View Full Version : All Sun With No Fun?

13-07-2011, 08:52 AM

What’s a resort without some action!
Sometimes there’s only so much sunbathing and mocktail drinking a Habbo can take... mind you, it’s quite a lot ;)
We don’t want the new Coco Resort to be all leisure and no pleasure, so we’re looking for entertainment coordinators.
Come up with some fun activities to run once we’ve reopened the resort! We’re talking jet-skiing, para-sailing, crab racing - the lot!
- Pick ONE of the following categories for your entry:
* Water activity
* Land activity
* Night-time activity OR
* Tour
- Come up with a fun resort activity for this category. Feel free to do a bit of research and really think outside the box so your entry stands out!
- Design the activity in your room, take a screenshot and attach it to an email addressed to [email protected] Why not grab some friends to help you showcase the fun?!
- Please put 'Coco Resort Activity' in the subject line.
- In your email also include the following information:
* The name of your activity.
* The category your activity sits under.
* A sort paragraph describing your activity and why Coco Resort guests should come along.
* Your Habbo name.

Every day we’ll highlight some of the best resort activities on the homepage and showcase them in the Navigator. We’ll even promote a Coco Resort 'Catch of the Day' event on our Facebook page! Every winner will also score a Coco Coordinator badge to keep!
Entries close Monday July 18th, 7am EST (that's 7pm in Singapore, 10pm in Sydney, 4am in Los Angeles and 11am in London).
Note: If your event doesn’t get picked the first time around, there’s no need to send it in again because we could be keeping it for another day.
Good luck Habbos!
I might enter my Dragon Racing :P.

13-07-2011, 09:42 AM
A nice room building competition mixed with something new, I guess. Does anyone know what the badge looks like?
Although, I doubt I'll enter...

13-07-2011, 11:44 AM
lol you should luke . . . i remember i got u 2 enter it last time for the games comp and you won =] =]

13-07-2011, 04:00 PM
I might enter my Dragon Racing :P.

You lucky son of a gun lol. If the arcade wasn't host run or you didn't have to pay for it, I would so enter it lol. I wish I had a room I could enter ;[


13-07-2011, 04:07 PM
Aww! I might enter this.. not sure :P

13-07-2011, 04:24 PM
You lucky son of a gun lol. If the arcade wasn't host run or you didn't have to pay for it, I would so enter it lol. I wish I had a room I could enter ;[


If you don't have a room to enter, then you might as well just enter the Arcade :P:).

13-07-2011, 04:30 PM
You should definitely enter! I've played your Dragon Racing and it's pretty fun.

13-07-2011, 08:41 PM
I Like the way everyone is Thinking it must be a wired operated room...
No..... lol

Even note the LAst Category saying "Tour" - that will require no wired or gaming facilities - it could be a pure room design
(which is what im doing :P)

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