View Full Version : Money: Is it the most important thing in life? [ENDS 18/03/2012]
Money: Is it the most important thing in life?
Ends: 18/03/2012
I won't go in too much detail here, but money really encompasses a lot to live a happy life. With money we can purchase what we want and is a symbol of modern society. Money can purchase so much; health-wise for example it can get you great medical care and what not.
However, are we placing too much emphasis on money, for it's just paper at the end of the day. Isolated tribal communities for example have been found to be fully self-reliant and extremely happy, yet have no money.
So as we spend our lives for this money, is it most important thing in life or not? Debate away!
04-03-2012, 10:26 PM
Well I wouldn't say money is the most important thing, but it sure is important. Without it, how would we buy stuff. I find that if we did not have money, then we could not live in a functioning society.
My answer: No, money is not the most important thing.
I say it is, without money one cannot afford to live independently, if you can't live independently then what's the point?
The tribes without any money live in such a way due to the fact they don't have to pay for anything, they don't utilize anything other than their own energy.
04-03-2012, 11:50 PM
I suppose I'll open with my answer and elaborate it more after. I do not believe that money is the most important thing in life.
People say "Money can't buy you happiness". I disagree, money can buy you happiness but it cannot buy you joy. Joy is a long term positive outlook on life no matter the circumstance, happiness is the state of satisfaction, but in the world we live in we aren't always satisfied with what happens, what we are given, how people act, etc etc. But joy allows a person to be happy no matter how people act or what goes on in life.
In my opinion being joyful is the most important thing in life and since money doesn't buy joy, but merely a false sense of happiness I don't believe money is the most important. Money can be seen like a drug. It allows you to feel happy and have that 'high' for a short while, but eventually you need more to get that again and it begins to get worse and worse.
Yes, money can buy good health care, and allow you to get a great education and so on, but that is because society views money as the most important, but personally I disagree.
So, to conclude. Socially money can be viewed as most important as it is the only avenue available to get the things we need but joy will allow you to be happy despite not being able to get that.
One last addition. Third world countries and people. They have VERY little money, yet whenever i have seen someone who has gone over there and they bring back video's these people seem to be the most happy and joyful people, yet they have very little if not no money?
Socially, in our society it has been cultivated money can buy all, but fact is money is not the be all and end all in life. Just in our society.
So, no, money is not the most important thing in life.
i want to say no but i know my life would be so much better if i had infinite amounts of money in my life.
money could solve so many of my problems and i genuinely think it is the most important thing that dominates this world now. people do live without money (tribes etc) but that is because they aren't aware (that sounds so ignorant but i don't mean it to be) of the power of money. ignorance is bliss you could say, and i'm sure their societies without money are fantastic. but i don't live in one of those societies, i spend money every single day. it's usually on my mind in some form or another, i wish it wasn't this way, but it is.
05-03-2012, 03:08 AM
The total sum of what you own (a form of money in itself) is important in life, there's no doubt about that.
But fiat currencies? hardly the most important things in life.
05-03-2012, 06:58 AM
As a finance student there is only one way for me to answer this question.
No, money is not the most important thing in life I believe education is. Money is a key component of how we live and within what means we live. The reason why I say education is more important than money can be explained through understand the main objective of finance. To optimise satisfaction with limited or scare resources. This means having a knowledge of where and how to spend your money.
I bring you to an example of a family I knew. They were moderately wealthy and were living within their means but they decided to invest in a company that owned a number of apartment buildings. Had this family done their research they would have understood there were many problems and mistakes in the accounting information of this business and a financial advisor would have warned them against investing in this company. This family lost a lot of their wealth and had to move out of the city into a much smaller house and are now living on a very small income.
Money did not bring joy to this family but instead pain and suffering, had they been more educated into how to use their money, where and when to invest, and where not to invest they would probably have a lot more money than they had started with. You can once again argue that money creates education but then in saying that you could also say sex creates life which creates money and education does that therefore mean sex is the most important thing in life? Anyway I won't go there but remember this had humans not been educated through life experiences would money be there in the first place? and where would we spend our money?
So to conclude I strongly believe that while money is a large component of our daily life, it is not the most important part of our lives.
05-03-2012, 09:32 AM
I would say No, However money buys you comfort but is comfort happiness ?.I have to say that Money is the most stressful thing in life and I know if we don't have money in our lives, we can't cope with it.If you want to have a stable life, don't tend to over use Money for comfort or such.Use it wisely.
I'll tell you a story about this women. This Woman is a single parent with 2 Kids and 2 Elderly, She worked hard when after she divorced with her husband and her life was very stable, She had no Financial problems and she knew she had to work hard because she's alone. When one day when she found out about Credit Cards. She applied for it and boastfully using until she was bankrupt because she cannot afford to pay her bill. She was struggling to pay for her home bills and her Children's school fees.
