View Full Version : Habbo Design - Room Building

29-01-2012, 08:56 PM
Room Building Tips and Tricks

As a room builder you'll have to be able to work fast and concise. Very often there are things that decrease your building speed (and enjoyment level). To prevent this from happening, the Habbo Design Team will provide you with some handy tips, and tricks. Just so you'll know the basics of room building!

Stacking Tips
• Hold the ALT button in order to move furni way faster;
• To pick up furni, hold the CTRL or CMD button. This will make you build a little faster too;
• Try to focus, so NO Facebook or other things that make you procrastinate (such as homework, lol). Try to lock your room's door and build with as few people as possible around you;
• Your online status could irritate you, or at least distract you. If you don't like this, just 'appear offline';
• Make sure you've got your stacking material with you!
E.g. Habbo Rollers, Ditch Corners, Water Buoys, Z Shelves, Trax CDs, Empty Diner Plates, Small Tribal Platforms, etc.;
• Learn the stacking techniques by heart! This will, eventually, improve your rooms when it comes to creative thinking!

Room Building Tips
• Before you start building a room at all, you've got to be able to know and distinguish furni. In order to make good, coherent rooms, you've got to look at the colours and characteristics of the furni. If you combine too many random furni, it will not appear coherent.
• Only combine furni when they match in colour and 'mood';
• In order to be extraordinary, you've got to be extraordinarily original ;) The better and more original you stack, the better the reactions will be;
• Always try to add the certain 'finishing touch' (i.e. make sure every distracting or incoherent detail has been covered). It's better to redo or improve a room a million times, than a crappy room. By improving over time, you'll eventually find your personally perfect room.
• Keep in mind most of the room visits are about first impressions! Even in museum you'll see the most prominent paintings get at most 7 minutes of attention (whereas they're not even the best ones), so make sure you do your best to stand out. Also, most people like realistic rooms, so don't hesitate to combine elements you like in real life within a Habbo room;
• Make sure to arrange your furni and room parts in a balanced way too;
• Maintain coherency. You can achieve this by furni repetition (or furni range/style reappearance, or stacking style repetition). In the end, coherency brings aesthetic plausibility.

Detail Tips
• Make us of original or at least suitable Wired combinations. The more possible interaction, the jollier your room visitor!
• Make use of small furni. This makes your room timeless, and less boring!
• Make sure you've got places to sit, so people can chat and STAY within your room.


•http://www.youtube.com/user/Rakkerdesign(Best of room design)


•http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCgSQBxsHR4(Height Limit)
•http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLJAzGHOUpY(Floors in Corners)
•http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPSCV63s_js(3x1 Walls)
•http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7wPNOjVLEI(Sofas and Beds)


• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohLSKp7_DOU(Automatic Doors)

Room Review

Designing/decorating a unique room in Habbo is very important. A room, at least, has - according to our framework of reference - to contain detail. Therefore, building a unique room is not very easy. First of all you'll have to have a design in your mind. Elaborating on this - and actually realizing this design - may even be more difficult.

Aesthetic Elements
The main aesthetic elements we think a quality room has to contain:

• Design
(Try to be clear and revolutionary when it comes to your room design)
• Color and Characteristics
(Really try to 'compose' your room in a convenient way. i.e. Don't mix colors or furni ranges that don't match/fit together)
• Detail Care
(Don't be sloppy, but try to be as consistent and careful with your details as possible)
• First Impression
(This is not mandatory, but it helps if your room has a certain 'wow-factor' if you want to be revolutionary)
• Plausible Realism
(Just like in the conventional way of painting; try to be
consistentwith your theme and representations of reality within one room in order to achieve a plausible effect on your audience)

Show Your Skills!

Now it's your turn to show us your room building skills! We would love to give feedback, so you can improve your rooms even more, and end up as a Habbo legend! Post your best rooms on this forum, so other members can react and give a concise review. Also, some of the best rooms we discover will end up on YouTube. To check these videos out, go to the YouTube Channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/Rakkerdesign


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnqJJPt5Tdc&feature=plcp&context=C3960189U DOEgsToPDskIFrZ4_RDjUCbr_P0rAcLd1

Feel free to show your skills!

Habbo Design/Rakker & Jendro

Thread stuck by Jordan (Forum Super Moderator) (With permission with management)

29-01-2012, 09:04 PM
woah that's helpful, i'll probably use this in future when building rooms :)

thanks! +reppp

29-01-2012, 11:39 PM
knew most of these, but good to see that the thread has being stickied for other users! :)

good job Rakker & Jendro.

30-01-2012, 07:59 PM
Great guide, I'll +rep when I can! :) x

30-01-2012, 09:05 PM
Thanks for the help (:

30-01-2012, 09:10 PM
Really good guide! +rep :)

06-02-2012, 01:28 PM
what a fab guide ! +rep

04-03-2012, 07:07 AM
Very helpful! This gives me some inspiration to build my own rooms. Thanks! +rep

05-03-2012, 09:14 AM
This will come in handy for room designers :)

Very useful tips, will try to use some of these tips to build some rooms when i have time :)

04-04-2012, 07:14 AM
Thanks for the guide.

04-04-2012, 07:39 AM
Awesome guide as usual, you would make a great Habboxwiki editor with your guides! :P

04-04-2012, 07:39 AM
Interesting, sadly I ain't got water ditches, but nice guide!

06-04-2012, 12:13 AM
Nice guideee

06-04-2012, 12:17 AM
Its a great guide! I'll probably use it when and if I start building rooms in the future, thanks!

06-04-2012, 08:35 PM
ooh i've only just noticed. thanks for taking the time to create a guide! :D

06-04-2012, 08:39 PM
I've just used the video that you posted about the automatic doors, thanks very much for that :D!

If you have any more good wired tutorials, I'd love if you could post them D:

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