View Full Version : Best navigation method/layout

04-03-2012, 11:04 PM
Hey gang,

Starting to design a new website. It's still pretty alpha ;) but wanted a few bits of feedback on specific parts of it.

Don't read below until you have visited and had a click please


First off, navigation. Which of the 3 methods was easiest and stood out as being the best way to navigate. Do you think that the whole site being on one page works or not?

Secondly, fluidity. Were the transitions smooth? If not, what browser are you using?

Finally, do you think the change in colour between the sections is to drastic/not drastic enough/just right (ignore the bright orange boxes for now :P)

Many thanks for what I know will be insightful feedback.


04-03-2012, 11:20 PM
I loved how it was on one page, it was like the Galaxy Nexus prelaunch pages and it's a really cool style for small sites.

It's also nice to be able to scroll the content if I want or click on links. Flexibility is nice (It's also probably much nicer to scroll on a mobile device than clicking tiny links with big thumbs).

Transitions were fine, colour wise I think the effect works even on very severe colour changes so don't worry too much apart from making it overly subtle.

04-03-2012, 11:28 PM
I loved how it was on one page, it was like the Galaxy Nexus prelaunch pages and it's a really cool style for small sites.

It's also nice to be able to scroll the content if I want or click on links. Flexibility is nice (It's also probably much nicer to scroll on a mobile device than clicking tiny links with big thumbs).

Transitions were fine, colour wise I think the effect works even on very severe colour changes so don't worry too much apart from making it overly subtle.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to create a separate style for mobile devices that will make better use of space etc.

In terms of navigating the site then, you think both the arrows next to headers and one of the navigation bars? Do you think the centred one or the one to the right. I'm erring towards the centred one but just want to make sure ;)

06-03-2012, 10:40 PM
Looks really great I think you should add some more colour, Your favourite colours

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