View Full Version : Wrist-Slitting...

17-11-2011, 11:36 PM

Ok, so for the past few days... I've been feeling pretty 'meh' but have been feeling worse and worse continuously until I probably reached 'rock bottom' today. For the first time in 3 years? I started slitting my wrists x_X ...

The only reason I'm doing it is because I'm so annoyed with myself.. :S I suddenly 'stopped' early today and realised what a true ***** I am ;/ I constantly only see the bad qualities in people (even my friends), I'm basically a **** friend myself and I'm consistently pessimistic >;/

It's not that someone's affected me dramatically, it's the pure fact that I simply hate myself and everything about me - my body and personality are probably the major ones. I simply hate myself...

Ye, so. I've never felt this bad in 3 years (when I attempted suicide and self-harmed often) and I'm completely lost on what to do... I'll either continue self-harming or go to alcohol instead ;/

Is there anyway someone can convince that I'm not an absolute **** and should love myself? :/ (not in a romantic way tho. -_-)

17-11-2011, 11:50 PM
I'd be somewhat the same. I pretty much hate myself, I can't find oneminusculething about myself to be happy with so much to the point that I broke down and completely questioned why my girlfriend would want to be with someone like me. Saying this, I've never been depressed over it so self-harm wasn't something I ever had to deal with.

The way I try to look at it is, you have friends, family and other people who love you so you must have something going for you, they obviously don't think you're complete **** because they love you for who you are. I know that it's the first time you've self harmed in three years so it's pretty seldom but your friends and family are going to see you go back into the state of mind you were in those three years and they're going to become really worried and then you're going to be mad/upset that everyone's worried about you and get worse.

18-11-2011, 05:07 AM
I was in your situation before and last february onwards, I was out of it. Idk how. I feel better in my life now. Like there is something worth for my living.

18-11-2011, 02:24 PM
Staff should report this to the police.
Just for your own good.
I sure hope they do.
They do have your IP.

18-11-2011, 03:02 PM
I used to do that but attempting suicide is actually pretty stupid.

You have to make effort to get rid of all your self criticism. And start to think positively about yourself, and your

love inside will start to grow. Maybe look at the mirror everyday in the morning and praise yourself ?

And you have to trust yourself and let go of all the worries. Be truthful to yourself :)

18-11-2011, 03:09 PM
Staff should report this to the police.
Just for your own good.
I sure hope they do.
They do have your IP.

Did you post in the wrong thread? lol :)

Don't worry, [@]@Wazzervaldez[/@]
Be happy. Every little thing is gonna be alrightttttt

18-11-2011, 03:12 PM
Don't worry, be happy <3

Warren look at my PM when you get back and I hope it helps because I went to a lot of trouble doing that and I don't usually do feelings but you are worth itttttt XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

18-11-2011, 03:17 PM
Did you post in the wrong thread? lol :)

Don't worry, [@]@Wazzervaldez[/@]
Be happy. Every little thing is gonna be alrightttttt'

Are you posting in the wrong thread?
Somebody is cutting there wrists, they need help.

18-11-2011, 03:27 PM

Are you posting in the wrong thread?
Somebody is cutting there wrists, they need help.

How am I posting in the wrong thread?
He's not cutting his wrist now. He'll be fine and doesn't need to be reported to the police. :P

18-11-2011, 03:34 PM
He's done it in the past, recently, and might do it again, most likely he will.
I am going to report this actually. I don't wanna see anything harmful happen to anyone innocent.

18-11-2011, 03:44 PM
He's done it in the past, recently, and might do it again, most likely he will.
I am going to report this actually. I don't wanna see anything harmful happen to anyone innocent.

Go on with your 'innocence' then. Nobody's gonna stop you. What he need is comfort and constructive advice, not far fetched opinions like yours.

18-11-2011, 03:49 PM
You need to stop. It's not the way forward.

I know how you feel, I feel like that a lot of the time, and I have a lot recently, but I realised that hurting myself won't work. You just need to understand it will make everything seem so much worse, because you will eventually just beat yourself up even more for doing it.

