View Full Version : List :)

19-02-2012, 11:45 PM
Ok, need to buy loads of stuff, I've put the quantity I need and price I'll pay next to them (if you wish to negotiate, either add me or post here). Here we go (I'm minusing 1c of MOST of the mp prices due to the commission + Cause I'm on a tight budget lmao)

- Rock (Stone) Walls x 9 > 1c per.
- Rock (Stone) Corners x 5> 1c per.
- SHORT grass patches x 2 > 3c per.
- LONG grass patches x 4 > 3c per.
- Log seat (It's a bench tbqh) x 2 > 2c per.
- Rollers (any colour) x 22 > 0.5 per roller > 2 FOR 1C -_-.
- Green USVA rug x 5 > 1c per.
- Stump chairs x 7 > IF YOU'D SELL THESE TO ME 1C PER, I'D MARRY YOU <3 - Or, we could do a bulk deal (post a reply.)
- Forest wall x 7 > 2c per.

Replyyyy to this or add me (Screwlake) if you have any :) - or if you wish to negotiate :P

* I will not negotiate on grass, rock stuff or the rollers.

20-02-2012, 12:03 AM

I no longer need 9 stone/rock walls!

Update 2:

I no longer need 2 SHORT grass patches!

Update 2:

I Need 9 small mats - at 3 for 1c ;)

20-02-2012, 01:47 AM
Update 4:

i) I now only need 6 small doormats.
ii) I no longer require green USVA rugs!

20-02-2012, 02:07 AM
Update 5:

I no longer need stump chairs thanks to the amazing [@]@bolt660[/@]; <3333333

24-02-2012, 07:51 AM
I have 6 doormats what colour do you need? :)

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