View Full Version : What would you do if you had unlimited credits?

02-09-2011, 11:45 AM
I'm looking for some inspiration! I have a few ideas, but I'm not set on them yet. I'm still researching the hotel as to what is popular etc. So i was just wondering, if you had an unlimited amount of credits to spend what would you do with it?

I'm looking for rpg-like rooms, ie, Airports, Hotels, etc. But original ideas, or popular rooms from the past that aren't around anymore. Its got to be something that will keep people in the room, or continue onto other rooms not just come in, look around for two seconds and then go, haha.

Ideas I've thought about, but aren't going to consider are adoption, date/bed, schools (may do a college/uni, not sure), CASINOS and any other cheesy rooms.

I already have a nightclub (http://www.habbo.com/room/49607058) so if that could be incorporated in some way that would be sweet too.

Rooms that i personally seem to do well, are ones with ques (so its got to be something enticing inside, for them to want to que up)

I've thought about a themepark, but I wouldn't know where to start?

+REP to ideas I like.

02-09-2011, 12:57 PM
If i had Unlimited Credits i would sell them for real life money.

02-09-2011, 01:39 PM
if i had unlimited credits i'd probably buy one of every furni i could find hahah.

02-09-2011, 02:18 PM
RPG rooms? errrrrrm. clothes shop, police station, manor, dentist, doctors. beaches are the most popular.

02-09-2011, 02:24 PM
Make a castle out of 1 cred coins =)

02-09-2011, 02:42 PM
If you mean truly unlimited credits then I suppose my options are unlimited as well :P. I'd make a rare and super museum and I'd invest in/collect some particular rares and/or supers to try and make more credits, and then donate some of this to Habbox and re-invest some of the rest and keep going, although I suppose that'd be pointless since I have unlimited credits and wouldn't need to earn more :P. I'd also make some new wired games and a bigger wired maze; I'd do that now but they'd cost too much!

02-09-2011, 03:23 PM
I would make a super rare super huge casino, I'd make a GB trade city, I would make a huge rp like really detailed one & proberly I nice posh house for me andddd I'd donate 100000000000000t to habbox :D

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