View Full Version : Less people using Habbo?

03-02-2012, 08:47 PM
Recently I've realised that although habbo is still popular, it is no waycomparableto what it used to be 3 or 4 years ago. It's gotta be my 5th year this year and I'm gradually seeing more and more people leave, the friends that I used to have, have gone off habbo and never come back and even the friends that are still on habbo, only check in once in a while.

I've realised also that apart from the top rooms, which have about 40+ in them, there are a lot of rooms that just don't have a lot of people in, the most popular rooms are just being abandoned. What happened to effort and time being put into rooms? It seems the gay community are really making their presence felt byintroducingGay, Bi, Les rooms in the past year or 2. The lack of creativity is shocking and despite the fact that people still visit them, half of them are inactive.

I guess this is just a rant to try and bring myself to terms with the fact that habbo just isn't the same any more, it used to have something new to it, have a spice that other games didn't but I can just feel the community behind habbo slowly vanishing.

What are your thoughts on this, am I the only one that feels like this?

03-02-2012, 08:59 PM
I think it depends on when you go on Habbo. I have found about 11pm at night (approx.) they get over 10,000 Habbos online so it's not really less people on. If you had friends 3-5 years ago then surely they have grown up from the game, then again, many new people join up each day to override them if you will.

Some rooms are rather unique, they aren't the best but some are. My opinion anyway.

03-02-2012, 09:16 PM
I think it's dying out a bit, but then all the xmas events- i.e. snowstorm brought loadssss of users online, so it's not completely failing.

As for rooms - there's still some amazing 1's out there (ones that I'm going to use for room reviews ;]) on .com, but usually foreign hotels seem to have the better rooms - no idea why xP

Oh and ye, there's like 10 datin rooms on most visited at 1 time - it's like, eww no i dnt wanna e-date thanks. x

03-02-2012, 09:36 PM
people also forget all the hotels are combined now and I still see the same numbers from when it was just the UK hotel

so yeah it is dying, because social media is now hugely popular and has taken over

03-02-2012, 09:47 PM
It is majorly less popular

03-02-2012, 09:49 PM
Habbo's dismal customer service and moderation also doesn't help.

03-02-2012, 10:21 PM
Second this

Habbo's dismal customer service and moderation also doesn't help.

03-02-2012, 10:29 PM
the Bi, lez, gay community existed for years with rooms on Habbz. As far as I'm concerned the game is ruined with all this marketplace, crap customer support, lack of community, over-complication and so much more. I would probably not visit at all if it wasn't for Habbox.

03-02-2012, 10:31 PM
I've never liked the way habbo is run because of the moderation issue. I got a perm ban a few years ago and I've appealed about 4 times but it's never been taken back. I just don't understand why Habbo is failing all of a sudden, I think they're just trying to bring stuff back that they got rid of because they know people were leaving because of it.

03-02-2012, 10:32 PM
I've never liked the way habbo is run because of the moderation issue. I got a perm ban a few years ago and I've appealed about 4 times but it's never been taken back. I just don't understand why Habbo is failing all of a sudden, I think they're just trying to bring stuff back that they got rid of because they know people were leaving because of it.

The merge was a scramble to save declining numbers, but that was just down to cost cutting on moderators and customer support.

04-02-2012, 02:46 AM
every game eventually updates itself regardless for the better or the worst in many people's views. i am sure that everyone agrees that habbo has lost a lot of players due to the updates, but they tend to new players to bring in more money. all in all a business is made to make money and frankly what we want truly does not value much to them unless it brings in more money. we all miss the old habbo and the crazy people that were on haha

04-02-2012, 10:24 AM
I have to say I am wearying of habbo. It is just so impersonal these days although it could be that I have grown out of it. :)

04-02-2012, 10:45 AM
3 of 4 years ago people said the exact same thing...

04-02-2012, 10:45 AM
Its not that bad, depends what time you come on really.

Oh, I've seen 15k members on before. So really, its fine

04-02-2012, 02:34 PM
Habbo's dismal customer service and moderation also doesn't help.

Definitely have to agree with this.

04-02-2012, 09:33 PM
One big change that has happened is that Habbo's user demographics have declined in age. When Habbo started, the concept of a 'virtual world' was a more mature thing because children weren't as familiar with computers nor were they able to easily purchase game currency. Now that these visual chat communities are easier to access and use for the more fickle younger generation, things have changed.

14-02-2012, 08:31 AM
I think that a lot of the concern is simply that people use to have a more loving feeling towards people within the game. Now, everyone is all about trying to earn their profit and gain as much coins as possible. Sure, we had the same thing with people back when HC's were the main currency, but I think that since the coins have evolved into an actual furni, people began to see that change was messing with various elements such as the values. I certainly miss being a noob that didn't have anything and struggled to gain a simple wooden stool :)

14-02-2012, 09:44 AM
Well, there's over million of people registered on Habbo.

14-02-2012, 10:42 AM
Well, there's over million of people registered on Habbo.
That doesn't mean they're active users, and a lot of them will probably be clones as well :P.

14-02-2012, 11:30 AM
Sulake's profits are getting higher every year, so I don't think that the users are decreasing? :S

We all eventually get used to changes..

14-02-2012, 12:40 PM
Sulake's profits are getting higher every year, so I don't think that the users are decreasing? :S

We all eventually get used to changes..

2007 - £37,000,000 profit
2008 - £42,000,000 profit
2009 - £41,000,000 profit
2010 - £30,000,000 profit

XL. Just saying. Although I do think that the global recession would have an impact on the profit for 2010.

Have I already commented on this thread? -looks-

Oh I have. Urm idk D: . As someone posted in a thread before, the number of monthly logins didn't change (I don't think it did?). So It's not that disastrous.

* I also agree with the bit in bold ^.^

14-02-2012, 02:17 PM
Some people just get old and leave, then younger new people come along.
If nobody left habbo, we'd have like, 30yrolds playing eventually, and you've gotta agree that'd be slighty creepy

14-02-2012, 06:00 PM
I agree that there's no community any more within Habbo. I found that RP's were the best way to make friends and also just normal chat rooms but slowly and steadily Sulake have made Habbo into a little virtual dating thingymabobby.

15-02-2012, 04:58 AM
2007 - £37,000,000 profit
2008 - £42,000,000 profit
2009 - £41,000,000 profit
2010 - £30,000,000 profit

XL. Just saying. Although I do think that the global recession would have an impact on the profit for 2010.

Have I already commented on this thread? -looks-

Oh I have. Urm idk D: . As someone posted in a thread before, the number of monthly logins didn't change (I don't think it did?). So It's not that disastrous.

* I also agree with the bit in bold ^.^

Yep recession had a big impact but we gotta wait for the 2011 records, will be the highest ever, very sure

15-02-2012, 08:25 AM
Yep recession had a big impact but we gotta wait for the 2011 records, will be the highest ever, very sure

I actually have a feeling you'll be very correct about that lmao. Not sure why, just an inkling :P

15-02-2012, 09:54 AM
That doesn't mean they're active users, and a lot of them will probably be clones as well :P.
You're right, but I think there's like thousands of people still online on Habbo everyday.

15-02-2012, 11:55 AM
Some people just get old and leave, then younger new people come along.
If nobody left habbo, we'd have like, 30yrolds playing eventually, and you've gotta agree that'd be slighty creepy

good point lmao though i actually know a few people who are in their 30's and 40's and their kids play and all sorts!

15-02-2012, 03:28 PM
In all fairness, that much profit isn't a massive loss is it.

I could probably live the rest of my life with a months worth, and not have to work ever...

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