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29-01-2012, 01:05 AM
The radio lacks quality. The lowest bitrate staff can stream at should be updated, it isn't 2006 any more. Every presenter should be capable of streaming a bitrate of at least 96kb/s. Sam Broadcaster 2 & 3 are out of date, upgrading the software to the latest version isn't going to create problems if anything it will open more doors. Did you know with Sam Broadcaster 4 it's even possible to stream skype through one of the decks live without having additional programs such as virtual cables. You have more options to make your microphone and music sound richer and more professional. Lets be honest every presenter uses an illegal version of Sam Broadcaster and if the problem is finding the software to download it's an easy find. You could stay at version 2 or 3 until habboxlive closes but upgrading it gives presenters more features, the software isn't as glitchy as previous versions and overall it would be more helpful. You could even think about installing Sam Broadcaster 4 onto a vps and have a bunch of music saved onto the vps. That way presenters could login to for example www.habboxlive.com/live (http://www.habboxlive.com/live) and broadcast without having software even installed on their system. As technology advances so should the radio.

I never really understood why the radio had its own website, when i was staff i wanted the website to be its own but when i think about it, it doesn't make sense. If presenters advertise habbox.com on habbo and scrapped the actual habboxlive website, listeners will see other content on the website which they may enjoy and explore it a little more. That's how i found out about rare values and habbo news when i started. If i was listening through habboxlive.com i don't think i would of started to use habboxs rare values, go to the events or even join the forum. Fair enough habboxlive did have a website at different stages back then but it was out of chance that i decided to listen to the presenter and actually visit habbox.com. When the presenters are advertising habboxlive.com it's just advertising their own department but if the only way people could tune in was through habbox.com it woulddefinitelyhelp other departments.

Irememberwhen i would say "the radio was so much better in previous years" which it may have been for me but that isn't to say the radio is at it lowest peak of all time because the radio may havegottenworse, habbo aren't doing enough and even they're losing their users so it isn't entirely the radios fault. I believe habboxlive can do so much better if small changes like above are made. No-one likes change but it's needed and after a week or so people will get so used to the changes that they will haveforgottenthe changes were made.

Giveaways helped the radio so much in the past but after a number of years they got boring, the radio needs something new. Perhaps the habboxlive team could brainstorm ways on how to reward people for tuning in because i don't really have any suggestions. I think a little bit more could be done on habbo too i never see Jess or Scott on habbo anymore, fair enough both of you are gettingolderand may have more important things to do but if you can't be bothered to go on habbo and help make your department better then maybe you should leave your position to one of the head djs who will care.

I know i sound like a totaldouchebut it's the truth and if this feedback means both of you will have a grudge against me, so be it :P.

[@]@,jess, [/@]; [@]@Sct[/@]

When i first joined habbo and found out about habbox events through the radio it was one of my all time favourite things to do on habbo, play events whilst meeting new people and trying to become rich at the same time :P I don't use habbo as much as i did back then but if there was more advertising about when events are on and what time they're on i would consider popping on and playing. I don't use habbox.com too muchany moreso perhaps targeting people from each corner of the site would be a good idea. I use the forum, listen to the radio the odd time and go on habbo now and then. Maybe i am just blind but i never hear mention about events happening. It was really good a while back because a lot of the events team were hxhd staff so they'd advertise it while in the room. Maybe for events you could have a side bar which you can close (like thecharityfund bar) that has the latest events and when they're on. Then when the event is happening the the person couldreceivea notification of some sort.


The help desk is like one of the only rooms i go to when i am on habbo. The help desk is great place to justpop inhave a chat then go offline but a lot of the staff seem to sit at the front bar for a few minutes then go to the seats at the back a go afk. Maybe people are misusing being able to go afk behind the bar or maybe theygenuinelydo have violent diarrhea. I don't agree with staff being able to go afk behind the bar because it could just get misused. I remember when david was manager they were told to go into the teleport and go afk in the other room, maybe that's a better option. Perhaps you could add a new role for the staff, where as part of their job they need to advertise an event before it starts. I don't think there are that many events in one day so it wouldn't really be a problem.


That new duel thing is a terrible update, sorry to whoever suggested it but the forum is a bit of chat a banter that's why I'm assuming the arcade has its own section and it isn't in every other post. I personally think the feature should be made an arcade game and people can invite their friends to play with them or something, it just doesn't make sense to me. I posted a huge rant the other day about swearing, spoilers and how everything should be reviewed on context rather than just removing it because the rule is all for one.If everyone has the same attitude "nO tHreadz SoO boreddd" there really isn't going to be any new threads, so people should stop sitting and waiting on others to spark a discussion and do it themselves. Loads of people i have spoke to always say to me "No I'm not going to bother 'cause people will think my threads are stupid and insult me" the mods are there for a reason and if people think their thread about hamsters or how diet coke makes you fat, you should see the amount of crap i post.

[@]@Sct[/@]; [@]@Brandon[/@]

I didn't post this thread to point out the obvious, we all know habbox isn't at its peakany more. I'm just giving my feedback and maybe the managers of each department will read this and see if they can do something i suggested. Oh and by the way i only posted about departments i mainly use so to the rest of the departments you got off free this time but i'll catch you soon :P.

Cheers for reading,

29-01-2012, 01:07 AM
So Sam4 can broadcast with Skype, good quality? Never knew this !

29-01-2012, 01:08 AM
So Sam4 can broadcast with Skype, good quality? Never knew this !

Yeah pal works for a lot of people, it depends really on the sound card you have.

29-01-2012, 01:45 AM
in terms in habboxlive (from a head dj's prospective): we are really struggling at the moment for applications and general interest in habboxlive from new users, and i really think it would beneficial for all the general management to get together with the department to work on initiatives and ways to get the radio back up. it's true habbo does not support us in the way it used to, but that doesn't mean we should also slack.

i have a few ideas for big events and stuff, but it would require prizes and stuff and idk if the resources are here. but i don't mind airing them to management if they wanna hear them?

also, the website issue is done and dusted, we will be merging we're just waiting on the site.

29-01-2012, 02:00 AM
I think [@]@Sct[/@] should surrender his position has HxL manager has he no longer djs or (as far as i can tell) has much to do with hxl anymore. think publicised would be better suited to the position =] and gives him a chance to focus more on the forum, right? also who is ,jess, and why is she never on habbo. barely even see her on forum either.

What really needs to happen is for all departments (excluding pointless ones - hxhd and rare values) to stick their heads together and work something out. If event staff and djs communicated we could have people at events listening to the radio too. rather than djs having to host giveaway to get listeners do something that is actually fun that will perhaps attract those listeners that will continue to listen regardless of whether they get a free tubmaster.

habbox used to be focused on rare vlaues but now it's all about the forum and so that is where most of the attention is placed. Rare values are kinda obsolete now anyway because of the marketplace pricings so all the habbox site is really used for now is an archive. lets be honest... nobody reads the news so that can be scrapped 2 or integrated into the forum somehow. :p

when i go to a habbox event i expect to see a few familiar faces but not the entire room filled with current habbox users. i know there isn't a lot of support or advertisement from the staff at habbo but surely you can work out a way to become more popular guys. what on earth happened to official habbox rooms? kaotix12's trade hall pulled a good few users in im sure.

29-01-2012, 02:00 AM
I agree - in part - with your feedback for HabboxLive.

As you know the bitrate required at HabboxLive is 96kb/s and I think the majority of our DJ's stream without any problems at that rate. Alas there are one or two DJ's who we have asked to lower their bitrate to 64kb/s as their connection is simply unable to handle 96kb/s. Myself and, I am sure the majority of the others in the HxL department, would be able to DJ at higher bitrates and I support the suggestion to raise the standard - perhaps to 128kb/s. The only problem I can really see is during a changeover - if the previous DJ was on 126 kb/s and then the connecting DJ was on at 64kb/s wouldn't this add emphasis on the quality (or lack of it) that the DJ is streaming at?

Recently I have noticed that more and more DJ's at HabboxLive have been upgrading to SAM4 and at first I was dubious about the new version although after having a look at it I am supportive towards it. I have got to say, although, that in the past few days I have noticed an increase in the amount of threads being made in the HabboxLive Staff Forum regarding issues to do with SAM4. I am yet to take the jump and upgrade to SAM4 but I will do soon! As far as I know SAM4 is supported by HabboxLive as a department.. ([@]@,Jess,[/@]; perhaps could clarify) I quite like your idea about having a VPS which DJ's could connect to.

In terms of HabboxLive and Habbox I completley agree with you and think it should be merged. Jin posted a thread in the HabboxLive section early last year asking us for our opinions. As far as I know the merge was planned (every time I asked for a new feature for the DJ panel they told me to wait as we'd be getting a new one when we merged), although with David leaving maybe this project is being put on hold?

Finally, I think we do need to brainstorm some ideas on how to make the radio more appealing. I have recently been planning a series of events with BAMitsKristyy and Maggots which will hopefully pull in some new listeners and get them involved a bit more.

