View Full Version : Box'ing?

26-07-2011, 11:55 PM
Well i need some items i sell on ebay and such to have well a sort of custom box, e.g how a xbox comes in a box does anyone have a rough idea where i'd be able to get them done how much it'l cost etc?

29-07-2011, 01:49 AM
A custom box? Ie, one that fits your stuff in? Just get some boxes from shops and things, and pack them with newspaper & bubble wrap.

29-07-2011, 03:13 AM
Yeah, go to the post office and grab a box and try and fit filling around the objects, what is it your selling? If they have their own boxes but you just don't have retail packaging, go try a near retailer that sells the product. They could have a spare box, unlikely though.

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