View Full Version : R.I.P. official fansites!

29-02-2012, 03:36 PM

i don't find sneak peeks as really beneficial

29-02-2012, 03:49 PM
I kind of like this, they're still official fansites, however anyone can be official as long as they have that. Basically...

29-02-2012, 03:51 PM
I like the new system. Thought we could sell VIP again until I read more closely.

29-02-2012, 03:52 PM
I kind of like this, they're still official fansites, however anyone can be official as long as they have that. Basically...It's kind of flawed though, and really not equal treatment. Some fansites aren't even content related, how can they publish future updates? It doesn't help any fansite gain members really lol.

I'm curious for the badges, and I know some others are too. If there are no more official fansites, and it's "equal treatment for all" then it'd only be fair the badge holders have theirs removed? Which I doubt they'd do.

29-02-2012, 03:59 PM
Post the sneak peek here someone :)


29-02-2012, 03:59 PM
Mmm... not sure if I really like this new system. At this rate there'll be 1000's of Fansites all over the place and some of them may not even stand out or promote Habbo that much :S

Was quite surprised at how many "Fansites" there are in total though (considering I can't say "Official"). I still don't think I'll like the system - I think the community should be allowed to vote, not just a quick check-over by a few Sulake staff.

I am glad that we're going to be getting sneak peeks though. It absolutely sucked when we couldn't write about stuff posted on Puhekupla or similar sites - but now, looks like we can and will be more often.

29-02-2012, 04:00 PM
bad move sulake

29-02-2012, 04:03 PM
I find some of the stuff they are wanting to do with fansites quite nice, especially the sneak peak idea and I'm also assuming we will also be able to post any unreleased furni? As that is no longer on the "Don'ts" list. In terms of official and non-official I knew this was going to happen as there are a lot of fansites that aren't official but will this increase the number of bans? Hopefully they will have a group or a list of these fansites anyway.

29-02-2012, 04:04 PM
I find some of the stuff they are wanting to do with fansites quite nice, especially the sneak peak idea and I'm also assuming we will also be able to post any unreleased furni? As that is no longer on the "Don'ts" list. In terms of official and non-official I knew this was going to happen as there are a lot of fansites that aren't official but will this increase the number of bans? Hopefully they will have a group or a list of these fansites anyway.

Have you been sent the sneak peek?

29-02-2012, 04:04 PM
bad move sulake
think you mean "yet another bad move sulake how many will it take until you notice nobody likes them.."

Do's and Don'ts list is quite helpful though. Oh look Habbox is perfect

29-02-2012, 04:05 PM
Have you been sent the sneak peek?

Of course we have. I've already given it to the News Department to get on the Habbox.com website!

29-02-2012, 04:06 PM

---------- Post added 29-02-2012 at 09:08 AM ----------

I find some of the stuff they are wanting to do with fansites quite nice, especially the sneak peak idea and I'm also assuming we will also be able to post any unreleased furni? As that is no longer on the "Don'ts" list. In terms of official and non-official I knew this was going to happen as there are a lot of fansites that aren't official but will this increase the number of bans? Hopefully they will have a group or a list of these fansites anyway.It still seems flawed, and not thought out enough.. It doesn't help any of us gain members, does it?

29-02-2012, 04:08 PM
I think it will be a good thing for fansites to be able to get sneak peaks etc but i think having the official fansites is better!

29-02-2012, 04:09 PM
Flawed in what way, them doing more to promote us or us being on the official fansite list? I sent my concerns to Jason as people have been banned for advertising non-official sites and yes I'm aware people have been banned for saying Habbox in the past. But will there be a list for people to know who all .com fansites are or what? Moderators need to know about these sites.


@Habbox Yes we will make them aware :)

Them = Moderators.

29-02-2012, 04:19 PM
Seems rather interesting, I'm sure Habbox will still be well known as its the biggest one around.

29-02-2012, 04:22 PM
I've just contacted Jason to make sure that we can still sell donator without any problems.

29-02-2012, 04:24 PM
I've just contacted Jason to make sure that we can still sell donator without any problems.

Just so I get this right, there are no longer 'official' fansites? Just everyone is known as a fansite? :S

29-02-2012, 04:25 PM
Just so I get this right, there are no longer 'official' fansites? Just everyone is known as a fansite? :S

If you are fansite, you can be added to their mailing list to get the sneak peaks they are going to do. All of those on the list are fansites to them, there is no "Official Fansites".

