View Full Version : Has GTA made a difference to gaming?

18-08-2005, 08:19 PM
Recently, I have seen alot of GTA type games (Eg. True Crime, Driv3r, The Getaway). These all revolve around running around a city shooting people, stealing cars etc. Although some don't simulate the gangster theme, some of the recent ones are trying to make a damn good gangster game.

50 cent, at first, was looking to be a great game, the magizines think it looks great. But not all of them. Some of them think "This game is just too stupid, controlling a rap artist just isn't my type" And to be honest, it's true. Just because he raps, doesn't mean he can shoot and be amazing at fighting etc. It's only his name that makes him become a videogame character.

I have listed some of the games that try and copy GTA, this is mostly after GTA: Vice City. Especially after GTA: San Andreas, as San Andreas took a Gangster theme and has alot more to it then any ordinary game.
Any broken links? Post here or PM me
The Getaway/Black Monday
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: SCE Studios Soho
Official Website: http://www.blackmonday.com (http://www.blackmonday.com/) - Their is no Getaway website anymore, just Black Monday!
My view: I just don't like it. The graphics are ok but apart from that. The controls are horrible, so is the driving and shooting. And you HAVE to do every mission. Then you can play on your own, with no missions. DON'T BUY IT, OR RENT IT!
Publisher: Atari
Developer: Reflections Interactive
Official Website: http://www.driv3r.com (http://www.driv3r.com/)
My View: Good graphics. Ok driving, shooting is bad. But the Director thing on it is great. Play the game, then watch it on replay, adding your own camera's or let the computer add your own! RENT IT!
True Crime
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Luxoflux Corp.
Official website: Link too long, click HERE (http://www.activision.com/en_GB/game_specific/f83e958c-df75-4880-a520-819d13e72e97.html#)!
My View: I love this game. It's fun arresting people, but the driving is a bit odd as nearly everything you crash into falls down. But the shooting is ok and the fighting is just button-mashing, but I would BUY IT!
Fear & Respect
Box art not available
Publisher: Midway gamers
Developer: Edge Of Reality
Official Website: N/A
My View: Seeing as their isn't much on this game, I can't say much, but from the screenshots, it's one heck of a GTA: San Andreas Copy-Cat. Click HERE (http://ps2.ign.com/objects/704/704819.html) to see screenshots of ww.ign.com
Now then, take a look at all the websites, and read my view on them all. Tell me if their is anymore and I wil add info on that!

Which do you think is the BESt at copying GTA, and the WORST.
My Best: Fear & Respect (They copied it so well, it may aswell be GTA: San Andreas Copycat!)
My worst: The getaway, it was trying to beat GTA, but failed, miserably.

Hope you like my article,

18-08-2005, 08:41 PM
To the companies who made the "rip-offs" they are just trying to compete with GTA, but because Rockstar was first to introduce a game to the "go around killing anything that moves" genre, many people will prefer it because it is the original and the rest are just trying to be it.

So i guess to answer the question Yes, Gta has made a big impact to gaming, and until something completely blows it out of the water (so to speak) it will continue to be favoured over the others.

18-08-2005, 08:44 PM
I have a feeling I know which game will "Blow it out of the water".

Saint's Row, for the Xbox 360. search it up on ign.com or google.

18-08-2005, 08:48 PM
Driver is better than GTA its more fun and less of the "Yo ya mam" And all the rubbish "Rob that car and drive it into that building and blow it up." as that wouldnt really happen.

Balck monday is a brilliant based game with all free runs ect and in my opinion is a game for all ages :D lol, its good controls and makes you think insted of GTA that you just have to race another car while there firing a pistol atyou.

GTA is a game for chavs who dont really have anything better to do than watch a man run around swearing and being racist. Shooting anything that walks talks and moves.
Not a good game.

18-08-2005, 08:59 PM
tbh i used to lov gta style games, and tbh again i still have the occasinal killing spree on gta and driv3r. but these games get boring wot we need now in the gamming market is something more original !!!!!!!!!!!!!

18-08-2005, 09:05 PM
For orginality, try Destroy All Humans, Sid Meirs Pirates or Stubbs the zombie..

18-08-2005, 09:30 PM
Woah. I have so much to say :D

Firstly, Acidic, there are a good few million people that would care to disagree with you. Driv3r was a terrible game. I liked the original, but they released this sequel far too early. It brought a whole new meaning to the word glitchy. No, San Andreas wasn't a very good portrayal of America's black community, but Vice City is one of my favourite games ever made.

I believe Driver did the whole "run around and kill people" first, in 3D anyway. Hell, Driver got to Miama before GTA did with Vice City, so I think you'll find the copycat aspect of that situation is the other way around. Come to think of it, I can think of an even earlier example than GTA of a free-roaming game: Pokémon :)

The Getaway is fairly good, Streets of LA is good, but I wouldn't constrict yourself to those. There are tonnes of games that have taken ideas from GTA: Jak 3, Simpsons Hit and Run, Beyond Good & Evil, Tony Hawks Underground and Morrowind to name but a few.

So, has GTA made an impact on gaming? Of course. But it wasn't the first to do what it did - it just made it popular.

EDIT: If it's originality you want, I suggest you play We Love Katamari when it's released in the UK by EA, or if you can import a copy, the original Katamari Damacy.

19-08-2005, 05:47 PM
I believe Driver did the whole "run around and kill people" first, in 3D anyway. Hell, Driver got to Miama before GTA did with Vice City,

GTA wasnt in 3D at Vice City, but in GTA3, and Driver was more drive around and kill people :p You couldnt get out of your car until GTA came and forced them to add that aspect...and i dont think you could even run people over in Driver, they ALWAYS jumped out the way.

I did like Driver for the police chases (although they were a bit easy to out run) and i think that aspect is better than in GTA where they bring in tanks and it is impossible to escape (compared to the FBI who can be beaten by a sentinel and health cheat). But the rest, until San Andreas made you have to go to the gym to keep muscle and eat..it takes the edge away from the game, customising is good but eating in a game like that just gets in the way, is better than Driver by a long shot.

19-08-2005, 10:09 PM
But Driver had 2 games out on the Playstation. GTA3 was a Playstation2 game, therefore Driver came out before GTA3.

Regardless of whether you drove or shot or whatnot, free-roaming was introduced before Rockstar caught onto the idea.

19-08-2005, 11:04 PM
But Driver had 2 games out on the Playstation. GTA3 was a Playstation2 game, therefore Driver came out before GTA3.

Regardless of whether you drove or shot or whatnot, free-roaming was introduced before Rockstar caught onto the idea.

Erm.. Can you please look back at Playstation®1 games please?
GTA 1, GTA Londong AND GTA 2 were released on the Playstation®. They were birdseye view, but you could still get out and kill people, run people over etc.
So Driver weren't the first to make those type of games. The first driver you just drove. Second you could get out but not kill and third you can kill too ;)

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