View Full Version : Notch Vs Yogscast

21-11-2011, 10:33 PM

Warning: Long Post!
So, with this ****storm of Notch vs. Yogscast, I thought I would weigh in my own opinion on it, such that it is.
I'm not sure that an "f-bomb" is the sole reason for Notch wanting to not work with them anymore.
Yogscast was invited as a special guest to MineCon and was even given their own panel. What I assumed, and what I believed that Mojang assumed when they invited them to a panel, was that they would speak for an hour (hour and a half?) about their Youtube videos, podcasts and the like. They would talk about their experiences, making videos, how they got so popular, etc. Instead, what we seemed to get was an hour of them showing videos of popular builds done using Minecraft. A whole team was up on stage and it seemed only Simon/Lewis spoke.
In addition, the entire team acted like a group of self-entitled *****s the entire weekend. I worked as one of the volunteer staff that weekend and they demanded to be let in to the Scrolls/Cobalt play test area before the rest of the crowd was. We allowed them to enter for 5 minutes, as we were trying to keep to a schedule, but they created a big stink when they were asked to leave so the people who paid good money to come to MineCon could play the games too. They acted like they were the Kings of Minecraft simply because they are minor celebrities in the Youtube world.
Adding on to that, they offered to sign things for fans, in the same vein as Mojang did on Friday night. Mojang was highly classy. They talked to fans, signed whatever they wanted, and all of them, despite being exhausted, were always friendly to whatever fan wanted a word with them, even if it was just to send them away. They even signed more for the ones that were cut off in line Friday night on Saturday. Yogscast, on the other hand, passed out tickets to people who wanted an autograph during their own panel! When fans complained that they couldn't get an autograph, their response was along the lines of, "True fans would have skipped the panel to get the autograph."
Finally, on a more personal experience. My friends and I entered the main hall right after the Yogscast panel to get good seats for the closing ceremony. The Styrofoam sign that said "Yogscast" that was slapped over the "Activate Minecraft" sign on the lever on stage during their panel was being removed by the stage manager after their panel, presumably to be thrown away. My friend wanted the sign as a keepsake from MineCon, and the sign was given to her. After the closing ceremony, one of their members hunted us down to get back this sign. She used to be a huge Yogscast fan, but this experience has soured her.
In Short: The Yogscast team didn't appreciate the gesture that was given to them to be invited as a special panel to MineCon and they treated it with almost indifference. They acted like it was Mojang that should be appreciative of them gracing MineCon with their presence.
Notch may have blamed the fallout between Mojang and Yogscast on an "f-bomb" in front of kids, but I think it was more than just that. I think that Yogscast wasn't what they were hoping they would be. Mojang should probably have reviewed what Yogscast was going to be like more than they did, but MineCon had many issues like that. It wasn't perfect, and it was a bit sloppy, but I don't think Mojang should suffer all the blame for issues with Yogscast.
Just my two cents.
EDIT: For those of you who want proof, the only proof I have is my staff shirt. I can take a photo of it when I get home.



21-11-2011, 10:50 PM
If what Notch is saying is true then I can see why he was a bit mad at them and tweeted the first thing about not working with them in the future. Which is a great shame and they should know better. But we will also hear Yogscast version of the story once they are back in the UK.

21-11-2011, 11:04 PM
Never heard of Yogscast but just looked at their first video about surviving the night etc and if they've only been doing videos since then I can't see how they can claim to be the reason Minecraft is so popular lol

21-11-2011, 11:08 PM

I bet most of what Notch is saying is just slander, based on false accusations and rumours. To call Simon and Lewis conceited and egotiscal is just preposterous. They're constantly thanking the fans and acknowledging that without them they really wouldn't be anywhere. Not to mention, they're British. I wonder just how much of this is usual British banter taken out of context.