Logan :D

29-01-2012, 02:18 AM
I won't reply to everything at the moment as I want to go to bed in a minute but I just want to confirm something:

although with David leaving maybe this project is being put on hold?

No, David has promised and said that he will be continuing with the merge of HabboxLive even when he has left. That's one of the main things he's still going to work on for Habbox because of it being promised and how much needed it is.


In terms of the VPS with music on, I don't think that would go down well. In terms of the law and god knows what else, it's a nice idea though.

29-01-2012, 02:20 AM
I won't reply to everything at the moment as I want to go to bed in a minute but I just want to confirm something:

No, David has promised and said that he will be continuing with the merge of HabboxLive even when he has left. That's one of the main things he's still going to work on for Habbox because of it being promised and how much needed it is.


In terms of the VPS with music on, I don't think that would go down well. In terms of the law and god knows what else, it's a nice idea though.

Awesome :D David is very dedicated, kudos to him!

29-01-2012, 02:49 AM
What really needs to happen is for all departments (excluding pointless ones - hxhd and rare values) to stick their heads together and work something out.

No department is pointless at all, Kyle. :P

The help desk is like one of the only rooms i go to when i am on habbo. The help desk is great place to justpop inhave a chat then go offline but a lot of the staff seem to sit at the front bar for a few minutes then go to the seats at the back a go afk. Maybe people are misusing being able to go afk behind the bar or maybe theygenuinelydo have violent diarrhea. I don't agree with staff being able to go afk behind the bar because it could just get misused. I remember when david was manager they were told to go into the teleport and go afk in the other room, maybe that's a better option. Perhaps you could add a new role for the staff, where as part of their job they need to advertise an event before it starts. I don't think there are that many events in one day so it wouldn't really be a problem.


Hey there Richie! Interesting thread you have made here.

When a staff member has to go afk/brb for more than 4 minutes, they should be going into the teleport (which is the staff entrance), reload the room, or go to another room instead (this will avoid them from sleeping while behind the desk). Sometimes, something may pop up to cause a HxHD staff member to head to the chairs in the back and go afk/brb a few times, but if it becomes an every day thing or just simply happening the whole entire day - then there is a problem.

Sometimes, I notice a few of my staff and visitors mentioning an event that is being held in the next hour, which is great. Sounds good for it to be encouraged though, since it will be helping an Event Organiser's event gain a few more players, but I'm not going to add it as a new role.

29-01-2012, 05:05 AM
I don't understand where this lack of applications claim is coming from.. Just the other day I was talking to two other people who had applied for the DJ position and hadn't heard anything.

Also, why does it really matter what program you're using? I use Nicecast for my website (shoutcast server) and it works fantastic at 128kbs.

29-01-2012, 05:09 AM
I don't understand where this lack of applications claim is coming from.. Just the other day I was talking to two other people who had applied for the DJ position and hadn't heard anything.

Also, why does it really matter what program you're using? I use Nicecast for my website (shoutcast server) and it works fantastic at 128kbs.

sorry, i should've worded my point better. lacking quality applications. that's not a dig at you (or yr friends that had applied either), we hire quality applicants so perhaps if you didn't get chosen it is down to a fault with you rather than hxl.

29-01-2012, 05:34 AM
So, I have a few to add on too.

Before I resigned from HXL, I did suggest to find a new Assistant HXL Manager. Lots of OBVIOUS reasons and I do think most HXL staff have noticed them. They just dont wanna admit them. silly enough. Has Sct DJed so far? Not that I know of. Even if he's online, did he reply to any of my messages when I wanted a cover for the next hour? Never. Maybe he was busy etc. but ffs, he didn't reply to me again and again. And when a cover was needed, none of the DJs even bother to book it or cover it until the Group 3 DJs have to stream for hours. And Jess. Back when I was a staff, yes. She rarely comes on Habbo. And if you did look at the timetable, nothing much improves. It's getting worse from day to day and the quality of the DJs urgh... I wouldn't even tune in. They sound so lackadaisical and bored. It's like they'll only think of DJing if there's nothing else to do. I've heard of the same thing for God knows how many times. 'We are lack of Group 3 DJs. We need more Group 2 DJs etc.' Seriously, why not consider having a few freelance DJs? Make a position like that and start hiring freelance DJs. The rules should not be as strict as normal DJs. Maybe make those freelance DJs dj for at least 10 hours/month or something like that. I know great.la has been doing that for years and I don't see a problem with it? Their DJs (freelance, normal, senior, head etc.) are still the same since I first DJed there at 2009. And their timetable was even better than HXL. At least it's not the same DJ who has been covering for hours and hours.
uhm other than that, i also agree with merging habboxlive.com with habbox.com. You can advertise for all departments when you have certain events.

I understand habbox is UK based but ever since habbo merged, we also have americans, asians etc. So, there should be more group 3 event organisers to promote habbox to other countries. although the majority is from uk, others should not be neglected.

My 'Alt+S' is not working for idk how many months already. Is it just me or it happens to other ppl too? Informed a few staff about this but so far, nothing happened. And for the 'undefined' thing, [@]@HotelUser[/@] it was in spam section. Duel between me and buttons and undefined won. It was just above me-you duel?

p/s: hxhd is ok. good job wd. even though i like bolt660's room more than xxmattgxx's

---------- Post added 29-01-2012 at 01:40 PM ----------

oh i missed this. is habboxlive getting lots of applications now? cause if there are many applications coming in, the probability of hiring quality applicants is high but if there are only a few applications, then you all should forget about hiring quality applicants. Just hire them and give them workshops etc. Practice makes perfect.

29-01-2012, 07:54 AM
So, I have a few to add on too.

Before I resigned from HXL, I did suggest to find a new Assistant HXL Manager. Lots of OBVIOUS reasons and I do think most HXL staff have noticed them. They just dont wanna admit them. silly enough. Has Sct DJed so far? Not that I know of. Even if he's online, did he reply to any of my messages when I wanted a cover for the next hour? Never. Maybe he was busy etc. but ffs, he didn't reply to me again and again. And when a cover was needed, none of the DJs even bother to book it or cover it until the Group 3 DJs have to stream for hours. And Jess. Back when I was a staff, yes. She rarely comes on Habbo. And if you did look at the timetable, nothing much improves. It's getting worse from day to day and the quality of the DJs urgh... I wouldn't even tune in. They sound so lackadaisical and bored. It's like they'll only think of DJing if there's nothing else to do. I've heard of the same thing for God knows how many times. 'We are lack of Group 3 DJs. We need more Group 2 DJs etc.' Seriously, why not consider having a few freelance DJs? Make a position like that and start hiring freelance DJs. The rules should not be as strict as normal DJs. Maybe make those freelance DJs dj for at least 10 hours/month or something like that. I know great.la has been doing that for years and I don't see a problem with it? Their DJs (freelance, normal, senior, head etc.) are still the same since I first DJed there at 2009. And their timetable was even better than HXL. At least it's not the same DJ who has been covering for hours and hours.
uhm other than that, i also agree with merging habboxlive.com with habbox.com. You can advertise for all departments when you have certain events.

I understand habbox is UK based but ever since habbo merged, we also have americans, asians etc. So, there should be more group 3 event organisers to promote habbox to other countries. although the majority is from uk, others should not be neglected.

My 'Alt+S' is not working for idk how many months already. Is it just me or it happens to other ppl too? Informed a few staff about this but so far, nothing happened. And for the 'undefined' thing, [@]@HotelUser[/@] it was in spam section. Duel between me and buttons and undefined won. It was just above me-you duel?

p/s: hxhd is ok. good job wd. even though i like bolt660's room more than xxmattgxx's

---------- Post added 29-01-2012 at 01:40 PM ----------

oh i missed this. is habboxlive getting lots of applications now? cause if there are many applications coming in, the probability of hiring quality applicants is high but if there are only a few applications, then you all should forget about hiring quality applicants. Just hire them and give them workshops etc. Practice makes perfect.

I agree with everything you posted besides this. Hiring presenters that aren't good is a bad thing. I don't mean to make the failed applicants look stupid but it isn't hard to create a clip of yourself speaking about regular habbo topics and sending it in an email with a good application, when they fail them steps they should review their applications for next time around. The radio has gotten into that slippery slope already, I'm not saying the presenters need to be experts but it would be good for presenters to know what they're going to chat about rather than flicking their microphone on and talking about the first thing that comes to their head. I'm sure habboxlive have some fantastic presenters but at the same time i have heard a lot of lets just say not so fantastic presenters that wouldn't of been given a chance a few years back. I personally think it's all about patience, brainstorming and of course advertising constantly, but what do i know.

Oh and I thought now would be a good time to add this because i know something will creep up along the lines of "relax, it's only a habbo radio station jeeez" if it's only a habbo radio station all departments should be treated equally. I think it's hilarious how when you judge presenters on acting professional you get reminded that it is a habbo radio station but when a forum moderator doesn't act professional they automatically get the boot or a mouthful off a lot of angry people. And saying that, the last time i posted something like this the majority of the people reminding me it is only a habbo radio station were funnily enough staff members.