Like I said before, If you want to have a stable life, spent money wisely and SAY NO TO CREDIT CARD (<.<'')
05-03-2012, 12:42 PM
Money makes the world go around, without money the world would just have problems :P
05-03-2012, 01:36 PM
Imo, the most important thing in life is bound to be subjective. Like what [@]@imacaroni[/@] has said, money is probably not the most important thing until the woman got into huge debts which was obviously her fault for being so greedy and wanting more. It is just like a part of growing up which you have to carry all those silly responsibilities and manage them well but by the time you're in your 30s or 40s, you'll probably think money is not as important as love etc. It changes just like how your life changes. Definitely depends on how you want to live with money and not letting it to control you. So, my answer is no.
Money makes the world go around, without money the world would just have problems:P
And how is that? Money is not water or air. They are just papers used to fulfill your requirements. And I'm pretty sure parents will still tell their kids to grow up and become useful people instead of 'YOU MUST BRING US LOTS OF MONEY OR YOU DIE'.
05-03-2012, 02:34 PM
Imo, the most important thing in life is bound to be subjective. Like what [@]@imacaroni[/@] has said, money is probably not the most important thing until the woman got into huge debts which was obviously her fault for being so greedy and wanting more. It is just like a part of growing up which you have to carry all those silly responsibilities and manage them well but by the time you're in your 30s or 40s, you'll probably think money is not as important as love etc. It changes just like how your life changes. Definitely depends on how you want to live with money and not letting it to control you. So, my answer is no.
And how is that? Money is not water or air. They are just papers used to fulfill your requirements. And I'm pretty sure parents will still tell their kids to grow up and become useful people instead of 'YOU MUST BRING US LOTS OF MONEY OR YOU DIE'.
"It was probably her fault" you can't just say that... People are in debt for lots of different reasons you can't just simply say THEY WERE GREEDY AND WANTED MORE!!!! That's not how it works, sometimes people don't have a choice there's loads of different reasons and once you're in debt it can be really hard to pay it off especially if your circumstances have changed etc, not to mention the APR or the charges for if you miss a payment.
05-03-2012, 03:41 PM
"It was probably her fault" you can't just say that... People are in debt for lots of different reasons you can't just simply say THEY WERE GREEDY AND WANTED MORE!!!! That's not how it works, sometimes people don't have a choice there's loads of different reasons and once you're in debt it can be really hard to pay it off especially if your circumstances have changed etc, not to mention the APR or the charges for if you miss a payment.
Ha! You got me reading for the second time. Excuse me mr. When did I say that? I think you mean obviously so k. Isn't it human nature? You want a lavish birthday party but you got no money. So, you ask from your parents and owe them for the rest of your life. Or maybe you have a 'life or death' reason, why not ask help from your close friends then? Must you borrow from banks etc.? When you know things are not right, then don't do it. If its already done, then don't regret!
05-03-2012, 04:00 PM
Ha! You got me reading for the second time. Excuse me mr. When did I say that? I think you mean obviously so k. Isn't it human nature? You want a lavish birthday party but you got no money. So, you ask from your parents and owe them for the rest of your life. Or maybe you have a 'life or death' reason, why not ask help from your close friends then? Must you borrow from banks etc.? When you know things are not right, then don't do it. If its already done, then don't regret!
until the woman got into huge debts which was obviously her fault for being so greedy and wanting more.
Read above, that's when you said that. Some people aren't as lucky to have parents to ask, some people don't want to ask because they'd rather be independent there are many reasons why we don't accept help from people. Some people don't have the luxury of borrowing money off people. I know my parents would rather borrow me the money instead of me using my credit card but personally I'd rather use my credit card because I'm not going to rely on them for everything, I'm 19 and I am able to stand on my own two feet.
'If it's already done, don't regret.' I'm guessing you've never been in debt or anything because everyone I know who has a credit card/store card etc always says "wish I never got it" including me not gonna lie, it's hard not to regret.
I would say money is ONE of the most important things and I can honestly say after visiting a third world country I have learnt to appreciate money so much more. You have no idea what it is like until you actually visit one of these third world countries, you build up an image in your head but it's never as you expect it to be.
The thing that gets me though is you visit these little villages say in Africa and they're all so happy even with VERY little money, their community is great and they're so welcoming to others. Family is really important for them and it's so cute how they all stick together. They're all so positive which is more than I can say for most of us, we moan about not being able to afford to go out on a Saturday night because we have no money and feel we are so hard done by you don't get none of that over there but is that due to them not knowing as Bethie said?
You can still achieve happiness without money however I do think in our society today it is one of the most important things, you're not going to go very far without it.
