View Full Version : I'm going back to PC and I need to do it properly.

30-11-2011, 05:01 PM
I'm a Mac user right now, and I think I need to go back to Windows because I spend so much time playing games on my Xbox (or occasionally my Mac) and I've always got a nagging voice at the back of my mind telling me to "buy a PC!" So, I'm giving in. I'm going to build a custom gaming PC.

I've got a £300 budget for the project (although I could go over if I really needed to) and happilyI already own a functional and usable DVD drive, hard drive, display, keyboard and mouse.

All I really need now are the core internal components.I've pulled together a list of the components I like so far. I'm 99.9% sure it should work together.

Here's a screenshot of all the parts:http://i.imgur.com/h0Lr1.png

What I need from you guys is any recommendations or feedback regarding the above components. I was told by some friends (avid Intel fans) that purchasing an AMD processor is a bad idea; I was told they're the go-to option for gaming?
Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated and +rep'd (is that still a thing?)

Thank you :P

30-11-2011, 05:47 PM
To be honest you're not gonna be getting great pc gaming for a £300 budget, although it is doable. You're missing a graphics card from that list. Shove one of these in there http://www.ebuyer.com/266530-sapphire-hd-6770-1gb-gddr5-dvi-hdmi-displayport-pci-e-graphics-card-11189-00-20g

30-11-2011, 07:04 PM
A half decent graphics card will eat over a third of your budget, you need to up it to something more reasonable like £400 - £500 :P

30-11-2011, 07:44 PM
Unfortunately if you're going to go custom you're going to need to up your budget as you're not bulk buying to make savings so you're better of going pre-fab at that end of the spectrum.

Also a semi-decent quality case can affect performance heavily, don't skimp out on one.

02-12-2011, 02:50 PM
To be honest you're not gonna be getting great pc gaming for a £300 budget, although it is doable. You're missing a graphics card from that list. Shove one of these in there http://www.ebuyer.com/266530-sapphire-hd-6770-1gb-gddr5-dvi-hdmi-displayport-pci-e-graphics-card-11189-00-20g
I'm going with the onboard graphics (considering I don't play anything more intensive than Minecraft right now, I think they'll do) until my next pay day, at which point I'll purchase a graphics card. Thank you very much for the link though, bookmarked :)

A half decent graphics card will eat over a third of your budget, you need to up it to something more reasonable like £400 - £500 :P
You've just stated the exact reason why I'm going with on-board graphics; I simply can't afford anything at the moment.

Unfortunately if you're going to go custom you're going to need to up your budget as you're not bulk buying to make savings so you're better of going pre-fab at that end of the spectrum.

Also a semi-decent quality case can affect performance heavily, don't skimp out on one.
I'll consider pre-built options. Could you recommend any websites/shops to browse? Thanks for the advice on the case. I'll perhaps switch the one I'd picked out for a better one, depending on my budget.

On an unrelated note: I was told by a friend that it was a bad choice go to with an AMD processor, does anyone have any comments about this?
I asked him why he thought AMD wasn't a good option and it seemed like the jist of his argument was "because I don't like them hurr durr buy an Intel i43453465!!!!". That being said, it's still worried me that I may encounter some setbacks by using AMD. If anyone has any comments on this area in particlar, I'd be very gratetful to hear it.

+rep to you all. Thanks again. :)

02-12-2011, 03:23 PM
I would always use OCUK for pc parts... www.overclockers.co.uk

02-12-2011, 05:28 PM
I would always use OCUK for pc parts... www.overclockers.co.uk (http://www.overclockers.co.uk)

OCUK are generally expensive. I'd always go with a mixture of the following:


02-12-2011, 05:33 PM
OCUK are generally expensive.
Actually, it depends on which part, when I built a computer recently half the parts were from them as they were cheaper then everywhere else.

02-12-2011, 06:05 PM
Actually, it depends on which part, when I built a computer recently half the parts were from them as they were cheaper then everywhere else.

The costly part comes when you're at the checkout. I paid something like £50 or £60 for postage from OCUK.

02-12-2011, 06:09 PM
OCUK are generally expensive. I'd always go with a mixture of the following:

www.ebuyer.com (http://www.ebuyer.com)
www.aria.co.uk (http://www.aria.co.uk)
www.novatech.co.uk (http://www.novatech.co.uk)
www.overclockers.co.uk (http://www.overclockers.co.uk)
www.scan.co.uk (http://www.scan.co.uk)
Yeah, they are good!

02-12-2011, 06:15 PM
The costly part comes when you're at the checkout. I paid something like £50 or £60 for postage from OCUK.
lolwut, I had to pay like £20, you must have had five lorry's worth.

02-12-2011, 06:16 PM
lolwut, I had to pay like £20, you must have had five lorry's worth.

Not sure if I ordered my case from there, it was about 13KG empty.

02-12-2011, 06:26 PM
The costly part comes when you're at the checkout. I paid something like £50 or £60 for postage from OCUK.

wat, seriously? The most I've ever paid for postage from them was next day @ something like £8 and that was for a Mobo/CPU/HSF/Case

02-12-2011, 06:40 PM
Oh wait, I remembered that wrong the postage was much less indeed.

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