29-01-2012, 09:34 AM
I don't understand where this lack of applications claim is coming from.. Just the other day I was talking to two other people who had applied for the DJ position and hadn't heard anything.

Also, why does it really matter what program you're using? I use Nicecast for my website (shoutcast server) and it works fantastic at 128kbs.

You use NiceCast because I assume you are a mac user? I'm not sure how many people who would like to become DJ's own a mac and don't want to mess with boot camp or virtual machines to be able to run Sam Broadcaster but would be interesting to know. If the program supports shoutcast and the majority of the features Sam do and can do smooth change overs than I don't see why it can't be supported. I'm not an expert in these programs and never used Nicecast so I can't comment fully on it.

In terms of Sam Broadcaster 4, I see a lot more threads about it being made in the staff section where users are asking for help. People are willing to use it and upgrade to it, just not straight away. Bit like when a new operating system comes out, not everyone upgrades all at the same time.

My 'Alt+S' is not working for idk how many months already. Is it just me or it happens to other ppl too? Informed a few staff about this but so far, nothing happened. And for the 'undefined' thing, [@]@HotelUser[/@] it was in spam section. Duel between me and buttons and undefined won. It was just above me-you duel?

p/s: hxhd is ok. good job wd. even though i like bolt660's room more than xxmattgxx's

Alt+S is out of our control. Alt+S depends on your operating system and browser you use. I'm not sure if vBulletin took it out but it's not something we would manage.


In terms of what you said about giveaways: It would be nice to do something else to attract users and tune into the radio or visit a certain part of the site. But we shouldn't end them altogether, most of them are great success and the users do enjoy them when they are on. Maybe we could do them every so often but then do something in the middle to separate them.

I'm up for changes but only changes that would actually be good and benefit departments now and for the future. It's an interesting thread you have made Richie and I do hope the department managers of the departments you have mentioned read it fully and also reply to this thread.

---------- Post added 29-01-2012 at 09:40 AM ----------

I think [@]@Sct[/@] should surrender his position has HxL manager has he no longer djs or (as far as i can tell) has much to do with hxl anymore. think publicised would be better suited to the position =] and gives him a chance to focus more on the forum, right? also who is ,jess, and why is she never on habbo. barely even see her on forum either.

What really needs to happen is for all departments (excluding pointless ones - hxhd and rare values) to stick their heads together and work something out. If event staff and djs communicated we could have people at events listening to the radio too. rather than djs having to host giveaway to get listeners do something that is actually fun that will perhaps attract those listeners that will continue to listen regardless of whether they get a free tubmaster.

habbox used to be focused on rare vlaues but now it's all about the forum and so that is where most of the attention is placed. Rare values are kinda obsolete now anyway because of the marketplace pricings so all the habbox site is really used for now is an archive. lets be honest... nobody reads the news so that can be scrapped 2 or integrated into the forum somehow. :p

when i go to a habbox event i expect to see a few familiar faces but not the entire room filled with current habbox users. i know there isn't a lot of support or advertisement from the staff at habbo but surely you can work out a way to become more popular guys. what on earth happened to official habbox rooms? kaotix12's trade hall pulled a good few users in im sure.

It would be nice to see Bethie in a management position at some point as I think she will do a great job at doing it. (No I'm not saying Jess or Scott fail)

What do you suggest departments should to do that is "fun"? Major events that combine the departments of some speak? I don't think we should start scrapping departments such as a news. It may not be read like it used to but there are still people out there who do read it. Even certain members of Habbo Staff read it when it mentions something that has got their attention. [@]@Bolt660[/@], [@]@Nuxty[/@]

I think this problem has came up before about them being too many Habbox staff members in events but you don't just mention staff, you mention users that you have seen in the Help Desk and the forum I'm guessing?

In terms of the Official Habbox Rooms: We still have them but I need to remind Mike that they need to be sorted out and managed again. I think it's time we allow people to send in their rooms and if they are popular and any good we can use them to advertise Habbox more. We do have a Trade room on there that seems to get popular on a daily basis owned by Varnius which has advertisement of Habbox inside the room via the wired. It's time for that page to be sorted and get rid of ones that aren't being used or no longer open and allow people to send their rooms in to become an official habbox room. [@]@Inseriousity.[/@]

29-01-2012, 09:55 AM
When i first joined habbo and found out about habbox events through the radio it was one of my all time favourite things to do on habbo, play events whilst meeting new people and trying to become rich at the same time :P I don't use habbo as much as i did back then but if there was more advertising about when events are on and what time they're on i would consider popping on and playing. I don't use habbox.com too muchany moreso perhaps targeting people from each corner of the site would be a good idea. I use the forum, listen to the radio the odd time and go on habbo now and then. Maybe i am just blind but i never hear mention about events happening. It was really good a while back because a lot of the events team were hxhd staff so they'd advertise it while in the room. Maybe for events you could have a side bar which you can close (like thecharityfund bar) that has the latest events and when they're on. Then when the event is happening the the person couldreceivea notification of some sort.

Hi Richie,
Strangely enough, there's already a little button on the sidebar for people to click. If you use the Site Skin 2011, you can click the little square room with the moving Habbos and it will produce a list of today's events. I don't use that skin so it would be nice if it was added to the others.. but yeah, it's there! :)

In terms of advertising on HabboxLive, I created a thread in the Events Organisers section a couple of weeks ago to try and find out how much the events are actually advertised. I fully supported removing the "Request a DJ" section because it was tedious and boring, and DJs have been asked to advertise the events if there's one on. Naturally, I have no idea if this is the case as I don't really tune in! :P If there's an event on whilst I'm on Habbo though, I do usually send a shutout to the current DJ that's online, just to remind them! :)

29-01-2012, 10:03 AM
It would be nice to see Bethie in a management position at some point as I think she will do a great job at doing it.(No I'm not saying Jess or Scott fail)
I have to agree with this, bethie does so much fr the dept shes totally showed herself

29-01-2012, 10:34 AM
I believe HxHD are already aware of the afk problem and are doing measures to sort it out.

I think there's a source of untapped potential in HabboxLive's userbase. Generally speaking, they're of the younger age bracket that we need to help boost the site up as they're the most likely to use all the new features.

Despite that, Habbox isn't just for new members. It's also for the members we've already got and so I see no problem with events being filled with people that are already here. If anything, events rely on them to get the room popular and it'd be foolish to say every single person in the event is aHabbox member. The key is to try and getthe non-Habbox members in the event to sign up and get active, which is easier said than done!

As for OfficialRooms List, when I got the agm position, I was thinking of ways to try and make the advertisementmore effective for both parties (room owner and Habbox) cos there isn't really any data as to how effective the whole scheme is. I'm not ashamed to admit that I've drawn a blankatm butit is definitely somethingthat is on my list of things to do. :)

29-01-2012, 11:11 AM
Ah Richie, the good ol' feedback thread that props up about general departments one in a blue moon haha.

For radio:

Needs life, and a lot of it at that. The listeners seem to be in a downward slope of decline. I was shocked to see below 40 listeners at some points during primetime. I decided to compare it with other official stations and HabboxLive seemed most under performing in terms of that.

I had suggested a higher bitrate ages ago, all I got were silly comments by some members of the radio and crap like that. Seriously, if your computer cannot handle at least 96 kb/s, then I suggest you throw it out right now. No one anymore will be tuning in to hear anything below, and even 96 is pushing it to the low side.

Also, I never really got the idea of why HabboxLive was a boot camp for new DJs. There's no need for it to be. In the olden days HabboxLive was respected because it would hire only the best, now it's probably easier to get into HabboxLive than most other radio sites, which tells you a lot. I even believe the staffing team needs a bit of an overhaul in general.

For forum:

Maybe some big competitions or more promotions in events and stuff, as we're in need of more activity on here, as this lack of it doesn't seem to be one of those talked about trends that management quite often put forth.

For news

As for news, it can be read, it just needs new incentives for people to read it such as greater competitions, promotion, station jingles (which I actually thought we were promised way back since I was news management but never got :(!) Although that too could be freshened up a bit I admit :P, as I wouldn't really classify posting featured pieces on types of Habbo jobs, or Habbo mistakes that weren't stimulated by rolling 'spot' features as news. Featured pieces like that should be set off by some spot story. Heck I would even class stuff like that more relevant to the content department than news!

Also, maybe more thorough checks on articles, as I sometimes see names like "Mr X" without telling me where he's from or how this gentleman has any credibility or relevance to the article I'm reading. Sure, it may be small to some, but in the world of journalism, your article looses all its credibility that way. Moreover, use one style, don't variate between American and British English in an article and that also looks slightly off-putting. Might just be me though :P!

Anyway, here are my 5 cents, everything constructive and hopefully no one left out to be grumpy. Although there always are after these types of threads!

29-01-2012, 11:23 AM
For radio:

Needs life, and a lot of it at that. The listeners seem to be in a downward slope of decline. I was shocked to see below 40 listeners at some points during primetime. I decided to compare it with other official stations and HabboxLive seemed most under performing in terms of that.

