View Full Version : Oh my giddy aunt TH staff are rude

21-08-2005, 09:16 AM
Right i got messaged saying Impetous or whatever you call her Had dropped a cola Machine in her room By a few different people so i went there to check it out I asked wheres this cola machine then and the staff like turn on me! Calling me a noob
God there suppose to help not Critersize

21-08-2005, 09:56 AM
O_O okay.. well yeah, some help centers are going to trash.

21-08-2005, 02:36 PM
I dont know why its even called Think Help as no-one even helps.

Its just a place where Callie can show off the rares no-one else has.

Yeh thts troo!

21-08-2005, 02:41 PM
Yes very true..

21-08-2005, 02:43 PM
Callie just prances about in her pixel undies and does random giveawyas etc.. but nooo shes too damn lazy to give us thrones lyke she promised :@!

21-08-2005, 02:44 PM
I agree think help doesnt give any help, its just somewhere scripters like to hang out :s

21-08-2005, 03:10 PM
Some people i know from Think Help are quite well mannered. Although, you get some which aren't.

21-08-2005, 03:15 PM
*looks at rarelimes green sig* *drools*

21-08-2005, 03:16 PM
*looks at rarelimes green sig* *drools*
:S wth? why?

21-08-2005, 03:24 PM
:S wth? why?

lime,..... *drools*

21-08-2005, 03:48 PM
help.... Hey laura :D

21-08-2005, 03:53 PM
help.... Hey laura :D

wahs up kitten

21-08-2005, 03:54 PM
help.... Hey laura :D
Hiyaaaaa *SPAMZ0RZ*

21-08-2005, 03:56 PM
Im all good yourself :D

21-08-2005, 08:08 PM
*looks at rarelimes green sig* *drools* My sig not yours.. *slaps* :D

22-08-2005, 05:13 AM
Cool Kitten Your not alone.
Staff are also Greedy :0

Mod-Omega was in bjay`s Trade room sending mass alerts with no Purpose reading things Like "sunshine lollypops and" And also "First 800 people to give me a throne gets a hug"

I think Its pathetic staff can do this yet not help us

22-08-2005, 09:08 AM
I personally don't like TH. People walk in, wanting help, so they sit infront of the helpers, and the helpers are just messing about, and just sitting at the back of the helpers VIP part thing. :s

22-08-2005, 10:18 AM
Cool Kitten Your not alone.
Staff are also Greedy :0

Mod-Omega was in bjay`s Trade room sending mass alerts with no Purpose reading things Like "sunshine lollypops and" And also "First 800 people to give me a throne gets a hug"

I think Its pathetic staff can do this yet not help us

We was having a party in the theaterdrom and a Mod came in and alerted asking us what the hell we was doing
And kiked us all out I think they should be more borthered about Thousands of people getting scammed 'GIMMI YOUR PASS AND ILL GIVE U CREDS' but instead they just have to spoil the fun like the idiots they are
I like MOD-Moose thats all

22-08-2005, 08:33 PM
Callie smells of wee wee

22-08-2005, 08:39 PM
Callie smells of wee wee AMAGADZ YAH SHE DUS!!!1!11one!1 ;)

23-08-2005, 08:13 AM
Omgzr!!11 Lyke im great.


Yay :)

Wth someone asked me if i was ok you fool

23-08-2005, 10:46 AM
Right this is what SERIOUSLY annoys me
If theres a habbo event right
We have to work our little pixelated bums off to get our rooms popular, to sort them out, and its quite hard, and we loose some friends trying to do it cause they get annoyed with our advertising
So why can Callie just make a room
Put up a popup and WAM we loose ALL of the people in our rooms, so they can go and kiss up to Callie
So why should we have to do all that work to get our room popular
When they can just do a popup and everyones there!
That just isn't fair!


I wnted creds more often
So i bought a splash plastic card
and it was when that offer was on 100 credits for £7.00 so I got some, and that offer was on like AGES ago and i STILL havent got my credits, I sent emails, I spoke to hobbas and they do absolutely NOTHING, AND they took the money, honestly, they go on about other people scamming, and how wrong it is yet THERE the ones that scam! I'd understand if it was a mistake! But they could at least sort it out, as they did know cos of the email... And they can't be 'too busy' there not too busy to nick people money :max_mad:

24-08-2005, 08:33 AM
Hmm dont email them its pointless they never reply my friend has been safety banned for 6 months they dont reply to his emails
habbo still hasnt payed the '7 Wonders of Habbo'
And how many months ago was that!

24-08-2005, 11:17 AM
Maybe they should rename it, "think" as in, think what a rubbish help center think help was;p

24-08-2005, 11:21 AM
Maybe they should rename it, "think" as in, think what a rubbish help center think help was;p
Ohhh spam thread ja

24-08-2005, 12:19 PM
Right this is what SERIOUSLY annoys me
If theres a habbo event right
We have to work our little pixelated bums off to get our rooms popular, to sort them out, and its quite hard, and we loose some friends trying to do it cause they get annoyed with our advertising
So why can Callie just make a room
Put up a popup and WAM we loose ALL of the people in our rooms, so they can go and kiss up to Callie
So why should we have to do all that work to get our room popular
When they can just do a popup and everyones there!
That just isn't fair!


I wnted creds more often
So i bought a splash plastic card
and it was when that offer was on 100 credits for £7.00 so I got some, and that offer was on like AGES ago and i STILL havent got my credits, I sent emails, I spoke to hobbas and they do absolutely NOTHING, AND they took the money, honestly, they go on about other people scamming, and how wrong it is yet THERE the ones that scam! I'd understand if it was a mistake! But they could at least sort it out, as they did know cos of the email... And they can't be 'too busy' there not too busy to nick people money :max_mad: What's this got to do with Think Help? :s. Also about the splash plastic Hobbas can't do anything, they can only advise.

24-08-2005, 12:25 PM
The staff just talk to each other and move stuff about when im in there i have never seen them helping any one:o probally theystart helping people when impetuous and cheezy2 come in.

24-08-2005, 04:03 PM
The staff just talk to each other and move stuff about when im in there i have never seen them helping any one:o probally theystart helping people when impetuous and cheezy2 come in.


24-08-2005, 04:24 PM
My Giddy Aunt :p

24-08-2005, 04:54 PM
My Giddy Aunt :p

random o.o

24-08-2005, 05:08 PM
This is my opinino for Think Help..

It's called Think Help, right? All you do is the name of the room. THINK HELP. You don't actually get help. Do you?

24-08-2005, 09:00 PM
What's this got to do with Think Help? :s. Also about the splash plastic Hobbas can't do anything, they can only advise.
I know it aint got anything to do with Think Help, just thought I'd add it cos im random, and about the splash plastic, I know Hobbas cant, but habbo staff can, They've commited a crime, n im not joking, its like ordering something for £7.00 and not getting it in real life, just cos its habbo credits, doesn't make it right!

25-08-2005, 07:30 AM
:P well it got ppls eyes on this post :D

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