View Full Version : What would you be doing now if you didn't join Habbo(x)?

26-06-2011, 10:05 PM

What do you think you would be doing with your life now if you didn't join Habbo(x) and do you think it has changed anything about you at all? Also, are you glad you joined or do you now regret it?

I think if I didn't join Habbo(x) then I would have no idea whatsoever about the topics I know now. Over the time I've been here, I've learnt a lot such as designing and developing websites, graphics, music and many other things. I've also met a lot of people who are really friendly and are honestly like real life friends.

I suppose it has changed a lot about myself. Before I joined, I used to be really chatty in real life because I was always talking and never shut up whereas now I'm quite shy and I suppose my self-confidence isn't as good.

And as for the last point I'm half and half. I'm glad I joined because I've met a lot of friends and developed a lot of skills which I mentioned. I regret it because how shy I am and self-confidence, as well as not being outside as much.

26-06-2011, 10:10 PM
Nothing different to what I am now tbh. I think my confidence has grown weirdly enough and I'm more out spoken than I used to be. I've met a lot of nice people on the forum and its a good way to pass time when I'm really bored and it gives me something to do when I'm not out with my friends or college :)

26-06-2011, 10:25 PM
I don't like to think about this, I can't imagine my life without Habbox.

26-06-2011, 11:48 PM
I regret it because how shy I am and self-confidence, as well as not being outside as much.

This is a normal symptom in this generation. You're not alone.

26-06-2011, 11:58 PM
As much as people may think I hate it because I moan allot I really don't. Without sounding too sad habbox has helped me allot, confidence is a huge issue for me, it still is but allot of advice I have taken on board. I didn't turn on a computer until I was 15 (crazy I know) and now I seem to know allot more about computers by just posting around the technology section and reading what other people say. My English skills were terrible and have improved slightly so whoever says habbox is a waste of time really doesn't have a clue. Sure you could be doing better things? but I enjoy posting around and having a laugh, whatever tickles your pickle right? I have met allot of amazing people at habbox who are sound. Habbo hasn't really thought me much but I suppose without it I wouldn't of found habbox.

27-06-2011, 12:47 AM
Well I haven't been here for long so I can't say habbox has really affected my life too much except I wouldn't of met tom so I would maybe have a more normal bedtime lmao Really can't imagine what my life would of been like if I hadn't of found habbo though.

27-06-2011, 02:11 AM
I knew Habbo before I knew computers... Now I'm a computer geek. So I don't know... Before i joined Habbo I was 11 and coursed trouble and climbing up trees! LOL.

27-06-2011, 04:05 AM
Meh, life is the same since i joined habbox. Habbo impacted my life way too much earlier now I don't play. I doubt i'd be as good at coding without habbo related fansites though.

27-06-2011, 05:49 PM
My English skills were terrible and have improved slightly.
If you wish to improve them a little bit more then it's 'a lot'. Joking man

27-06-2011, 06:34 PM
It's taught me quite a lot actually, skills that I think I would have trouble finding elsewhere. I have also become more confident and now, I am not afraid to speak my opinion.

I don't know where I'd be. Probably nothing really.

27-06-2011, 06:39 PM
Alike Calvin, I think I wouldn't of been as interested in computing which meant I probably would have taken a different course in college.
I do regret joining Habbo in a way as I think it has changed my life a bit, regarding jobs etc.

27-06-2011, 06:59 PM
Chances are, College assignments (which i dont have any to do)

Habbox has made me more Mature compared to what i originally was, especially when i joined the forum (I'm sure all current moderators know what i mean by that especially after i posted something, i was basically a troll.)

Habbox doesnt affect me on the side of things i want to do, if i want to go out, i go out.
I go to work, and i do teenage things, - cuz im just a teenage dirt bag baby (8).

27-06-2011, 07:00 PM
Hard to say. This question is like asking "what would you be doing if you didn't eat that toast a few years ago". Still alive, breathing and doing something else to waste my time :P

27-06-2011, 07:07 PM
Looking at my runescape window.

