View Full Version : Paul LaFontaine's Hotel Tour

11-03-2012, 03:50 PM
Okkk, Paul LaFo has been touring international hotels and answering questions that people are... shouting out? I didn't see him in .fr or .nl, but here is some of the stuff he said in .de :

Habbo CMs

Habbo cm is a score on your profile and it goes up as you do service.
Similar to "activity points" - include "respect" like votes from others
Updates happening over next month
No head CM - CMs watched by mods
Cms can only ban if mods agree on it
Can appeal to mods if Cms act bad
Competitions will be returning with CMs
Habbo CM is earned, and the number that earn it is the number there will be

Quick info.

Building contests were reaching <1% users - unfair due to 25% effort from staff for <1% of its users

Other updates

Help system will be modernised
Illumina is an effort to clean up interface
Bringing back public rooms as places to meet
Better support system

Stuff about Paul

English, German, Spanish, Finnish - languages he speaks
Product, Marketing or anaylsis if he could work in 1 department

Why is .se the pilot site?

.Se is pilot site due to .com and other sites being too big.
Testing things in Sweden and other hotels

He's in .es next :) - Not sure if as many there will be speaking English, but meh.

11-03-2012, 03:57 PM
He sounds like an absolute disaster. I hate the sound of habbo cms. This is going to be abused.

11-03-2012, 03:57 PM
Well, at least I know why we're not the pilot now. I guess that's understandable, and if we didn't like something they'd get a ton of complaints where as it's probably easier to deal with on something smaller. Habbo CM does seem pretty cool although there are some parts of it I think could be better. We'll see! :)

11-03-2012, 04:33 PM
Sounds really good in my opinion!

Okkk, Paul LaFo has been touring international hotels and answering questions that people are... shouting out? I didn't see him in .fr or .nl, but here is some of the stuff he said in .de :

Habbo CMs

Habbo cm is a score on your profile and it goes up as you do service.
Similar to "activity points" - include "respect" like votes from others
Updates happening over next month
No head CM - CMs watched by mods
Cms can only ban if mods agree on it
Can appeal to mods if Cms act bad
Competitions will be returning with CMs
Habbo CM is earned, and the number that earn it is the number there will be

Quick info.

Building contests were reaching <1% users - unfair due to 25% effort from staff for <1% of its users

Other updates

Help system will be modernised
Illumina is an effort to clean up interface
Bringing back public rooms as places to meet
Better support system

Stuff about Paul

English, German, Spanish, Finnish - languages he speaks
Product, Marketing or anaylsis if he could work in 1 department

Why is .se the pilot site?

.Se is pilot site due to .com and other sites being too big.
Testing things in Sweden and other hotels

He's in .es next :) - Not sure if as many there will be speaking English, but meh.

11-03-2012, 04:50 PM
Here's what he said in .es :) :

Habbo CMs

Everyone can earn a place in Habbo CM if they earn trust
Making it so that if a person helps someone and they do a good job - you get trust points.
Maybe a very very very senior cm will have ban power but overseen by mods.
Trusted cms will have a SLIGHT influence on bans
CMs can see chatlogs - 80% of time, problem will be solved by viewing chatlog.
Launching CMs just before summer
You earn cm points from your actions then opt in for capabilities and extra tools
Bans WON'T stop you from becoming a Habbo CM, instead...
...Banned Habbos lose CM points.
Habbo CM Permissions not worked out
13 year olds will probably not have the experience to be a CM
Older accounts will get credit for activity so people will start off with points already earned.
Habbo CMs won't have access to private information.
They'll offset "clones" > people cheating via the use of multi-accounts to gain CM accounts, instead...
...they'll look at action on accounts (such as receiving respects) and data will (somehow) show if it's down to clones.
People caught cheating for cm points will be banned.

