View Full Version : Goldeneye Reloaded

17-11-2011, 11:17 AM
Anyone going to get this game? I have it on N64 & i loved it back when N64 was like the in console... The trailer looks quite good too


the graphics are obviously a massive improvement from N64 days...


Reloaded isprobably a game i'd get but not in a hurry. How about you guys?

17-11-2011, 08:33 PM
Well... Before I got my xbox goldeneye came out on the wii. and I think blood stone came out around the same time for pc, PS3, Xbox. Tbh the trailer does not look that different to the wii version. the only Improvements I could see was the graphics. So I doubt I will be getting this.

17-11-2011, 09:47 PM
All it is is a remastering of the Wii version. I wish they just left it alone, to be honest. N64 will always be the home of GoldenEye.

18-11-2011, 04:50 PM
It's crap. The real Goldeneye 64 was and is better. Nothing is more satisfying than shooting computers that explode. I much preferred running to the satellite in a huge field of snow than the new version of that episode. As a game it's 'alright', but as a remake it's rubbish.

19-11-2011, 05:14 PM
I played the one on the wii, it was a pretty impressive game for being on the Wii. i might buy it since i never completed the game. I loved goldeneye for N64 :) I always thought the Ak-47 looked like a pencil haha.

23-11-2011, 03:26 AM
I bought and completed it for the Wii and found it okay but at some points it felt very generic, like it had went down the call of duty route instead of looking at the routes.

I liked the fact as someone mentioned you could run around the snow on one level, it was much more open while as the new version you are forced to go down specific routes. It also annoyed me that if you went into some areas you couldn't go back out so if you didn't explore everything else you where screwed.

I really hope the people behind GoldenEye Source one day add single play to it as I'd love to be able to play the original on a PC. I kind of wish now I hadn't sold my N64.

01-12-2011, 06:17 PM
Doesn't look like it'l live up to N64 version still worth a buy

01-12-2011, 10:15 PM
The current generation of kids aren'tequivalentlysmart as the previous therefore the game will be toned down to cater for those.

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