Everyone serves a purpose on this planet and everyone has potential. Even if it may seem like it sometimes (I know it does for me) there would be so many people who would miss you if you were gone. Really, there would. People would be so sad if the slitting got out of hand and you ended your life. I would be sad if you did. The man in my avatar/signature, Kurt Cobain (you must have heard of him), he ended his life and people miss him so much. I bet he felt pretty worthless before he pulled that trigger. But it was such a waste of life and talent, and people miss him every single day.

Whenever I feel like you've described, I just turn to music, as it's my passion. I will sit there and just listen to positive music that inspires me and makes me happy. Other times I will sit at my piano and write music to express how I feel, it is so good to get things off your chest. And music and singing is the way I like to escape from the real world for a bit if I feel depressed.

I don't know if your musical or not, but listening to music that you love definitely helps. Getting things off your chest is good as well, so if you're like me then you could write songs, or maybe you're quite arty and you could paint, or if you like writing you could write poems or a story or something... You could even simply just start a diary, I've heard that helps a lot.

What you're going through is normal. So many people do the same. But the good news is that (mostly) those people make it out on the other side and go on to have great and fulfilling lives. Just get in that mindset, you will do great things if you tell yourself that you will everyday.

Smile :)

18-11-2011, 03:54 PM
Go on with your 'innocence' then. Nobody's gonna stop you. What he need is comfort and constructive advice, not far fetched opinions like yours.

Comfort, constructive advice, are great, but they are not everything a person with "Wrist-slitting" issues needs.

A child telling a qualified Psychiatrist what somebody with emotional problems needs. Smh.

18-11-2011, 04:10 PM
Comfort, constructive advice, are great, but they are not everything a person with "Wrist-slitting" issues needs.

A child telling a qualified Psychiatrist what somebody with emotional problems needs. Smh.

would a qualified psychiatrist really use the term "smh" though

why would you call the police on someone cutting their wrists as well? :S clearly you aren't such a good psychiatrist after all...

18-11-2011, 04:12 PM
Staff should report this to the police.
Just for your own good.
I sure hope they do.
They do have your IP.

Hold up lmao. He's asking for help so why would he need it from anyone else just yet.

Warren, just think about this. You need to understand that if your family and friends found out about this they'd be horrified and so worried. They'd hate to think about losing you. So many people love you and care for you, just try remembering that if you ever feel down. You're a good person, Warren. Very honest, can be funny and you give your opinion. I don't see you as rude, nor hate you. I doubt many people hate you. Chin up hun x

18-11-2011, 04:14 PM
would a qualified psychiatrist really use the term "smh" though

why would you call the police on someone cutting their wrists as well? :S clearly you aren't such a good psychiatrist after all...

Nope, Have a Degree, But am a horrible psychiatrist, i am too real.

18-11-2011, 04:23 PM
www.samaritans.org speak to somebody anonymously via email who doesn't know you, and will help you. cutting yrself does nothing, it just screams i need help and you will regret this when you grow up.

i used to cut myself when i was 13/14, and i'm 21 now and i look back and think what a douche. life isn't that bad. wait til you get older ha.

but no srsly you need to talk to someone.

18-11-2011, 04:28 PM
www.samaritans.org (http://www.samaritans.org) speak to somebody anonymously via email who doesn't know you, and will help you. cutting yrself does nothing, it just screams i need help and you will regret this when you grow up.

i used to cut myself when i was 13/14, and i'm 21 now and i look back and think what a douche. life isn't that bad. wait til you get older ha.

but no srsly you need to talk to someone.

I think I've been on that website before, helped me out. I also think the childline 1-2-1 talk or something is really good. I've used it quite a bit, they've helped me so much. :) Also, I think http://www.getthelowdown.co.uk/home.aspx is a good website, I go on it from time to time.

18-11-2011, 04:47 PM
I'd seriously suggest making an appointment with your GP and getting some counselling organised.

18-11-2011, 04:49 PM
Remember, lovies, that telling Warren he's a crazy demented freak certainly won't boost his self-esteem and definitely won't stop any self-harm he may inflict on himself. He came asking for help and this is what he gets?!

(No offense to any of the constructive and helpful comments :D)

18-11-2011, 06:20 PM
He's done it in the past, recently, and might do it again, most likely he will.
I am going to report this actually. I don't wanna see anything harmful happen to anyone innocent.

