View Full Version : [Bobba] WHY CAN'T HABBO TAKE THINGS SERIOUSLY [Read On]

26-08-2005, 01:53 PM
After scanning through the recently released newsie, I stumbled across Dionysus' little section at the bottom. I read on to find that there was previously a competition to win 100 credits for writing a story from the point of view of a Habbo duck.

But because two entries were "Soo Good" the prize was split to 50 credits between them.

Here is the first entry, which in my opinion, deserved the full prize...


I remember my sad long and boring days sitting in the furniture catalogue, waiting for some fortunate Habbo to do something OTHER than poke my glass cage (hoping I would perform a magic trick or two), and buy me with one of the credits in their purse.
Well there I was one day (eating toast crumbs in my lonesome glass cage in the furniture catalogue) when I heard a familiar kat-ching sound and a wave of adrenaline rushed through my pixelated body. I pumped my beak in the air as soon as I realised that I had been bought! Not just by anyone, only the richest snottiest mother on Habbo! And there I was sitting in her sweaty hand. Being bought was a very exotic, new and exciting experience for me, and I had cheekily poked my beak at the other ducks before allowing myself to be placed in her fistful.
I sat there on a beautiful lilac coloured rare pillow wallowing in my self-happiness, when I suddenly had the scary feeling of being plunged into a bucket of piranhas. I screamed as I landed on some pink tiles but she didn't hear me, she left me there all alone.
The next thing I knew the tiles around me were soon filled with the feet of the chubbiest baby Habbo Hotel has ever seen. I felt a whip of air, which blew me over as her legs swung over my head, and she was lifted into a bathtub next to me. That is what love must look like, I guessed, watching how happy she looked.
I felt the feeling of claustrophobia as I was once again squeezed back into my owners (even more crammed with furniture) fistful. I wanted to choke, cough; laugh anything to take my mind off this horrid feeling! She finally let me go and I was placed in the bathtub to swim with her cute little girl. The little girl (whom I decided I was going to name Pet) picked me up and stroked me lovingly nothing had ever felt so great.
Pet played with me and let me swim around at her feet, I decided this must be what its like to have your very first bath! It was amazing, all this free space to swim in with a loving owner at your side, my smile could never be bigger than it was that day!
I was soon given a new name for myself (Molly) and I got a whole sink to swim in and a bowlful of breadcrumbs and nutmeg to tuck into whenever I was hungry. Pet took me to the park, and my first day there was blissful. All this extra freedom to fly around carelessly and fluff my feathers whenever I wanted was UNBELIEVABLE! I adored every minute. We even went to McDonalds afterwards and I was given my very first breaded piece of chicken, which I ate greedily, without thinking first.
Pet and I are practically inseparable these days we do everything together.
I even indulge in helping her paint potatoes in different bright colours (to make prints on paper) at her nursery school. All her friends think I'm wonderful; I am her best friend and the only one she wants to hang around with. Who could blame her really? Every little girl wants special duck to play with. I sleep in a little toy farm in Pets room on a big throne. Her teeny tiny china dolls (about the size of a pen lid) come to visit me often, so I never get bored or feel lonely.
Everyday I wake up with a big smile stretched across my beak, thinking about all the exciting things Pet and I will get up to during the day. Pet's taking me out to my first bonfire tonight, and we are going to eat fried earthworms (yummy)!!

Here's the 2nd entry which doesn't even deserve a say in the newsie!


Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack

Really well done Felt-Tip. Fully deserve a fraction of the prize. ;\

And before you start ranting about me not having a sense of humour, I don't find the 2nd entry the least bit funny. Jeez.

And after putting my efforts into creating a newspaper frontpage for Habbo, I was runner-up....winning....a hyacinth! Fantastic! And no, I'm not unappreciative, but I thought my efforts deserved better.


26-08-2005, 01:56 PM
That's how Dionysus is.

26-08-2005, 01:58 PM
That's how Dionysus is.I guess he's known for his really cheesy sense of humour and what not, but come on... That's just pathetic.

26-08-2005, 01:59 PM
Well you should be lucky top get a prize.

You know how hard it is to get in the newsie for the people who beg for furni?

I haven't even been in it once :P

(I don't beg for furni)

26-08-2005, 02:02 PM
I fully agree, the first entry must have had about an hour spent on it.. Heck I bet Felt wrote Quack once and copied and pasted it.. WOW.. well done ¬.¬

26-08-2005, 02:03 PM
I wouldn't mind if felt won 50 credits, and wolly got 100, but that's just sad.

26-08-2005, 02:04 PM
That is pathetic =/

26-08-2005, 02:04 PM
I would have gladly taken a hyacinth!

26-08-2005, 02:09 PM
I'd be happy with anything but i must admit felt-tip definatly doesn't deserve a prize and thats just a bit silly to be honest o.O;;

26-08-2005, 02:10 PM
I wish the postbag of joy deadline dates were a little longer.. I had an entry to the collage, but simply did not have enough time ¬.¬

26-08-2005, 06:24 PM
I think the first one was brillant, But the second one was jsut so pointless, Anyone could of just typed quack and copied and pasted it a couple time's.

26-08-2005, 06:56 PM
That is truely stupid :(

26-08-2005, 07:07 PM
Cba 2 read it soz :)

26-08-2005, 08:18 PM
well i suppose felt taught us all 1 thing if ur asked to make a poem or something copy and paste the first word that comes into ur head about it

26-08-2005, 08:43 PM
I must admit that Dionysus can be funny sometimes, but that is beyond lame. ;l

26-08-2005, 08:51 PM
Lol, it's a little bit cruel to choose that entry when some people might have took ages, but it's erm..creative.

I don't mind, it is fairly funny, if you can be bothered to laugh.

03-09-2005, 04:49 AM
What a great story and to think that it was overshadowed by sharing a prize with someones lame attempt to be funny is apalling. All that hard work that was put into that first story and they say you could've won by just typing " QUACK QUACK " instead.
Pretty pathetic although I don't expect much more from the complete fools that work for Sulake.

03-09-2005, 05:18 AM
Wow talk about an entry of someone taking the competition to pedantic levels. o.O

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