I had suggested a higher bitrate ages ago, all I got were silly comments by some members of the radio and crap like that. Seriously, if your computer cannot handle at least 96 kb/s, then I suggest you throw it out right now. No one anymore will be tuning in to hear anything below, and even 96 is pushing it to the low side.

Any computer can support a higher bit rate, what you're talking about is the internet connection, which yes, most should be able to handle higher than 96kbps, but if you whack it up any higher you immediately shut out any possibility of mobile streaming or streaming for rural users on a slower broadband connection. Hell, the BBC maxes their "pop music" bitrate out at 128Kbps, so by all means increase it, but not by a huge amount at all.

I believe the increase from 96Kbps to 128Kbps would definitely be noticable enough for it to be worth while, but as soon as you push 128Kbps, whilst yes the quality increases noticeably, the amount of bandwidth used also increases silly amounts.

At 128Kbps you're going to be using ~60Mb/h, at 320Kbps you're going to increase that to around 130Mb/h.

Whilst not based on SHOUTcast, someone like David by find this blog article by someone at the BBC an interesting read: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/radiolabs/2008/06/under_the_iplayer_hood_for_rad.shtml

29-01-2012, 01:52 PM

With the SAM 4 stuff I wasn't aware that you could do all that, I'm not sure about the bitrate raising like I think we'd have to ask Jin on that one, I would like it to be higher I think thishabbo is and it sounds much better. I do know though that some DJs might not be able to stream higher but I reckon the majority would.

With HabboxLive merging with Habbox.com I agree and this has been the plan for at least the last year, before I was manager I was told that was basically what was going to change its just never been done but I know that David is going to do it for us shortly.

The radio does concern me at the moment and I know its my fault, I only ever intend to hire good DJs and I believe that the DJs that I have hired are talented just that some of them are incredibly lazy (soon to be gone) but some are extremely dedicated and I think by being on air so often they have just started putting less effort in as naturally you get bored. There seems to be a lack of motivation for the DJs and I think its important that people aspire to be a DJ at Habbox and if that means being tougher on staff and replacing people (me included) to keep it refreshed then thats a good thing. I think Bethie would make a really good manager, I was thinking about it the other day but thats not to say I don't enjoy it and am trying so hard to keep on top of everything it is just hard at the moment.

I would love a bigger range of events for HabboxLive than the standard giveaways and doing events is one of my favourite things to do. We have valentines in a couple of weeks which is a good place to start so hopefully we can get some new ideas. The only difficult thing with hosting events is funding, we have a limited budget and go through so much stuff that its just plain difficult. I am coming up with new ways to improve the funds though (which involve me using Habbo more). Using Habbo more tends to get pushed aside for me though as I get stuck doing other things such as reports, updating the sites, staff issues and sorting events. Its a pretty big job and sometimes it is hard to get the balance right.

Anyway basically I agree with what you have said about the radio and I really want hxl to improve and I know it can. I am going to work on some sort of plan for improvement and it will be followed through and not just a plan that never actually happens. So if anyone thinks there are other issues then I would be happy to hear them.

29-01-2012, 04:40 PM
It would be nice to see Bethie in a management position

glad you agree.

What do you suggest departments should to do that is "fun"? Major events that combine the departments of some speak? I don't think we should start scrapping departments such as a news. It may not be read like it used to but there are still people out there who do read it. Even certain members of Habbo Staff read it when it mentions something that has got their attention. [@]@Bolt660[/@], [@]@Nuxty[/@]
Okay no need to scrap news, maybe that was a bit drastic but I am sure there are ways to make it more accessible. Some of the articles there are actually quite well written and some are even interesting ([@]@Grig)[/@]. Just want somewhere else to read them other than the habbox site as. Anybody remember the habbohut teen magazine? Probably not... but it was really quite good! Here's a link so you can see how it worked:http://frankenteddy.deviantart.com/art/HabboHut-Teen-Magazine-Issue-1-61414807
I'm sure Mathew's gossip column could be implemented there too :p

I think this problem has came up before about them being too many Habbox staff members in events but you don't just mention staff, you mention users that you have seen in the Help Desk and the forum I'm guessing?
I have no problem with current users going to events, that is what they are there for. but when half of the room like you say is habbox staff members and 9/10 of the other half is current members it doesnt really leave much space for potential new members to play. bigger events with more notice (aka not the host posting on the forum 2 minutes after the event was due to start and wondering why their room is empty) would give room for plenty of users to participate.

Also @ all events staff - don't rely so heavily on the holodice for your events. Bingo, higher or lower, pod race, "don't roll a 6" (didn't this used to be a way to scam people at giveaways to get your room popular?) to name but a few. Look at some of today's events:
Games of chance are good fun every once in a while but when the majority of events consist of the host/player rolling a dice to decide their fate, it gets kind of boring. More events that require at least some degree of 'skill' please? [@]@Mathew[/@]

In terms of the Official Habbox Rooms: We still have them but I need to remind Mike that they need to be sorted out and managed again. I think it's time we allow people to send in their rooms and if they are popular and any good we can use them to advertise Habbox more. We do have a Trade room on there that seems to get popular on a daily basis owned by Varnius which has advertisement of Habbox inside the room via the wired. It's time for that page to be sorted and get rid of ones that aren't being used or no longer open and allow people to send their rooms in to become an official habbox room. [@]@Inseriousity[/@].

It's all well and good having people's rooms on a list of 'official rooms' but when they don't promote habbox in any way... what's the point? Varnius' room has no linkage whatsoever to habbox as far as I can see from the outside and the wired inside that links to habbox.com is drowned out by the other 19 lines of wired telling people how to buy rights and to rate the room. I know Zak also has an official habbox room but the part of the room name that states that it is * HABBOX OFFICIAL * is cut off so nobody really knows that it is. Perhaps he should take a leaf from Varnius' book and add a line of wired inside too. Roxy 619 has and official room that nobody visits, as does jas,. I think what you need to do is get into contact with people who actually have popular rooms and talk about advertising rather than sticking HABBOX OFFICIAL on empty rooms just because people want some recognition for a room theyve built. Pigperson has a great room with lots of links to habbox but it too is unfortunately baron. Some of these rooms need promotion not just on the habbox archive (aka habbox.com) but also in the forums where people do actually look.

29-01-2012, 04:48 PM
Bethie would be fab as radio management. I don't think the current management are on enough at all. The month Bethie was gone, the radio just went downhill. Radio was offline practically every time I looked or was just people streaming. I tuned into hffm to listen to rys shows and then listened to their the voice comp and they are of such a better standard tbh.

In hxhd, I do advertise events to new people that come in looking for help, asking for ways to earn credits etc. I think it would be pointless to advertise events though because it would just empty the desk and fill events with staff and habbox users (since they are the ones that hang there).

29-01-2012, 04:54 PM
glad you agree.

Okay no need to scrap news, maybe that was a bit drastic but I am sure there are ways to make it more accessible. Some of the articles there are actually quite well written and some are even interesting ([@]@Grig)[/@]. Just want somewhere else to read them other than the habbox site as. Anybody remember the habbohut teen magazine? Probably not... but it was really quite good! Here's a link so you can see how it worked:http://frankenteddy.deviantart.com/art/HabboHut-Teen-Magazine-Issue-1-61414807
I'm sure Mathew's gossip column could be implemented there too :p

It's all well and good having people's rooms on a list of 'official rooms' but when they don't promote habbox in any way... what's the point? Varnius' room has no linkage whatsoever to habbox as far as I can see from the outside and the wired inside that links to habbox.com is drowned out by the other 19 lines of wired telling people how to buy rights and to rate the room. I know Zak also has an official habbox room but the part of the room name that states that it is * HABBOX OFFICIAL * is cut off so nobody really knows that it is. Perhaps he should take a leaf from Varnius' book and add a line of wired inside too. Roxy 619 has and official room that nobody visits, as does jas,. I think what you need to do is get into contact with people who actually have popular rooms and talk about advertising rather than sticking HABBOX OFFICIAL on empty rooms just because people want some recognition for a room theyve built. Pigperson has a great room with lots of links to habbox but it too is unfortunately baron. Some of these rooms need promotion not just on the habbox archive (aka habbox.com) but also in the forums where people do actually look.

I really like that magazine! If we had some people who had skills in that area such as flash and able to put something like that together then that would be quite awesome indeed. In terms of the official rooms: I did have in my head when replying back to you about actually going round to popular rooms and speaking them to see if they wanted to be apart of the "Official Habbox Room List".

29-01-2012, 05:00 PM
I really like that magazine! If we had some people who had skills in that area such as flash and able to put something like that together then that would be quite awesome indeed. In terms of the official rooms: I did have in my head when replying back to you about actually going round to popular rooms and speaking them to see if they wanted to be apart of the "Official Habbox Room List".