29-02-2012, 04:42 PM
There's some nice ideas in there, but also some that I don't really like. I guess the sneak peek isn't bad. :P

29-02-2012, 04:44 PM
If you are fansite, you can be added to their mailing list to get the sneak peaks they are going to do. All of those on the list are fansites to them, there is no "Official Fansites".

Oh right ok, as I say, I'm sure Habbox will remain the best fansite around ;)

29-02-2012, 04:52 PM
they need to spell check before they post. 'fanites'

on topic: thats a rubbish idea

29-02-2012, 04:54 PM
I really don't like this idea.

29-02-2012, 05:03 PM
At the end of the day their aim is to treat all fansites the same and fairly.

29-02-2012, 05:09 PM
I think it seems like they're trying to push fansites away by keeping them happy with sneak peeks, but cutting off any affiliation with them being considered "official". They needed someone whose sole job would be to communicate with fansites: helping to create large fansite events and increase the promotion of them - it seems they're just packing in and going for it alone. It's a shame really.

29-02-2012, 05:11 PM
I think it seems like they're trying to push fansites away by keeping them happy with sneak peeks, but cutting off any affiliation with them being considered "official". They needed someone whose sole job would be to communicate with fansites: helping to create large fansite events and increase the promotion of them - it seems they're just packing in and going for it alone. It's a shame really.

They do have one guy who is managing fansites around every Habbo Hotel. Fansites are able to provide Jason feedback of the announcement and will adapt anything he thinks is for the best. I believe the Sneak Peak idea is still fantastic.

29-02-2012, 05:13 PM
I think its grand as long a we aren't getting banned for posting links to ours sites.

29-02-2012, 05:15 PM
At the end of the day their aim is to treat all fansites the same and fairly.
He said in an e-mail he plans to do nothing with the fansite group, nor remove current official fansite rep's badges.

Sorry, but that isn't "equal treatment for all" and it doesn't remove "official" from fansites. There is still a list of 15 so fansites that are approved by Habbo - there are still Habbos that go around the hotel with an "OFFICIAL FANSITE ADMINISTRATOR" badge. Until those are gone, there will still be official fansites, which makes it unfair for the other sites on the list.

29-02-2012, 05:17 PM
He said in an e-mail he plans to do nothing with the fansite group, nor remove current official fansite rep's badges.

Sorry, but that isn't "equal treatment for all" and it doesn't remove "official" from fansites. There is still a list of 15 so fansites that are approved by Habbo - there are still Habbos that go around the hotel with an "OFFICIAL FANSITE ADMINISTRATOR" badge. Until those are gone, there will still be official fansites, which makes it unfair for the other sites on the list.

I would suggest if you are a fansite then bring the matter up with him, the more fansites who do then the better chance we have of changing something in regards of the new plans. I also wasn't aware of his plans not do anything with the group or the current ofifcal fansites/rep badges, I was just taking what he said on twitter about making it fair for all.

29-02-2012, 05:18 PM
They do have one guy who is managing fansites around every Habbo Hotel. Fansites are able to provide Jason feedback of the announcement and will adapt anything he thinks is for the best. I believe the Sneak Peak idea is still fantastic.

Oh that's good that they've finally got a member of Habbo Staff primarily dedicated to Fansites. I've been waiting years for them to see the light!

29-02-2012, 05:19 PM

---------- Post added 29-02-2012 at 09:08 AM ----------

It still seems flawed, and not thought out enough.. It doesn't help any of us gain members, does it?

That layout looks so nice but omg can't get over the even uglier info stand. All nice apart from that. Also where is the console :S

29-02-2012, 05:20 PM
Should just do what runescape do and have a much longer list of fansites but with colour-coded tiers (e.g. gold silver bronze - like we used to) and have fansites have to submit their fansite to be approved and then it would be automatically added to the list provided it passed various checks and matched up to certain criteria. Having a short list of official fansites is of course not equal but allowing more to enter that list on a frequent basis shouldn't be a problem.

29-02-2012, 05:21 PM
That layout looks so nice but omg can't get over the even uglier info stand. All nice apart from that. Also where is the console :S

That's what I thought when I saw the other 2 designs last night :L - I believe it could be under "Me" or maybe that "=" sign in the bottom right? :S.

