View Full Version : rares

22-08-2005, 11:18 AM
• Aloes are now 2 HCs when traded, Its relly rare to even get it traded
• Bronze nelly is ussaly 3.1 (ppl want u to add norms)
• Bear rugs are not popular at all and are rarely sold for 0.3
• And this is what u allways say is a wrong value but ppl are ofering 4.5 for majestics
• And hiliday romance I've noticed its hard to get that rare and when u do ppl want >MUCH< more then 1 HC sofa for it.
• Then it is the Russian Samovhra** Some ppl are offering mochas for it i've noticed.

Anywasy if u are going to nag about me not telling some stupid reasons dont bother cues its just what i see in trade rooms and ohh yes the Golden record and headbangers and all that sould go down. Why? cues they where in catalouge for 5 credits

22-08-2005, 02:21 PM

Thanks for posting your values -- They seem pretty accurate -- Keep them coming and good luck ;)


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