View Full Version : [Notice] [Christmas] Ice Queen

Habbox Santa
12-12-2011, 12:19 AM
http://habbox.com/assets/images/3093/1323201284_bonanza.gif (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=730131)

I have a message from my good friend, the Ice Queen. She's in need of our help. This is a letter she got to me:

Dear Habbox Santa,

I need your help. The pesky Jack Frost is doing his utmost best to ensure that I don't make it to the North Pole in time for Christmas. He has put a spell on me so that I may only be allowed to enter Habbox Help Desk. He finds it an ironic joke but we must use it against him. I have travelled through time. It's all timey wimey wibbly wobbly and left some codewords hidden around. I've given you a list of them. Every day you must post in this thread with the clues to the location of the codeword. Once found, whoever reaches me first and whispers it into my ear will receive 3 candy canes and 5 credits for each day. On the 23rd, the spell will be lifted and I will be able to make it in time for the North Pole. I would have travelled through time like I normally do but after I posted the clues, I fell ill and someone has stole my TARDIS. I knew I shouldn't have phoned for a Doctor.

Please help!

She's left me further instructions that I should pass on! These are the times that she can be found in the Habbox Help Desk. 3 times every day!

6-9pm GMT/1-4pm EST/4-7am AEST
6-9pm EST/1-4am GMT/11am-2pm AEST
6-9pm AEST/8-11am GMT/3-6am EST

Every day until the 23rd, a new clue will be posted in this thread. Solve the clues and you'll find the codeword. Go to the Habbox Help Desk owned by xxMattGxx and WHISPER the codeword to HxICE.Queen EXACTLY or the counter-curse will not succeed. You may only whisper it once if you've already won once that day. The Ice Queen is busy and will not be there 6pm sharp. It may be 6pm, it could be 7pm or half 8. It will however be in between those times so keep a look out!

If you win, it will be announced in this thread and you will be given 3 candy canes that you can use in the Christmas Bonanza and 5 credits (which the Ice Queen can not access at the moment due to the curse but will be given to you as soon as possible).

Codeword: Silentttt nightttt, holyyyy nightttt. Well done! If you see HxICE.Queen in the Habbox Help Desk owned by xxMattGxx during 6-9pm GMT, AEST or EST. WHISPER the codeword to her EXACTLY to win 3 candy canes and 5 credits!

Habbox Santa
12-12-2011, 12:23 AM

12th December.

The first clue is as follows:

On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me... a question in a calendar?

Solve the clues and you'll find the codeword. Go to the Habbox Help Desk owned by xxMattGxx and WHISPER the codeword to HxICE.Queen EXACTLY for your chance to win. Good luck!

Habbox Santa
13-12-2011, 12:19 AM
http://habbox.com/assets/images/3093/1323201284_bonanza.gif (http://habbox.com/assets/images/3093/1323201284_bonanza.gif)

13th December
Well done to Ekelektra and GeorginaxD for finding yesterday's codeword (Fairy Lights). You've won 3 candy canes + 5 credits!

The second clue for the new codeword is:

Saturday night is a time for questions delight that the community should take notice of!

Solve the clues and you'll find the codeword. Go to the Habbox Help Desk owned by xxMattGxx and WHISPER the codeword to HxICE.Queen EXACTLY for your chance to win. Good luck!

Habbox Santa
14-12-2011, 12:25 AM

14th December

Well done to Publicised for finding yesterday's codeword (ThE Grinch who st0le Christmas.). You've won 9 candy canes + 15 credits!

The clue for the new codeword is:

Hooray! I've won!

Solve the clues and you'll find the codeword. Go to the Habbox Help Desk owned by xxMattGxx and WHISPER the codeword to HxICE.Queen EXACTLY for your chance to win. Good luck!

Habbox Santa
14-12-2011, 11:12 PM

15th December

Well done to Ekelektra, Publicised and GeorginaxD for finding yesterday's codeword (Christmas tree.) You've won 3 candy canes + 5 credits.

The clue for the new codeword is:

I love a good coffee! I love a good room review too! But which one's best? Only one way to find out...

Solve the clues and you'll find the codeword. Go to the Habbox Help Desk owned by xxMattGxx and WHISPER the codeword to HxICE.Queen EXACTLY for your chance to win. Good luck!

Habbox Santa
17-12-2011, 12:27 AM

17th December

Well done to Ekelektra, Habbic and GeorginaxD for finding 15th December's codeword (Merry Christmas tO y0u) You've won 3 candy canes + 5 credits.

The clue for the new codeword is:

HxICE.Queen's original account name was called phoebg0002 or something like that. I like her new name change but I still prefer competitions.

(http://www.habbox.com/comps)Solve the clue and you'll find today's codeword. Go to the Habbox Help Desk owned by xxMattGxx and WHISPER the codeword to HxICE.Queen EXACTLY for your chance to win. Good luck!

Habbox Santa
18-12-2011, 12:55 AM

18th December

Well done to ..:BAMitsNick.: for finding yesterday's codeword (Tinsel on the tree.). You've won 3 candy canes + 5 credits.

The clue for the new codeword is:

Christmas is all about getting free stuff. I wanted a tattoo of a dragon but my Dad won't buy me one. :(

Solve the clue and you'll find today's codeword. Go to the Habbox Help Desk owned by xxMattGxx and WHISPER the codeword to HxICE.Queen EXACTLY for your chance to win. Good luck!

Habbox Santa
18-12-2011, 11:34 PM

19th December

Well done toBiscuitss, Ekelektra and Futz for finding yesterday's codeword (Baubles). You've won 3 candy canes + 5 credits.

The clue for the new codeword is:

That Scrooge is giving me a right headache. He kept moaning all the way through Alex3213's carol service!

Solve the clue and you'll find today's codeword. Go to the Habbox Help Desk owned by xxMattGxx and WHISPER the codeword to HxICE.Queen EXACTLY for your chance to win. Good luck!

Habbox Santa
19-12-2011, 11:18 PM

20th December

Well done to Biscuitss and Jurv for finding yesterday's codeword. You've won 3 candy canes + 5 credits.

The clue for the new codeword is:

Help! Help! I need help! I'm addicted to green sticky playdoh!

Solve the clue and you'll find today's codeword. Go to the Habbox Help Desk owned by xxMattGxx and WHISPER the codeword to HxICE.Queen EXACTLY for your chance to win. Good luck!

Habbox Santa
21-12-2011, 12:22 AM

21st December

Well done to Publicised (x2) and Pipette for finding yesterday's codeword. You've won 3 candy canes + 5 credits.

The clue for the new codeword is:

I love celebrities! I need a guide though to give them a tour when they come to visit.

Solve the clue and you'll find today's codeword. Go to the Habbox Help Desk owned by xxMattGxx and WHISPER the codeword to HxICE.Queen EXACTLY for your chance to win. Good luck!

Habbox Santa
21-12-2011, 11:21 PM

22nd December

Well done toHabbic for finding yesterday's codeword. You've won 3 candy canes + 5 credits.

The clue for the new codeword is:

It is often when we retrace our steps that we end up at the finish.

Solve the clue and you'll find today's codeword. Go to the Habbox Help Desk owned by xxMattGxx and WHISPER the codeword to HxICE.Queen EXACTLY for your chance to win. Good luck!

Today is the last day, well done to everyone who took part!

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