Yeh this is always a fantastic idea. I used to write for one of these years and years ago at some fansite. If written well it does hold for an entertaining read. It could even mean more people will be interested in joining the department and what not because it incorporates elements from the now defunct articles department.

I do agree with Kyle that it is things like this that would make Habbox News more entertaining, giving it an edge, because sadly people are now demanding more as the same old gets boring and there are other sources such as Habbo or BBC etc. to read them at. This is why when writing real life for example, I try and twist things by making it more entertaining whilst still keeping it strictly 100% factual. Although there is a boundary not to be crossed of what would be classed as news, and simply not news and a guide to something, which would then be outside the news departments domain and I have seen a bit of that happen recently.

29-01-2012, 05:12 PM
Ok I haven't read all this but I never knew Jess and Sct weren't on Habbo/HxL enough.

I am sure I have told [@]@grig[/@] or someone like that many a time that managers should do what their staff do (if you understand that)

What I mean is, event managers should be hosting events (I never see [@]@jurv[/@] hosting one sorry if you do) whereas Mathew does one every once in a while and covers them.

HxL managers should be on HxL more as said in this thread but as I have never been in the dept I am not going to judge.

News Managers should be posting news and the last one I saw a news manager post was about snowstorm coming back [@]@Bolt660[/@] [@]@Nuxty[/@]

[@]@Zuth[/@] does content, [@]@Sct[/@] [@]@Brandon[/@] do moderation, I and [@]@pigperson[/@] do rare values as we have to update the heads values and [@]@alex3213[/@] does competitions. So I guess it is more forum based rather than habbo based who do jobs, the only habbo person I see doing her job so much is Rosy, she is the help desk loads and shows that managers can be bothered to do the work, she is an active person!

Also with HxL about about [@]@publicised[/@] being the assistant manager, why not have 2 like you did with [@]@lindsay[/@] and [@]@sct[/@], yeah they were different country djs but does bethie sleep at night ;) she sometimes is up until about 3am, again, someone who wants to do the work, having HxL's best interests at heart. I speak to someone on msn and they say that [@]@Sct[/@] isn't as active enough now, I agree, not saying he is a bad dj or mod or should step down I don't think anyone should be pressured into that but he isn't as active as he used to be and I feel if scott cant handle it he will know when to stop and take a step back.

Also I never tune into HabboxLive, most of the time (if I have my sound on) I will mute it when I am doing rare values, not because the djs are of bad quality it's the repetive songs, the same djs over and over etc, plus it lags me. I will tune in if someone realy wants me to or if I fancy listening to something but I have grown up and after listening to it lots when I first came it does drag for you.

29-01-2012, 05:13 PM
i have said for a while and asked whether there would be a chance of strictly real-life news writers, because i for one wouldn't mind writing none-habbo news (because i find writing interesting anyway). a lot of the other fansites have these "media writers" who cover music/tv etcetc and they seem very popular, why can't we implement something like that?

i like the magazine idea. i think it could be a way of getting more people into news and freeing the habbox.com site up of walls of text.

29-01-2012, 05:15 PM
[@]@Samanfa[/@] it was Gemma not Lindsey LOL and the reason that happened was because she was international and the Head DJ position was simply not working out :P.

@Publicised, we had that with entertainment and technology back when I was still management, then it kinda all merged into one general real life thing.

29-01-2012, 05:16 PM
[@]@grig[/@] awks I remember gemma now LOL.

29-01-2012, 05:22 PM
[@]@grig[/@] awks I remember gemma now LOL.

I do agree it would be nice for all managers to contribute to the crucial roles of the dept. I remember at news, that there was plenty of time to write news from other duties. I can't speak for the other departments, although I know HxL sometimes has so much to plan and such a large staffing team that it is more difficult for them to find the extra commitment time to DJ- although that too would be great, like I remember they had a nice chart show that they both did for 2 hours a week :).

and Beth [@]@Publicised[/@] cause my mention to your post didn't work in my previous reply :(!!! This is in ref. to my previous reply too about specialized reporters LOL.

29-01-2012, 05:26 PM
Not going to lie, It's been like this for a while now, only decent DJ's i actually hear are Kerby, Gina and Bethie...
Like the rest ether have the voice of a 9 year old or rap on the radio....
The managers should be setting a example of DJing, yet its left to Gina and Kerby to rack in the hours like they do.
People are saying why not have 2 assistant managers, Why not just have 1 decent manager who can atleast manage the radio, and actually DJ from week to week aswel? Instead of just having sitting ducks, scott does brilliant as a forum manager, but as a DJ, i haven't heard him DJ in yonks... and i've never once heard Jess DJ...

29-01-2012, 05:28 PM
[@]@Goldenmerc[/@] [@]@RemelKiid[/@] is a great dj too! IMO. He does loads for HxL tbh.

29-01-2012, 05:37 PM
Haven't heard him [@]@Samanfa[/@]

29-01-2012, 05:40 PM
We have had 'Real Life' Reporters in the past and whilst its been good, there has never really been a good way of showcasing it and getting people interested in reading it. I think a different form of media could be something good to try though. We have to remember that we are providing for quite a varied age range and its important that the content isn't too confusing for the younger ones whilst keeping it interesting enough for the older ones.

Previous management changed quite a few things in news, and at one point had planned to completely scrap the real life side of things altogether but I am against this however. I think that providing its interesting topics that are covered and that the style of writing is unique and we are offering something different to every other media site out there than thats ok.

People do still read the News, however I agree that the number is constantly decreasing and something needs to be done to make it stand out more perhaps. The comments are up and down, last week we had quite a few comments on articles but sometimes there are hardly any. The commenting system itself means users have to be logged in to comment, and I prefer the old system where you can just comment freely.

I would only be willing to have reporters soley reporting on 'Real Life' news if we find a certain way of making the content available more easily and a solid way of those articles getting hits without having to be on the front page of Habbox.com. I think the magazine is a good idea and something we could have a go at, providing it doesn't become as defunct as the Newsletter was a couple of years back.

I think we have a good team of reporters generally at the moment and it will be nice for people to be able to showcase their writing skills and creative skills in this way. Advertising articles has always been an issue, since you can't really force people to read. The key thing is just keeping them interesting, of a unique style and appealing to the eye. Perhaps the community notice board could be used as a way of showcasing the days important news articles or something, or some link could be created with the forum to help get news articles advertised more. Definitely not the old Habbox News bot though, since that annoyed a lot of people a couple of years ago! :P

In regards to other departments, I think generally Habbox is going through a very quiet period at the moment. Whilst we are retaining a lot of current members, we don't seem to be getting new ones to check out our services and stick around as perhaps we have in the past. Listener figures are the lowest for a very long time, and there just needs to be a bit more interest in general. The helpdesk doesn't seem to have been as badly affected. I've noticed the radio offline quite a bit at night which is a shame because we were doing quite well at one point getting the international side of things on the up. Evening keeping it on by streaming is more beneficial and gives out a better message than it being offline altogether. Giveaways generally do work, providing they are done on a regular basis and not with huge gaps between them. DJ party rooms are also quite fun too and when they get popular the advertising in the room can really have a good effect on listener numbers.

The amount of events generally links to this and hasn't been as high as perhaps in the past. I do quite often see unique ideas for events and thats really important when getting things popular. The weekly events have always been great too. I think as with Habboxlive, its become harder and harder to find good applications and staff that will put in heaps of effort to get things back on track.

I think if funds are low for doing community events etc, that donations really need to be pushed again. The donations thread needs updating (since it still tells people to donate to me), and I've probably got a few things to donate too. The question of the week always used to get a lot of entries on the main site so thats another good way of getting people to come back to the site and perhaps check out the content whilst they are there. (That thread also needs updating from december).

In regards to official rooms, they do need to be checked to ensure they are meeting their half of the bargain and advertising Habbox enough. I agree with whoever said they need to be popular and used too, and whereas at the time they might have been popular, this can change in a matter of weeks and so it needs to be kept fresh and ingoing with whats popular. I think there are lots of popular rooms that could be included now, things like armys, airports, hospitals etc which are constantly popular may be good ones to approach. I think the whole scheme needs looking at and more advertising done on both parts. I know I included one of the trade city rooms in the trading forum at one point, as well as cool rooms forum and community notice board etc, however I think the links have since failed! :P

In the meantime, I will speak with Charlie and General Management about the Magazine idea and we will see what we can come up with. The main priorities at the moment I feel are really looking into what types of news can be popular, and how it can be displayed and produced to entertain and engage the audience. Advertising needs to be hugely stepped up on the hotel client, since thats where a large proportion of our userbase comes from. I will consider real life reporters as a job role, providing their is enough interest in it and that we come up with a solution to ensure it gets used! :)

29-01-2012, 05:43 PM
Personally, Martins a brilliant manager, but news should be scrapped and in return just use a RSS bot from habbo to post, exactly the same. Sorry Martin but its true!

29-01-2012, 06:24 PM
Personally, Martins a brilliant manager, but news should be scrapped and in return just use a RSS bot from habbo to post, exactly the same. Sorry Martin but its true!