And yes, the infostand looks much much worse.

29-02-2012, 05:24 PM
Not a bad idea, but they should do more fansite promoting events.

29-02-2012, 05:26 PM
I would suggest if you are a fansite then bring the matter up with him, the more fansites who do then the better chance we have of changing something in regards of the new plans. I also wasn't aware of his plans not do anything with the group or the current ofifcal fansites/rep badges, I was just taking what he said on twitter about making it fair for all.I am, I have and I'm trying - he's ignoring me now LOL. even though I'm not the only one raising these points.

What do you mean "We will have to see"? It doesn't support the "equaltreatment for all" idea or the No more official fansites idea. It'd promote
the fact that some fansites are still in fact official, despite your wanted
changes, because they have a badge representing their site when others
cannot. The majority of Habbos would continue to want to access those sites
above those not listed on the Fansite group, and those without the badges.
Especially when the whole of Habbo hasn't been made aware of these changes

29-02-2012, 05:29 PM
The idea has only just been put into practice you know. If you're so concerned that a badge is going to single out the official fansites then you really should take a look at how many people have limited badges. There are badges for having your room picked by staff - you don't immediately go around claiming it's favouritism and that the badges should be removed? Likewise with ex-eXpert and ex-Hobba badges :rolleyes:

Besides, I'm sure that the official fansites page will be removed in the near future if this new selection process seems to work well. But as I have already said, it takes time and you can't rush these people when they already have enough to deal with at the moment.

29-02-2012, 05:33 PM
The idea has only just been put into practice you know. If you're so concerned that a badge is going to single out the official fansites then you really should take a look at how many people have limited badges. There are badges for having your room picked by staff - you don't immediately go around claiming it's favouritism and that the badges should be removed? Likewise with ex-eXpert and ex-Hobba badges :rolleyes:

Besides, I'm sure that the official fansites page will be removed in the near future if this new selection process seems to work well. But as I have already said, it takes time and you can't rush these people when they already have enough to deal with at the moment.
The fansite program was quite different to those programs, though. And like I said, Grecian said he has no plans to do anything with the fansite group. And since only fansite-goers know about these changes lol, or those that visit Sulake, then people don't know about these changes and will continue to use the fansite group to find new sites.

29-02-2012, 05:37 PM
The fansite program was quite different to those programs, though. And like I said, Grecian said he has no plans to do anything with the fansite group. And since only fansite-goers know about these changes lol, or those that visit Sulake, then people don't know about these changes and will continue to use the fansite group to find new sites.

I still fail to see why a person would be so interested in a fansite that supports Sulake, yet not in the staff members Twitter feed + Sulake's blog. Besides, on the majority of fansites I expect it would state somewhere about these changes... I mean look at Habbox, there's already a thread on it (this one) so anyone who visits here isn't that likely to be confused unless they are incredibly inactive.

Also explain this;

And since only fansite-goers know about these changes lol, or those that visit Sulake, then people don't know about these changes and will continue to use the fansite group to find new sites.

(the section in bold) - last time I checked, Fansite-goers wouldn't continuously check the official webpage if they already visit Fansites where the changes are most likely already posted.

29-02-2012, 05:39 PM
j-raviv is just jelly that he cant get a fansite badge and wants to be spiteful and get everyone elses removed

Edited by Zuth (Trialist Forum Moderator): Please don't make pointless or un-constructive posts, thanks!

29-02-2012, 05:40 PM
Jason has just tweeted this:

This is the start of a new and exciting relationship with you guys. We want to satisfy as many sites fairly, with cool unseen content.

I hope your audience find the content exciting (as we do) ;)

Like I said this is the only start and we have more interesting things in the pipeline.

I am off soon and will return to your questions in the morning. I haven't seen the girlfriend for a while and if I tweet through dinner she will throw a fork at me!

Bye for now

J xD

29-02-2012, 05:41 PM
I still fail to see why a person would be so interested in a fansite that supports Sulake, yet not in the staff members Twitter feed + Sulake's blog. Besides, on the majority of fansites I expect it would state somewhere about these changes... I mean look at Habbox, there's already a thread on it (this one) so anyone who visits here isn't that likely to be confused unless they are incredibly inactive.....what?