You nor the police have the justification to meddle in someones life when they are not harming others, without their consent. Also you sound about 12.

Anyway I don't think a GP is necessarily the best answer, chances are they if they do anything, they'll just shove you on drugs (my mum has some mental illness for years and she has been put on a list for counselling). You should just learn to live with it to be quite honest or get over it, and I know it isn't that easy. However people hate things about themselves all the time. And at the seeing the bad things in people, I do the same and I do hate it, but at the same time I use the criticism to aid people. You sound exactly like me except for the whole suicide thing as never have I even considered that. Life is great and if you have the chance to live it, you should. I have seen people who cannot live life to the full due to conditions. Some guy couldn't stop screaming, it was as if he was in pain but you could see there was nothing physically wrong. I have seen a child who has been in hospital since birth and a mother stand by her side. I have seen a child with mental problems (downsyndrome or something) and problems with her bones which require her to have operations constantly in order to "repair" her. So while you may hate yourself because of slight imperfections (which occur in everyone), you fail to see people are far worse off and the fact you have been gifted with chance, and what is the point in wasting it because you are yourself and healthy, capable to do what others can't.

18-11-2011, 06:33 PM
Staff should report this to the police.
Just for your own good.
I sure hope they do.
They do have your IP.

Wouldn't work, this is the Internet, half the people saying they slit are lying.

And it's not a case of 'oh I know your IP i can do something', alot of people use proxies and such to alter their IP, and even if they didn't with an IP you can't track someone to their house etc, you'd need to get the information from ISP, which would probably be denied.

18-11-2011, 07:28 PM
Remember, lovies, that telling Warren he's a crazy demented freak certainly won't boost his self-esteem and definitely won't stop any self-harm he may inflict on himself. He came asking for help and this is what he gets?!

(No offense to any of the constructive and helpful comments :D)

errrrrrr what?! ...........

i don't understand your point lol :S

18-11-2011, 07:35 PM
I think what you have had is a relapse and it's normal. I totally understand what your going through and how you must be feeling and why your turning to Self Injury. If I'm being honest the reality is that if your wanting to stop then your going to have to make the effort only YOU can control your emotions. It also helps if you start off the daypositively. If you feel that you can't control yourself and your slipping into the routine of self harming then I would speak to someone about it.

18-11-2011, 07:39 PM
Dude, if you ever need to speak to anyone about anything, any thoughts or whatever, just PM me. My girlfriend has been going through the same thing for a long time now, and i've gone through every step with her to make sure she's safe and alright. She hates herself, her body and her personality, but I don't. Not even a little bit. Hopefully this'll give you an understanding that your thoughts on yourself are just a lie that nobody else sees.

You're not alone, and as I said - if you ever need to speak about anything, then just contact me buddy. I do understand what you're going through.

18-11-2011, 10:41 PM
I think you should pick something you're good at, for example some people pick either sports or website coding. Pick something, and then praise yourself when you've completed a project or won a game.
You could also motivate yourself to do better, there is some part in your brain called fight ro flight and it's kinda like this situation. You flight from the problem and that is the slitting of your wrists. However if you motivate yourself to do better, feel better and be more happy, you'll feel happier! Even if it's a smile to a stranger etc

18-11-2011, 10:57 PM
I think it's mostly a mindset thing. There are people you'll know and you'll be like 'omg why are they so happy all the time?!' and the truth is they see a problem and come at it from a different perspective or viewpoint. So you'll be faced with a problem and you'll see the pessimistic side of it and you'll have a constant cycle of 'I can't so I won't because I can't so I won't because I can't and so on' I think an easy way to solve this is to write a list. Every time you write something bad about yourself, you have to write something good before you can write the next bad thing. People who think pessimisticly about themselves tend to think when faced with this challenge 'oh i could write 50 bad things about myself' so writing a good thing in between is a challenge that makes them think of things in a different perspective.

I hope everything goes okay for you!

19-11-2011, 01:32 AM
You nor the police have the justification to meddle in someones life when they are not harming others, without their consent. Also you sound about 12.