This would demote news into the ground I'm afraid to say. The RSS bot from Habbo is 99.99% crap about events which do nothing other than promote ongoing Habbo events. Habbox News should be following a very similar model to that of HabboTimes and Puhekupla (apologies on spelling). They are unable to do this because Sulake has demanded Habbox not post on unreleased items when they allow HabboTimes and Puhekupla to do so. In my own opinion I feel this is something which should be rigorously appealed by Habbox, and possibly even made into a public issue advertised on the Habbox website because the decision by Sulake is absolutely outrageous and unfair to say the least.

29-01-2012, 06:29 PM
[@]@Goldenmerc[/@] get rid of news? Are you absolutely crazy? I love news, it's helped me in my english language course at college and I love reading it. Lots of news reporters give unique views coming from both sides and if you just have the RSS feed on then you are missing everything!

29-01-2012, 06:33 PM
Personally, Martins a brilliant manager, but news should be scrapped and in return just use a RSS bot from habbo to post, exactly the same. Sorry Martin but its true!

The reason it isn't read just isn't good enough to say, articles still do get hits you know. Also, some Habbo news we post isn't on Habbo itself, like the recent two stories that I've posted on an interview with the Sulake CEO and phishing etc. We can't start posting rumours or funi releases because Habbo will probably be very angry by that as they have stated in the past. We can however try to get reporters to add a little twist in their writing style, though, that may be harder and many reporters do already offer some unique views and what not to try and stimulate debates on articles.

29-01-2012, 06:34 PM
[@]@Samanfa[/@] [@]@Grig[/@] at anyone who else suggested the assistant radio manager job. i think habboxlive doesn't actually need the assistant manager role anyway which is why you don't really see much regarding hxl from scott, everyone has it covered. head djs send show issues/warnings/do DJ feedback and jess is doing the hiring/firing/managing big things/organisation. every base is pretty much covered. unless you took away things from the head dj role i don't think an assistant manager is needed.

29-01-2012, 06:40 PM
[@]@Goldenmerc[/@] [@]@RemelKiid[/@] is a great dj too! IMO. He does loads for HxL tbh.

I think i said this about 100 times already, how come any feedback thread regarding habboxlive always has something like this or a dj says I DID X AMOUNT OF HOURS so it's not my fault, it's annoying the thread is about hxl improving not who is good and who is ****.

29-01-2012, 06:48 PM
I think News is always meant to be a version of Habbo news but from a players point of view, moreso than some official facts about whats happening on habbo etcetc. I always encourage reporters to use their own style, interact with the readers, express their opinions, gather other peoples opinions and stick them in and basically make it almost like a reflection and discussion of what the News is, whilst still giving the essential information. I for one find it both interesting and entertaining reading some of the styles of writing and sometimes its just kinda nice to read it from a Habbo users point of view.

I also agree with you David that its a shame we cannot report on unreleased stuff etc before Habbo does. This was a good way of getting hits to news simply because some people are genuinely interested in finding stuff out and I think thats why puhekupla does so well in terms of visitors etc. I'm not sure how much of a good idea it would be to protest on the site etc though, since I'm not sure getting on their nerves is the best way to go if they are starting to take more of an interest in "some" fansites again and I know Mike is eagerly awaiting for them to include us in one of their Fansite events articles rather than some other sites that a lot of people haven't heard of! :P We have to tread carefully in some respects but then we also have to work out where the line is and whether we take action to improve the hits etc.

A lot of people have a passion for writing, and for them expressing their views, portraying the news in their own way and getting readers comments/feedback can be a very rewarding and beneficial experience. I think the department has been around long enough to have established itself here and see no reason to remove it. Most departments are going through a quiet period, however its just a matter of working out methods to increase user numbers again and making sure content is enjoyable and attracts people to come back. Uniqueness is another point since we need to offer things that other fansites do not.

29-01-2012, 06:52 PM
I just don't see it being how it was, its not Martin's fault its just how it goes, Same with values. Habbo crushed values, unlike news i just think it'd much prefer reading them on Habbo.

29-01-2012, 07:40 PM
I thought that SAM4 makes you buffer more? Isnt that the issue.. I honestly dont think there is anything diffrent with sam 4 and sam 2 and 3 Just The layout less glitches etc... I only DJ at 64/Kb Because After about 30 mins its would start buffering, I have a few choices But can only choose one or else il be entirely buffery xD I have sam 4, If there is a new version I noticed some people using a diffrent version but if theres some new one that doesnt buffer IL get it.. As for the lack of me DJing is honestly because theres never something new.. Its just the same people DJing same events etc... I think we really should put a change on that I dont have any ideas but I think Jess and Sct Should think of somethin

29-01-2012, 07:42 PM
Regarding HabboxLive, I have been planning on leaving for a few months now and informed General management of that. My plan however was to wait for HxL and Hx.com to merge as it's something that myself and Jess have worked on with Hoteluser (and before that Jess, Oli and Hoteluser) for a while. I do feel that bethie [@]@publicised[/@] would do a great job as assistant hxl manager as she has a lot of great ideas and stuff like that. I'm going to send a PM to General management with my resignation as assistant habboxlive manager, which will then give someone else with a bit more time the chance to help improve habboxlive too. :)

Regarding the duelling thing, forum management had nothing to do with it and I do agree that it's something that's quite pointless!

29-01-2012, 07:44 PM
I thought that SAM4 makes you buffer more? Isnt that the issue.. I honestly dont think there is anything diffrent with sam 4 and sam 2 and 3 Just The layout less glitches etc... I only DJ at 64/Kb Because After about 30 mins its would start buffering, I have a few choices But can only choose one or else il be entirely buffery xD I have sam 4, If there is a new version I noticed some people using a diffrent version but if theres some new one that doesnt buffer IL get it.. As for the lack of me DJing is honestly because theres never something new.. Its just the same people DJing same events etc... I think we really should put a change on that I dont have any ideas but I think Jess and Sct Should think of somethin

the bolded part really annoys me. in places like habbox you get out what YOU put in. you shouldn't be relying on jess and/or scott to create everything and then complain there's nothing new.

29-01-2012, 07:50 PM
the bolded part really annoys me. in places like habbox you get out what YOU put in. you shouldn't be relying on jess and/or scott to create everything and then complain there's nothing new.
Well there really isnt anything new, You have to admit it the giveaway was nice but lets be honest What fansite doesnt do giveaways?

29-01-2012, 07:51 PM
Well there really isnt anything new, You have to admit it the giveaway was nice but lets be honest What fansite doesnt do giveaways?

i didn't argue the fact there's nothing new, i'm arguing the fact that people complain there's nothing new without generating any ideas and expecting everything to be done for them.

29-01-2012, 07:54 PM
Well there really isnt anything new, You have to admit it the giveaway was nice but lets be honest What fansite doesnt do giveaways?
don't be so lazy. team effort pal

29-01-2012, 07:54 PM
the bolded part really annoys me. in places like habbox you get out what YOU put in. you shouldn't be relying on jess and/or scott to create everything and then complain there's nothing new.

[@]@Haxo[/@] - I have to agree with Bethie. I often do events at HabboxLive - never have I been approached by management to do them. If you're looking for something new to do why don't you get brainstorming and pitch some ideas to Jess and see what she thinks?

29-01-2012, 07:54 PM
i didn't argue the fact there's nothing new, i'm arguing the fact that people complain there's nothing new without generating any ideas and expecting everything to be done for them.
Well isnt that why we have Jess and Scott...
I do have an idea that Habbox use to do... But i doubt it will be aproved.

---------- Post added 29-01-2012 at 07:56 PM ----------

don't be so lazy. team effort pal
Im not lazy, I get bored sometimes when I DJ no one requests songs etc, Another improvment is to put the request box where you can see it,,,

---------- Post added 29-01-2012 at 07:58 PM ----------

[@]@Haxo[/@] - I have to agree with Bethie. I often do events at HabboxLive - never have I been approached by management to do them. If you're looking for something new to do why don't you get brainstorming and pitch some ideas to Jess and see what she thinks?
well, You do fun kind of stuff that involve coins etc, A majority of DJ's cant as we arent all rich on habbo

29-01-2012, 07:59 PM
I agree with everything you posted besides this. Hiring presenters that aren't good is a bad thing. I don't mean to make the failed applicants look stupid but it isn't hard to create a clip of yourself speaking about regular habbo topics and sending it in an email with a good application, when they fail them steps they should review their applications for next time around....

I completely understand that.
However, talking about regular habbo topics wasn't specified.. Just "a 60 second voice clip of your DJing to the application."

Also - I apologize if I came off as "WELL I APPLIEDZ WHY DIDN I GET IT?!?!". That wasn't my intention at all. I understand that not everyone who applies will get the job. It would be a little more comforting if someone would reply with a no, and maybe something that person can do to make their app better?

