View Full Version : Staff might be able to Transfer badges over???

13-04-2012, 10:47 PM
So i moved account from 22andy223 to Andii but wanted some badges to be transferred over but they can't do it as was said by staff But this is a reply that i got :) but like they said it might not happen

Roberto, Apr 13 15:43 (PDT):
Hello,Thank you for contacting Habbo.We do not know yet, it might be taking into consideration but we cannot guarantee anything.Yours,Habbo.com Customer Support
Andii, Apr 12 14:14 (PDT):
Will there ever be a feature where you can do it???
Roberto, Apr 12 14:12 (PDT):
Hello,Thank you for contacting Habbo.Unfortunately there is no way to transfer those badges to a different account, we just do not have that option, otherwise we will glad to help you.Yours,Habbo.com Customer Support

13-04-2012, 10:49 PM
Wow Habbo Support are polite?! But I swear I had the same response when I first got the account Mark.

13-04-2012, 10:52 PM
lmao yea me and the staff are like bffls now jks im not fierycold. umm yea i was surprised because i got a reply back quite fast :) :) and I really hope they do decide to have the feature but my main concern is how this will affect things like people trading them or what?? aslong as they are on Same ID and have been requested in a separate thing i think it would be good.

13-04-2012, 11:27 PM
Ooh. :O It might be something that may be possible in the future! ;)

14-04-2012, 03:37 AM
it would be awesome if we can transfer badges to another account

14-04-2012, 03:45 AM
This would be a great idea.

14-04-2012, 05:12 AM
Would be interesting, not sure they'd so it though, wouldn't bother me either way,anyway as I don't do badges x

14-04-2012, 09:10 AM
Omg, it'd be so great if we could transfer them over because I have badges I really want on McDonalds like the fish one. :(

14-04-2012, 09:39 AM
I think there's a slight white lie when he says they don't have the ability to transfer badges. Unless the Habbo Staff control panel has drastically changed, we've all seen screenshots of "Give Badge" buttons over the years. All they'd need to do is remove it from one and add it to another. Then again, perhaps Habbo Support don't have that kind of power on the client itself.

14-04-2012, 11:14 AM
I think there's a slight white lie when he says they don't have the ability to transfer badges. Unless the Habbo Staff control panel has drastically changed, we've all seen screenshots of "Give Badge" buttons over the years. All they'd need to do is remove it from one and add it to another. Then again, perhaps Habbo Support don't have that kind of power on the client itself.

yea thats what i was thinking. I should prob have asked about pets lol

14-04-2012, 11:30 AM
woo, i'll get some of my good badges off woodseh :-D

14-04-2012, 12:36 PM
this has never been possible and i doubt it ever will be. there are some cases though where entire accounts have been swapped but that was back in the days of 0rca and redtiz. don't get your hopes up.

14-04-2012, 01:12 PM
They could easily transfer badges over - just manually so they can do it.

Remove badges from your old account when you prove its yours and :give_badge or whatever it is to your new account!

14-04-2012, 01:12 PM
Habbo staff have always had the ability to transfer badges etc but the thing is they just hardly ever do it unless its an extremely unique situation. I remember in like 06 diff-x got all his stuff transferred to the account diff

14-04-2012, 01:44 PM
In a way I would benefit from moving badges, I have quite a few rare ones on a few different accounts. However if everyone had the opportunity to move badges, they would really become somewhat common and would hardly be an achievement anymore.

14-04-2012, 03:20 PM
looks doubtful, would be useful but don't get your hopes up :(

14-04-2012, 03:46 PM
I'd love my old badges to be moved over :D

14-04-2012, 05:11 PM
Hopefully they could! :)

15-04-2012, 04:09 AM
People would sell accounts with badges, blackmarket would benefit way too much.
Habbo X account with badge would prob sell for about 1-2t.
I guess they could say some badges cant be moved mind.

15-04-2012, 10:01 PM
agreed lol ^^^^^^^^ im guessing it will be selling accounts

15-04-2012, 11:02 PM
People would sell accounts with badges, blackmarket would benefit way too much.
Habbo X account with badge would prob sell for about 1-2t.
I guess they could say some badges cant be moved mind.

Yeah but people already sell ex hobba and ex Habbo X accounts so nothing is new really.

16-04-2012, 06:50 AM
This would be really useful if they ever allowed this as ive moved accounts about 20 times during the past year already. :D

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