View Full Version : [Bobba] How dare the staff, protest organisation

13-01-2012, 06:14 PM
How dare the staff actually stupidly ignore economics and make everything mpable. I for one will be at the head front of protests, make sure to pass this around as we can't let it stay like this, it's only gonna ruin the values of everything, and that's clearly already being shown, look at the ******* prices people are placing for almost immediately.

Thread moved from Habbo in General by Alex3213 (Forum Moderator) as better suited here.

13-01-2012, 06:31 PM
Have they implemented this yet?

13-01-2012, 06:35 PM
[@]@Futz[/@] yes they implemented this, this morning.

13-01-2012, 07:34 PM
gonna be honest people, just a game. don't wee.

13-01-2012, 07:40 PM
Oh no....... poor you. Your profits are no more. Boo-hoo! Get over it honestly. I couldn't care about it, neither should you. Pixel furni and stuff. Looks like you're going to have to stop ripping people off? It's actually quite funny how only those who rip people off are angry about it. :)!

13-01-2012, 07:46 PM
wtf omg i cant become rich now

13-01-2012, 07:56 PM
I know right, i'm pretty much fed up of going into cred shops and getting kicked because I won't accept peoples prices for furni, i'm not protesting? :) Now theres no need to go around cred shops all day!

13-01-2012, 08:13 PM
I don't think it's that much of an issue, and many people will find it useful. Surely you'll be making more profit by using the marketplace instead of the catalogue (I used to buy things at catalogue price if I needed something quick) - that's if you use the catalogue, which I'm sure many people do. Like I said in the other thread though, it's still annoying how so many items are non-Tradeable.

13-01-2012, 08:22 PM
cred shops still gonna be 1c cheaper tho init

13-01-2012, 08:22 PM
I've got to agree. It is just a game, not the stock market...

13-01-2012, 08:30 PM
Firstly, [@]@McDonalds[/@] , Georgia Don't be so rude, you'd be annoyed too tbh if the majority of your stuff was about to drop aswell tbh.
Secondly, Its not my merching i care about, i can just adjust to new prices and merch from that instead, it's the fact that it's gonna effect people and generally cause a collapse that i'm worried about.

13-01-2012, 08:40 PM
I wouldn't 'worry' it's not real life. possibly a sign yr spending too much time on there.

13-01-2012, 08:41 PM
Firstly, [@]@McDonalds[/@] , Georgia Don't be so rude, you'd be annoyed too tbh if the majority of your stuff was about to drop aswell tbh.
Secondly, Its not my merching i care about, i can just adjust to new prices and merch from that instead, it's the fact that it's gonna effect people and generally cause a collapse that i'm worried about.

.................. Honestly?!
It's only the people that try to rip people off that give a **** about it. You couldn't care less if other people didn't benefit from it, it's all about the credits. I've got hundreds and hundreds of things that I need to sell, but that's how life is. Prices go up or down, and it's only good for some people. You need to stop caring about your precious ([@]@orientalframe?[/@] paper cups) furni and just get on with it. It was bad when they taxed people 1c to exchange for credits, but we've had to move on and deal with it. Same should happen here. They couldn't care less what people on Habbo think about this, as long as it's better for Habbo I don't see them changing it.

13-01-2012, 09:03 PM
[@]@Mcdonalds[/@] ok if you want to feel that way, there is a personal bit in it, but this feeling I have is shared by quite a few people, and this wasn't planned by just me, but also [@]@Carehome[/@] and [@]@Samanfaand[/@] others :) I do care for other people as I am gonna just sell everything now, but that aint gonna stop me protesting to help the others, and anyone who knows me well enough would know I'm doing it for others benefits aswell.

13-01-2012, 09:05 PM
Existence of credit shops = sulake don't benefit as people won't buy items for the catalog value

Introduction of everything in marketplace = Sulake takes like 5% of the item don't they and also 1 cred for every so many adverts

= People have less credits = buy more = sulake profits

13-01-2012, 09:05 PM
[@]@Pipette[/@] who you've already stated, are other people that try to get profits (not so much as you though). You're wasting your time with the protest.

13-01-2012, 09:07 PM
[@]@Mcdonalds[/@] ok if you want to feel that way, there is a personal bit in it, but this feeling I have is shared by quite a few people, and this wasn't planned by just me, but also [@]@Carehome[/@] and [@]@Samanfaand[/@] others :) I do care for other people as I am gonna just sell everything now, but that aint gonna stop me protesting to help the others, and anyone who knows me well enough would know I'm doing it for others benefits aswell.

inb4 you get banned for disruption

Or generally no-one will give a ****.

At end of the day, it's habbo...

13-01-2012, 09:18 PM
It is unfortunate for those who profit by selling stuff in MP at high prices. But at the end of the day, people need torealize it's only a game..

Continuing, it'll be easier than going around the coin shops! I like the update. :P

13-01-2012, 09:19 PM
[@]@Mcdonalds[/@] I don't try to get profits as such, if I see something for a good price I will but it. I'm not one to barter or offer so I just come up lucky sometimes :)!

I am mixed feelings about this, I feel you shouldn't be able to put furni in higher than the catalog price as it's just defeating the object of the catalog, but I like it just because somethings I need desperately can be in already.

Also, I feel if something was 2c in catalog say like the light divider, I would rather buy one from the marketplace (that has been put in for 1c (therefore 2c)) than one out of the catalog itself thus giving Habbo/Sulake 1c instead of 2c :).

Also @Mcdonalds I prove I don't buy and sell for profit usually with the things I sold you at a loss. I am not to the extent of some people. Not aiming that @Pipette btw.