29-01-2012, 07:59 PM
i didn't argue the fact there's nothing new, i'm arguing the fact that people complain there's nothing new without generating any ideas and expecting everything to be done for them.
That's true. More communication in all departments need to be encouraged and less arguing within departments. Staff should stop complaining and try and find new ways of doing things and putting forward ideas and managers should always reply and acknowledge them and if possible, find a way to use them. That's pretty obvious stuff but communication seems to be lacking.

[@]@Haxo[/@] that's a poor excuse you can't say that without trying?

29-01-2012, 08:00 PM
Well isnt that why we have Jess and Scott...
I do have an idea that Habbox use to do... But i doubt it will be aproved.

well no, not really. jess and scott are there to approve ideas, organise the staff list, make sure everything is working, discipline they're not there to single handedly brainstorm habboxlive and tell you exactly what to do and when to do it.

the managers are people who have shown dedication by generating ideas in the past and proving themselves, not people who are told to do the job of 30 others.

---------- Post added 29-01-2012 at 08:02 PM ----------

I completely understand that.
However, talking about regular habbo topics wasn't specified.. Just "a 60 second voice clip of your DJing to the application."

Also - I apologize if I came off as "WELL I APPLIEDZ WHY DIDN I GET IT?!?!". That wasn't my intention at all. I understand that not everyone who applies will get the job. It would be a little more comforting if someone would reply with a no, and maybe something that person can do to make their app better?

hiya, in regards to yr last point we do receive a lot of applications and to go through them one by one and give feedback would take a lot of valuable time that we need to be spending on pushing habboxlive up.

but maybe it's something we can look into for the future when resources aren't maxed?

29-01-2012, 08:05 PM

Edited by HotelUser (Assistant General Manager): Please don't discuss promotions before they happen, thanks.

29-01-2012, 08:10 PM
can i add a bit more? I honestly think we should get something going for the americans because Everything happends UK... Im going to pm jess on a show I want to start for the americans

29-01-2012, 08:11 PM
Just want somewhere else to read them other than the habbox site as. Anybody remember the habbohut teen magazine? Probably not... but it was really quite good! Here's a link so you can see how it worked:http://frankenteddy.deviantart.com/art/HabboHut-Teen-Magazine-Issue-1-61414807
I'm sure Mathew's gossip column could be implemented there too :p
lol that's extremely cute. Looks like a lot of fun to produce... :)

I have no problem with current users going to events, that is what they are there for. but when half of the room like you say is habbox staff members and 9/10 of the other half is current members it doesnt really leave much space for potential new members to play. bigger events with more notice (aka not the host posting on the forum 2 minutes after the event was due to start and wondering why their room is empty) would give room for plenty of users to participate.

Also @ all events staff - don't rely so heavily on the holodice for your events. Bingo, higher or lower, pod race, "don't roll a 6" (didn't this used to be a way to scam people at giveaways to get your room popular?) to name but a few. Look at some of today's events:
Games of chance are good fun every once in a while but when the majority of events consist of the host/player rolling a dice to decide their fate, it gets kind of boring. More events that require at least some degree of 'skill' please? [@]@Mathew[/@]
During the Summer, we generally ask for events to be held in the larger rooms which accommodate for 50 players. Throughout the rest of the year, I don't really think they get busy enough where we're in a position to worry about people not being able to get in. There are times when I do think Habbox is running just for the sake of keeping staff happy; in the sense that the amount of staff far outweigh members. Whilst some would say this signals failure, I do think it's quite nice that so many people want to help out in keeping the site running. If that means that we have to host events just to increase staff morale, I really don't mind. Yes we need to try and get new members, but we just can't neglect the current staff and members.

I remember posting a thread last year where I asked which games people prefer. Strangely enough, people were happiest playing Bingo, Falling Furni and Pod Racing amongst other traditional games. We can look in awe at other fansites with their original events, but if the majority of users here at Habbox prefer good, traditional games, then I don't think it's a major issue. That said, variety is a good thing which is why we do try to make sure the same event isn't repeated within a few hours.

What I mean is, event managers should be hosting events (I never see [@]@jurv[/@] hosting one sorry if you do) whereas Mathew does one every once in a while and covers them.
lol getting cheeky aren't you!!

29-01-2012, 08:12 PM
can i add a bit more? I honestly think we should get something going for the americans because Everything happends UK... Im going to pm jess on a show I want to start for the americans

i'm not being funny but if you want things to happen american hours, please feel free as a group 2 DJ to book american prime time slots because they are currently the slots i am having to stream or DJ through during the night.

and obviously at 3am my time i'm not gonna be hyped doing competitions and stuff.

29-01-2012, 08:14 PM
i'm not being funny but if you want things to happen american hours, please feel free as a group 2 DJ to book american prime time slots because they are currently the slots i am having to stream or DJ through during the night.

and obviously at 3am my time i'm not gonna be hyped doing competitions and stuff.
Thats one problem another is for Group 2 DJs theyre isnt really and compititions Events stuff like that...

29-01-2012, 08:19 PM
Thats one problem another is for Group 2 DJs theyre isnt really and compititions Events stuff like that...

The Head DJ for group 2 should sort that out then. I remember when I was Head DJ, we were responsible for creating events and stuff for our timezone as part of our job description and the group 2 Head DJ should be doing exactly that.

29-01-2012, 08:26 PM
The Head DJ for group 2 should sort that out then. I remember when I was Head DJ, we were responsible for creating events and stuff for our timezone as part of our job description and the group 2 Head DJ should be doing exactly that.
thats my point regular DJ's shouldent really do that kind of stuff

29-01-2012, 08:29 PM
thats my point regular DJ's shouldent really do that kind of stuff

Nah you should help out and host events and what not, as well as relaying your ideas to your Head DJ and radio management. But essentially if there are no events, then the group 2 Head DJ should start sorting stuff out, getting DJs together and promoting their assigned timezone.

29-01-2012, 08:32 PM
Bringing up the events for head DJ's and stuff, I don't think that the head DJ's can make all these events and competitions without imput from their respective groups. Yes, it is apart of their jobdescription but they can't just organise random competitions without input from others..


29-01-2012, 08:33 PM
[@]@Samanfa[/@] - I used to host events quite a lot of the time and unfortunately I've not been able to host any in a while. However, this will hopefully change in the up-coming months. I'm currently creating an event which is going to be added to the weekly events section along with all the other events which you can see here (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=687184) (woo extra advertisement). I'm also hoping to get a few more of them events added, a few of them had to be removed due to resignations etc.

I've also not read much of this thread so yeah, I'll have a read of it now.

29-01-2012, 08:33 PM
The Head DJ for group 2 should sort that out then. I remember when I was Head DJ, we were responsible for creating events and stuff for our timezone as part of our job description and the group 2 Head DJ should be doing exactly that.

I understand what your saying here but if something like events want to happening in American Hours as Bethie & Logan said they should come up with ideas as just saying you want something done isn't going to help much around. Referring back to [@]@RemelKiid[/@] and some others DJ's,Head DJ's don't ask them to do it they do it because they want to try,and help out Habbox more.So if something like this wants to be done I think The people that want it done need to help out a bit

29-01-2012, 08:34 PM
Bringing up the events for head DJ's and stuff, I don't think that the head DJ's can make all these events and competitions without imput from their respective groups. Yes, it is apart of their jobdescription but they can't just organise random competitions without input from others..


Well we had to and were blasted by Oli back in the day if we stopped doing them. Head DJs do need to take a lead; HOWEVER, if you read what I said they don't work on magic and need team support and ideas to get the ball rolling.

29-01-2012, 08:34 PM
We should really organize all ideas and put it together, But first we need to do the merge.

29-01-2012, 08:36 PM
We should really organize all ideas and put it together, But first we need to do the merge.

HxL's operations shouldn't stop before the merge- it must keep going on, taking its name out there. There is a market for a younger audience to tune into HxL and I think that can be utilized very well :D!

29-01-2012, 08:36 PM
Well we had too and were blasted by Oli back in the day if we stopped doing them. Head DJs do need to take a lead; HOWEVER, if you read what I said they don't work on magic and need team support and ideas to get the ball rolling.

Yeah, but whenever I hosted events they were always helped by imput from my old group 1's. I couldnt really of done it without them, so it makes things so hard!

29-01-2012, 08:37 PM
We should really organize all ideas and put it together, But first we need to do the merge.

Yeah, I was speaking to Jess today and when the merge is complete some new schemes will be in place which should hopefully motivate HabboxLive staff to take a more active role within the department.

29-01-2012, 08:53 PM
new panel to.. Old ones getting old xD

29-01-2012, 08:59 PM
new panel to.. Old ones getting old xD

Yeah, we were also discussing the features of the new panel - if the merge goes to plan it should all be very awesome.

29-01-2012, 09:11 PM
Yeah, we were also discussing the features of the new panel - if the merge goes to plan it should all be very awesome.
Is the merged gonna happen or is it just a thought of doing it

29-01-2012, 09:11 PM
Is the merged gonna happen or is it just a thought of doing it

The merge is going to happen.

29-01-2012, 09:12 PM
Is the merged gonna happen or is it just a thought of doing it

Merge is happening and it would also include a new panel for the radio staff.