Anyway I don't think a GP is necessarily the best answer, chances are they if they do anything, they'll just shove you on drugs (my mum has some mental illness for years and she has been put on a list for counselling). You should just learn to live with it to be quite honest or get over it, and I know it isn't that easy. However people hate things about themselves all the time. And at the seeing the bad things in people, I do the same and I do hate it, but at the same time I use the criticism to aid people. You sound exactly like me except for the whole suicide thing as never have I even considered that. Life is great and if you have the chance to live it, you should. I have seen people who cannot live life to the full due to conditions. Some guy couldn't stop screaming, it was as if he was in pain but you could see there was nothing physically wrong. I have seen a child who has been in hospital since birth and a mother stand by her side. I have seen a child with mental problems (downsyndrome or something) and problems with her bones which require her to have operations constantly in order to "repair" her. So while you may hate yourself because of slight imperfections (which occur in everyone), you fail to see people are far worse off and the fact you have been gifted with chance, and what is the point in wasting it because you are yourself and healthy, capable to do what others can't.

Police can though.

19-11-2011, 04:30 AM
I've walked in on my sister doing the same, It's not worth it. I first slit my wrist when I was 10, I was uber-depressed. Get atherapist It helps a lot , I swear.. I just hung out with my mates, and got one, It was better almostinstantly.

19-11-2011, 10:17 AM
Police can though.
Never said they couldn't, I said it's not justified in my opinion.

19-11-2011, 10:27 AM
I don't think members arguing almost all the way through the thread helps imo - it shows lack of concern for the member. Anyway, I don't know an awful lot about it but it seems to be an extreme way of getting control of life when things get too much. Maybe there are things that make you unhappy? Why don't you like yourself? Do you try to achieve too much then you are extremely hard on yourself when you fail?
This seems to be quite a good link that explains it all quite well.
Link: http://www.mind.org.uk/help/diagnoses_and_conditions/self-harm?gclid=CJ2RgtG9wqwCFUINtAodfE1bFQ
I really think maybe you should talk to someone who is close to you but well done for admitting on here. Hopefully that has at least helped to release some of the frustration you feel.

20-11-2011, 06:36 PM
I've always wondered where the tendency to harm the wrists as opposed to another area of the body came from. I realise self harm is not contained to wrist slitting but it seems that wrist slitting has become synonymous with self harm. To be honest, I think it is attention seeking and imitation, whereas the people truly in need of help have an altogether different manifestation of symptoms and method of self harm.

What was your method of suicide last time if you don't mind me asking?

20-11-2011, 08:52 PM
-gets ready for long post-

K guys, I feel slightly better compared to that day - not a lot though (still 'cutting) , and I forgot about this thread... anyway,

[@]@Kayla[/@] , Mg, you amuse me. If you wish to report my IP Address to the police.... fine by me? I'm not actually attempting suicide, and the self-harm isn't actually killing me... it may be injuring me but not killing me. The police have no right to interfere with personal issues i.e. mine and cannot prevent people from self-harming theirselves... a study which was completed about 2 weeks ago, showed that 1 in 12 teens self harm... the police barely deal with any of those issues.

Yet again, feel free to report me... and if you have, I've seen no policemen/women yet...

[@]@Publicised &amp[/@]; [@]@McDonalds[/@] , thank you for the links - I'll look in a min. xx I like the idea of it being an anonymous email though x.

[@]@dbgtz[/@] - yeah, a GP would probably immediately jump to a conclusion that I need drugs -_- and regarding everything else in your post... just wow. I've never seen someone give me such a useful and thought-provoking piece of advice in a long time... Tysm xox

[@]@Inseriousity[/@] - the 'writing something good before something bad' sounds like a helpful idea. I'll try it... but bearing in mind I've already made a list of everything I hate about myself ;/ (quite long)

OH Also, [@]@Catzsy[/@] , thank you for your link as well :) I've taken a brief look at it (whilst writing this) and it looks quite helpful.

[@]@Wig44[/@]. I've attempted Suicide 3 times before, most recent method was hanging/asphyxiation. And no, I'm not an attention seeker - I'v tried so hard to hide these scars and have been quite lucky that no-ones noticed them on my arm (long-sleeve t-shirts)... I have p.e tomorrow though so :S

I do get your point about attention-seekers though.

