View Full Version : Apple granted injunction halting EU Galaxy phone sales

24-08-2011, 03:19 PM
A Dutch court has granted a preliminary injunction, filed by Apple, which bans the sale of some Samsung smartphones in the European Union. While the injunction does not relate to the Galaxy Tab line of Samsung tablets, it does prevent the sale of the Galaxy S, Galaxy S II and Galaxy Ace Android devices. The decision was made after the hearing held on August 10 and 11.

As FOSS Patents points out, the injunction only applies to countries where one specific European software patent applies. It also does not restrict Samsung’s Korean parent company from distributing devices outside The Netherlands, however this will be difficult due to Samsung using the country as a hub for shipments to the rest of Europe.

The decision will come into effect in seven weeks; however Samsung will no doubt appeal this injunction. Also worthy of note is that FOSS Patents mentions that “at a first look it seems that the court has a skeptical perspective on a couple of the software patents asserted by Apple.”

The interim injunction prohibits sale of devices by three of the company's Dutch subsidiaries to the UK, France, Germany, Finland, Ireland, Lichtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco, Sweden and Switzerland.


Well that's just typical of you know who.

24-08-2011, 03:20 PM
Apple: Falsifying court documents since 2k11

I wonder how much it'd cost Samsung to stop all of their part shipments to Apple.

24-08-2011, 03:30 PM
Great news for Apple, horrible news for Samsung

24-08-2011, 03:34 PM
Great news for Apple, horrible news for Samsung

Not good news for Apple, their Galaxy Tab injuction case is under review for falsifying documents...

24-08-2011, 03:34 PM
Not good news for Apple, their Galaxy Tab injuction case is under review for falsifying documents...

Magic will help them.

24-08-2011, 03:37 PM
Magic will help them.

I'm surprised you haven't been contacted for staff rule breaking yet...

24-08-2011, 03:40 PM
I'm surprised you haven't been contacted for staff rule breaking yet...

Are you unaware of the use of the word magical when it comes to Apple?


It's a legitimate phrase to pull out against them these days, because they overuse it in marketing :P

24-08-2011, 03:43 PM
I disagree with everything in that news article...

24-08-2011, 03:46 PM
I disagree with everything in that news article...

Doesn't matter what that article says just showing you that Apple abuses the word "magical" in their marketing:


Am I shocked you don't know this Tom!

24-08-2011, 03:54 PM
Doesn't matter what that article says just showing you that Apple abuses the word "magical" in their marketing:


Am I shocked you don't know this Tom!

Why do you taint all these legitimate threads with illegitimate Apple tripe?

24-08-2011, 04:02 PM
Why do you taint all these legitimate threads with illegitimate Apple tripe?

dont take my last post seriously
12:55 it was funny on skype
12:55 LOL

If you didn't say this I would have been furious because I wasn't complimenting Apple and you did your usual blow up :P

24-08-2011, 04:23 PM
Software patents really ought to be scrapped!

24-08-2011, 04:28 PM
Software patents really ought to be scrapped!
Someone who doesn't understand the point.

a) This is a design/hardware dispute
b) Without patents there would be no innovation from individuals because they can't get paid for their work and software companies would effectively be robbed of money because they can't have a unique but successful idea.

Scrapping them would be pointless since you'd be destroying half the technology industry, they do however, need to be reworked.

24-08-2011, 05:25 PM
Someone who doesn't understand the point.

a) This is a design/hardware dispute
b) Without patents there would be no innovation from individuals because they can't get paid for their work and software companies would effectively be robbed of money because they can't have a unique but successful idea.

Scrapping them would be pointless since you'd be destroying half the technology industry, they do however, need to be reworked.

a) The patent is referred to as a "European software patent" in the second article linked to by the OP. It concerns the way in which photographs are navigated using touch-screen gestures.

As FOSS Patents points out, the injunction only applies to countries where one specific European software patent applies. b)

Patents are handed out too readily - basic ideas, many of which are co-discovered - are awarded exclusively to one person/company.
They curb innovation (esp. the basic ones) - nobody but the patent holder can freely build upon ideas or incorporate them into their own products - result: intentionally inferior products to avoid lawsuits
Small businesses which cannot afford to pay larger companies to make use of their "ideas" end up suffering.

24-08-2011, 10:02 PM
Patents are handed out too readily - basic ideas, many of which are co-discovered - are awarded exclusively to one person/company.
They curb innovation (esp. the basic ones) - nobody but the patent holder can freely build upon ideas or incorporate them into their own products - result: intentionally inferior products to avoid lawsuits
Small businesses which cannot afford to pay larger companies to make use of their "ideas" end up suffering.