Never heard of Yogscast but just looked at their first video about surviving the night etc and if they've only been doing videos since then I can't see how they can claim to be the reason Minecraft is so popular lol

Can't believe you've not heard of the Yogscast lol. Basically, they created a huge series-esque adventure through Minecraft, it took off and became super, super, super popular. In about two weeks they'll be the most subscribed UK channel on YouTube and their Minecraft video repertoire is absolutely huge - http://www.youtube.com/show?p=M-_uPjfjVzc&tracker=show6

You won't understand from just watching the first video. This will probably give you more of an idea of what they do.


I know everything about Minecraft and I have never even played the game. It's all from watching the Yogscast. If I were to buy the game, it would be because of them. I think it's fair to claim they're one of the reasons Minecraft took off. Notch even thanked them for the publicity in an interview they did with him a couple of days back.

21-11-2011, 11:26 PM
I find it incredibly dull to watch other people playing games, especially people I don't know, so guess that's why I've never come across them. Also thanking your fans in videos is completely different to actually giving a damn about them, which the report from the person working at the convention seems to show them quite explicitly not doing

21-11-2011, 11:31 PM
I find it incredibly dull to watch other people playing games, especially people I don't know, so guess that's why I've never come across them. Also thanking your fans in videos is completely different to actually giving a damn about them, which the report from the person working at the convention seems to show them quite explicitly not doing

False accusations and rumours.


21-11-2011, 11:34 PM
False accusations and rumours.


Either side could be telling lies. Unless you were there then you wouldn't really know for sure but I am interested into see what Yogscast will be saying about it all. As I do actually like their videos and stuff.

21-11-2011, 11:41 PM
Either side could be telling lies. Unless you were there then you wouldn't really know for sure but I am interested into see what Yogscast will be saying about it all. As I do actually like their videos and stuff.

The second guy quite clearly (and reasonably) cleared up everything the first guy said. I'd rather take the word of someone who was actually around the Yogscast and knows what happened over a bystander.

21-11-2011, 11:55 PM
Did notch really think they would of meant it by the autograph **** you thing lol

They're at minecon, the minecraft convention, they're hardly gonna say that and mean it and that's if they even did say it

maybe their humour can seem abit insulting but still it's not like they went to gatecrash the party

22-11-2011, 12:03 AM
Precisely. I guess the world still isn't ready for British humour. Also, to add to what you said Tom, they don't thank their fans in videos. They actually paid to go to Minecon.

Thought this might be of interest, as well.


22-11-2011, 12:27 AM
I honestly think Notch just got the wrong end of the stick, but I don't think he had the right to publicise it on twitter when the Yogscast guys were on a plane and unable to put up their side of the story. If you've watched any of their videos, you'd know they swear a lot, and I can really imagine Simon (especially) or Lewis suggesting that they cross out Notch's signature and right '**** you' next to it, in glorious British humour. Like Neversoft said, the world isn't ready for British humour, which is a shame when it's sparked this huge debate over something which is probably nothing.
For the record also, Yogscast might not be THE reason that Minecraft is popular, but with each Shadow Of Israphel hitting well over a million views on every episode, even before it was SoI, I can only imagine how many people they've introduced to Minecraft

22-11-2011, 01:33 AM
tbh I didn't like the tweets in the op that notch tweeted. If he had a problem with them then you don't go tweeting calling them ***** or whatever because it doesn't really look very professional imo

22-11-2011, 01:01 PM
I doubt it's just British humour, considering they do the sort of humour you speak of all around the world. Vulgar sarcasm has it's places, this probably wasn't one of those places

22-11-2011, 09:30 PM
Never thought yogscast would be like this (If true)

22-11-2011, 09:38 PM
Never thought yogscast would be like this (If true)


Also, love how Notch is suddenly being apologetic and trying to put it all behind him now on twitter.

22-11-2011, 09:45 PM
Wow you know who Athene is? hes done me a personal video :P

22-11-2011, 09:52 PM
Everyone knows who Athene is. Best gamer in the world. :dance:

Some more spot-on bed time reading from TotalBiscuit on the matter - http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/mkjci/hate_insults_and_threats_are_flooding_in_from/c31oib6

I also find it a bit strange for Notch to get so offended at the Yogscast simply for swearing in front of a child. If the child is asking the Yogscast for an autograph, the child has seen their videos, knows what to expect and has heard it all before.