Also explain this;

(the section in bold) - last time I checked, Fansite-goers wouldn't continuously check the official webpage if they already visit Fansites where the changes are most likely already posted.[/FONT][/COLOR]
Exactly my point. This information is only accessible by fansite goers, and by those who visit the Sulake page or follow the fansite group on Twitter (fansite goers again). The article wasn't posted on Habbo itself, so Habbos that want to visit a new fansite would go to the official Habbo Fansite group, only to find a list of official fansites and stickied official fansite threads.

---------- Post added 29-02-2012 at 10:42 AM ----------

j-raviv is just jelly that he cant get a fansite badge and wants to be spiteful and get everyone elses removedi never wanted the fansite badge though lol... awks

29-02-2012, 05:44 PM
Considering it was only announced today via the developer's blog is it any wonder that there has been no article yet? You can't expect everything to be done STRAIGHT AWAY don't be so impatient!!!

29-02-2012, 05:45 PM
It's a change. It'll be interesting to see if it works well.

29-02-2012, 05:46 PM

Exactly my point. This information is only accessible by fansite goers, and by those who visit the Sulake page or follow the fansite group on Twitter (fansite goers again). The article wasn't posted on Habbo itself, so Habbos that want to visit a new fansite would go to the official Habbo Fansite group, only to find a list of official fansites and stickied official fansite threads.

---------- Post added 29-02-2012 at 10:42 AM ----------

i never wanted the fansite badge though lol... awks

As I tried to originally explain, yes they will indeed see the official Fansite list and will click on the links if they are interested in Fansites. But they are likely to somehow see some form of information that mentions the Fansite changes? :S - If the news gets too old, I'm fairly sure it would have got around the hotel rather quickly so that a lot of people would know about the changes and be able to inform new people.

Also, Sulake do post articles about Fansite events ya know. It can't be "singling out" if they are willing to post articles about Fansite events each month, I expect more people visit the news articles as opposed to the official fansite page anyway.

29-02-2012, 05:46 PM
It's a change that can be changed again and it's not the end of it. There's more to come if we go by what Jason tweeted not that long ago, this is just the start of it!

29-02-2012, 05:47 PM
Considering it was only announced today via the developer's blog is it any wonder that there has been no article yet? You can't expect everything to be done STRAIGHT AWAY don't be so impatient!!!I still see no reason it needed to be published on the Sulake site anyways?

29-02-2012, 05:48 PM
I still see no reason it needed to be published on the Sulake site anyways?

Why not? It's their site. Surely they can post about it if they want to - That's why they have a blog! :P

29-02-2012, 05:50 PM
As I tried to originally explain, yes they will indeed see the official Fansite list and will click on the links if they are interested in Fansites. But they are likely to somehow see some form of information that mentions the Fansite changes? :S - If the news gets too old, I'm fairly sure it would have got around the hotel rather quickly so that a lot of people would know about the changes and be able to inform new people.

Also, Sulake do post articles about Fansite events ya know. It can't be "singling out" if they are willing to post articles about Fansite events each month, I expect more people visit the news articles as opposed to the official fansite page anyway.That was when Kitano was involved with the "official fansite program."

29-02-2012, 05:50 PM
Considering it was only announced today via the developer's blog is it any wonder that there has been no article yet? You can't expect everything to be done STRAIGHT AWAY don't be so impatient!!!

God, +Repping you so much >.<

Oh also [@]@J-Raviv[/@]; I'll think you'll find that if we do emigrate to the Habbo.se webpage layout in the future, you'll see that there is no link for Fansites at all.

---------- Post added 29-02-2012 at 05:51 PM ----------

That was when Kitano was involved with the "official fansite program."

And how do you know it's going to be completely different with Grecian? He only recently became in charge of fansites - you have to give him a break for not fitting all your needs at once.

29-02-2012, 05:55 PM
God, +Repping you so much >.<

Oh also [@]@J-Raviv[/@]; I'll think you'll find that if we do emigrate to the Habbo.se webpage layout in the future, you'll see that there is no link for Fansites at all.

---------- Post added 29-02-2012 at 05:51 PM ----------

And how do you know it's going to be completely different with Grecian? He only recently became in charge of fansites - you have to give him a break for not fitting all your needs at once.
You'll also find that the .se layout is still a work in progress, and not the final one we are expected to receive. And if Grecian does it for every fansite, it'd anger a lot of non-fansite going Habbos since half of the 40 page Fansites - ideas thread is about them not wanting to see a bunch of Habbos fansites promoted with events over Habbo organized events.