05-03-2012, 04:23 PM
Read above, that's when you said that. Some people aren't as lucky to have parents to ask, some people don't want to ask because they'd rather be independent there are many reasons why we don't accept help from people. Some people don't have the luxury of borrowing money off people. I know my parents would rather borrow me the money instead of me using my credit card but personally I'd rather use my credit card because I'm not going to rely on them for everything, I'm 19 and I am able to stand on my own two feet.
'If it's already done, don't regret.' I'm guessing you've never been in debt or anything because everyone I know who has a credit card/store card etc always says "wish I never got it" including me not gonna lie, it's hard not to regret.
I would say money is ONE of the most important things and I can honestly say after visiting a third world country I have learnt to appreciate money so much more. You have no idea what it is like until you actually visit one of these third world countries, you build up an image in your head but it's never as you expect it to be.
The thing that gets me though is you visit these little villages say in Africa and they're all so happy even with VERY little money, their community is great and they're so welcoming to others. Family is really important for them and it's so cute how they all stick together. They're all so positive which is more than I can say for most of us, we moan about not being able to afford to go out on a Saturday night because we have no money and feel we are so hard done by you don't get none of that over there but is that due to them not knowing as Bethie said?
You can still achieve happiness without money however I do think in our society today it is one of the most important things, you're not going to go very far without it.
And whenever did I say probably? :s That's seriously weird. Especially when you are 19 and can work for your own money already but still you want to use credit card? What a laugh. Cash is always better than cards. Anyway, we have debit cards. And even if you can use debit cards, of course you have cash to top up. So, why go for debit cards? Isn't it just egoistic?
Visited a third world country and yet, you have learnt to appreciate money?! For goodness sake, money is not the solution for everything. You can have all the money you want but I can tell you that you can't even buy clean water at countries like Somalia. So, shouldn't u say like appreciate clean water and good food instead of money, money and money? There's a saying that goes like this. Money is the root of all evil. I guess it's right. Some people living in first world countries might not b able to believe it because the outcomes of their education are flawed. It's so exam oriented and thus, some students who get brilliant results will have lots of problems with their behavior because all they think of is 'Money! How to earn lots of money?! I must be a doctor a billionaire etc.'. But where have all the ethics gone?
05-03-2012, 04:55 PM
Especially when you are 19 and can work for your own money already but still you want to use credit card? What a laugh.
Okay firstly do you not think I understand this? Credit cards aren't free money, I pay 36.9%APR on top of my purchases which I choose to do meaning I nearly pay half the amount I have borrowed back. I do this because I like being able to pay things off monthly and not all at once, it's my decision and not yours to determine if that's right or wrong.
Anyway, we have debit cards. And even if you can use debit cards, of course you have cash to top up. So, why go for debit cards? Isn't it just egoistic?
Why go for debit cards? Because we aren't living in the 18th century and most of us haven't been raised in an Amish family. If you prefer carrying large amounts of cash arounds with you rather then putting it into a bank then when you're mugged you deserve no sympathy. Plus a debit card is obviously essential for most people as that is what their salary is paid into.
Visited a third world country and yet, you have learnt to appreciate money?! For goodness sake, money is not the solution for everything.
Yes, I have learnt to appreciate money why are you questioning that? I didn't say money was the solution for everything but like I said, without it... You're not going to get very far in life are you?
It's so exam oriented and thus, some students who get brilliant results will have lots of problems with their behavior because all they think of is 'Money! How to earn lots of money?! I must be a doctor a billionaire etc.'. But where have all the ethics gone?
Good on them if they become a doctor, who are you to be going around saying doctors are only doctors because they want lots of money? They deserve it, they save lives on a daily basis and I'm not prepared to question their 'ethics'. Not all careers are money driven, I'll be working in the health service in a few years and that's not just because I want a nice salary, it's because I want to make a difference in peoples lives.
05-03-2012, 05:51 PM
"It was probably her fault" you can't just say that... People are in debt for lots of different reasons you can't just simply say THEY WERE GREEDY AND WANTED MORE!!!! That's not how it works, sometimes people don't have a choice there's loads of different reasons and once you're in debt it can be really hard to pay it off especially if your circumstances have changed etc, not to mention the APR or the charges for if you miss a payment.
sorry but your not going to get rich by sitting at home doing absolutely nothing, maybe the lottery i guess. The people who are large in the business sector work their ass's off, thus most of them don't get greedy, I mean look at Bill Gates for example im sure he's giving his children 1% of his multi billion pound company, Thats not greedy, hes donating the rest to charity. The people who are in debt so bad, are generally people who borrow money who can't afford to pay it back.
05-03-2012, 05:57 PM
sorry but your not going to get rich by sitting at home doing absolutely nothing, maybe the lottery i guess. The people who are large in the business sector work their ass's off, thus most of them don't get greedy, I mean look at Bill Gates for example im sure he's giving his children 1% of his multi billion pound company, Thats not greedy, hes donating the rest to charity. The people who are in debt so bad, are generally people who borrow money who can't afford to pay it back.