Glad TB noted the Yogscast's charity work as well. I actually forgot about that. They raised thousands for charity a few months ago if I remember correctly. Yeah, Notch. They're well up there on their isolated island of egos. Not respecting or caring about anyone at all.

22-11-2011, 09:57 PM
Everyone knows who Athene is. Best gamer in the world. :dance:

Some more spot-on bed time reading from TotalBiscuit on the matter - http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/mkjci/hate_insults_and_threats_are_flooding_in_from/c31oib6

Doubtful not many on here knows who he is, or what TTTT is :P

I now see you as cool :) and thats very good because your the only person on the forum that i see like that.

22-11-2011, 11:32 PM
They posted on their Facebook earlier that they're now back, but Simon's a bit ill so they're going to wait till everyone is ok and coherent before making a video. Notch aplogised for 'airing dirty laundry' but it seems a bit later after all the **** he's said about them, the damage is done

22-11-2011, 11:53 PM
They posted on their Facebook earlier that they're now back, but Simon's a bit ill so they're going to wait till everyone is ok and coherent before making a video. Notch aplogised for 'airing dirty laundry' but it seems a bit later after all the **** he's said about them, the damage is done

I agree. Should be interesting how this eventually pans out

23-11-2011, 01:27 AM
"They acted like they were the Kings of Minecraft simply because they are minor celebrities in the Youtube world."

Who, what, why? Never heard of them. They sound like a bunch of narcisstic ninnies who got their fame from making boring videos for the unimaginative fans who grace their videos with their presence (and hits and likes)...

23-11-2011, 06:25 AM
"They acted like they were the Kings of Minecraft simply because they are minor celebrities in the Youtube world."

Who, what, why? Never heard of them. They sound like a bunch of narcisstic ninnies who got their fame from making boring videos for the unimaginative fans who grace their videos with their presence (and hits and likes)...

There's nothing boring about Yogscast videos, and to call them boring without even knowing who they are is plain ignorance

23-11-2011, 01:29 PM
Doubtful not many on here knows who he is, or what TTTT is :P

I now see you as cool :) and thats very good because your the only person on the forum that i see like that.

I'm honoured. :8

"They acted like they were the Kings of Minecraft simply because they are minor celebrities in the Youtube world."

Who, what, why? Never heard of them. They sound like a bunch of narcisstic ninnies who got their fame from making boring videos for the unimaginative fans who grace their videos with their presence (and hits and likes)...There's nothing boring about Yogscast videos, and to call them boring without even knowing who they are is plain ignorance

Yes. Unfortunately, for the first time in the history of the forum, I have to disagree with you, Gomme.

I think TB summed it up quite well.

"They are certainly the biggest driving force behind Minecraft at present, you only need to look at the view count. After Seananners stopped doing Minecraft content, Yogscast became a massive source of free promotion for the game. Their videos hit the frontpage of Youtube every day, showing Minecraft off on the second largest search engine in the world time after time. I'm not sure Notch fully grasps just how much that many views on Youtube can do for your product. To give another example, the Magicka developers told me that they attribute the majority of their sales to WTF is Magicka and The Yogscast and TotalBiscuit play Magicka. This would make sense, if you look at the views on those videos, they are massive. For an indie company, Youtube and word of mouth are the two biggest forms of free marketing available and guess what generates word of mouth? Well how about literally over a million people watching and talking about Yogscast Minecraft videos? If anything, Notch does actually sound a little ungrateful here which is a rather flabbergasting attitude from an indie dev and one I've never seen before (those who don't know, my main source of income is my WTF is series which hilights indie games, it's fairly well viewed and I've had nothing but gratitude from devs whose games I've promoted). I suppose when you get as big and as wealthy as Notch, the attitude can change."

23-11-2011, 01:32 PM
I'd rather watch Swifty or Athene... no even worse!