29-01-2012, 09:14 PM
Merge is happening and it would also include a new panel for the radio staff.

Good to see that. I swear the old panel is still dating back to 2006 LOL, with just a couple of layout and feature tweaks over the years :P!

29-01-2012, 09:16 PM
Good to see that. I swear the old panel is still dating back to 2006 LOL, with just a couple of layout and feature tweaks over the years :P!

Probably is! It's had some great use out of the HabboxLive staff members over the years. :P

29-01-2012, 09:22 PM
Any idea of when? :P

29-01-2012, 09:27 PM
Any idea of when? :P

Giving a date out would please people and would get peoples hopes up and when that date comes along, they would probably expect it to be done and released. The problem with that is, if it isn't finished people would be disappointed. Giving out a date is a bad idea and we learnt that with V6. So at the moment: no dates will be said for the completion of the merge and panel.

29-01-2012, 10:52 PM
Giving a date out would please people and would get peoples hopes up and when that date comes along, they would probably expect it to be done and released. The problem with that is, if it isn't finished people would be disappointed. Giving out a date is a bad idea and we learnt that with V6. So at the moment: no dates will be said for the completion of the merge and panel.
Rather than a date:

- This month
- Next few months
- Later this year
- Whenever habbox uptime reaches 100%

Regarding the duelling thing, forum management had nothing to do with it and I do agree that it's something that's quite pointless!
This is where I get a bit annoyed about the dueling thing, because it seemed like something where management had all agreed on it, however if HotelUser is going to start sticking stuff on the forum because in his opinion it's cool then that's not a very good example of inter-management communication. Scott should at least be made aware if any kind of modification is done to the forum really and he should have the power to veto anyone but GM on forum issues.

29-01-2012, 10:58 PM
Rather than a date:

- This month
- Next few months
- Later this year
- Whenever habbox uptime reaches 100%

As I already mentioned I don't know the date it will be done for. It should be done for this year but that's all I'm going to say about any time for it to be done. The last one doesn't really affect it that much unless Habbox went down for a long period.

29-01-2012, 11:00 PM
Rather than a date:

- This month
- Next few months
- Later this year
- Whenever habbox uptime reaches 100%

This is where I get a bit annoyed about the dueling thing, because it seemed like something where management had all agreed on it, however if HotelUser is going to start sticking stuff on the forum because in his opinion it's cool then that's not a very good example of inter-management communication. Scott should at least be made aware if any kind of modification is done to the forum really and he should have the power to veto anyone but GM on forum issues.

How dare this HotelUser individual add features to the forum which can be disabled by any user if they do not like them. Whoever this HotelUser individual is we should find him, and fire him!!!

30-01-2012, 03:34 AM
gah. isn't this about how to improve all departments?? :S
And for HXL, why are Group 3 DJs always forgotten?!! Ya'll are really absent-minded!! Just because Group 1 and 2 DJs have been Santa Clause for some time and done lots of competition, that doesn't mean Group 3 DJs are all dead! They are the ones who keep the radio on for hours! When I was a DJ, I had to cover for 8 straight hours because your Group 1 and 2 DJs won't even bother to cover it! So, that's the main problem with HXL! like imagine. who wants to be a hxl dj if they always have to cover for hours. and now don't you even dare to tell me it's my own choice for covering cause i can leave it offline!!

30-01-2012, 03:55 AM
gah. isn't this about how to improve all departments?? :S
And for HXL, why are Group 3 DJs always forgotten?!! Ya'll are really absent-minded!! Just because Group 1 and 2 DJs have been Santa Clause for some time and done lots of competition, that doesn't mean Group 3 DJs are all dead! They are the ones who keep the radio on for hours! When I was a DJ, I had to cover for 8 straight hours because your Group 1 and 2 DJs won't even bother to cover it! So, that's the main problem with HXL! like imagine. who wants to be a hxl dj if they always have to cover for hours. and now don't you even dare to tell me it's my own choice for covering cause i can leave it offline!!

that was true for the past yes, but not for now. at the moment the only real active group 3 dj we have is eric. the people keeping the radio alive during the night at the moment are myself, logan, fiftycal + eric. it's a joint effort across all 3 groups.

30-01-2012, 04:18 AM
gah. isn't this about how to improve all departments?? :S
And for HXL, why are Group 3 DJs always forgotten?!! Ya'll are really absent-minded!! Just because Group 1 and 2 DJs have been Santa Clause for some time and done lots of competition, that doesn't mean Group 3 DJs are all dead! They are the ones who keep the radio on for hours! When I was a DJ, I had to cover for 8 straight hours because your Group 1 and 2 DJs won't even bother to cover it! So, that's the main problem with HXL! like imagine. who wants to be a hxl dj if they always have to cover for hours. and now don't you even dare to tell me it's my own choice for covering cause i can leave it offline!!

You have a fair point but at the end of the day you don't have to cover if you don't want to.

30-01-2012, 04:24 AM
You have a fair point but at the end of the day you don't have to cover if you don't want to.

Well, everybody doesn't want to cover. Should they all leave the radio offline? That is why the timetable is so shockingly empty. None of the DJs want to cover. It's like the whole radio is dead if you leave it like that.

30-01-2012, 04:54 AM
Well, everybody doesn't want to cover. Should they all leave the radio offline? That is why the timetable is so shockingly empty. None of the DJs want to cover. It's like the whole radio is dead if you leave it like that.

Well obviously if no-one is willing to cover the radio will go offline but it shows the other presenters you aren't going to be the one people constantly rely on when they can't be arsed.

30-01-2012, 04:58 AM
Well obviously if no-one is willing to cover the radio will go offline but it shows the other presenters you aren't going to be the one people constantly rely on when they can't be arsed.

this is a fantastic point. i'm not sure if anyone remembers sacha (lol) but a couple of years ago she kept complaining about covering but then refused not to cover... i, personally, have a limit and if i've reached it i will tell people i will not cover and if the radio has to go off for a little bit, so be it.

frankly some people let themselves get treated like doormats.

30-01-2012, 05:06 AM
this is a fantastic point. i'm not sure if anyone remembers sacha (lol) but a couple of years ago she kept complaining about covering but then refused not to cover... i, personally, have a limit and if i've reached it i will tell people i will not cover and if the radio has to go off for a little bit, so be it.

frankly some people let themselves get treated like doormats.

Yeah I agree but those not willing to help out and do their fair share should be removed from the team. Eventually the presenters will start to understand that they really will get the boot if they don't pull their weight. Even if the radio doesn't have enough presenters, fire them and get new ones because when it comes to a point were they think they can do **** all and keep their position just because they assume there isn't someone to replace them, that creates a real problem and if it does come to that I still speak to a ton of old presenters that would most likely help out until replacements were found for those slacking, including myself.

30-01-2012, 05:17 AM
they should be called scapegoats

30-01-2012, 07:18 AM
How dare this HotelUser individual add features to the forum which can be disabled by any user if they do not like them. Whoever this HotelUser individual is we should find him, and fire him!!!
So as long as a feature is optional it should be added to the forum? That logic doesn't really make much sense.

30-01-2012, 07:34 AM
Another thing in regards to habboxlive, one reason why i don't think as many people as you would like are applying is because the applications open and close constantly. Wouldn't it be best to have a form on the website which people could submit (including browsing for their clip) rather than have them draft it out in an email, it just seems so out of date. I don't understand why the applications close, it would make more sense to have the applications opened constantly and just add a date and a small block of text explaining when the applications will be reviewed again.

30-01-2012, 12:18 PM
Agreed with the above point. ^

Countless times I have seen people ask about applying to become staff and have been told the apps aren't open then they just wander off and never visit again. Keep apps open unless the team is absolutely full to capacity and regularly moderate staff and fire if they are inactive without cause. Happened a lot with the help desk and the majority of the staff never visited. Think that was (or is in the process of being) rectified.

30-01-2012, 01:35 PM
Surely even streaming is better that letting the radio go offline? It gives a better impression and in the past when I've streamed late at night I've been able to retain a good amount of listeners ready for when the next available DJ was ready. Perhaps management could quickly stream if they are not able to DJ at least. I personally would never speak on the radio (since I hate my voice and am dead shy and its just not the kind of thing I would be good at), however I did love streaming when I was a member of general management and felt it was nice to keep the listeners rather than them going elsewhere. Quite often had 60+ listeners streaming which wasn't too bad considering my appauling music taste (Abba etc) LOL.

I also agree with your point Kyle about apps being open. Perhaps only close them when the team is completely full etc. There has always been a problem with there being inactive staff getting away with being well.. inactive and this needs to stop and only those that are willing to put the time in should keep their jobs- like you say, there are plenty of other people wanting a chance who quite often dont get one, or end up waiting around for 2 months before they open. Department managers could then review applications on a regular basis as and when they need more staff too rather than the opening/closing all the time I guess.

26-07-2013, 07:49 AM
I have windows 8 so I can't use Sam 4 :(

26-07-2013, 11:10 AM

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