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24-06-2004, 11:09 PM
Furni scams

In real life you look after your possessions don't you? You wouldn't think about leaving your prized Gameboy with someone you hardly knew would you? And surely you wouldn't dream of doing a swop with someone where you had to hand over your things first?

Then why do it in Habbo Hotel? Just because a Habbo is friendly, doesn't mean you can trust them. Always use the secure trading system to trade with other Habbos and only every put your furni in someone's room if they truly are a friend (not someone you met five minutes ago).

"I've got a really, really rare item - no one else has got it..."

It's true that some items are rarer than others - but don't fall for the scammers who have items you've never seen before. Always check this list first to see what items of furni are truly rare and which items are illegal:

Hotel Manager birthday gifts
These were given out to Habbos who were registered before the Hotel Manager's birthday in 2002. They have never been on sale:


Items in the Catalogue Rares Collection
These items have all been on sale for 14 days only, at 25 Credits:
Hologirl - first item in the collection, on sale before Christmas 2002.

Holiday Romance - second item. On sale around Valentine's Day 2003.
Aloe Vera - third item. Formerly known as Small Plant. On sale until March 31, 2003.

Petal Patch - fourth item. On sale during April 2003

Hammock - Fifth item. On sale durning May 2003

Parasol - Sixth item. There are four colours. Green, Yellow and briefly Violet Parasols were on sale in the Catalogue during June 2003. The fourth colour is a rare - see below.

Bird Bath - Seventh item. There are a four colours. Green and Grey ones were on sale in the Catalogue during July 2003. The other colours is a rare - see below.

Elephant Statue - Eighth item. There are three colours. Bronze and Silver ones were on sale in the Catalogue during August 2003. The other colour is a rare - see below.

Beehive Lamp - Ninth item. There are three colours. Blue and Red ones were on sale in the Catalogue during September 2003. The other colour is a rare - see below.

Lapland Greetings - Tenth item. On sale in the Catalogue during December 2003.

Seasonal items
These are on sale in the run up to Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day and Halloween. They appear in their own section of the Catalogue and the whole section is removed when the holiday is over. So, if any item isn't in the Catalogue and isn't in the 'illegal' list below, it's probably a seasonal item that will be on sale again at the right time of year.

Competition prizes
These items have never been on sale - only competition winners were given them:

Trophies without writing on them (Bronze, Silver and Gold)
Brown Parasol
Blue Birdbath
Red Birdbath
Gold Elephant Statue
Yellow Beehive Lamp
Typewriters - only given out to Habbos who get a poem or article published in one of the hotel's newsletters.
Spyro Egg

Habbo Club items
These are only given to members of the Habbo Club:

Green Sofa - month 1
Sky Blue Plasto set (table and chairs) - month 2
Mochamaster - month 3
Dicemaster - month 4
Tubmaster - month 5
Imperial Teleport - month 6
Throne Sofa - month 7
Oil Lamp - month 8
Nordic Table - month 9
Majestic chair - month 10
Study Desk - month 11

Illegal or hacked items
DON'T trade for these items. If they're hacked they may not work properly, or we may have to delete them and then you will have lost all the furni you traded for them:

Pods of colours not in Catalogue
Bear rugs of colours not in Catalogue
Stickies of colours not in Catalogue
Chess board
Mountain Dew machines

"If you give me one piece of furni, I'll give you a job that pays"

A job that pays - fantastic! Just think of all the furni you could buy... Wake up Habbo! Have you ever heard of a job in real life that you have to pay to get? Of course not.

If you give another Habbo a piece of furni for a job, chances are you'll work for nothing. Or you might not even get to work at all - often there is no job.

This isn't to say that there aren't any jobs in Habbo Hotel. Some Habbos do offer jobs in their rooms and these can be fun to do. Just don't expect to get paid, even if that's what you're told in the first place.

"I can clone your furni - just put it down in my room"

Some Habbos claim that they can clone your furni if you put it down in their room. Not true! They will just steal it from you.

"I'll paint your room for one furni"

Other Habbos cannot paint your room or change the floor. The only way to do this is by buying wallpaper, paint, carpets etc from the Catalogue.

"Race to win furni"

There are lots of racing games in the hotel - races where you get food out of fridges, races where you rush to stand on a doormat and even 'musical chairs' (without the music though!).

These games and races are great fun, but not all the Habbos who run them are honest. Don't be surprised if they don't give you a prize when you win. Don't take part if you can't trust the Habbo running the room.

*Taken from Habbohotel.co.uk

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