23-11-2011, 10:14 PM
Yes. Unfortunately, for the first time in the history of the forum, I have to disagree with you, Gomme.

I think TB summed it up quite well.

"They are certainly the biggest driving force behind Minecraft at present, you only need to look at the view count. After Seananners stopped doing Minecraft content, Yogscast became a massive source of free promotion for the game. Their videos hit the frontpage of Youtube every day, showing Minecraft off on the second largest search engine in the world time after time. I'm not sure Notch fully grasps just how much that many views on Youtube can do for your product. To give another example, the Magicka developers told me that they attribute the majority of their sales to WTF is Magicka and The Yogscast and TotalBiscuit play Magicka. This would make sense, if you look at the views on those videos, they are massive. For an indie company, Youtube and word of mouth are the two biggest forms of free marketing available and guess what generates word of mouth? Well how about literally over a million people watching and talking about Yogscast Minecraft videos? If anything, Notch does actually sound a little ungrateful here which is a rather flabbergasting attitude from an indie dev and one I've never seen before (those who don't know, my main source of income is my WTF is series which hilights indie games, it's fairly well viewed and I've had nothing but gratitude from devs whose games I've promoted). I suppose when you get as big and as wealthy as Notch, the attitude can change."
People always go on about Seananners' videos being more popular than Yogscast, but as soon as all his 12 year old subs started moaning about there not being enough COD on his channel, he stopped doing his Minecraft videos. At least Yogscast has been consistent over the years

23-11-2011, 10:52 PM
So people don't play Minecraft and realise their inner-creativity? Instead, they prefer to watch other people play the game? I'm deeply confused by why these people are 'famous'. After watching one video I started getting cravings for a mid-afternoon nap - though to be fair the video entitled "Minecraft - Part 1: How to Survive the First Night" was being narrated by someone with such a dull voice that was designed purely to read stories on tape to put children, the elderly and everybody else to sleep.

Kudos to them for somehow gaining popularity by posting videos that underline how to play the game, but it's not for me. I'm with FlyingJesus on this one.

23-11-2011, 11:35 PM
Of course you would be deeply confused, because you and Tom are completely misunderstanding what they do. They don't 'underline how to play the game', they've crafted a huge interactive adventure series out of Minecraft -- something which sets them apart out of every other 'gamer' on YouTube. It's also something which is impossible to grasp after watching one single video of theirs, let alone the first video which is not very representative of their work.

A huge chunk of their audience do play Minecraft, but yes, a lot do prefer just to watch them. The appeal isn't exactly watching them 'play' the game, it's more like watching a television series or an extremely well-planned, visual role-play. They're not about 'playing' the game at all, I would find that incredibly boring, they're all about the entertainment.

Juding someone on their voice is a bit of a shallow thing to do. There's more to them than that, and obviously you won't grasp much of their personality from one video. Personally, I have to say, Simon and Lewis are two extremely colourful characters. They have such a brilliant friendship dynamic, which makes their videos so much more interesting and entertaining to watch, as opposed to all the single person channels and those without anyone else to really compliment them. Plus they're British. Their sense of humour is absolutely gold. After getting into their videos, it becomes so apparent why they're as popular as they are.

23-11-2011, 11:52 PM
I'd have to make sure to watch some of their other work then ;) That one immediately comes up and is pretty boring if you know how to play the game. His voice isn't very useful, it's nice but does make you tired when watching.

23-11-2011, 11:56 PM
Their official statement is OOOUUT. On reddit since someone DDOS'd their forums.


We’re sure many of you have seen or heard about Notch’s post-Minecon tweets, which were not what we expected to see when we got off the plane from Minecon – we’ve had a sleep now and recovered a bit, so this is our response:

We are very disappointed by these tweets from someone we admire and respect. We can understand that it was the morning after the deadmau5 party and Notch was very tired, but we are still fairly upset. The quotes and actions that Notch attributed to us were not said by us or published anywhere by us. Therefore we are surprised and confused about where this stuff has come from - especially since the only time we spoke to Notch was at the interview.