13-01-2012, 09:22 PM
I like the change.

13-01-2012, 09:26 PM
[@]@Mcdonalds[/@] I don't try to get profits as such, if I see something for a good price I will but it. I'm not one to barter or offer so I just come up lucky sometimes :)!

I am mixed feelings about this, I feel you shouldn't be able to put furni in higher than the catalog price as it's just defeating the object of the catalog, but I like it just because somethings I need desperately can be in already.

Also, I feel if something was 2c in catalog say like the light divider, I would rather buy one from the marketplace (that has been put in for 1c (therefore 2c)) than one out of the catalog itself thus giving Habbo/Sulake 1c instead of 2c :).

Also [@]@Mcdonalds[/@] I prove I don't buy and sell for profit usually with the things I sold you at a loss. I am not to the extent of some people. Not aiming that [@]@Pipette[/@] btw.

I know you're less of a profit person than [@]@Pipette[/@] I think you find better deals and buy from them, but you usually would buy something really cheap (which I don't mind about) and sell it on for considerably more... unless I buy it from you. ;)
It's just, [@]@Pipette[/@] seems to be the only person that really does have a problem with this, when at the end of the day it can be a major benefit for some people.. not always about very few profit makers. :P

13-01-2012, 09:48 PM
[@]@Mcdonalds[/@] if i've given the impression I don't see the benefits, that isn't true, I do see the benefits of quicker cheaper access, but I just feel they coulda done this in a much better way, I.E taking it out of the catelogue when doing this, or perhaps raising catelogue price to accomodate so the kitchen block scenario doesn't happen and so that people don't get all their stuff plumeted. I know I seem like a massive profit merch but i'm only doing this since I got permed, as people who knew me on Lunaris know, I did use to sell quite cheapish on my stock.

The whole idea that it's going to screw up my merching is untrue, if anything it will benefit it, but the problem is we're just gonna be practically skemming these people with the prices of the stuff, considering they'd have bought for much higher before. The only aim of the protest would be to just get some consensus to habbo that we feel there is better ways around this that they can still benefit from in terms of their profit they make themselves, which there are.

13-01-2012, 09:52 PM
[@]@Mcdonalds[/@] if i've given the impression I don't see the benefits, that isn't true, I do see the benefits of quicker cheaper access, but I just feel they coulda done this in a much better way, I.E taking it out of the catelogue when doing this, or perhaps raising catelogue price to accomodate so the kitchen block scenario doesn't happen and so that people don't get all their stuff plumeted. I know I seem like a massive profit merch but i'm only doing this since I got permed, as people who knew me on Lunaris know, I did use to sell quite cheapish on my stock.

The whole idea that it's going to screw up my merching is untrue, if anything it will benefit it, but the problem is we're just gonna be practically skemming these people with the prices of the stuff, considering they'd have bought for much higher before. The only aim of the protest would be to just get some consensus to habbo that we feel there is better ways around this that they can still benefit from in terms of their profit they make themselves, which there are.

Eurgh, are you mad? Just stop? If they took the items out of the shop if they were in marketplace then it would defeat the point of the whole shop itself. What's done is done, it all weighs out really. You'll get over the fact that you're not going to always get a profit soon.

13-01-2012, 09:57 PM
[@]@Mcdonalds[/@] srsly what have you got against merchants tbh, we find a niche in the market and we keep the values stable, as 'm sure ruby would most gladly lecture you on. I'm already over the problems it's causing for my merching cause I can just merch and new values, but ways to improve this are vital, what they've done is systematically flawed, there's really not much more you can say. Even just getting rid of the commision would solve the problem tbh.

13-01-2012, 09:57 PM
[@]@Mcdonalds[/@] yeah I admit if I buy something cheap I will sell it for more but that's usually if I got it for a cheaper than normal price therefore I will sell it for the normal price. Sometims I don't bother, the other day I got 6 Dungeon Pillars for 10c, sold them 2 for 7c, I think the cheapest one in mp was like 6/7 so I got a bit of profit.

Realised I didn't word that above properly. My motto has always been, buy it for cheap, sell for profit, sell it cheap enough that the buyer can then also sell it for profit :P if you get me.

In some ways I do agree some furniture shouldn't be still in the catalog such as Big Wave? I mean seriously, who wants sand and water patches in the middle of Winter, instead they remove stuff like Romantique which is like valentines furniture when that's coming up? :P.

13-01-2012, 10:04 PM
[@]@Mcdonalds[/@] srsly what have you got against merchants tbh, we find a niche in the market and we keep the values stable, as 'm sure ruby would most gladly lecture you on. I'm already over the problems it's causing for my merching cause I can just merch and new values, but ways to improve this are vital, what they've done is systematically flawed, there's really not much more you can say. Even just getting rid of the commision would solve the problem tbh.

I'm not here to be lectured about bloody merchants. Honestly, all I'm saying as the only people that have the biggest problems with the whole new system is those that rip people off. You've moaned about it at times like it's just an awful crime, which it's not. Habbo is forever changing things so they can get more money $_$. They're going to keep the 1c commission because that works out better for them, which is the whole point for them or there just wouldn't be Habbo. Also, I don't have a problem with people that want to get the most out of their money, but when they're taking something small too far because it isn't going their way then I just find it stupid. :rolleyes: I like how [@]@Samanfa[/@] gets profits, as she doesn't rip people off so much, especially not me. ;)

Anyway, I can't be asked. Keep on ranting, protesting and whatever else you've been doing to try and change this. Nothing will change, they didn't change the 1c tax on exchange so I don't really think this will be any different.


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