I think you have me mistaken with girlnextdoor, I didn't say anybody was getting greedy... I was quoting what she had said :S
05-03-2012, 06:25 PM
Money is quite simply the most important thing. Without it (in current society), nothing would get done.
Money doesn't buy happiness? No it doesn't, but how could that happiness occur without money? If you had no money in western society, you could be living on the streets being looked down at because of the fact that you cannot afford showers etc. You'd be unlikely to get in a relationship due to this, and even if you did kids would be out of the question. Your views would ultimately be ignored aswell.
It is also something which can bring down countries if it is misused, such as Greece (and to be quite frank, most of the world at the moment).
05-03-2012, 08:29 PM
We live in a capitalist society and so whether we like it or not, money isimportant. I suppose what's really up for debate is if its top of the list. I think it is most important. Without it, our societies and their structures would collapse overnight. Whilethere are many mini-societies that manage without money,I think the drastic change that would result were it to disappear overnight would be too much to handle at once. I also think beingable to live your life without money worries would mean that money would no longer be the most important thing and that you'd be able to focus on things that should be more important (but aren't).
05-03-2012, 10:42 PM
Money is the reason we exist, everybody knows it, it's a fact. Kiss kiss.
Lana Del Rey aside, you answered it in the opening post, didn't you. "Money encompasses a lot to live a happy life", then isn't happiness the most important thing? Money is a mediator. It's important, but not the most important thing. What it will bring you is always more important. Although I believe the best things in life are free.
Money doesn't buy happiness? No it doesn't, but how could that happiness occur without money?
Do you realise you just contradicted yourself? Money can buy happiness, however. It can bring you power, success and many possessions. For some, that may be happiness, for others, maybe not. It's subjective. What it comes down to though, is that money isn't necessary to be happy. It's perfectly natural for happiness to occur without wealth.
05-03-2012, 10:47 PM
Do you realise you just contradicted yourself? Money can buy happiness, however. It can bring you power, success and many possessions. For some, that may be happiness, for others, maybe not. It's subjective. What it comes down to though, is that money isn't necessary to be happy. It's perfectly natural for happiness to occur without wealth.
Well I was trying to imply that you can't really be happy in this day and age without it, however if you were to go back to when we lived like wild animals, I'm sure they were perfectly happy. It was badly worded. I do agree with what you said though, that was the point I forgot to make.
06-03-2012, 06:11 AM
Okay firstly do you not think I understand this? Credit cards aren't free money, I pay 36.9%APR on top of my purchases which I choose to do meaning I nearly pay half the amount I have borrowed back. I do this because I like being able to pay things off monthly and not all at once, it's my decision and not yours to determine if that's right or wrong.
36 point blah %... I don't get cheated by figures. You want to pay things off monthly and I can understand that because if you work, normally your wage is given at the end of each month or the beginning of the next month. I'm not going to say if it's right or wrong but think about it. This is like a business. The bankers do all they can to attract you guys for credit cards and hence, the figures. If nobody uses credit cards, then who's gonna pay the bankers, right? Other than that, credit card scams. I mean even Habbo has scams; let alone CREDIT CARDS? Not safe and unreliable to me. :P
Why go for debit cards? Because we aren't living in the 18th century and most of us haven't been raised in an Amish family. If you prefer carrying large amounts of cash arounds with you rather then putting it into a bank then when you're mugged you deserve no sympathy. Plus a debit card is obviously essential for most people as that is what their salary is paid into.
Debit cards are safer than credit cards. You top up your cash in it and that's all you have until they are all used up. At least you can control the amount in it rather than let the amount increase until you pay it off at the end of each month. However, cash is still better than debit cards. You see, I'm comparing which one is better. Credit card < debit card < cash. And if you want to protect your cash or whatsoever, you can put it in a bank. You have trusts, mutual funds etc. But I don't really trust banks especially when we are having this economic turmoil. You never know whats gonna happen.
Yes, I have learnt to appreciate money why are you questioning that? I didn't say money was the solution for everything but like I said, without it... You're not going to get very far in life are you?
Because the debate topic is all about money? I'd rather appreciate food and clean water than money at a place where I'm from which is still a developing country. And with or without money at a third world country doesn't make much difference but yes, a lot of difference at a first world country because people have a different mindset there. Nonetheless, is money that important? No. It depends on your mindset and how you want to live with it.
Good on them if they become a doctor, who are you to be going around saying doctors are only doctors because they want lots of money? They deserve it, they save lives on a daily basis and I'm not prepared to question their 'ethics'. Not all careers are money driven, I'll be working in the health service in a few years and that's not just because I want a nice salary, it's because I want to make a difference in peoples lives.