Regarding dropping f-bombs at the show - we apologise for this, but had rehearsed the whole show in front of the organisers and half of Mojang and they had approved it. We were given no guidelines or oversight in the weeks leading up to Minecon and there were ample opportunities at the rehearsal for Mojang to inform us of problems, such as being careful about swearing, which is pretty common in our youtube videos.

Out of all the tweets that Notch sent out, most hurtful was the accusation that we told a kid to “**** off” and crossed out another signature – which is something we would never ever do.

We loved spending time with fans and were overwhelmed by how many people were there to support us and give us gifts. Simon has enough Jaffas to last him until the middle of 2012. The problem was that Minecon is a new show and organisation was pretty bad, and when we came to the scheduled signing sessions, nothing had been set up for us and we had to scrabble around to fetch tables, ropes and pens ourselves. With some younger kids around, it was our priority to make sure everything was safe, as we have seen injuries in the past.

This lack of organization contributed to long and confused lines and we were heartbroken to have to turn away so many people when we ran out of time. Simon can only handle a certain amount of time between cups of coffee and nicotine tablets before collapsing, but we made a real effort to get out there and managed to do about six hours of signing. Although we were frustrated, we would never have treated fans in the way that Notch suggested we did.

We were also unhappy and surprised that a week before Minecon, Mojang informed us that they had sold the rights to livestream our show and content to IGN – they hadn’t asked us, they hadn’t spoken to us – they just sold it. Because of this, we nearly cancelled the trip, but decided to say “balls to it” and come anyway, because we felt we owed it to the fans. Hannah actually spoke with IGN directly earlier, and they agreed to take their video down and let us put the videos up on our channel, so a big thanks to them for that.

We were not paid, and never demanded to be paid. We asked for some support, and Mojang said they could offer us two hotel rooms for the duration of the stay and a small boardroom to rest in. We spent a huge amount of money on flights, rooms, food and equipment for the 10 people that we brought along to support us, act as security, make videos/posts and generally help out. We also gave away 100 special t-shirts for free.

The reason we came to Minecon is because we wanted to thank you guys and meet the community that we love and are a part of. We couldn’t have gotten to where we are now without you guys, and so we decided to eat the costs of attending and just have fun. This is why we spent our panel giving a voice to loads of talented people that couldn’t attend but have made Minecraft what it is today.

We’re not gonna stop making videos, not going to stop loving you guys, and hopefully we’ll see you at more gaming conventions in the future.

Lewis & Simon & Hannah

Well, there ya go. Notch is a moron who will believe anything if he is 'tired'.

24-11-2011, 12:16 AM
Well now that they have posted their side, hopefully the two can discuss and wash their dirty laundry in private. F-bombing is naughty though, considering there were children at the event. You wouldn't get that language at a Disney convention where children are present :P

Hopefully it is just a misunderstanding. Both Notch and the people at Yogscast have colourful personalities which seemed to of clashed at this convention, and it is a bit unprofessional to voice your disagreements when it should be between you and your guests. I guess that's the problem inviting people who make YouTube videos and are popular in that community to an official event. The event is about the product and the company, and of course the community but when you get popular members of the community involved you get a lovely mess of personas and egos :P

The video is a good response though (it was added after your post): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HddMANh3Xis

The only thing really is to leave it in the past and hope there is no bad blood.

24-11-2011, 07:32 AM
**** happens, move on and get on with it to be honest :P

24-11-2011, 09:18 AM
I'd have to make sure to watch some of their other work then That one immediately comes up and is pretty boring if you know how to play the game. His voice isn't very useful, it's nice but does make you tired when watching.
Their mod spotlights and all that are alright, but where they excel is their adventure series. It does start as a normal playthrough, but then it gets into the main story which they have no control over. The whole world and situations are built around them, with their 'crew' literally only telling Simon and Lewis where to go and where not too. It's more about their reactions and their general conversation along the way, and less about watching two guys play Minecraft.
I knew they were in the right, there's no way any of them would tell a kid to **** off or act like *********. I'm glad they responsed so maturely when Notch was so quick to act like a child throwing his toys out of his pram. Well played by them I say

24-11-2011, 04:25 PM
Notch tweeted an hour ago the following:

Hey, [@]@yogscast[/@]! I'm sorry about being a ****.