Mobile Devices

Probably not bringing Niko to android
Paul lovse Habbo for IoS - developing it more

Mass Unban

If mass unban occurrs - Sulake will be careful about certain types of people being unbanned (e.g. hackers) etc. (they'll make sure they remain banned)


New pets are coming
Horse updates in a few weeks

New Games

First new game = this month
big game = early summer


Unsure whether guidebot will be removed


Second floors will not be added into rooms

He's answered quite a few of my questions actually aha. He's in .com.br (Brazil only, not .com + brazil >.<) in 10 minutes, then he finishes for today :). I'll post my views on his responses later

11-03-2012, 04:56 PM
Sounds ridiclous. If everyone can earn a place as a CM then it's ******* stupid................. it defeats the object.....

11-03-2012, 04:56 PM
New pets, really? Unless I see a penguin I won't be satisfied.

11-03-2012, 04:57 PM
New pets, really? Unless I see a penguin I won't be satisfied.

Aha, a penguin would be absolutely amazing - I can just imagine it waddling now haha :P

11-03-2012, 05:03 PM
Inexorably, who were you? I was Resn-SS and I asked him about the clone problem and the system being abused/call for help as well as loads of others, haha.:D

He seems to be really dedicated but I think the entire HabboCM system will flop...it will easily be manipulated and he seems to suggest that the only way it will be regulated is by Mods looking out for people abusing it. Unfortunately it is not that easy.

11-03-2012, 05:06 PM
Aha, a penguin would be absolutely amazing - I can just imagine it waddling now haha :P

I'd call mine PixieLott!!!! Yeah, they'd be totally adorable. No doubt they'll just bring out more farm orientated pets.. only good for [@]@Mathew[/@] I suppose.

11-03-2012, 05:19 PM
Inexorably, who were you? I was Resn-SS and I asked him about the clone problem and the system being abused/call for help as well as loads of others, haha.:D

He seems to be really dedicated but I think the entire HabboCM system will flop...it will easily be manipulated and he seems to suggest that the only way it will be regulated is by Mods looking out for people abusing it. Unfortunately it is not that easy.

wazzervaldez on .de and .es. Intersocialism on .com.br > Although he hasn't showed up :S

11-03-2012, 05:20 PM
Sounds ridiclous. If everyone can earn a place as a CM then it's ******* stupid................. it defeats the object.....

Why? I'm sure they would want as many people that want to help out rather than get people that only want it because it's exclusive.

11-03-2012, 06:00 PM
Hmm, some interesting things coming up. I like the sound of the CM's, would love to go for that role! :P But it would be abused by some yes, I like the bit were it says cloning won't be allowed.

11-03-2012, 06:01 PM
Why? I'm sure they would want as many people that want to help out rather than get people that only want it because it's exclusive.

Why would you want a complete stranger, who may be 13 (and who should be equal to you), reading your calls for help?

11-03-2012, 06:14 PM
Why would you want a complete stranger, who may be 13 (and who should be equal to you), reading your calls for help?

Why? I'm sure they would want as many people that want to help out rather than get people that only want it because it's exclusive.

Sounds ridiclous. If everyone can earn a place as a CM then it's ******* stupid................. it defeats the object.....

This is what is very intriguing about this CM process. People will complain if only a few 100 can become a Habbo CM and will say that it is elitist. However, once the process becomes available for A LOT more people, users start complaining that nearly everyone will be a Habbo CM and thus render it useless. So it's going to be very hard for Sulake to find a balance.

Mathew, I agree with you 1000% about 13 year olds reading my CFHs and having access to chatlogs & I'm fairly sure that Sulake are trying to make sure that this point still stands; "Maybe avery very verysenior cm will have ban power but overseen by mods." - but they will most likely try to ensure it is an adult who potentially gets this position. However they haven't considered the issue of how many people lie about their age online.

Account age will probably have some impact on whether the person is "old enough" (in real) to become a potential "senior" Habbo CM. But yes, regular CMs could be 13 which is just a no-go for me.

To be honest, this is starting to sound more like guides to me than a programme similar to eXperts. Which I'm kinda glad about, I always wanted guides instead of eXperts + Hobbas returning.