29-02-2012, 06:01 PM
You'll also find that the .se layout is still a work in progress, and not the final one we are expected to receive. And if Grecian does it for every fansite, it'd anger a lot of non-fansite going Habbos since half of the 40 page Fansites - ideas thread is about them not wanting to see a bunch of Habbos fansites promoted with events over Habbo organized events.

It's still a work in progress indeed, but I'm fairly sure they would have placed "Fansites" on there already because it's just such a simple link and page - and if they didn't plan on adding a page, then they wouldn't have put it there.

Also, I find this very... bold... that people claim they don't want fansite-organised events posted in a Sulake article yet people at the same time (such as yourself) want Fansites that aren't official to receive more recognition? Not everyone is going to reach an agreement, and Fansite events have been advertised loads in the past - I highly doubt they'd just stop advertising them considering they want a "closer relationship" with them.

Just because half of a 40 page thread says so, doesn't mean it will happen.

29-02-2012, 06:06 PM
I kind of like this, be good to see how it goes. :P

29-02-2012, 07:35 PM
Why do they call this a "new relationship" with Habbo when there totally abandoning us and focusing on stupid mobile games, there is no relationship if there is hardly any articles, moderators, community staff etc and now theirabandoning fansites cos they clearly cba. SMHID!

Liking the sneak peak factor though for fansites and the new habbo client looks pretty good however that grey infostand looks awful!

29-02-2012, 08:35 PM
think it's a complete sham, they can't be arsed with fansites anymore so they're gonna bang em on a mailing list. and it appears any old tom, **** or harry can sign up for it.

absolutely stupid. think habbox should just go off our own merits and not rely on them beings as they seem so unwilling.

(bring back v.i.p woo)

29-02-2012, 09:57 PM
Another tweet:

[@]@VanS_HT[/@] we will make the site links visible on the site and also in FB (I hope). Please bear with us.

29-02-2012, 11:51 PM
An interesting idea, but they could keep official or "highly recommended/regarded" fansites (though official is a better word). Some sites will naturally out perform others and do a better job promoting Habbo, and you would think they would give these fansites special recognition, especially when fansites help engage the Habbo Community where Habbo either cannot do, or fail drastically to accomplish.

A pity premium services are still a don't. They should allow fansites to offer premium services which help support the fansite - Habbo can easily look at a fansite and see if any fraud or misconduct is being committed e.g. huge, unjustified costs. VIP on Habbox was pretty good value and helped support a site which did notthing but good for the franchise.

01-03-2012, 06:54 AM

---------- Post added 29-02-2012 at 09:08 AM ----------

It still seems flawed, and not thought out enough.. It doesn't help any of us gain members, does it?

i don't like this at all it's so ugly ugh.

i think it is a good idea though.

01-03-2012, 12:02 PM
didnt anybody notice the image posted? and the glory days were when sites would have the badge (red one)

01-03-2012, 04:32 PM
If you haven't read this already then it was tweeted by Jason a couple of hours ago:

A bit of background and a HUGE Thank you...

I would like to thank all of the sites that have shown support in this program so far, I have been inundated over email an Twitter and it has been very warming to see your passion and enthusiasm. Let me give you a bit of background....

Before I picked up this project not a lot was happening with Sulake and fansites on a global scale. I wanted to get fansites back on the agenda, build relations and give you an avenue where we listen and provide you content. Previously some countries had official sites, some didn't. Some had support from Sulake, some didn't. Our aim was to change this, for the better.

This fansite project needed to be scalable so it works for all countries (11 markets), all sites, (no matter what status) and is manageable.

As you know, moving forward we are opening up and delivering you unseen and newsworthy content, but we need to do this fairly. Here is a little quote (lol)...

'Our fansites are to live in a world of equality and fairness' - fansite_jason.

So....This means more sites, more news, feeding a better and well informed community. We encourage the fansite community to self regulate in light of the do's and don'ts posted yesterday.

A BIG Thank you!!
Sulake would personally like to thank all of the sites that have delivered great content for their audiences over the last years. You professionalism has not got un-noticed and we appreciate the level of support you have shown for the Habbo product, you guys rock. Moving forward we encourage you to keep doing what you do and go from strength to strength.