24-11-2011, 07:12 PM
"I have not lied."

"I assume neither party is intentionally lying. I'm not, at least."

"Yes you did. APOLOGIZE."
"I did not."

"Do you at least admit it might be a huge misunderstanding of hearsay?"
"Yes. I assume it it."

"It's likely the entire Yogscast scenario is just stress related misunderstanding. I apologize for bringing it online before talking to them."

"Stress misunderstanding? Dude, you outright ******* *lied* about what they said. Don't you dare pull that **."
"I did not lie."

And then finally...

"Hey, [@]@yogscast[/@]! I'm sorry about being a ****."

"Woah woah woah! They swore at kids!"
"Sure, but what I did wasn't nice."

Oh, wait. Notch still thinks they swore at kids. This guy is so frickin' stubborn.

24-11-2011, 09:33 PM
Notch is a *******

24-11-2011, 09:45 PM
Notch is a *******

No he isn't a *******. He is human after all and we all make mistakes and we can at times come out with the wrong things.

25-11-2011, 08:49 PM
No he isn't a *******. He is human after all and we all make mistakes and we can at times come out with the wrong things.

No, he is pretty much a *******. He completely slated the Yogscast, then his 'caring' fans went and DDoS'd their website. Then after the Yogscast put out their statement, he was still adamant he hadn't lied. Then after everyone started hating him, he finally went and tweeted an 'apology', but still believes they swore at kids.

The Yogscast on the other hand... after Notch tore them apart, they didn't once lower themselves to his level. They remained calm, didn't say anything until they were back home and did everything in such a professional manner. Unlike Notch who goes around believing rumours, tweeting **** about people, then blaming it on being tired. Plus every topic involving the incident or slating Notch was locked and dealt with on the Yogscast forums by their staff. However, not one single thing was done on the official Minecraft forums, where people were tearing apart the Yogscast left, right and center. Shows who the decent people really are in all this.

Notch owes the Yogscast so much more than a single tweet saying 'sorry for being a ****'. They actually paid to get themselves and all their crew to America so they could attend Minecon, and Notch repays them by dragging their reputation into the dirt. Because of him, not only did they receive endless hate for about three days for something they hadn't even done, but their videos received thousands of dislikes over Notch's allegations, which must affect the money they get. They had a 20-something hour flight straight after all this emerged too, which must have been stressful enough already. Oh and on the way to the airport people started following Simon, Lewis and Hannah and shouted abuse at them because of Notch's slander.

I'm glad this is all cleared up and over, but really, Notch is a *******.

Come to think of it, has Notch actually taken full responsibility yet? He best be writing some public statement. Unfortunately, I highly doubt he is. He started it, seems like he has no intention of ending it properly. Can't believe the Yogscast forgave him so easily. Really shows how genuinely decent and kind they are.

25-11-2011, 09:06 PM
No, he is pretty much a *******. He completely slated the Yogscast, then his 'caring' fans went and DDoS'd their website. Then after the Yogscast put out their statement, he was still adamant he hadn't lied. Then after everyone started hating him, he finally went and tweeted an 'apology', but still believes they swore at kids.

The Yogscast on the other hand... after Notch tore them apart, they didn't once lower themselves to his level. They remained calm, didn't say anything until they were back home and did everything in such a professional manner. Unlike Notch who goes around believing rumours, tweeting **** about people, then blaming it on being tired. Plus every topic involving the incident or slating Notch was locked and dealt with on the Yogscast forums by their staff. However, not one single thing was done on the official Minecraft forums, where people were tearing apart the Yogscast left, right and center. Shows who the decent people really are in all this.