After Paul explained it in more detail, it does sound a lot more appealing to me - but I dislike how every CM could see a chatlog potentially. If they don't need to ban (only a senior could influence/get permission to ban according to Paul) then they really don't need chatlogs.

We'll have to wait and hear more I guess :P

11-03-2012, 06:39 PM
The guide system is okay but I don't particularly want regular habbos reading my CFHs or chat logs.

11-03-2012, 07:12 PM
I am not sure I like the idea of Habbo CMs but I will maybe go for it on Habbo France if things go well. I like that he is giving info.

11-03-2012, 07:33 PM
God bless Puhekupla. Here's what Paul said in habbo.com.br (Portugese Habbo I believe?):

Habbo CMs

Everyone will have a chance to be HabboCM's
HabboCM's will do contests
Habbos that help mods will be HabboCM's naturally
HabboCM will be like events-moderation staff (they also get to answer cfh's)


Habbo Mobile coming in 2012.
Some new mobile titles with partners!
Habbo might go HTML5 to support all browsers such as PS3.


Not flying horse, but horse with wings
Horse will get updates

The mass unban

Fresh start with bans is coming! (Except stealers)


Launching a new game in March & June
One game is designed by UK Company.
Wobble Squabble - probably not right now
Battleball we are looking at to maybe update
New game style of snowstorm (again???)


We are looking at pricings more acceptable
Rares are not going to end.
We are not going to do that vip pricing for games again
Looking at Supersavers
New rares in the future


Gloves might come to clothes
Customizable clothes - maybe

Badges, Bots & Buttons

"Bots in shop? Dunno"
Button to select all friends in console might come
Not able to exchange badges

Future updates

Easter will see a lot of changes
Illumina will be out in 3 months!!


No news on amusement park room < I'm assuming he's referring to the carnival furniture which people got hyped over.

About Paul

He became CEO because he was at Disney and understood games
Claims "Sulake will not fail"

11-03-2012, 08:48 PM
what an utter useless update, Habbo CM what the hell lols

11-03-2012, 10:35 PM
This all sounds really good. Loads of nice updates expected over the next year and I am looking forward to seeing how they sort this CM stuff out.

11-03-2012, 11:11 PM
Shame we won't be able to exchange badges... I wanted to trade for the Head Boy badge.. :(

What's Illumina?

11-03-2012, 11:26 PM
Shame we won't be able to exchange badges... I wanted to trade for the Head Boy badge.. :(

What's Illumina?



And this;


Basically, the future client layout :P - still being developed though aha :)

11-03-2012, 11:36 PM
Oooooh I see. Don't like it, haha. Thanks!

11-03-2012, 11:54 PM
The Illumina design is actually really growing on me. I like the idea of having the profile box that we can customize as seen in the first image. The only thing I wish they would sort out are user group badges. They look so amateur and dated. I wish they would create a system where we could make badges for our groups that didn't look like circles and stars someone mashed together on Microsoft Paint!

12-03-2012, 12:10 AM
This is also quite an interesting read:

http://www.habbotimes.net/aktuell/4654 (DO NOT CLICK ZURUCK, It means it'll direct you away from the page - click the one that starts with A, I forgot the entire word XP)

(Yes it's german, just click "translate to English") - you don't reallly need the text. But apparently the pictures are designs for the new Habbo CM system, I'm trying to find out where exactly they're from (Article claims they're from a staff Twitter) so I can't be 100% sure whether they're future designs in progress or not. However, habbotimes.net was an official German fansite since 2004, so I doubt they'd lie about something this big.

If they are the actual designs in development... I like it :) - it matches the illumina quite well, and although the font does look a bit fadey in places... it looks pretty cool.

12-03-2012, 01:36 AM
This is also quite an interesting read:

http://www.habbotimes.net/aktuell/4654 (DO NOT CLICK ZURUCK, It means it'll direct you away from the page - click the one that starts with A, I forgot the entire word XP)

(Yes it's german, just click "translate to English") - you don't reallly need the text. But apparently the pictures are designs for the new Habbo CM system, I'm trying to find out where exactly they're from (Article claims they're from a staff Twitter) so I can't be 100% sure whether they're future designs in progress or not. However, habbotimes.net was an official German fansite since 2004, so I doubt they'd lie about something this big.