27-06-2011, 08:39 PM
It's hard to tell whether habbo or habbox has made an impact if you've been here for years, I'm not sure if they had a significant impact but the internet as a whole has. I used to be loud and fun too before I used habbo/hxf but they're not the cause of it. I use them (well not habbo anymore) because I'm anti social, I'm not anti social because I use them ;) I only began to use them both frequently when I started becoming more self conscious and hating the world... so I wouldn't say it has given me more or less confidence like others have o.o. All my interests came about before I used the forum and even before I used the internet so I'm sure I'd still be doing the same. It's not as though anyone on here has ever influenced me on any of my hobbies:P but I know I wouldn't be in to South Korea without the internet......
Hxf is the only forum I've used where you can actually talk to people on a personal level on different topics (becoming increasingly harder to do on here now :/) compared to other forums where it's one certain topic only. I guess it has allowed me to write my own opinion and read the view of other's which is pretty impossible to talk to with my friends as we share no common interests and because I'm quite a private person irl both the forum and the people here have let me get some things off my back, so I don't think it's been a waste at all! I'm more confident in my writing more but I'm not sure if that's because of how much debates or answers I've given on here or not, maybe it would have happened without doing any of them but it may have been a help. Now if you were to ask me where I'd be without the internet rather than habbo(x) then I'd probably be a care-free chav with no direction in life...

oh one thing the forum taught me was to use your/you're correctly, thanks Wootzeh for constantly drumming it in to people's heads..

27-06-2011, 08:47 PM
I'd probably just be on another Habbo fansite wasting my time :D

I don't think Habbox has really taught me anything for real life as I could say I'm more confident now, which I am, but only online! It doesn't transfer over to real life, unfortunately! I used to be such a pushover but I defend myself more now and I'm sure there are some (assistant) general managers who wish I was still the pushover!

28-06-2011, 10:47 PM
Nothing would be different, I don't really come on much anyway so it wouldn't make a big impact.

28-06-2011, 11:17 PM
I don't know what I'd be doing right now that's different - but I'd say Habbox definitely got me interested in coding and software/web development. I was pretty much a computer addict before I found Habbox :P (was well young init) but I'd never really had an interest in developing anything, but seeing people way back when such as nets in the d&d and tech forums definitely got me interested.

I'd probably go as far as to say I might not have ever developed an interest in web/software dev and further computing and so wouldn't have chosen a Computer Science degree if it wasn't for HxF! :p

29-06-2011, 10:20 AM
I wish I've never touched this Habbo at all. Too much time wasted. The only thing that I gained by playing all these years was improving my English, as it is not my main language.

30-06-2011, 11:32 PM
As already said, it's really hard to try and think what I'd be doing, and how habbox has helped.
I suppose, from the days when I used to do graphics and alts, it's helped me accept constructive criticism better and I guess in the early days it helped me feel more comfortable speaking to strangers and making new friends too. Nowadays I don't really do either of those, so makes me wonder why I'm still here lol.

30-06-2011, 11:33 PM
I'm glad I joined both Habbo and Habbox. I've stayed active on the forum especially for absolutely ages and have poured a lot of time into it but I don't regret it. Nor do I regret my time on Habbo. I've been able to meet some fantastic people through both and when I joined Habbo I was really new to the internet and when I joined Habbox I was still a noob, so it has been a great learning experience.

I don't think it has helped me personally in any way. I'm the kind of person who just goes about their business, keeps myself to myself and it's the same on the forum. I don't think I have ever created a thread asking for any personal help or advice or anything like that and the internet as a whole has improved my knowledge and such, I wouldn't put that down to Habbox and I don't think I have discovered anything particular *just* through the forum or Habbo, so for me they've both just been a fun way to pass some extra time. I can't say what life would be like if I didn't join. It's just as Gomme said... still alive, breathing and doing something else to waste my time.

Mostly I am glad I joined just because of the people and it's probably the only reason I am still here today.

