View Full Version : ALL BULK FURNITURE.

03-03-2012, 12:32 PM
Hey guys,

As you may know I enter most comps that Habbo through at me, so I need to build up storage rooms of furniture for comps. Lost all my bulk furni when I got hacked :'(

So if you have any bulk seasonals mainly, patches [need quite a few treasure patches] or other furniture please post here and mention me.

I don't want to buy junk - such as minibars, bars, corners, pet stuff. Would prefer if the furni is worth 2c+

Thanks heaps

03-03-2012, 11:50 PM
I got 315 Skate Rails and 332 Lodge Corners for sale :D


05-03-2012, 03:36 AM
Uhmm, I was thinking about buying some. Will think about it Will :P

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