View Full Version : The Habboween Horror Story (Competition)

28-10-2011, 04:31 PM
Get those gory creative juices flowing..
Do you see yourself as the next Stephen King, H P Lovecraft or Garth Marenghi?
For our Habboween Horror Story you need to help us write a truely chilling and disturbing tale that will freeze the blood and boil the brain. We'll start you off with a short introduction, and then it's up to you and your imaginations as to where the story goes and finish it off in a suitably macabre fashion. We want to see twists, turns, and gore. Lots of gore.
The winning dream weaver will win: A tombstone engraved by the staff member of their choice, a Habboween badge, and 5 points for their team. Five runners up will also receive a Habboween badge and 2 points for their team.

Part One
Scott and Charlene were young and in love. Like many people their age, they were too young to get married. However, as a reward for not failing their exams and ruining their future, Scott's parents had given Scott a fantastic gift, a weekend trip to the fabulous Habbo Hotel! Charlene's father had given her a can of MACE, just in case. Scott's mother gave her second favourite son a crucifix, while Charlene's mother had given her a power drill, with over a hundred different drill bits!
The trip to the Hotel was uneventful, and they arrived in the early evening. The sky was a dying electric blue, and the clouds lazed their way across the sky like really slow hovering white elephants. At the reception the concierge took their luggage and signed them in. The concierge looked weird, his teeth were the colour of beetroot, and his eyes bulged out of their sockets. He never blinked. He never looked away from the couple. His eyes stayed on them all the time, even when he turned around to find the room key.
"You will be in room 206." He said, his voice was a low whisper. The concierge leaned over the counter towards Scott, "It's a good room," He hissed, "A very good room." His voice sounded like the sick slurping sound one makes when they suck up slushed iced.
Scott moved away, the mans voice chilled him to his core, but also, he realised as he and Charlene made their way to their room, despite the concierge proximity, he didn't feel his breath upon his face.
In their room, the two of them threw their luggage onto the floor and jumped onto the bed. They lay back on the bed, and gazed up at the ceiling. Night was drawing in fast, and they were both tired... so tired in fact, they drifted aimlessly off to sleep. Scott dreamed of leading a revolution in an unnamed Libyan town.
Creeee Creeeee Creeeeee...
Scott slowly woke to the sound coming from above. What was that noise? It sounded like claws being run over sheet metal, or the sound your grandmother makes after three brandy's at christmas. Scott's grandmother sure could knock 'em back!
Creeeeee Creeeeeeee Creeeeeeee - the noise was louder now, nearer also.
Scott turned over to wake Charlene, to share this strange sound and rising delirium, but she wasn't there, she was gone... The bed was as empty as his bank account. Damn you, Madoff!
Scott sat up on the bed, as the sound got louder and louder, nearer and nearer...
"Balls." Said Scott, "I knew we should have gone to Tripoli.
"Greetings..." A voice in the darkness echoed, seemingly coming from all the corners of the room at once. "I am ChronoZomfg..."

1. Write the conclusion to this macabre tale and send it in an email addressed to [email protected] ([email protected]?subject=Horror Story) and make sure the subject line reads: Horror Story
2. The conclusion cannot be more than 300 words long.
3. Include your Habbo name, the name of your team to earn points, and which Staff member you'd like to sign your Tombstone, should you win (Neja, Kitano or Puffin).
4. The deadline for this competition is Monday November 1st at 9am EST (that's 6am in Los Angeles, 2pm in London, 9pm in Singapore, and 11pm in Sydney).
We'll be publishing the final part of this tale on Wednesday November 2nd.

- Kitano, Neja and Puffin, sharing scary stories around the Staff bonfire...

Although the mouth in the badge looks slightly blurry, I'm stll going to try and enter. It'll be nice to have a mention. :)

28-10-2011, 04:34 PM
I'm gonna enter. Not liking the badge though.

28-10-2011, 04:35 PM
Read the story so far.. I'll probably end up doing this competition! :P

28-10-2011, 04:42 PM
I'll be doing this! :)

28-10-2011, 05:20 PM
Probably won't end up entering, not very good at story writing :(
The badge looks too blurry though!

28-10-2011, 05:29 PM
I will probably enter - doubt i will win though, the badge does look a bit blurry but i still like it hopefully it will have better quality in the client :P

28-10-2011, 05:32 PM
gonna win this 1

28-10-2011, 05:35 PM
Entered! ;D

28-10-2011, 06:22 PM
I might give it a go, although I'm no good at story writing!

28-10-2011, 07:02 PM
Entered, 299 words. I feel slightly rushed! Hmm, I'm **** at writing. :(

28-10-2011, 07:26 PM
May have a go when I have time on the weekend, awful at writing though :P

28-10-2011, 10:31 PM
I might enter if I come up with an amazing idea :)

28-10-2011, 10:37 PM
Im going to enter this later today ;)

28-10-2011, 10:51 PM
I love writing but I hate finishing off others stories, Im a bit too stubborn!

The start of the story is a bit pants anyway :)

29-10-2011, 08:31 AM
Don't think ill enter this, as everyone else said the badge is too blury and I don't like it. :D

29-10-2011, 02:49 PM
im not good at making stories -.-

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