginger, Squiggles and Ribbert

These guys are what makes my room host badge go up in my pet room <3 I always love to scratch them and hang out with them when im lonley. They are like the pet i never had the father i always wanted and the sister i would like to have. I take them everywhere with me. I always love to put them down in rooms and let them be free and have fun like alot of pets love to do. Sometimes they will steal other pet's food and all i can say is your are so sneaky and thats why i love you so much <3 I like to cuddle my pets also. When its winter time in habbo i like to go to my nice, warm, smelly pet room and cuddle my pets to bits. I have taken them i meet colin in the habbox help desk but you couldnt put pets down :O Then thye got sad so i went back to my room and gave them some pixel food and they were happy again. I had a big smile on my face when i see them happy and i love having smiles on my face to. I like to trian my pets also so they are fit and ready to play ball when i am ready to go to other peoples rooms. My pets have alot of pet friends, Like dragons, dogs,cats,frogs,lions and bears but the thing that scares them is that the big Frozen in time dinosaur scares them and they get shakey and i needed to take them home so i gave them a drink of awesome, warm milk and they went to sleep and then they woke up and eat :) When the habbo camera was out and i was loged out of habbo they would take photos of themself doing silly poses.

I love them so much

All i can now say is lmao at this .LOOOL

18-06-2011, 02:40 PM
I have 3 cats and they're all royalty however I have been spending too much so they are starving.

19-06-2011, 01:37 PM
my pets name is chinese i love her because her name makes me laugh

19-06-2011, 08:30 PM
My Pet Is Called Safy And Its A Cat I Name Them All Safy Because Its My Habbo Name And It Is Easier For People To Know Whos Pet It Is And By Naming All The Pets The Same It Is Easier To Train.
I Need Pet Food Because Atm I Have The Lvl 9 Food Badge And I Want ToGet To Lvl 10 :)

19-06-2011, 11:14 PM
I have over 20 pets, theyre all great, and underfed :( I could do with the furni to feed them and get their spirits up! :D

20-06-2011, 12:04 PM
I've got a LION called Mollie aka Mollie King because lions are awesome and so is Mollie King.

20-06-2011, 02:16 PM
i have a dog called donny
hes old therefore free stuff helps

20-06-2011, 03:38 PM
I have a cat named Charlie I love him/her because without them their would be no one to play with me when im lonely and he/she means a lot to me as it was given to me by habbo in a crate which is cruel and I have to look after it

20-06-2011, 03:43 PM
I have a pet cat called Smokey and I love him very much beacuse he always listens to me (unless he's hungry) and he keeps me company when all my habbo friends are offline (lol I sound like a mad cat lady!). My cat also likes skittles and sizzling fajitas - which put together makes your name! :D I try to feed my cat everyday - usually with pixel fish, but me and Smokey would greatly appreciate a bit of pet furni so that he can be happy all the time. :) Thanks for reading!

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