I'm talking about doctors as a general example of what their attitude is. And I agree that doctors should be kind, caring and wants to save lives but how many doctors will make up to that? Not all doctors are like that. This is 21st century when some people including doctors become so unbelievably realistic and materialistic. I think you barely ask for second opinions from doctors. So, that's maybe why 'doctors deserve to be doctors as they save lives' notion is still there.
Aren't gold and lands more important than money? Currency always face ups and downs but the value of gold and lands are always increasing. k thats the er economic side of it or something.
06-03-2012, 02:45 PM
Money doesn't buy happyness, but you can't be happy without it.
06-03-2012, 02:51 PM
36 point blah %... I don't get cheated by figures. You want to pay things off monthly and I can understand that because if you work, normally your wage is given at the end of each month or the beginning of the next month. I'm not going to say if it's right or wrong but think about it. This is like a business. The bankers do all they can to attract you guys for credit cards and hence, the figures. If nobody uses credit cards, then who's gonna pay the bankers, right? Other than that, credit card scams. I mean even Habbo has scams; let alone CREDIT CARDS? Not safe and unreliable to me. :P
Debit cards are safer than credit cards. You top up your cash in it and that's all you have until they are all used up. At least you can control the amount in it rather than let the amount increase until you pay it off at the end of each month. However, cash is still better than debit cards. You see, I'm comparing which one is better. Credit card < debit card < cash. And if you want to protect your cash or whatsoever, you can put it in a bank. You have trusts, mutual funds etc. But I don't really trust banks especially when we are having this economic turmoil. You never know whats gonna happen.
Because the debate topic is all about money? I'd rather appreciate food and clean water than money at a place where I'm from which is still a developing country. And with or without money at a third world country doesn't make much difference but yes, a lot of difference at a first world country because people have a different mindset there. Nonetheless, is money that important? No. It depends on your mindset and how you want to live with it.
I'm talking about doctors as a general example of what their attitude is. And I agree that doctors should be kind, caring and wants to save lives but how many doctors will make up to that? Not all doctors are like that. This is 21st century when some people including doctors become so unbelievably realistic and materialistic. I think you barely ask for second opinions from doctors. So, that's maybe why 'doctors deserve to be doctors as they save lives' notion is still there.
Aren't gold and lands more important than money? Currency always face ups and downs but the value of gold and lands are always increasing. k thats the er economic side of it or something.
Okay let's just agree to disagree because I really can't be bothered to reply.
[@]@goldenmerc[/@] I agree, you hear about these people winning the lottery and they go loopy because imagine having something like 40million pounds all of a sudden, you're not used to it and can basically have whatever you are, nothing to work for and nothing to aim for. The feeling you get when you can finally afford something you've been saving up for is fab but you'd never really have that feeling again. I understand why people go mad cos I'm pretty sure I would, but it would be a nice way to go mad tbh.
06-03-2012, 02:54 PM
Exactly, so many lottery winners go bankrupt if you read about it. There was one on here posted not too long ago that got quite a bit of money and ended up bankrupt if i remember rightly he spent a hell of a lot on drugs. Most people go to drugs as boredom, i guess if you have 15million your not exactly going to have the determination to work...
06-03-2012, 03:11 PM
Okay let's just agree to disagree because I really can't be bothered to reply.
[@]@goldenmerc[/@] I agree, you hear about these people winning the lottery and they go loopy because imagine having something like 40million pounds all of a sudden, you're not used to it and can basically have whatever you are, nothing to work for and nothing to aim for. The feeling you get when you can finally afford something you've been saving up for is fab but you'd never really have that feeling again. I understand why people go mad cos I'm pretty sure I would, but it would be a nice way to go mad tbh.
I thought this is a debate? People go mad etc. Money is NOT THAT IMPORTANT
06-03-2012, 03:27 PM
I thought this is a debate? People go mad etc. Money is NOT THAT IMPORTANT
take all your items worth money away, close your bank account. Il see you at your funeral.
06-03-2012, 03:37 PM
take all your items worth money away, close your bank account. Il see you at your funeral.
You'll die if you have money too. so, whats the difference
06-03-2012, 03:48 PM
[@]@girlnextdoor15[/@] you're hilarious, complaining that your house has rodant pest things in a spam thread so imagine what you'd be like if you were homeless with no money.
06-03-2012, 03:51 PM
You'll die if you have money too. so, whats the difference
Difference life you never know when your times up. But without money i can garantee a day will feel like a year, a hour will feel like a day and so on. No food no water. Things cost money.
[@]@girlnextdoor15[/@] you're hilarious, complaining that your house has rodant pest things in a spam thread so imagine what you'd be like if you were homeless with no money.
8-) this girls silly
06-03-2012, 03:58 PM
[@]@girlnextdoor15[/@] you're hilarious, complaining that your house has rodant pest things in a spam thread so imagine what you'd be like if you were homeless with no money.
