View Full Version : Dreamweaver Help [+REP]

20-12-2011, 06:39 PM
Not sure if anyone can help me. But I just can't fix this error. It's to do with images..

When I write the code in Dreamweaver, the little preview of what I've just done shows up. It shows nothing wrong with my template: example below:


This is how I want them to be displayed.. but when I preview it in the browser.. this happens


Can anyone help? +Rep if you do.

20-12-2011, 08:09 PM
Never mind I fixed it. I never knew about the vertical alignment feature that CSS possessed, having never written CSS before. Wrote a simple alignment class? I think they're called.

Basically set vertical-align:middle;

Linked the 'alignment' class using the td id="alignment" and I was done :)

20-12-2011, 09:38 PM
I'd use notepad++ to code if i'm honest, sorry for the off topic reply!

20-12-2011, 09:48 PM
I'd use notepad++ to code if i'm honest, sorry for the off topic reply!

Haha I chose Dreamweaver for a starter. Never made a website before!! :) Defo won't be using it in the future though, seems more of a hinderence than help

20-12-2011, 09:49 PM
Haha I chose Dreamweaver for a starter. Never made a website before!! :) Defo won't be using it in the future though, seems more of a hinderence than help
It is, a very bit one imo.

22-12-2011, 09:05 PM
Haha I chose Dreamweaver for a starter. Never made a website before!! :) Defo won't be using it in the future though, seems more of a hinderence than help
If N++ didn't exist it'd be useful as a code highlighter but N++ does exist and for previewing you want to use a proper web browser and the WYSIWYG on dreamweaver is just bad code.

22-12-2011, 09:19 PM
If N++ didn't exist it'd be useful as a code highlighter but N++ does exist and for previewing you want to use a proper web browser and the WYSIWYG on dreamweaver is just bad code.

Vim <3

22-12-2011, 11:11 PM
Even with development programs, it's always best to know your code well. Always try to look up the language and have brief knowledge, as such: http://w3schools.com

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