And for everyone else (sorry didn't tag you all), thanks for all the useful advice... the last 4/5 days have been really horrible to me and I've gone back to some of my 'old' and 'bad' methods of retaining hatred.



Oh, and [@]brandon[/@] thanks for the advice on my profile xx

20-11-2011, 09:01 PM
Aw yay welcome back Warren thanks for replying bestbud xx

Hope you're better now anyway :D

20-11-2011, 09:09 PM

Edited by Slowpoke (Forum Moderator): Please do not post pointlessly

20-11-2011, 09:20 PM
i've always wondered (and i don't know if this is insensitive to ask considering you're asking for advice, but if it is then sorry), but what do people actually achieve from wrist-slitting? like doesn't the pain (whilst doing it and then the days after whilst the cuts heal) ever deter from slitting? or is feeling the pain part of it?

20-11-2011, 09:32 PM
i've always wondered (and i don't know if this is insensitive to ask considering you're asking for advice, but if it is then sorry), but what do people actually achieve from wrist-slitting? like doesn't the pain (whilst doing it and then the days after whilst the cuts heal) ever deter from slitting? or is feeling the pain part of it?

Well I can't say this for other people - but the reason I started slitting my wrists was because I hated myself (not other people) and because I hated every little thing about me, I took it out of myself ofc.

Slitting my wrists was a way of 'punishing' myself for being here :/ I'm not going to shout at someone because I hated myself?

Idk about others tho.

20-11-2011, 10:16 PM
I advise you to think, think about everything, over it and analyse it.

Things get to people that shouldnt because of the way their mind works, behaviours and effects come into play because of prior influence.

I advise you to understand yourself, analyse the world, sometimes theres a filter in the brain that can hide happiness, you have friends.

A famous quote:

Life is what your thoughts make it.

that quote served me well, i've never been suicidal or self harmed, but I do take it in my stride to try and understand everything, and I use to fear things, but I now see fears as silly because, life is what your thoughts make it.

I know its sometimes hard to change a way of thinking, when I was a child I use to have a voice in my mind I use to talk to, it wasn't schizophrenia, I never talked aloud to the voice, the voice was like a second opinion on subjects, I use to argue with my own being.

Argue with your own mind and sometimes thoughts can arise that complete it and make it better.

I'd also tell you to write, write in a book, you don't need to show anyone, write your thoughts, write what makes you happy, write what makes you sad and write what makes you angry, when people channel their thoughts into a visual, art, writing, music it often helps them feel calm about it, because they see it as a problem shared (is a problem solved / halved)

You are the only person who can control yourself, I probably sound mental but you need to just take control

27-11-2011, 02:36 PM
-gets ready for long post-

K guys, I feel slightly better compared to that day - not a lot though (still 'cutting) , and I forgot about this thread... anyway,

[@]@Kayla[/@] , Mg, you amuse me. If you wish to report my IP Address to the police.... fine by me? I'm not actually attempting suicide, and the self-harm isn't actually killing me... it may be injuring me but not killing me. The police have no right to interfere with personal issues i.e. mine and cannot prevent people from self-harming theirselves... a study which was completed about 2 weeks ago, showed that 1 in 12 teens self harm... the police barely deal with any of those issues.

Yet again, feel free to report me... and if you have, I've seen no policemen/women yet...

[@]@Publicised &amp[/@];amp; [@]@McDonalds[/@] , thank you for the links - I'll look in a min. xx I like the idea of it being an anonymous email though x.

[@]@dbgtz[/@] - yeah, a GP would probably immediately jump to a conclusion that I need drugs -_- and regarding everything else in your post... just wow. I've never seen someone give me such a useful and thought-provoking piece of advice in a long time... Tysm xox

[@]@Inseriousity - the 'writing something good before something bad' sounds like a helpful idea. I'll try it... but bearing in mind I've already made a list of everything I hate about myself [/@];/ (quite long)

OH Also, [@]@Catzsy[/@] , thank you for your link as well :) I've taken a brief look at it (whilst writing this) and it looks quite helpful.

