View Full Version : Buying a Gameboy?

15-01-2012, 07:49 PM
I feel like buying a Gameboy just to play some classic games like Mario , Pokemon ect.

Wondering wheres the cheapest place to get them from these days?

I was thinking of looking in places like Cash Converters?

Thread moved by Infectious (Forum Moderator): From "Discuss Anything", as it is better suited here!

15-01-2012, 08:07 PM
You'd be better off just playing an emulator

15-01-2012, 08:20 PM
You'd be better off just playing an emulator

I agree There are plenty of emulators for gameboy and other old consoles, although some may not play every game. If you really want to buy one though, try ebay?

15-01-2012, 11:15 PM
ebay is your best bet. I used to be into emulators but for some reason i like collecting old game consoles and games, i just like owning a physical copy...

15-01-2012, 11:48 PM
yeahhh funfun let's all play pokemon with a keyboard :|

Why would he use an emulator when he asked where to buy a gameboy

anyone who can actually enjoy playing really old gb games on a keyboard must of really hated their gameboys

19-01-2012, 09:12 PM
Got my Gameboy colour last year for £12 with 3 decent games :D

EDIT: Forgot to post where from :P eBay btw

19-01-2012, 09:36 PM
yeahhh funfun let's all play pokemon with a keyboard :|

Why would he use an emulator when he asked where to buy a gameboy

anyone who can actually enjoy playing really old gb games on a keyboard must of really hated their gameboys

Try playing your gameboy in the dark or without sufficient light. There's a reason we have new technology. Emulators work on phones also btw, they aren't limited to desktops.

19-01-2012, 10:14 PM

**** is wrong with people they know nothing these days

22-01-2012, 09:15 PM
A disagree with just getting emulators. If it suits you then sure, but some people like the original console for the nostalgia feel and actualy being able to play the game as it was intended to.

There are tons of second hand gameboys around peoples homes that still work perfectly. I know many people that would simply just give me their old gameboy. In fact i've got about 5 game boys lying around the house that i accepted off people who were just going to throw them away. If you search the internet and look in the right place i'm pretty sure that you could get it for under 10 euro (or less in pounds) easily.

23-01-2012, 09:56 AM
Try playing your gameboy in the dark or without sufficient light. There's a reason we have new technology. Emulators work on phones also btw, they aren't limited to desktops.


**** is wrong with people they know nothing these days

I think the point he was trying to make wasn't about straining your eyes, it was the fact pretty much all old gameboys were awful unless you played in decent light. You couldn't see **** on my gameboy pocket when I was a kid

23-01-2012, 11:53 AM
I think the point he was trying to make wasn't about straining your eyes, it was the fact pretty much all old gameboys were awful unless you played in decent light. You couldn't see **** on my gameboy pocket when I was a kid

It's Stephen, he's the equivalent of a terrible/unfunny troll. I didnt reply to him for a reason, i'd just ignore him if i were you.

23-01-2012, 01:23 PM
I'm not even attempting to troll, I just don't get why someone who wants to play classic games that he probably played ON A GAMEBOY when he was younger would use an emulator over an actual gameboy

23-01-2012, 01:36 PM
I'm not even attempting to troll, I just don't get why someone who wants to play classic games that he probably played ON A GAMEBOY when he was younger would use an emulator over an actual gameboy

Because of the reasons already listed in this thread, or are you somehow incapable of reading now? It's a typical case of rose-tinted glasses. He'll get the gameboy and then realise he has to sit next to the ******* sun to be able to see what he's playing.

23-01-2012, 04:48 PM
I'm with Stephen. Emulators are no substitute for the real thing. I couldn't bare playing Pokemon on a computer with a keyboard. If you're that worried about light, just get an old SP.

23-01-2012, 05:53 PM
I'm with Stephen. Emulators are no substitute for the real thing. I couldn't bare playing Pokemon on a computer with a keyboard. If you're that worried about light, just get an old SP.

True, you cant beat the real deal but an emulator is a good substitute if you're not that bothered about playing it the way it was intended.

14-02-2012, 01:03 PM
Try ebay :)

I personally can't play old school game boys anymore. I can't deal without a backlight. The only way you can see the screen is if you sit on the core of the sun >____< I play all my game boy games on my game boy advance SP now.

Playing things like Pokemon on an emulator is fine for me. I just can't play Mario >.> the controls are awkward.

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