Making a thread about it doesn't mean I'm complaining about it. Plus, I was asking for advice on how to improve the situation. If you have nothing else to back you up, don't go for threads k. Having diseases or knowing you're gonna die within a few months is like being homeless with no money too. So, does that still mean money is more important than health?
Difference life you never know when your times up. But without money i can garantee a day will feel like a year, a hour will feel like a day and so on. No food no water. Things cost money.
8-) this girls silly
Without health or happiness is still the same thing. They're dreadful. Don't get so defensive. It's a debate fgs
06-03-2012, 04:02 PM
You can't have health without money [@]@girlnextdoor15[/@] obv don't know what ur talking about lol
06-03-2012, 04:09 PM
You can't have health without money [@]@girlnextdoor15[/@] obv don't know what ur talking about lol
tell that to the oldest people living at africa, china or japan. Money can't cure cancer, Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease either
06-03-2012, 04:12 PM
tell that to the oldest people living at africa, china or japan. Money can't cure cancer, Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease either
I'm referring to western countries, no it can't but it can give you a better quality of life... I can't believe you don't think money is important! x
06-03-2012, 04:13 PM
Yeh but they still have LITTLE money, not none at all.
Its funny your saying you can live without monye, look at what your doing right now;
Using a PC (£)
Internet (£)
Power (£)
Heating ? (£)
House (£)
Donator on habbox (£)
06-03-2012, 04:18 PM
I'm referring to western countries, no it can't but it can give you a better quality of life... I can't believe you don't think money is important! x
Yeh but they still have LITTLE money, not none at all.
Its funny your saying you can live without monye, look at what your doing right now;
Using a PC (£)
Internet (£)
Power (£)
Heating ? (£)
House (£)
Donator on habbox (£)
Money is important for survival but so is health. And when I was saying 'money is not that important', it's all abt the debate topic. The most important thing in life? where have all of u been omg
06-03-2012, 04:21 PM
You shouldn't have really replied to that, considering my post pretty much totally ruled yours out. Unless you have another totally pointless debate post to go ontop of that'd id stop as your most likely 4ft under already.
06-03-2012, 06:30 PM
tell that to the oldest people living at africa, china or japan. Money can't cure cancer, Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease either
No but it can improve quality in life and research into it to get a cure.
---------- Post added 06-03-2012 at 06:30 PM ----------
tell that to the oldest people living at africa, china or japan. Money can't cure cancer, Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease either
No but it can improve quality in life and research into it to get a cure.
06-03-2012, 07:06 PM
no it isn't but it makes it a whole lot better
07-03-2012, 04:32 AM
Guys no need to start personal attacks on people. Debate the topic, not the person. :)
I can't be bothered reading back through everything as I am at work currently. But i saw someone debating that Credit Cards aren't safe? If you actually research into the modern age of credit cards, if you are actually using the basic gift of common sense credit cards aren't a problem. Problem is people don't think before they purchase. RFID chips are now common place in credit cards which are bringing up security issues but that is VERY recent, and will be eradicated within time as most things are.
Debit cards are without doubt much more safe. You are only spending the money you have available. What I personally do is put my pay into a Saver account build it up with interest and transfer money across when it is needed/wanted for the debit card. Therefore not wasting money and enabling myself to fully utilize the potential of the money I am blessed with.
The problem with western society is we are too blessed. We fail to see the simple truths and the simple things that we have that we don't need but we have the mindset of 'needing'.. We don't need money for good health.. Are you kidding!?! Okay take this or leave it I'm not going to debate religous beliefs here, but I am a man of strong Christian faith and back in the biblical days men were living upto 400 years.. 100 years was not uncommon in the slightest. Yet these days in this age of indulgence and selfishness people are lucky to hit 70.
Money in todays society enables people to get all these things, purely because we don't live in an honest world. If we lived in an honest world money would be insignificant.
Money wasn't always around, when there wasn't money there was food to trade or labour to trade and so on. There has always been a form of currency whether that be paper or literal items.
Money isn't THE MOST important but in todays society it does enable life to be lived a lot simpler and more pain free.
personally money isn't something I care about a lot, but I am blessed with enough to do the things I like and enjoy. When you have a honour and thankfulness towards something it becomes easier to obtain as you don't chase it losing everything else in the process. So many people lose everything in the pursuit for money. That is when money can turn life into death...
07-03-2012, 04:48 AM
Yeah it is. People say "You can have all the money in the world but you can't buy love" well that's a sham. ThoseIsolated tribal communities have no choice. It's either be miserable and poor or deal with it and poor. It's sad to think how much one can do with a piece of paper with a number wrote on it :P I say bring back the days where we trade livestock for livestock!