[@]@Wig44[/@]. I've attempted Suicide 3 times before, most recent method was hanging/asphyxiation. And no, I'm not

I don't mean to be rude, but I'm pretty sure you don't want to die and you're unwilling to let yourself see that yet. I'm willing to bet you've tried to overdose before (possibly not though). I only think this because people who are crying out for help more than anything are likely to try less 'permanent' methods of suicide (like an overdose, or injuring themselves so they bleed out) OR are likely to fail when they try more permanent methods (like a gun, jumping off a cliff, exhaust fumes, hanging) and obviously because you're here and posting after trying to hang yourself.

Trust me, there is a difference between an attention seeking extrovert and self loathing attention seeker. If I was you I'd take heart in the knowledge that you don't really want yourself dead (as definitely appears to be the case) and build from that. Instead of using self harm as a release, find a different form of release (not narcotics). I'm pretty sure it was you who said you were asexual? Asexuality in men with no detectable lack of testosterone is just self repression. Are you confident in your sexuality, are you scared of rejection, are you bitter at women (assuming you are straight here)?

All these things are linked, see a CBT.

27-11-2011, 03:13 PM

Read it and take in it's message. Hope everything will work out okay for you!

27-11-2011, 03:55 PM
I've always wondered where the tendency to harm the wrists as opposed to another area of the body came from. I realise self harm is not contained to wrist slitting but it seems that wrist slitting has become synonymous with self harm. To be honest, I think it is attention seeking and imitation, whereas the people truly in need of help have an altogether different manifestation of symptoms and method of self harm.

What was your method of suicide last time if you don't mind me asking?

i've always wondered (and i don't know if this is insensitive to ask considering you're asking for advice, but if it is then sorry), but what do people actually achieve from wrist-slitting? like doesn't the pain (whilst doing it and then the days after whilst the cuts heal) ever deter from slitting? or is feeling the pain part of it?
i've always wondered the same thing. people say it takes away emotional pain and they feel a sense of relief but i'm not so sure. it's imitation like wig44 said, at school everyone did it but never near the veins or where it would hurt. i know of one person who did it so close and deep that she had to go to hospital and surprise, surprise she never tried that again. i mean, it's not a built in thing that you have in your mind to do when you want to relieve yourself from pain, it's just what you see others do whether in school or tv etc. it never ever made me feel better about myself, i have a permanent mark where i'd go over and over the same spot and i'm ashamed to look at it because i know it was a stupid, childish, attention seeking thing.

it's not a bad thing to want help or attention but there are better ways to do it such as talking to someone privately or putting all your emotion and energy in to something else. like someone suggested find something you enjoy, try exercising, do things for other people rather than sitting feeling sorry for yourself. think of the future and starting changing everything now.

what i find with people who truly want to commit suicide - they just do it. they make up their mind and nothing stops that. if you tell people you're thinking of it or ask for help then you want them to help you, you don't want to die. almost everyone i know that has committed suicide or has seriously tried to have been shocking because you never expect it. you will get over it, your situation is only temporary. it's probably not that bad. look at your life and be grateful. hate the way you are? change it. yes, it's that easy.

i have to agree with others; you're probably attention seeking. "Is there anyway someone can convince that I'm not an absolute **** and should love myself? :/ (not in a romantic way tho. -_-)" get a grip. suicide is serious and not something to use so lightly just to get someone to boost your ego. go do something worthy of praise instead but don't expect gratitude. i have absolutely no patience for attention seekers who do this at all, i almost lost my best friend to suicide and i think about suicide every day - some days more than others but i would never do it. i'm too much of a coward and know i can do better. i don't think you truly know what it feels like to have hit rock bottom. if you think hating yourself is a good enough reason to commit suicide then you will never get through life. change yourself, change your attitude. i'm sorry if this is harsh but get real, life isn't going to be easy but you can change the way you see it and try to at least make life better for other people. if it's really that bad (which i don't believe or you'd just do it) then please go speak to someone but if you can't help yourself, no-one can.

27-11-2011, 06:06 PM
I think often the 'teenage mindset' of being a victim makes it worse, so if you are feeling down (as all human beings often do) with this culture we have around 'youth', many start feeling sorry for themselves and its a self-defeating cycle. I think thats perhaps why we never had this strange culture only a few decades ago, whereas now many teenagers feel they are the most trodden-on group ever to exist.

It certainly doesn't help when teenagers are all treated like glass in that they are going to break any moment.

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