If they are the actual designs in development... I like it :) - it matches the illumina quite well, and although the font does look a bit fadey in places... it looks pretty cool.
Many spelling errors in those screenshots.
"Owl lovel"
"Sombody in the hotel need your help !"

12-03-2012, 02:05 AM
This is also quite an interesting read:

http://www.habbotimes.net/aktuell/4654 (DO NOT CLICK ZURUCK, It means it'll direct you away from the page - click the one that starts with A, I forgot the entire word XP)

(Yes it's german, just click "translate to English") - you don't reallly need the text. But apparently the pictures are designs for the new Habbo CM system, I'm trying to find out where exactly they're from (Article claims they're from a staff Twitter) so I can't be 100% sure whether they're future designs in progress or not. However, habbotimes.net was an official German fansite since 2004, so I doubt they'd lie about something this big.

If they are the actual designs in development... I like it :) - it matches the illumina quite well, and although the font does look a bit fadey in places... it looks pretty cool.

That looks like a great system. I am eager to be a Courtesy Moderator (I have no idea what CM stands for so that is a guess) even if the system might not work in the end. I want to be part of the testing of it. I wonder when it will get rolled out in Habbo France. I have a pretty old account there so I hope I have a chance at it.

12-03-2012, 07:38 AM
This is also quite an interesting read:

http://www.habbotimes.net/aktuell/4654 (DO NOT CLICK ZURUCK, It means it'll direct you away from the page - click the one that starts with A, I forgot the entire word XP)

(Yes it's german, just click "translate to English") - you don't reallly need the text. But apparently the pictures are designs for the new Habbo CM system, I'm trying to find out where exactly they're from (Article claims they're from a staff Twitter) so I can't be 100% sure whether they're future designs in progress or not. However, habbotimes.net was an official German fansite since 2004, so I doubt they'd lie about something this big.

If they are the actual designs in development... I like it :) - it matches the illumina quite well, and although the font does look a bit fadey in places... it looks pretty cool.

Its literally Habbo guides, instead of having to visit the room to help the Habbo you answer the messages.

12-03-2012, 07:39 AM
HabboCMs will judge comps aha. I don't see myself winning then...**** you paul lafo

---------- Post added 12-03-2012 at 01:12 PM ----------

by new rares do they mean rares like hell hound and other failed recent rares which came in catalouge

epic tree for example, 6c average in marketplace

12-03-2012, 05:53 PM
This is also quite an interesting read:

http://www.habbotimes.net/aktuell/4654 (DO NOT CLICK ZURUCK, It means it'll direct you away from the page - click the one that starts with A, I forgot the entire word XP)

(Yes it's german, just click "translate to English") - you don't reallly need the text. But apparently the pictures are designs for the new Habbo CM system, I'm trying to find out where exactly they're from (Article claims they're from a staff Twitter) so I can't be 100% sure whether they're future designs in progress or not. However, habbotimes.net was an official German fansite since 2004, so I doubt they'd lie about something this big.

If they are the actual designs in development... I like it :) - it matches the illumina quite well, and although the font does look a bit fadey in places... it looks pretty cool.
reihgiuw4hgu24ihgu24hg2u ok dno whether i like it or not. i think it's quite good that the person can vote whether it's a good answer or not, but tbh if it's a new user asking the question then they're gonna have no idea whether the person is telling the truth or not. then if it's some completely stupid person then they're gonna deliberately rate it as a bad answer. it's just a twist on the habbo guides system. i like the idea that there's a message centre for those wanting to help out (in that sense, it's just like a help desk) but i don't like how they'll be giving permissions to chat logs, room judging, etc. ONE STEP AT A TIME PLEASE HABBO!!!!

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