07-03-2012, 05:52 AM
If you actually research into the modern age of credit cards, if you are actually using the basic gift of common sense credit cards aren't a problem. Problem is people don't think before they purchase. RFID chips are now common place in credit cards which are bringing up security issues but that is VERY recent, and will be eradicated within time as most things are.
The culture between first world countries and other developing countries are not the same, I guess. Or maybe you never heard of the scams? We have credit card scams here which maybe rarely happens at first world.
And I agree barter system can be another alternative which reduces the importance of money. The system is still used at developing countries and third world countries where we trade in stuff and life still goes on. Money can be important at first world countries but at the same time, not important at other countries. It depends on your mindset. In addition, money can MAYBE improve the quality of life but I don't think we'll get clean unpolluted air etc. at cities. There are lots of factors which can affect quality of life. So, is our quality of life guaranteed better with money?
07-03-2012, 02:06 PM
The culture between first world countries and other developing countries are not the same, I guess. Or maybe you never heard of the scams? We have credit card scams here which maybe rarely happens at first world.
And I agree barter system can be another alternative which reduces the importance of money. The system is still used at developing countries and third world countries where we trade in stuff and life still goes on. Money can be important at first world countries but at the same time, not important at other countries. It depends on your mindset. In addition, money can MAYBE improve the quality of life but I don't think we'll get clean unpolluted air etc. at cities. There are lots of factors which can affect quality of life. So, is our quality of life guaranteed better with money?
Yes of course it is!
Yes of course it is!
case closed really. yr quality of life relies heavily on money and any explanation that it isn't in anyway connected is rubbish.
07-03-2012, 03:30 PM
case closed really. yr quality of life relies heavily on money and any explanation that it isn't in anyway connected is rubbish.
Let's hear what you'll say when you're 50 or 60.
The Don
07-03-2012, 03:34 PM
Money is the most important thing, without a doubt.
Let's hear what you'll say when you're 50 or 60.
if i'm 60 and i've been living in a ****** little house for the entirety of my life, living hand to mouth with nothing nice or if i'm 60 and i've got everything i ever wanted, in a massive house with tonnes of nice things i'll give you the exact same argument.
07-03-2012, 05:27 PM
not reading anyone's posts but my question is why does there have to be a MOST important thing in life? or to make you happy? i don't think money is the MOST important, i don't think love is the most important or health is the most important for happiness. i think it's a combination of everything. say you have a lot of money but no-one to spend it with, then you're most likely not going to be happy. not as happy as you would be if you had someone you loved that you could share it with. & vice versa, if you have a lot of love to give - that's not enough. that's not going to save you from poverty and ill health. not one thing is more important than another. the middle sounds good. average amount of money & a whole lot of love > lots of money and no love. (coming from the girl that doesnt believe in love ok)
also bethie i don't get your argument in your last post, i live in a '****** little house' i guess - i mean we have the basics but its been done up to suit my mums style so it's very 'homely' and i wouldn't want anything else. i don't think i want to be 60 and in a HUGE house that i don't need.. that's kinda lonely, especially if you go from nothing to something big. also i've had lots of money at one point in my life, to dropping back to 'average' numbers, down to struggling - and i without a doubt prefer the middle. when my family had a relatively large income we still didn't spend money on anything extravagant or what we didn't need and decided to save it instead. thankfully we did cause that's the reason we can still live comfortably today. i would say gratitude and gratefulness is more important than the amount of money you have.
not reading anyone's posts but my question is why does there have to be a MOST important thing in life? or to make you happy? i don't think money is the MOST important, i don't think love is the most important or health is the most important for happiness. i think it's a combination of everything. say you have a lot of money but no-one to spend it with, then you're most likely not going to be happy. not as happy as you would be if you had someone you loved that you could share it with. & vice versa, if you have a lot of love to give - that's not enough. that's not going to save you from poverty and ill health. not one thing is more important than another. the middle sounds good. average amount of money & a whole lot of love > lots of money and no love. (coming from the girl that doesnt believe in love ok)
also bethie i don't get your argument in your last post, i live in a '****** little house' i guess - i mean we have the basics but its been done up to suit my mums style so it's very 'homely' and i wouldn't want anything else. i don't think i want to be 60 and in a HUGE house that i don't need.. that's kinda lonely, especially if you go from nothing to something big. also i've had lots of money at one point in my life, to dropping back to 'average' numbers, down to struggling - and i without a doubt prefer the middle. when my family had a relatively large income we still didn't spend money on anything extravagant or what we didn't need and decided to save it instead. thankfully we did cause that's the reason we can still live comfortably today. i would say gratitude and gratefulness is more important than the amount of money you have.
i'm greatful for everything i have, but that doesn't mean i don't want more. if that makes me greedy or materialistic, i guess that's the way i am.
what i mean by my post is that money will always be important whether i live in a house with nothing and worry about it my entire life, or have tonnes of it and enjoy the money: i will still have been pre-occupied with finance and i think that's generally my life.
i was brought up with both my parents being in debt, i have never known them not owing money to somebody and i think they'd agree if they had money they'd be 100000000x happier and more successful. money changes everything. i wish it didn't, but it does.