Notch owes the Yogscast so much more than a single tweet saying 'sorry for being a ****'. They actually paid to get themselves and all their crew to America so they could attend Minecon, and Notch repays them by dragging their reputation into the dirt. Because of him, not only did they receive endless hate for about three days for something they hadn't even done, but their videos received thousands of dislikes over Notch's allegations, which must affect the money they get. They had a 20-something hour flight straight after all this emerged too, which must have been stressful enough already. Oh and on the way to the airport people started following Simon, Lewis and Hannah and shouted abuse at them because of Notch's slander.

I'm glad this is all cleared up and over, but really, Notch is a *******.

Come to think of it, has Notch actually taken full responsibility yet? He best be writing some public statement. Unfortunately, I highly doubt he is. He started it, seems like he has no intention of ending it properly. Can't believe the Yogscast forgave him so easily. Really shows how genuinely decent and kind they are.

He isn't a *******. If you play minecraft, then I suggest you get rid of it because without notch there wouldn't be minecraft. Yogcast is a great youtube channel but they really did not make minecraft community, a lot of people took part in that.

People need to get over this "argument" between them and move on and carry on nothing has ever happened. I'm sure that is what Yogcast and Notch want for sure. In regards of the minecraft forums, they may be classed as "Official" but it is not owned by Notch or Mojang in whatever connection what so ever.

In terms of people attacking Yogcast's website, yeah that is annoying but it's not like Notch asked them to. That because of a bunch of idiots thinking they are cool in doing so. I hardly doubt Notch agrees with people like that.

They actually paid to get themselves and all their crew to America so they could attend Minecon,

You make it sound like they are the only ones who paid. A lot of people paid to get themselves there, shouldn't be any different for Yogscast.

25-11-2011, 09:16 PM
Get over it, seriously. People like you and everyone else are just carrying it on for no reason what so ever. Notch and Yogcast have probably got over it themselves, EVERYONE makes mistakes.

In regards of the "Official Minecraft Forums", yes but the forum isn't owned by Mojang.

Oh pleeeease. My post was no different to your reply to samsaBEAR. I'm not carrying anything on, just pointing out to Notchfags that he is indeed a *******. Seems like you don't want to accept something so valid and clear cut, however, and thus reply with the usual "get over it" as if you're the will of God and no one is allowed to talk about this incident now Notch has issue a half-arsed apology. Give me a break.

Oh, nice edit bro. I'll be with you in a moment.

In regards of the minecraft forums, they may be classed as "Official" but it is not owned by Notch or Mojang in whatever connection what so ever.

Doesn't matter. The Yogscast staff sorted everything without instruction, the staff at the Minecraft forums -- if they were any decent -- would have done the same.

In terms of people attacking Yogcast's website, yeah that is annoying but it's not like Notch asked them to.

It's irrelevant whether Notch asked them to or not. It's his fault it happened and he should take responsibility.

You make it sound like they are the only ones who paid. A lot of people paid to get themselves there, shouldn't be any different for Yogscast.

I don't understand? My point is the Yogscast paid thousands of dollars to attend Notch's convention, but instead of displaying gratitude -- as any decent human would -- he resents them.

25-11-2011, 09:27 PM
Doesn't matter. The Yogscast staff sorted everything without instruction, the staff at the Minecraft forums -- if they were any decent -- would have done the same.

Don't blame Notch for that, blame the people who moderate the actual forums.

It's irrelevant whether Notch asked them to or not. It's his fault it happened and he should take responsibility.

No he shouldn't.

I don't understand? My point is the Yogscast paid thousands of dollars to attend Notch's convention, but instead of displaying gratitude -- as any decent human would -- he resents them.

They got thanks throughout Minecon.

25-11-2011, 09:33 PM
Don't blame Notch for that, blame the people who moderate the actual forums.

Yes, that's what I did. Hence why I said "Shows who the decent people really are in all this." Perhaps that would have been better situated in my third paragraph. I apologise.

No he shouldn't.

Why is that? Because of what he said, the Yogscast website was taken down and Simon, Lewis and Hannah were subject to hate and abuse, both in real life and on the internet. Notch's words caused all this, so he should take responsibility. Anyone can see that.

