View Full Version : Favourite thing about 2011

26-12-2011, 09:27 AM
We are near the end, we made another year ! What was your favourite thing about 2011?

26-12-2011, 10:53 AM
I think there's a few highlights. We've had three trips to Florida this year which have all been amazing. I received my AS Level results whilst over there in August and it was such a happy day for us all. We went up in a hot air balloon, went on a cruise and I was even invited to have a look around Orlando's biggest newspaper - it was a fantastic month. I've also had quite a few things published and started my blog.

Other than that, I thought the Royal Wedding was another highlight. The UCAS process has been especially fun in my opinion; the anticipation of receiving offers and then the automatic smile that you get when one arrives is so cool. I've also been seeing quite a lot more of my parent's Goddaughter. My Mum looks after her two days a week and we have just become so close to their family (we went to Florida with them in August) and it's just so nice seeing her grow up.

It's been an exceptional year.

26-12-2011, 12:46 PM
Highlights: Getting into med school and finally being discharged from hospital back to my GP!

26-12-2011, 02:36 PM
without sounding unbelievably emo i've had a shoddy year, had terrible luck with everything and i can't wait for it to be over and to go into a new year and start again.

a positive was doing a play called mixtape in march. the cast were lovely and i really enjoyed performing and devising the piece. and we got rave reviews and i got to be a postergirl, so that was fun.

26-12-2011, 04:29 PM
Favourite thing about 2011 everything I live life to the fullest so I dont regret anything about 2011

26-12-2011, 04:44 PM
Going to spain. It was my first time on a plane and I loved every second.

26-12-2011, 04:52 PM
knowing i only need 2 b's and 2 c's at the very least to get in to 3rd year cause of my first year results and prob mostly getting over a few things

26-12-2011, 04:53 PM
summer holiday and getting car. other than that, pretty average year. university dropout 2k11.

26-12-2011, 04:57 PM
I saved the world from destruction but I got told not to tell anyone.

26-12-2011, 05:31 PM
I found someone who loves me for who I am and hopefully will continue to do just that as we reach a new year. However, I would say my nan passing away was a major down fall for the year but with new friends I have managed to continue with my studies and made me feel better about myself.

28-12-2011, 03:17 AM
Nothing really, think I kind of got a grip on life this year and realised being a **** all the time will indeed backfire.

28-12-2011, 03:33 AM
on habbo is meeting some amazing friends

28-12-2011, 04:08 AM
I rekindled one of the most amazing friendships I have ever had.

28-12-2011, 05:30 AM
- Bin Ladin was finally killed
- Having actual reasons to start driving, acquiring a car to drive around, and not being in a single car accident
- Android becoming even more mature and awesome
- Getting a used cheap iPhone 4, and dirt cheap HP Touchpad Android tablet for 75 pounds
- Being generally happy with my education this year
- Harry Potter movie

28-12-2011, 06:06 AM
When all of us celebrate 111111.

28-12-2011, 11:54 AM
Watching Harry Potter Movie
Getting an iPad 2 and David Cook's album.
Got good grades ;)

28-12-2011, 11:57 AM
Went on holiday 6 times, had an awesome time each trip. That'll be a memory I'll never forget.

28-12-2011, 01:00 PM
had one really great holiday!
the movies that have been out this year aha!
getting pretty good grades. :)

28-12-2011, 01:28 PM

- The garden turned out the best i've ever managed to have it at.
- Re-did all of my auntys back garden, nearly completed it.
- Examining monetary affairs more in-depth.
- Having another year at Sixth Form.
- Taking up swimming again.


- The ongoing collapse of the Euro.
- Watching the global warming scam finally collapse as reality strikes.
- Following the Ron Paul 2012 campaign, watching it peak in late 2012.
- Being proved right that this government would be the same as the last.
- Being seen as the madman in the room when I insist there's no government cuts (see global warming for how this will pan out).

...out of all, i'd say the collapsing Euro has been the most fun to watch.

Here's to an even better year in 2012! :)

31-12-2011, 12:48 AM
I went on holiday 6 times so I guess that's the highlight of my whole 17 years not just 2011

31-12-2011, 12:59 AM
As cheesy as it may sound - discovering myself. My new years resolution this year was to stop putting myself down and believe that I can achieve what I want to without being a moany brat and it worked out for me.

31-12-2011, 01:02 AM
As cheesy as it may sound - discovering myself. My new years resolution this year was to stop putting myself down and believe that I can achieve what I want to without being a moany brat and it worked out for me.

aww that's nice.
you must be first person in the world to stick to their new years resolution :P

hmm I dont really have anything that sticks out (eww dont be dirty minded! im innocent (a)) for me but I did like getting through first year of uni knowing that i can write essays to a good standard, it definitely helpsthrough the boredom when writing them... not enough but it helps :(

31-12-2011, 01:07 AM
aww that's nice.
you must be first person in the world to stick to their new years resolution :P

hmm I dont really have anything that sticks out (eww dont be dirty minded! im innocent (a)) for me but I did like getting through first year of uni knowing that i can write essays to a good standard, it definitely helpsthrough the boredom when writing them... not enough but it helps :(
hmm well if its something like losing weight I'll probably fail because I tend to eat like a pig when I'm revising for exams hehe

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