View Full Version : [REL] HabboFM Forum Skin

23-06-2011, 06:19 PM
This was the HabboFMForum.com vbulletin 3.8.x design which were designed to match the site version, Designed by Harv (http://www.clubhabboforum.net/member.php?u=44505) (Kixar), minor changes by -Lixx, entergrated by Torisdale. This design was purchased for £50.

I've decided to release it for free here as -Lixx is claiming he has the copyright over it for designing a tiny bit of it and is wanting to sell the design without giving me half the earnings. and considering HabboFM is closed I have no use for it.

It has 2 versions to the theme, simply releasing this to stop people who don't own the design from pocketing any money out of this..

My site is down so I can't provide any screenshots or live demo, hopefully whoever downloads it can provide a screenshot.

23-06-2011, 10:01 PM
I've decided to release it for free here as -Lixx is claiming he has the copyright over it for designing a tiny bit of it and is wanting to sell the design without giving me half the earnings

You really need to sort out the copyright dispute before releasing it for free, otherwise everybody that downloads it and uses it faces the risk of legal action/DMCA takedown notice.

23-06-2011, 10:34 PM
You really need to sort out the copyright dispute before releasing it for free, otherwise everybody that downloads it and uses it faces the risk of legal action/DMCA takedown notice.

Their is nothing to sort out, I own the copyright after getting it designed by Harv/Kixar. Upon which was coded by Torisdale. -Lixx editing a tiny bit of the design to make it into 2 versions does not make him the owner of the design. I'd much prefer to release this free with the site layout to stop him and others trying to make a profit by selling it on now it is no longer being used.

23-06-2011, 10:58 PM
Their is nothing to sort out, I own the copyright after getting it designed by Harv/Kixar. Upon which was coded by Torisdale. -Lixx editing a tiny bit of the design to make it into 2 versions does not make him the owner of the design. I'd much prefer to release this free with the site layout to stop him and others trying to make a profit by selling it on now it is no longer being used.

He owns all copyright. If he bought it. If he got some 1 to code it he/she OWNS no copyright.

24-06-2011, 08:57 AM
It's a habbo theme layout right? Sulake own it ;]

Dont like how kids bring up the "ive got copyright" LOL

24-06-2011, 11:27 AM
Their is nothing to sort out, I own the copyright after getting it designed by Harv/Kixar. Upon which was coded by Torisdale. -Lixx editing a tiny bit of the design to make it into 2 versions does not make him the owner of the design. I'd much prefer to release this free with the site layout to stop him and others trying to make a profit by selling it on now it is no longer being used.

That's a tricky legal situation, it all depends on what agreements were made and stuff.
I would guess that he has a partial copyright thing (I forgot the correct term) for his modifications, so that's the only part that of the design that he owns, and couldn't legally sell it. But now that you've released it for free, depending on what license it's released under, he could legally sell it if he states that the buyer is only paying for the modified parts and the rest of it comes free with the sale.
tl;dr: You've made it easier for him to sell it.

But of course, I'm no lawyer and I could be wrong. Plus, this is HxF and people don't bother with licenses and whatnot.

It's a habbo theme layout right? Sulake own it ;]

Dont like how kids bring up the "ive got copyright" LOL

Nope, wrongo.
Sulake own any habbo/habbo-style images used on it, but they do not own the layout.

24-06-2011, 12:40 PM
oh get over it, its a cheap pixel game forum layout lol

28-06-2011, 09:27 AM

I hope you paid the £39, otherwise its anyones. Although Sulake own all Habbo related images.


28-06-2011, 02:11 PM

I hope you paid the £39, otherwise its anyones. Although Sulake own all Habbo related images.


Since when? Copyright is free as soon as you create the work, that service just provides some extra evidence if you ever need it.

As far as I know anyway...

EDIT: Yes, as soon as you create some work it is copyrighted, instead of signing up to that £29 service you could just as easily print your Layout onto paper, put it on a USB stick etc, shove it in a jiffy bag and mail it to yourself using Recorded Signed For so that it gets a datestamp on the envelope and provides tangible evidence of when you created the work.

01-07-2011, 11:16 PM
Thanks for the release.

05-07-2011, 09:17 AM
Since when? Copyright is free as soon as you create the work, that service just provides some extra evidence if you ever need it.

As far as I know anyway...

EDIT: Yes, as soon as you create some work it is copyrighted, instead of signing up to that £29 service you could just as easily print your Layout onto paper, put it on a USB stick etc, shove it in a jiffy bag and mail it to yourself using Recorded Signed For so that it gets a datestamp on the envelope and provides tangible evidence of when you created the work.

I just assume that £39 give solid evidence that its your own? Ahh well, not fussed lol


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