View Full Version : [Bobba] Simple way to prevent being casino scammed.

27-07-2011, 08:08 PM
After looking through this thread I noticed a lot of people are being scammed by casino dealers. This is very easy to reduce the prospect of being scammed, I've bullet pointed the ways to try and reduce casino scamming below;

Search the dealers name to see if he/she has any hate/scam rooms.
Ask your friends if the dealer is safe/trusted
Ask to see the furniture the dealer says he'll pay back.
Ask the dealer if the owner of the room can hold the bet (Recommened if the bet is a high stake).

I hope this helped,


27-07-2011, 08:16 PM
Ask to see the furniture the dealer says he'll pay back.
Just because they can pay back, doesn't always been they will :(.

I'm sure some people will find this helpful, though :).

27-07-2011, 08:19 PM
Just because they can pay back, doesn't always been they will :(.

But it sure lets you know that their not a poor scammer trying to get rich!

I'm sure some people will find this helpful, though :).

Yea alot of people will find it helpful.

27-07-2011, 10:13 PM
Search the dealers name to see if he/she has any hate/scam rooms.

Unfortunately, Habbo doesn't allow that anymore. When a moderator finds a scam room, the name and description gets changed. I know because I got banned for making a scam room.

28-07-2011, 11:28 AM
Unfortunately, Habbo doesn't allow that anymore. When a moderator finds a scam room, the name and description gets changed. I know because I got banned for making a scam room.

The moderators do ban very scam/hate room they see, but only if the owner has reported them to a moderator. You'll also know if they scam by their reputation.

01-08-2011, 03:36 PM
I do not know if this is used a lot.. But I use it.

Last time I was scammed, I recorded my bet, and I got kicked and banned in the end.
I uploaded the video and sent in a CFH with the link, about 24 hours later, I got back my 20Credits sack.

I think recording your bets is a good idea :)

01-08-2011, 06:10 PM
But it sure lets you know that their not a poor scammer trying to get rich!

Why would that even matter, at the end of the day you would still be scammed? lol :S

Thanks for the advice! :)

01-08-2011, 06:52 PM
Search the dealers name to see if he/she has any hate/scam rooms. - anyone can make scam rooms for anyone, it's hardly proof they scam
Ask to see the furniture the dealer says he'll pay back. - could be a clone account where they have transferred furni onto, plus it's still not guaranteed they'll pay
Ask the dealer if the owner of the room can hold the bet (Recommended if the bet is a high stake). - if they say no you can't blame them, how else will they get a good reputation for themself?

01-08-2011, 11:38 PM
Search the dealers name to see if he/she has any hate/scam rooms. - anyone can make scam rooms for anyone, it's hardly proof they scam
Ask to see the furniture the dealer says he'll pay back. - could be a clone account where they have transferred furni onto, plus it's still not guaranteed they'll pay
Ask the dealer if the owner of the room can hold the bet (Recommended if the bet is a high stake). - if they say no you can't blame them, how else will they get a good reputation for themself?

If someone makes a scam room for someone, it still at least puts you on edge and if you do get scammed after searching there name and they have a scam room then that's your own fault. And yeah they could have a clone account but all 4 points together as a whole will reduce you from being scammed a lot. It doesn't matter if the dealer wants reputation, if a better wants the owner to hold then thats his choice.

02-08-2011, 11:28 AM
I think this will be handy to some. But it still doesn't prevent being scammed, I don't think anything can completely prevent it.

05-08-2011, 04:16 AM
orientalherbs here:> lmfao

Edited by Infectious (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not make pointless posts!

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