View Full Version : how to improve english faster????

23-10-2011, 02:52 AM
im always try hard to speak english and sometimes i got stuck up for a long time....anyone can help me plz???skype???yahoo???its practice rite to be like native speaker

23-10-2011, 06:19 AM
podcasts/videos/tv shows (maybe kids ones, depending on your vocabulary) will all help. I'd say don't read as much because you might pronounce the words wrong in your head ;)

23-10-2011, 07:41 AM
1.) Practice speaking English everyday. Talk to someone in English.

2.) Enroll in an English class.

3.) Watch or listen media in English. TV Shows or radio.

I was bad in speaking English too cause i don't usually speak English irl plus English isn't my first language. :D

24-10-2011, 03:53 AM
Reading can help as well as watching English Tv programs also just talking to people that speak english.

24-10-2011, 01:53 PM
English is like one of the hardest languages to learn if it isn't your first, so stick with it if you get stuck!

Do like the others have said, but honestly, don't give up on it :)

24-10-2011, 02:13 PM
Instead of saying goodbye to people say piss off instead. It's a nicer version

Edited by Infectious (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not make pointless posts!

24-10-2011, 03:51 PM
Since when was infectious the only mod on the forum? Damn sick of getting pms from you or whatever all the time. Maybe I'll stop pointless posting if it came from rosie or someone else but you doing it 24/7 just makes me want to break the rules even more

give someone else a chance.

Now if I get one more Edited by Infectious on one of my posts I'm contacting scott to get a restraining order on you

k im done

oh and op just being around the forum and seeing how people post might help ur english OK?

27-10-2011, 01:24 PM
Well if your around english people everyday, you'll pick up how they speak, one of my friends who was portuguese learnt in a few months, its not that hard!!

27-10-2011, 08:22 PM
Reading is the best way to educate yourself, pick a subject you like and read - not only will you learn that topic, you English will improve drastically without you even knowing. I used to be terrible at English until Year 4 when this old-fashioned teacher made me and others stay behind at Lunch and read. I hated it at the time of course, but thats probably the best thing anyone has ever done for me.

Its developed my interests, perspectives.. everything.

29-10-2011, 01:15 AM
How will he know if he is pronouncing the word correct or not? Don dont like the idea of reading too much.

29-10-2011, 08:59 AM
I would advise you NOT to use Google Translator; it is the worst possible source of learning. I would use an english dictionary to start learning some new english words. I also would watch english movies and tv programmes and listen to how they pronounce some of the words.

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