View Full Version : Make Habbo Better

16-08-2011, 02:41 AM
Hi everyone,

I would like to share with you all a Habbo group that was started by myself, along with a number of former Hobbas, eXperts, and Guides. As you may have guessed, Make Habbo Better. (http://www.habbo.com/groups/makehabbobetter)

Make Habbo Better is dedicated to ideas that will "make Habbo better." I feel repetitive. Cut costs, strengthen the community, increase the user-base, and more. It was established to be a hybrid of the Pilots of the Revolution and the UserVoice forum. As you may know, the recent UserVoice session has come to an end - but Make Habbo Better never does. Around the clock, proposals are discussed and evaluated by members of the Habbo community, so that when the time does come, ideas for Sulake's consideration are both significant and presentable.

That said, I encourage you all to join, as I know that you are passionate about the Habbo product.

One last time, then I will allow you to return to business as usual:

Make Habbo Better!

16-08-2011, 03:03 AM
Habbo used to be Everyone can Play!
Now it is sadly Everyone can Pay!
What's up with Habbo atm?

16-08-2011, 03:10 AM
You used to be able to get 600 credits for like $100 .... It's sad....

16-08-2011, 03:20 AM
Im down to make habbo better!

16-08-2011, 03:21 AM
Glad to hear it. :) The group is a click away, everyone!

16-08-2011, 03:34 AM
Report report report on Habbo scamming :(

16-08-2011, 07:03 AM
Report report report on Habbo scamming :(

they arent scamming , Its business and there getting profit from people that are buying the credits. Its just like when they made 1c or 2c , People will need say 1 more credit to get this rare they want and if someone buy 4c for 1$ there is 1 more dollar is sulakes pocket

16-08-2011, 09:40 AM
I've joined the group :)

16-08-2011, 09:46 AM
joined the group! :D good luck with it.

16-08-2011, 09:49 AM
Well its kinda pointless.... Habbo was a small game a few years ago and we are responsible for making it bigger. As it became bigger, its business expanded, so did the campaigns etc. and thus more people came in and Habbo had to be made user friendly... You cannot rlly complain about this..

The Only thing I am mad about is they removed Public Rooms and Games which were quite user friendly....

16-08-2011, 01:10 PM
Habbo has gone down the drain now :( I miss the Public Rooms~ *dreams about raiding* LOL

16-08-2011, 01:25 PM
Good luck with the group. :)

16-08-2011, 07:09 PM
Good luck with the group. :)

Thank you! Once again I appreciate everyone that joins. :)

16-08-2011, 07:30 PM
I stopped playing Habbo at the beginning of 2009. I was thinking to my self it's because I've grown out of it. But then I went onto a retro... and wow! I missed the other Habbo so much. The new one isn't Habbo anymore... It's nothing. It's a game asking for money, no real community like it used to be.

But at the end of the day, Sulake is a company, and stocks never last. They need improvements, targets, to make a better profit. But I do think they could of done stuff differently... They won't loose out on a pay check for leaving stuff how it is, making it a option to use old habbo or new habbo etc... Quite a bit they could of left and wouldn't bring a problem.

16-08-2011, 07:49 PM
im down for this

16-08-2011, 08:57 PM
I stopped playing Habbo at the beginning of 2009. I was thinking to my self it's because I've grown out of it. But then I went onto a retro... and wow! I missed the other Habbo so much. The new one isn't Habbo anymore... It's nothing. It's a game asking for money, no real community like it used to be.

Unfortunately I have to agree. But what exactly causes a community to be, well.. a community? It's a tough spot they're in; merging the hotels did not do anything to help them either, but it was a very smart business move. A balance has to be found between the two. Sulake is currently in the process of working on the strength of their community, through the hiring of a Community Engagement Manager. What exactly this is, we will have to see.

But at the end of the day, Sulake is a company, and stocks never last. They need improvements, targets, to make a better profit. But I do think they could of done stuff differently... They won't loose out on a pay check for leaving stuff how it is, making it a option to use old habbo or new habbo etc... Quite a bit they could of left and wouldn't bring a problem.

This is partially true. Sulake is indeed a company, but their profits thrive when the community does. They thrive a lot! It's difficult to explain. In the end though, they do care immensely about the quality of their community.

I have to ask Marbian, what changes to the new Habbo do you think would benefit the community?

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