View Full Version : WTF(riday)

28-10-2011, 12:17 PM

It's that time again...get your questions answered by the Habbo Staff!

WTF(riday)? gives you the opportunity to get your questions answered and get to know your Hotel staff better! Shoot your queries our way (Habbo related...or not):
Who's our favorite celeb crushes?
What's our favorite foods?
What's the best recipe for making pancakes?
Etc, etc!
We cannot guarantee the answers will always be super-smart, on point and up-to-date, but we do promise to be our honest, funny and weird selves. Every friday we will pick a bunch of questions you've sent and answer those with what pops into our heads!
Those who get their questions chosen will win a prize. To keep things interesting, we'll switch the prize every week - this week those who got their question picked, have received a punch bowl with eyeballs in it. Mmm, bloody tasty!

And now, on to the answers!
Questions for Kitano:
.x.Hanifa.x. asks: If you were a super hero what would be your magical power? And would be your name?
I would like the ability to turn invisible. My name would be "Never There When You Need Him Man".
xiaohabbogal asks: What is your favorite childhood cartoon programme?
So many to choose from- Transformers, Ghost Busters, Thundercats, He-Man. But I would have to choose Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles.
ExLiam asks: What is your favourite genre of music? And who is your favourite artist?
I like listening to Irish/ American bands like Flogging Molly and Dropkick Murphys. Right now I'm listening to The Sunset Tree by The Mountain Goats. Overall, my favourite artist would be Morrissey.

Questions for Puffin:
...Love1... asks: If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
I would become the world's richest woman (whoever that is) and donate loads of money to no-money-me (for when the day is over obviously), so I could quit my job (sorry!) and go on a trip around the world.
hailey7820 asks: If you found a talking waffle, and you kept it as a pet, what would you name it and why?
If I found a talking waffle it would be an obvious sign of my insanity, so I'd call it Monkey, give it a pink tutu and pull it around on a leash. When you've lost your sanity, you don't need to give a reason why.
katrina6474 asks: What was your favourite tv show when you were younger?
I used to really love The Muppet Show! Even when I was too little to understand the subtle details of it.. and also, the two old guys used to scare me (they still do...)

Questions for Neja:
?-=Blue=-? asks: When you were a kid, did you ever had an imaginary friend?
No imaginary friends, but me and my friend had imaginary horses! They had names, family trees and personalities and all!
-Jessica97 asks: If you could meet any cartoon character, who would it be?
Cartman from southpark. He's too funny. :D
TeamPhoeni! asks: If you were in dead rising two what weapon would you make the most?
I always carry a laser sword or two and boxing gloves with knives. The laser swords are sometimes a pain to make (combine a flashlight and gems), but it does a great deal of damage and is great against bosses. The knife gloves work great against all enemies as a basic weapon. That's what I'd use in a real zombie invasion too!

Questions for Kitano, Puffin and Neja:
=.CrazyDays.= asks: Do you sing in the shower?
Kitano: We all do. Neja sings bass, Puffin sings tenor and Kitano just squeals like a pig on a hot tin roof.
Puffin: No, I don't actually. I do however sing when I walk in the rain (it's me and Gene Kelly, baby).
Neja: No way, the neighbors would hear me. *cringes* Only time you'll find me singing is when I'm playing Singstar, which is not often.
emoluvver asks: If you was a zombie - who would you EAT!?
Kitano: Sumo wrestlers.
Puffin: Neja is such a sweet heart, I bet she'd taste really great. I'd rather not find out, though, but I guess if I was a Zombie I'd be pretty stoked to feast on her brains.
Neja: Sarah Palin. Mmm, brains...errr, wait.
PixelSean asks: If you were lost on a desert island, what three real life items would you like to have with you?
Kitano: A solar powered refrigerator. An axe. A tent.
Puffin: I would bring a) internet supply, b) my laptop, c) electrical access (hey, no one said anything about logistical limitations). This would basically give me the exact same setup I have at home in my sofa right now. Except I'd be on a sunny Caribbean island (yes?) nibbling on pineapples and enjoying the beach. Yes!

Neja: Endless supply of fruit smoothies, sunscreen and a bunch of funny monkeys!

(http://www.habbo.com/articles/2686-wtfriday)Congratulations to all those who got their question answered :D.

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