View Full Version : WTF(riday)?

09-12-2011, 03:28 PM
The Xmas edition!WTF(riday)? gives you the opportunity to get your questions answered and get to know your Hotel staff better! Shoot your queries our way (Habbo related...or not):
Who's our favorite celeb crushes?
What's our favorite foods?
What's the best recipe for making pancakes?
Etc, etc!
We cannot guarantee the answers will always be super-smart, on point and up-to-date, but we do promise to be our honest, funny and weird selves. Every friday we will pick a bunch of questions you've sent and answer those with what pops into our heads!
Those who get their questions chosen will win a prize. To keep things interesting, we'll switch the prize every week - this week those who got their question picked, have received a Christmas Penguin each!

And now, on to the answers!

Questions for Kitano, Puffin and Neja:
DanLust (http://www.habbo.com/home/38354855/id)asks: What is the first thing you do when you wake up on Christmas day?
Kitano:I have an argument with my parents about whether or not I should have to shower before my grandparents arrive.
Puffin:Well, we actually open all our gifts on Christmas Eve, so Christmas Day is one big day of eeeeating! We start with a fantastic brunch and then it just evolves from there ;)
Neja:I brew myself a big cup of latte with cardamom, cinnamon and vanilla. And make some porridge! Yum!

-Explaining (http://www.habbo.com/home/40644798/id)asks: Are you excited for Christmas, what is your favorite part?
Kitano:My favorite part of Christmas is seeing my family, who I get to see only once a year.
Puffin:Oh, I am, it's my favorite holiday by far. My favorite part is getting up early on Christmas Eve (it's when we celebrate) to watch classic holiday cartoons with my sister. I love it!
Neja:Super excited, I love the season. The food and good company are my favorite parts - and ALL the chocolate I get to eat!

ImKatelynn (http://www.habbo.com/home/16450003/id)asks: What is your favorite Christmas movie? Mine is Elf. ;)
Kitano:Easy! National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. The family watches it together every year. Except my mother who just wanders in every ten minutes and says "I don't why you think that's funny, you've seen it fifty times before..."
Puffin:I think in terms of sentimentality, I have to say the Home Alone movies (1 and 2.. not 3!) - we watch them every Christmas and laugh every time.
Neja:I don't really have a favorite, but I do end up watching Home Alone 1 every year.

JFK!!! (http://www.habbo.com/home/30275358/id)asks: Do you make your own Christmas bon bons/crackers? If not, what would you put it your own?
Kitano:No. If I had to make my own crackers I would put stink bombs in them. That would liven things up.
Puffin:No, I am such a scaredy cat, big bangs scare me ;)
Neja:Nope I don't make them and I don't really like them. Boo!

-Katy. (http://www.habbo.com/home/43350691/id)asks: What do you like doing best in winter?
Puffin:I love it when the snow is falling quietly and bright on a weekend morning, when you've got nowhere to go in a hurry. So peaceful and pretty!
Neja:Enjoying the warmth indoors, especially if the weather is stormy and cold. I'll crawl up under a blanket, watch movies and drink something warm. And play console games on the couch, of course. If the weather allows, and if I have the chance, I'll travel somewhere where I can snowboard!

Lauren2kai9 (http://www.habbo.com/home/31380178/id)asks:Considering it's almost Christmas, how upset would you be if you woke up tomorrow and it was suddenly January?
Kitano:I would be really excited, as I would have travelled through time (and space, since the Earth would have moved in its orbit since then), perhaps via a wormhole, or something. Also, I would have to investigate whether everyone else did this time jump, or just me.
Neja:I'd throw a tantrum. Missing Christmas is NOT okay. :(

marie!xx (http://www.habbo.com/home/37615054/id)asks: Whats the best present you have ever got for Christmas?
Kitano:A Playstation. And Final Fantasy VII. Oh Aerith!
Puffin:I remember getting a house for my Barbies once when I was about.. 7? There were tears and howling and screaming and laughing ;)
Neja:My first skis? Or maybe my first snowboard, some years later. Those were put to very good use!

Miki, (http://www.habbo.com/home/44326597/id)asks: Its getting closer to Christmas and we are getting them Christmas Events and competitions back in! Since your time in the hotel, What has been your favorite christmas event/competition and what did you have to do?
Kitano:I've only been here three weeks. Although, looking back over past Christmasses, I like the idea of the four Santas fighting it out. Very Return Of Superman.
Puffin:I think my favorite was always the Holiday Parties.. where we'd just get together and hang out! Everyone's so nice during the Holidays ;)
Neja:Parties parties parties! Hanging out in good company and having fun! <3

TarsalBurrito (http://www.habbo.com/home/45238096/id)asks: How do you get into the Christmas mood around Christmas time?
Puffin:I put on a Christmas record (yes, those old LPs!), light some candles, eat some gingerbread cookies and watch a Christmas movie. Works like a charm!
Neja:With candles, good food and good company. I'd say put a few hycinths on the table, but I can't anymore since I became allergic. It's a pity - they are the Christmas essence in smell form for me!

Some good questions :) Might enter for next weeks one

10-12-2011, 07:14 AM
Well done everyone! Good questions :)

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