30-06-2011, 11:36 PM
It was destiny for us to meet, Chris.

01-07-2011, 12:00 AM
Well I haven't been here for long so I can't say habbox has really affected my life too much except I wouldn't of met tom so I would maybe have a more normal bedtime lmao Really can't imagine what my life would of been like if I hadn't of found habbo though.

I'm still blaming you for staying up late :(

I really don't know. Having joined habbox at the age of 13 it helped me, when I was younger i found it hard to speak to people, and obviously began speaking to people online(those who I still keep in touch with).

Without Habbox, I would have never started Graphic Design(not just habbo alts), so that's another thing I'm thankful for.

My only regret was leaving in late 07/start of 08, I should have remained active - just 'outside' of the habbo section.

01-07-2011, 12:02 AM
I haven't a clue really. Certainly wouldn't be talking to the awesome people I've known for five years, or longer. Some great times and memories had on both Habbo and Habbox.

---------- Post added 01-07-2011 at 01:04 AM ----------

I haven't a clue really. Certainly wouldn't be talking to the awesome people I've known for five years, or longer. Some great times and memories had on both Habbo and Habbox. Like Tom, wish i stayed active in the "outside" Habbo section.

26-07-2011, 06:28 AM
Bit late in replying to this really but it's an excellent topic and certainly interesting to read.

I became too involved in Habbox when I found myself running it that I stopped enjoying it and even on occasion prioritising it over more important things (like studying!). In the end it got too much and as most of you will recall I just walked away, I didn't step foot back on this forum or habbo for 2 months.

What did I do without habbox? I went out more, I saw my friends more and I saw my family more. After 2 months of doing this you find that you've exhausted your options and exhausted your funds for the summer therefore each day you're left with a few hours wondering 'what can I do? I'm bored'.

That's what's brought me back, to fill that spare time, I remembered that before I took habbox too seriously it was so much fun and there were a lot of great people here. I had such fun using this site casually but running it definitely wasn't for me.

In terms of what Habbox has taught me, it's taught me how to be confident in myself and that I can be successful. Those of you who know me will know in 2006 I was banned, do not hire listed and fired from here. I came back 2 years on to get a job and work my way up to the very top. Not exactly one of my top ten proudest achievements but it reminded me if you work hard you will succeed, something which probably helped me get a place at a top ten institution for my degree course. It's something that will spur me on in taking on the competitive field of clinical psychology.

Also, before working in the mod department here I was crap at teamwork, now I'm a little better and I can thank Catzsy for this one :)

26-07-2011, 06:41 AM
Habbo changed my whole life. lol.

I can't even speak proper english until i joined Habbo and became a DJ after a few months ( that was like 3 years ago and yes english isn't my first language )

I just joined Habbox a few months ago , so i dont think there's any big changes. Just the same as i joined Habbo so yeahhhhhh.

26-07-2011, 11:46 AM
urm my life hasan't been changed by habbox so i'd be doing the same

26-07-2011, 11:49 AM
Id be on a different forum site.

26-07-2011, 11:56 AM
Well I'd probably be showing more interest at work instead of browsing and posting on here

26-07-2011, 11:59 AM
Habbo changed my whole life. lol.

I can't even speak proper english until i joined Habbo and became a DJ after a few months ( that was like 3 years ago and yes english isn't my first language )

I just joined Habbox a few months ago , so i dont think there's any big changes. Just the same as i joined Habbo so yeahhhhhh.

I think that's rather significant, many people say Habbo is stupid for small kids but it's not like Oli said it gave him confidence and made him believe he can be successful.

Also, I believe me being an (Assistant) Manager gives me a bit of experience in real life as I only did work experience for two weeks and that was at a school but they put me in the nursery. However, I would probably play habbo still but I wouldn't be involved with many people I would have nothing to my name but I wouldn't care about it as much.

27-07-2011, 06:02 AM
bein successful in life

28-07-2011, 11:17 PM
no idea..

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