View Full Version : Habbo Alert

22-08-2005, 12:09 PM
I think that when you are sent a Habbo Alert from the Habbo Staff telling you that an event is going on in the hotel like when there is a game about to start or when soapbox is going to open there should be a noise like there is when you receive a Console Message. Some people may be away from there computer and still be in the same room as the computer just doing something else or they may just minimize it and be getting on with something else and then when you are sent a Habbo Alert you don't know you have been sent it but when you get a Console Message you hear a noise making you aware you have a message. I think that it would be a good idea to have a noise when you are sent an alert because these alerts maybe important too.

22-08-2005, 12:11 PM
Yeah cuz alot of the time i have habbo running but im on MSN or Habbox forum and i come back and theres an alert for the starting of an event and i have usually missed it by the time I look back. So yeah i think thats a great idea Aimee.

22-08-2005, 12:13 PM
Mmm but i also think u should be able to turn habbo alerts off, cause sometimes u get like 3 and its just pointless spam that i dont want to hear ;l i dont do none of the stupid events habbo sets up so..

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