View Full Version : MANAGER NEEDED

23-09-2004, 05:52 PM
I need a Managment Staff for my new Help Centre, you will be given rites and u will aslo get payed
But you must meet the following needs:-

On habbo most days after 3.30pm (GMT) weekdays and most weekends
Have worked at a Help Centre before
and offer new ideas
Also be very good an leadeing and helping people.

To aply plz post reply or speak 2 Tandi on Habbo
Thank you

23-09-2004, 08:13 PM
Well.. I cant get there at 3:30 as school just ends then, but I can get on around 4:00PM
Could I still have the job?
I also meet the other questions. :)

Edit: I could get on at around 3:55
Please PM Me as i will not check back here.

23-09-2004, 08:16 PM
I Can BE on by 2:55 canadian time :D or what ever time that is there and im on 4 31+ hours plus though 1 week more then 31 hours a week :o

tbh imo no m8
23-09-2004, 08:23 PM
i can get on for half 3 and i am also a good room designer so gd ideas 4 rooms i also meet the other questions since i am looking for a paying job since i recently got hacked :( i will happily apply pm me or send me a f/r Excentric F/R him since he is my new habbo. :)

24-09-2004, 07:44 AM
Yep , i can be on around dat time , my username: Beckam1-2-3

24-09-2004, 08:19 AM
ye i am on habbo every day i live in uk

i own a help center my habbo name is :.bano.:

but my help center links up to a school owned by skaterchu

but u nad me could link up as well

im a very mean person if i need to be

so if ur bad run now


24-09-2004, 05:07 PM
thank u 4 aplyin
the job has been offered 2 Rt7

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