I know a lot of existing sites are worried about visitors and badges, but this is where it gets interesting. What do great sites do well? How do you engage with your audience better? Rich media? Social functions? That's for you to decide. Time to get creative!

I am currently looking into the future of the 'site badge', as I know a few people brought this up on Twitter. We may create a new badge, but this is to be decided (more info on this soon). I will also look at how we can promote the fansite mailing list in Habbo and on the official FB pages.

Please remember this program is in its infancy, let's walk before we can run. Things will get more interesting as we move along.

[@]@paul[/@] recently visited the uk office and presented his vision of Habbo to me, it's a very exciting time and we want you to be a part of it (together).

Let's keep the creativity flag flying, whilst looking through the sites I have been amazed at how well some of these sites look and have been put together (although some of the music blearing out in my earphones isn't really my taste lol). Great stuff!

You know where I am if you want to talk (email / twitter), and don't worry, I am listening.


Jason xD

01-03-2012, 07:29 PM
As long as Habbox give us the sneak peeks too... but tbh, where does it say about official fansites etc? just means they'll mail any fansite owners...

02-03-2012, 12:14 AM
As long as Habbox give us the sneak peeks too... but tbh, where does it say about official fansites etc? just means they'll mail any fansite owners...

Why wouldn't we give you the sneak peeks? That's the whole point of us getting them so we can share them to our userbase. In terms of official fansites, what do you mean? There is no more official fansites and if you own a fansite, you tweet him/email him with your site URL and contact email and then you are added.

02-03-2012, 04:05 PM
Couple of minutes ago this is the CEO (Paul) talking about fansites and what they plan to do as well:

A SPECIAL message from [@]@PaulLaFo[/@]

I would like to thank you all for the positive energy and engaging conversation we have had by email, Twitter, Facebook and on your sites. The fansite group has been really inspiring as we push forward with new ideas and look to the community for answers to questions, which will make Habbo better.

I hope we have begun to demonstrate a new principle that we have embraced at Sulake, namely that the fansites are to be a primary source of news about what we are doing. Fansites are places where Habbos get information and a lot of extra value, and as such we think they are vitally important. As a first step we've asked Jason to be your ambassador and he's been great getting this started. But Jason needs the full commitment of the Sulake team to be useful to you, so I'm here to let you know what that commitment looks like.

1. We are going to upgrade how we present news about features, life at Sulake, new products and how we work. We have a writer on staff who will produce behind the scenes sneak peeks. To emphasize how important fansites are to us, we are going to release those pieces to you 24 hours BEFORE we put it up on any of our sites. You get the exclusive.

2. Often we publish news about the company that is meant to reach the industry at large. Sometimes it is quite corporate, other times it is about new products like Niko or Lost Monkey. Since we think our users are the focus and fansites are an important way users hear about what is happening, I have instructed our team that we will give fansites all corporate announcements 12 hours BEFORE it goes on the news wire. Literally, fansites will get the scoop and with it we will include a Q&A so you get more than just the press release. I want all breaking news about Sulake to come through fansites.

3. We will conduct regular podcasts, answering questions and giving advanced information about what we are doing. I want you to feel like you have access to Sulake builders, thinkers and leaders. We want to get to know you all, and this back and forth will make the community better. More to follow from Jason soon.

4. The term "official fansite" had value for some of you, as does the designator on your site. We don't want to detract from any value you gain from such things. We just don't want to manage an overly formal process. In short, I don't want Jason to be chasing people (or them chasing him) about badges. We are looking at a replacement badge which you can use on your fansite. More to follow on this soon from Jason. I think we will list fansites by their date of establishment because long term commitment to being a Habbo fan is important, for Habbos and for fansites. These will be posted in Habbo and also on our official Facebook pages.

How do you get to be and remain a fan site who gets the exclusive? It's pretty simple really. Be a great fan site. Engage in the discussion. Critique us. Encourage users to give feedback. Having exclusive access does not mean we expect you to be nice. If what we do does not agree with you, write your truth. People who will not remain on the list are people who try and use our community for their personal gain. It's all listed in the Dont's. I think if we are sharing good news bits and engaging in debate about our products, the number of people who don't want to abide by our agreement will be small and not occupy much of our time.

Thanks again for the energy and commitment to Habbo. I look forward to breaking some news with you all!


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