View Full Version : WTF(riday)? (The 45th Week)

11-11-2011, 07:51 PM

It's that time of week again: get your questions answered by Habbo Staff!
WTF(riday)? gives you the opportunity to get your questions answered and get to know your Hotel staff better! Shoot your queries our way (Habbo related...or not):
Who's our favorite celeb crushes?
What's our favorite foods?
What's the best recipe for making pancakes?
Etc, etc!
We cannot guarantee the answers will always be super-smart, on point and up-to-date, but we do promise to be our honest, funny and weird selves. Every friday we will pick a bunch of questions you've sent and answer those with what pops into our heads!
Those who get their questions chosen will win a prize. To keep things interesting, we'll switch the prize every week - this week those who got their question picked, have received a Studio Camera each, the kind you can hand over to a friend!

And now, on to the answers!

Questions for Kitano, Puffin and Neja:
:Rebecca. (http://www.habbo.com/home/43006026/id) asks: Are you scared of anything and why?
Kitano: When I was young I was scared of ear wigs because my grandmother told me they went into your ear and attacked your brain. "Just like television and that damned rap music!"
Puffin: This is going to sound very existential, but sometimes I worry about how tiny we are in this big, ol' universe. How one meteor can just take us all out! I also worry about bees. (I probably worry more about bees.)
Neja: Yes, I'm soooooo freaked out by stones and other large objects, if I see them underwater! Taking the boat somewhere and being the one who jumps to land with the rope from the boat is horrifying!

.-Omgz (http://www.habbo.com/home/40944489/id) asks: If you could be famous, what would you be famous for? (i.e. singer, actor, streaking, etc.)
Kitano: I would like to be a world famous writer of cheap sci-fi novels.
Puffin: If anything, I'd love to catch my fame as an author. A really, really good one!
Neja: Ooh I'd love to be a professional snowboarder! Preferably one who never falls down and hurts herself... I have some painful memories of falling down butt first on ice, when snowboarding. :D

JamesBOB,xo (http://www.habbo.com/home/31283583/id) asks: Do any of you have a creative talent? Like ability to play an instrument?
Kitano: Writing probably. Although many would disagree, especially those publishers who refuse to publish my ten book epic "Confessions Of A Sassy Slumlord". Also I can count to ten backwards!
Puffin: Nope! I do have a good ear for pitch, though.. it just doesn't come in handy ever! Well, except maybe when I watch the painful auditions at X Factor or Idol, I'd be able to say; "that person is off key!" As if it mattered ;)
Neja: I'm tone deaf, blind to reading note sheets, rhythmically a mess...but it doesn't stop me from singing Singstar-games and faking my way to the top scores! (Sorry neighbors!) :D

Questions for Kitano:
HabboVidsable (http://www.habbo.com/home/37680198/id) asks: Who is your favorite YouTube-artist? If you don't have one, what is your favorite YouTube video?
The Dear Sister parody (http://www.habbo.com/articles/Dear) from SNL.
koolio-m4tt (http://www.habbo.com/home/31241665/id) asks: What would you choose, Coke or Pepsi, and why?
Pepsi, it's sweeter, and the logo reminds me of the yin yang sign, and the blue is more smoother. I still remember the Cola Wars, so many people... gone, in the opening of a can... Those were dark days.
Unexplored (http://www.habbo.com/home/43961427/id) asks: You become a monster: what monster do you want to be?
Puffin. She's so scary.
Questions for Puffin:
=Tori (http://www.habbo.com/home/31180797/id) asks: Why is your car named Barf?
The beginning of the license plate sort of resembles "Barf" (although it's not actually those four letters), and we like it. Barf is a beloved member of our family ;)
-Mysterious (http://www.habbo.com/home/30637030/id) asks: If you came across a genie, what 3 wishes would you wish for?
1. I'd wish for endless wishes.
2. I'd wish for peace on earth
3. I'd wish for my head ache to go away..
.. and then I'd start working on all my endless wishes from there on!
rubick (http://www.habbo.com/home/30308978/id) asks: What kind of shoes do you prefer: high heels, sandals or sneakers?
Well, I PREFER sneakers or sandals (because that would mean that it's hot out), but wearing heels always gives me confidence and makes me walk taller (literally) and with a purpose (until my feet hurt so much I am more crawling along the ground.. then I don't feel so confident anymore ;)
Questions for Neja:
iChaosTheory (http://www.habbo.com/home/40849676/id) asks: Have you ever managed to complete a game of monopoly? How?
I don't like monopoly at all! One gaming evening we had with some friends, I fell asleep mid-game. They still put the dice in my hand, shook my hand and made me throw the dice...and then they moved my avatar. I didn't even lose the game, although I was asleep for the most part of it!
Legends97 (http://www.habbo.com/home/30637730/id) asks: Do you listen to Korean pop? If you do, what are your favorite bands?
Not much, but a little, I prefer J-Pop, Ayumi Hamasaki and Utada Hikaru are my faves. And Kalafina. I like Girl's Generation though! ^_^
Phreq (http://www.habbo.com/home/31251118/id) asks: We're all aware you adore gaming, but do you ever have one of those really really girly days?
I do, those days do include gaming though! Usually it's a lazy saturday, sitting at my computer playing World of Warfract, polishing my nails, eating chocolate cookies with a huge latte and watching Grey's Anatomy. Love the show... Mmmm, McDreamy!

Next week is another chance, just go ahead and post your question below!

- Kitano, Puffin and NejaWell done to all those who got their question answered :).

11-11-2011, 08:16 PM
lmao it's :rebecca.

well done to those who had their questions answered, i've given up trying lol. :P

12-11-2011, 02:26 AM
Legends97 (http://www.habbo.com/home/30637730/id)asks: Do you listen to Korean pop? If you do, what are your favorite bands?
Not much, but a little, I prefer J-Pop, Ayumi Hamasaki and Utada Hikaru are my faves. And Kalafina. I like Girl's Generation though! ^_^

glad he didnt say super junior or shinee. ayumi hamasaki is my fav!

well done to all the winners!

12-11-2011, 09:55 AM
Well done to all the winners :)

12-11-2011, 11:04 AM
Is it really worth their time typing out a question for a Studio Camera? :P Well done though.... I never do this!

12-11-2011, 01:38 PM
Is it really worth their time typing out a question for a Studio Camera? :P Well done though.... I never do this!I suppose the prize really is just having your question answered by the hotel manger(s), and the camera is an added extra :P. A WTF(riday) badge could be a good addition though, but then it's a bit late now after 45 weeks where it has taken place!

12-11-2011, 11:44 PM
Well done to all the winners! Yeah it would be good if you got a badge if your question got featured in the wtf(riday) but habbo is stingy so obviously a camera will do....

14-11-2011, 11:00 AM
well done to everyone who had there questions answers :p

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