08-03-2012, 08:42 AM
Yes, money is the most important thing in life. With money, you can buy bacon. Lots and lots of Bacon. I love bacon, bacon makes me feel so good and happy inside even though i feel sort of guilty for eating a dead pig, but the point is, if i have money, i have bacon. So therefore Money = bacon. Bacon = Happiness. Happiness = Important.
08-03-2012, 08:58 AM
Yes, money is the most important thing in life. With money, you can buy bacon. Lots and lots of Bacon. I love bacon, bacon makes me feel so good and happy inside even though i feel sort of guilty for eating a dead pig, but the point is, if i have money, i have bacon. So therefore Money = bacon. Bacon = Happiness. Happiness = Important.
This sounds absurd. Bacon makes you feel good but it's not guaranteed to make you feel good when you're older because it's somehow gonna affect your health. and when you get bored with bacon, what are you gonna substitute it with? so, at the end of the day, you'll get nothing more than temporary happiness. a good life has its ups and downs. doesnt mean you have to always be happy.
and yes I agree with Jen. You have to be grateful with what you have. Perhaps we have a different perception of life.
08-03-2012, 10:51 AM
This sounds absurd. Bacon makes you feel good but it's not guaranteed to make you feel good when you're older because it's somehow gonna affect your health. and when you get bored with bacon, what are you gonna substitute it with? so, at the end of the day, you'll get nothing more than temporary happiness. a good life has its ups and downs. doesnt mean you have to always be happy.
and yes I agree with Jen. You have to be grateful with what you have. Perhaps we have a different perception of life.
YES you should be grateful with what you have but not everybody is causing us not to be happy! Yes ofc life has ups and downs, that's what makes it so great if you didn't have the downs you'd never have the ups and vice versa but how can you TRULY be happy if somebody stripped you of ALL your money? You'd have nowhere to live, no food to eat and you'd live a pretty grim life sleeping rough on the streets having people urinate on you and physically and mentally abuse you? How could anybody be happy with that and be grateful with what they have? :S
08-03-2012, 11:03 AM
YES you should be grateful with what you have but not everybody is causing us not to be happy! Yes ofc life has ups and downs, that's what makes it so great if you didn't have the downs you'd never have the ups and vice versa but how can you TRULY be happy if somebody stripped you of ALL your money? You'd have nowhere to live, no food to eat and you'd live a pretty grim life sleeping rough on the streets having people urinate on you and physically and mentally abuse you? How could anybody be happy with that and be grateful with what they have? :S
My point is money is important but not the most important!!!I've been saying that since my first post. You don't have to sacrifice other things just for money. For example, prostitutes. They sacrifice their health and body etc. for money because I know they have no other choices but what's life when you are used like that? Should money be THAT important? I'd rather die young than let myself being used over and over like rubbish.
08-03-2012, 11:07 AM
My point is money is important but not the most important!!!I've been saying that since my first post. You don't have to sacrifice other things just for money. For example, prostitutes. They sacrifice their health and body etc. for money because I know they have no other choices but what's life when you are used like that? Should money be THAT important? I'd rather die young than let myself being used over and over like rubbish.
Like someone else previously said though, there's always been some form of currency and it has always been important wether it's trading goats for things or whatever. It has ALWAYS be probably the most important thing because you generally need it for just about anything and it always has been like that.
08-03-2012, 03:09 PM
Like someone else previously said though, there's always been some form of currency and it has always been important wether it's trading goats for things or whatever. It has ALWAYS be probably the most important thing because you generally need it for just about anything and it always has been like that.
money isn't the most important just because you say so. the question isn't "can you live on no money" anyone with half a brain realizes you need money to survive. the question was "is money the MOST important thing?" - clearly girlnextdoor15 and i don't think it's the MOST important from our own personal point of view.
08-03-2012, 04:51 PM
money isn't the most important just because you say so. the question isn't "can you live on no money" anyone with half a brain realizes you need money to survive. the question was "is money the MOST important thing?" - clearly girlnextdoor15 and i don't think it's the MOST important from our own personal point of view.
yeah but what would you do without any? ur life would be completely different
08-03-2012, 04:58 PM
yeah but what would you do without any? ur life would be completely different
Oh my goodness! Dont you get the point? It's not the most important! Not that it's not important.
08-03-2012, 05:03 PM
Oh my goodness! Dont you get the point? It's not the most important! Not that it's not important.
Of course I get the point... We obviously just share different views as jen said.
08-03-2012, 07:55 PM
You don't need money to survive, how do you think cavemen survived?
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