If you get spoon fed rather than understanding the issues you would know it's not so simple. Patents stifle innovation because people cannot improve on previous innovation, but without patents there is no motivation for innovation from an individual because they cannot make money from it short of launching a product to market which won't be successful because other companies can copy it within days. Patents drive and stifle innovation at the same time, no small company could launch a product without patents nor can they compete against large companies with patents. It needs to be fixed, not removed. Here's an interesting podcast I was listening to yesterday on the topic:

24-08-2011, 10:03 PM
To be fair Apple have a point, they're near enough identical. :S

24-08-2011, 10:16 PM
To be fair Apple have a point, they're near enough identical. :S

A district court in the Hague upheld Apple's claim concerning one specific patent - EP 2059868 - which outlines an interface for viewing and navigating photographs on a touchscreen phone.

However, the judge rejected several other patent issues, as well as Apple's claim that Samsung had stolen many of its design ideas.

It was the way of viewing and navigating photographs, not the the identical homescreen design I believe.

24-08-2011, 10:19 PM
it won't affect retail for a few months.

24-08-2011, 10:24 PM
It was the way of viewing and navigating photographs, not the the identical homescreen design I believe.

They rejected the design idea?! Holy derp the judge is blind.

25-08-2011, 12:21 AM
Ah another stupid legal matter that should not exist. What's shocking is that this infringes so many European by-laws about trading in the EU - one of which is revolves around trade, it should NOT be banned in the UK or any other EU country because it's not an illegal substance and the product is not harmful to consumers. It's completely stupid. I would make the usual "Hope Jobs gets shot" remarks, but he's left as CEO. Still, one can only hope. Or at least, the judges and Apple people who created such a ridiculous legal matter in the first place. Technology should never have so many cases in the legal system, especially when cases like this are just the evolution of technology showing the natural course of technological advancements. It' should not be about "oh this is how our pictures show on our product, we want it to stay that way", it should be about "it's on this product and this one tiny feature is just a ripple in the ocean on what the product as a single entity can do". Consumers only care about names and a product in general, they do not give a crap about small, insignificant features like this.

But of course, imbreeding is a terrible thing these days.


25-08-2011, 10:08 AM
They rejected the design idea?! Holy derp the judge is blind.

In terms of the homescreens, there's only so many ways you can list App icons... but in terms of the tablet Apple photoshopped the evidence. They changed the entire shape of the Galaxy Tab and then added a silver border around it to make it look like an iPad. It was falsified evidence and was thrown out...

Just for that, every patent case Apple has should be thrown out immediately pending review.

25-08-2011, 07:59 PM
In terms of the homescreens, there's only so many ways you can list App icons...

Not to mention that fact that my Nokia Phone from ten years ago lists it the same way.

25-08-2011, 10:49 PM
In terms of the homescreens, there's only so many ways you can list App icons... but in terms of the tablet Apple photoshopped the evidence. They changed the entire shape of the Galaxy Tab and then added a silver border around it to make it look like an iPad. It was falsified evidence and was thrown out...

Just for that, every patent case Apple has should be thrown out immediately pending review.
It's incredibly petty. Why is it, that the computer industry feel the need to cause an unnecessary amount of legal cases, most of which are pointless and based on tedium? Patents like this should not exist, patents should only be made to protect a certain way of doing something - not an entire concept like touch-screen technology or an App Tray which only really comes in one design and use. Steve Jobs legacy seems to be tedious court cases based on meaningless and restrictive patents.

Whoever made this illegitimate evidence needs to be chucked off a bridge and on to a spike in my opinion :/

26-08-2011, 08:13 AM
Most patent lawsuits nowadays are just counter lawsuits to other lawsuits or are pre-emptive lawsuits so that they can sue a company before they get some patents which will allow them to return a lawsuit back.

26-08-2011, 01:33 PM
Most patent lawsuits nowadays are just counter lawsuits to other lawsuits or are pre-emptive lawsuits so that they can sue a company before they get some patents which will allow them to return a lawsuit back.
Which should not exist. They're unnecessary and a waste of time. The courts should just tell Apple to shut the hell up and charge them a few billion for wasting peoples time. Someone should go through the patent system removing pointless patents that were obviously created to cause unnecessary fuss or are patents trying to protect an entire concept when an entire concept should never be patented because it hinders the progress and evolution of technology (FULL STOP). A patent used to be about protecting a specific design or way of doing something (the helicopter design by a philosopher and inventer was one design based on a concept, for example). Apple are the main problem here, they churn out pointless patents because someone has got themselves addicted to the patent system. Not that it's their fault, part of the blame goes to the twit who allowed for such patents to be created and protected in the first place.

EDIT: I was going to say the few Billion Euros/Dollars/Pounds could bail out the Eurozone, but on second thoughts that money would of gone on another half-baked solution to a non-existent problem or some corrupt politician - so that was removed :P

07-09-2011, 09:40 PM
I'm pretty sure Apple are like up with the fairies half the time... well, their marketing would suggest this.

I'm actually quite surprised they haven't sued major supermarkets for selling a particular kind of fruit.

07-09-2011, 10:39 PM

Well that's just typical of you know who.


Edited by Infectious (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not make pointless posts!

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