View Full Version : Old Server Map Screenshots

05-02-2012, 02:39 PM
The other day I was given an old server map which was posted in this forum like a year or so ago now. I don't have the correct dates but think it may of been early 2011 or just before? Anyway, it was interesting going round and remember peoples creations.

I also remember on this map when the spawn area/village was burnt out because a noob set something on fire and a load of trees were at the spawn point and then it was all set alight. Oh and when PVP was turned on and I didn't realise and [@]@FlyingJesus[/@] kept hitting me, I disconnect and then reconnected not long after and he was there waiting for me and took my diamond stuff! Good times though :P








06-02-2012, 01:56 PM
I remember that, spent days of my life on that server. I had a little underground room on the spawn which I used as a house for ages while everyone else had these massive buildings all around it :(

The last 2/3 screenshot are of my stuff, I'm pretty sure there's a underground cart track connecting the too. I'm sure I have like a 100 diamonds hoarded in the fort somewhere all legitimately mined haha I was so sad.

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