View Full Version : good quality camera's?

01-10-2011, 01:54 PM

So i'm in need of a good quality Camera, that takes lovely photos and has many different settings! I need it because I am visiting Italy next year and going up Mount Etna so I would like to take some fantastic photos on the top of there! I'm willing to pay however much the camera costs - so I don't have a budget

So if you could give me some recommendations of good quality camera's that you have yourself or have heard of, and I want it value for money that would be great because I don't want to spend a fortune on a camera that isn't even that good..

Thanks for your help!

Harriet x

01-10-2011, 08:40 PM
Nikon D3100

01-10-2011, 10:07 PM
Panasonic lumix

01-10-2011, 10:25 PM
is there a certain mp your looking for?

01-10-2011, 11:48 PM
Nikon D3100

Seconded. Brilliant camera :)

01-10-2011, 11:57 PM
Personally I'd recommend an SLR, so the Recursion's suggestion is a good start. But if you want something small and does it automatically then one camera I can think of is the Sony DSCHX9VB Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera which is good for everything - from concerts to macro photography. My mum has it and the pictures that thing can produce are pretty good, and she uses ISO and ISO+ mode which disables flash but allows for night/low-light photos. Plus it can fit in hand luggage while SLRs take up valuable space :P

But I'd go with the Nikon D3100, because SLRs are fun and superior in practically every way.

02-10-2011, 12:08 AM
is there a certain mp your looking for?

It's not all about megapixels.

02-10-2011, 11:54 AM
It's not all about megapixels.
Isn't the rule to look for how high the DPI is? Megapixels are all fine and dandy, but hopeless if the DPI cannot facilitate them. It was a long time ago I heard about this to be fair, but is that around the right track? :P

02-10-2011, 12:26 PM
Isn't the rule to look for how high the DPI is? Megapixels are all fine and dandy, but hopeless if the DPI cannot facilitate them. It was a long time ago I heard about this to be fair, but is that around the right track? :P

You want as big of a sensor surface area as possible.

02-10-2011, 12:35 PM
Canon 1100D is the one I have
Check out all my posts in this thread for pics I've taken with it: http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=714392

03-10-2011, 06:35 PM
i have canon eos 1000d atm. it's got really good quality.

some examples of pictures:

http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=715119 (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=706433)

03-10-2011, 06:44 PM
I second on the 1000D or any of the entry - midrange canons.

The main question is do you want a DSLR or just a point and click camera. If you have no intention of learning photography than go with a Panasonic Lumix point range point and click. For P&C's the lumix is pretty impressive and has a very intelligent automatic mode.

However if you think you can put the time in to learn how to take good photos with a SLR then go with either Nikon or Canon. I prefer canon over nikon due to their menu system and the availability of second hand lenses however nikon do feel to have a better build quality.

Personally I would rather edge you towards a DSLR but it is one of those things you have to have an interest in. I could take a far better photo with point and click than someone who doesn't know how to use their DSLR.

03-10-2011, 07:04 PM
I second on the 1000D or any of the entry - midrange canons.

The main question is do you want a DSLR or just a point and click camera. If you have no intention of learning photography than go with a Panasonic Lumix point range point and click. For P&C's the lumix is pretty impressive and has a very intelligent automatic mode.

However if you think you can put the time in to learn how to take good photos with a SLR then go with either Nikon or Canon. I prefer canon over nikon due to their menu system and the availability of second hand lenses however nikon do feel to have a better build quality.

Personally I would rather edge you towards a DSLR but it is one of those things you have to have an interest in. I could take a far better photo with point and click than someone who doesn't know how to use their DSLR.

Why would you recommend a camera from the last generation? The 1000D is out of date and has been replaced by the 1100D, which can be found for roughly the same price. The 1100D has a higher specification and also a video feature.

03-10-2011, 07:40 PM
Why would you recommend a camera from the last generation? The 1000D is out of date and has been replaced by the 1100D, which can be found for roughly the same price. The 1100D has a higher specification and also a video feature.

On paper the 1100D makes more sense but I have used both and still prefer a 1000D. I don't like the 1100D as it feels cheaper to me in the hand (than usual) and the camera feels a bit clumsy but that is just me. Also I am a bit of a conservative when it comes to cameras and prefer to have a video camera to take video (XL-1S) and camera to take photos, I am sure it is great for those one off videos of auntie sue blowing out her birthday candles but I always feel there is a compromise in cameras that do video and video cameras that do photos.

Also if it was my first DSLR I would go secondhand and cheap, people upgrade their bodies more so than their lenses that way if it isn't for you it hasn't come at such a big expense.

03-10-2011, 08:21 PM
On paper the 1100D makes more sense but I have used both and still prefer a 1000D. I don't like the 1100D as it feels cheaper to me in the hand (than usual) and the camera feels a bit clumsy but that is just me. Also I am a bit of a conservative when it comes to cameras and prefer to have a video camera to take video (XL-1S) and camera to take photos, I am sure it is great for those one off videos of auntie sue blowing out her birthday candles but I always feel there is a compromise in cameras that do video and video cameras that do photos.

Also if it was my first DSLR I would go secondhand and cheap, people upgrade their bodies more so than their lenses that way if it isn't for you it hasn't come at such a big expense.

Feels fine to me, doesn't have a rubber grip but it doesn't feel clumsy to me.

As for your point about wanting cheap, most people i've seen are trying for at least £250 for a second hand 1000d body, anything less and your best bet is there is something wrong with it. I guess it's the difference between going out and buying an iphone 3G and an iphone 4, they do the same thing but the newer one has more features although costing slightly more. I'd still personally go with the new one over the old.

As for the video feature compromising image quality? I wouldn't say so: http://hashterix.deviantart.com/gallery/

04-10-2011, 12:35 AM
i have a digital rebel xti

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