They got thanks throughout Minecon.

Not from Notch. The only time they saw him was during the interview.

25-11-2011, 09:36 PM
Yes, that's what I did. Hence why I said "Shows who the decent people really are in all this." Perhaps that would have been better situated in my third paragraph. I apologise.

Why is that? Because of what he said, the Yogscast website was taken down and Simon, Lewis and Hannah were subject to hate and abuse, both in real life and on the internet. Notch's words caused all this, so he should take responsibility. Anyone can see that.

Not from Notch. The only time they saw him was during the interview.

Notch got abuse also when he said it was yogscast. So really, both got abuse and due to the people in this world people will just throw hate and insults towards anyone without actually thinking. None of them should of got abuse at all. Let's just put the whole thing behind us like they would want.

25-11-2011, 09:39 PM
Their mod spotlights and all that are alright, but where they excel is their adventure series. It does start as a normal playthrough, but then it gets into the main story which they have no control over. The whole world and situations are built around them, with their 'crew' literally only telling Simon and Lewis where to go and where not too. It's more about their reactions and their general conversation along the way, and less about watching two guys play Minecraft.
I knew they were in the right, there's no way any of them would tell a kid to **** off or act like *********. I'm glad they responsed so maturely when Notch was so quick to act like a child throwing his toys out of his pram. Well played by them I say
I have to say, after watching the one based on Portal it was quite funny :P

They're interesting individuals, but I'm not entirely bought by the idea they "made Minecraft what it is today", as some have mentioned.

25-11-2011, 09:39 PM
Notch got abuse also when he said it was yogscast. So really, both got abuse and due to the people in this world people will just throw hate and insults towards anyone without actually thinking. None of them should of got abuse at all. Let's just put the whole thing behind us like they would want.

I'm all for putting it behind us, but you're completely missing my point. If Notch hadn't said anything in the first place, no one would be subject to abuse. It is clearly Notch's fault and for that he deserves what he got, unlike the Yogscast who were completely innocent in this. But what's done is done.

25-11-2011, 09:41 PM
I'm all for putting it behind us, but you're completely missing my point. If Notch hadn't said anything in the first place, no one would be subject to abuse. It is clearly Notch's fault and for that he deserves what he got, unlike the Yogscast who were completely innocent in this. But what's done is done.

This would happen between any one who has a large amount of people who are classed as "fans". But both parties are good people, regardless of what went on.

25-11-2011, 09:44 PM
Oh, wait. Notch still thinks they swore at kids. This guy is so frickin' stubborn.
Err, did they not admit this?

"Regarding dropping f-bombs at the show - we apologise for this, but had rehearsed the whole show in front of the organisers and half of Mojang and they had approved it. We were given no guidelines or oversight in the weeks leading up to Minecon and there were ample opportunities at the rehearsal for Mojang to inform us of problems, such as being careful about swearing, which is pretty common in our youtube videos."

I think we're all being a bit too wound up by all this. At the end of the day, Notch and Mojang made Minecraft and Yogscast would be no where without them. I think resorting to calling Notch a ******* is a bit too much. As Matt said, "**** happens and move along". They admitted to swearing in their side of the story, which you posted :P

25-11-2011, 10:28 PM
Err, did they not admit this?

"Regarding dropping f-bombs at the show - we apologise for this, but had rehearsed the whole show in front of the organisers and half of Mojang and they had approved it. We were given no guidelines or oversight in the weeks leading up to Minecon and there were ample opportunities at the rehearsal for Mojang to inform us of problems, such as being careful about swearing, which is pretty common in our youtube videos."

I think we're all being a bit too wound up by all this. At the end of the day, Notch and Mojang made Minecraft and Yogscast would be no where without them. I think resorting to calling Notch a ******* is a bit too much. As Matt said, "**** happens and move along". They admitted to swearing in their side of the story, which you posted :P

That's referring to a pre-recorded video they showed during the panel. The guys never swore while up on stage, let alone at children.

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