View Full Version : Beastie Boys and Hilary Duff information.

21-09-2004, 10:09 PM
Well, on habbohotel.com the beastie boys and hilary duff ARE coming to habbohotel.com, also jeffoo announced that they will each have their own specially-made habbos, could the things they wear possibly be for the future hc? Who knows, but it still is pretty cool to have some celebs on habbo!

21-09-2004, 10:25 PM
thats a good insite.. mebbe they will customize it to look like those ppl though. Still it would b cool to have our own specially made habbos ... eusa:dream

21-09-2004, 11:06 PM
Yea, that Ozzy, habbo he might be one, i think he was in Uk cause his family are british or sumthing but, maybe he is one too...

23-09-2004, 08:31 PM
wow thats super kool

23-09-2004, 09:43 PM
this news and rumor is in correct all he said was that tehre will b contest about them he never said they are coming but they probly are bcuz of the contest and stuff

23-09-2004, 10:11 PM
I... hate.. Hilary Duff.
To the point, new HC Clothing - cool.

23-09-2004, 10:21 PM
this news and rumor is in correct all he said was that tehre will b contest about them he never said they are coming but they probly are bcuz of the contest and stuff
No um actually you are wrong, I spoke to jeffoo and she said "Hilary Duff and the beastie boys will get their own specially made habbos for THEM to GO on", so yes they are.. false advertising is illegal and so is imprestonating.. so habbo wouldn't be aloud to lie or pretend to be one of them.

23-09-2004, 10:23 PM
Yes, Santa is correct, brojo said it himself, mostlikely itll be office staff pretending to be these celebs, but here read:
Hilary Duff, Beastie Boys and more

We're having some great giveaways next week..

Starting September 27 we are going to rename the two clubs in the hotel for a six week special. Jamnation will become Popnation and Funktuary will become "5 Boroughs."

Popnation will be sponsored by Hollywood Records. This room will feature activities related to new releases by Hilary Duff, Raven Simone and Jesse McCartney. Contests, quizzes, prizes and all that fun stuff.

5 Boroughs, sponsored by Capitol Records, will have activities related to the Beastie Boys.

So come on down and win some stuff like CDs, DVDs and a real skateboard signed by the Beastie Boys!


23-09-2004, 11:07 PM
that might be possbile maybe maybe not

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