View Full Version : LOTS OF STUFF!

04-05-2012, 10:02 AM
Hey guys,

I need heaps of stuff! So I'm buying the following!

Plastic Pod chairs - a lot needed - most colours!
Plastic Occasional Tables - a lot needed - most colours!
Plastic Round Dining Tables - a lot needed - most colours!
Plastic Chairs - a lot needed - most colours!
Other Plasto Stuff is also needed. Hit me up
Rainbow Flags - making a whole wall with these so need a lot
Anna carpets/rugs - need HEAPS of these.
Gold Lupines x7
Red Lupines x7
White Lupines x7
Blue Lupines x2

Also any other colourful furni. Making a chill room with a rainbow theme! <3

Thanks guys. Add me

04-05-2012, 11:20 PM
Buying most plasto 1c per :P

Hit me up!

05-05-2012, 03:07 AM
Ok I got a complete list now :L

I need:

1 blue lupine
3 purple lupines
2 gold lupines
8 white lupines
5 dark blue plasto chairs
6 pink plasto chairs
4 purple plasto cairs
3 light brown/orangey plasto chairs
7 yellow plasto chairs
7 light blue plasto chairs [NOT HC CHAIRS]
1 dark blue plasto dining table [circle]
1 green plasto dining table [circle]
1 white plasto dining table [circle]
1 light brown/orange plasto dining table [circle]
7 gold plasto pods
2 light blue plasto pods
2 pink plasto pods
3 orange plasto pods
Heaps of plasto occasional tables
Heaps of anna rugs
Heaps of rainbow flags

Paying 1-2c for most of this stuff. Add me !

05-05-2012, 04:58 AM

1 blue lupines
8 red lupine
3 purple lupine
8 white lupine

Plastic Chairs
4 pink
4 purple
3 lightbrown/orange
3 light blue

Plastic Dining Tables [circle large]
1 dark blue
1 green
1 white
1 light brown/orange
Plastic Pods
5 gold/yellow
1 orange

Plastic Occasional Tables
1 white
3 yellow
1 purple
4 red
4 pink
4 light brown/orange 4 light blue

Anna Rugs - Need all colours and need quite a lot.
Rainbow Flags - need a lot

Paying 1c per for most plasto. 2c+ for Gold/Yellow Pods <3

05-05-2012, 08:08 AM
White lupines how much you buying.

05-05-2012, 08:55 AM
Samanfa; Need 8 thinking 2 for 5c?

05-05-2012, 09:25 AM
I think I have 2/3 I'll have to check later. Might do that :).

05-05-2012, 09:58 AM
Samanfa; Ok cool, please try get on ASAP as it's 10pm and I may have to go soon <3

05-05-2012, 12:17 PM

1 blue
8 red
3 purple
8 white

Plasto chairs & round dining tables
3 light blue plasto chairs [NOT HC]
1 dark blue plasto circle dining table
1 green plasto circle dining table
1 light-brown/orange plasto circle dining table

Plasto Occasional Tables [small 1 square ones]
3 yellow
1 purple
4 pink
3 light-brown/orange
4 light blue [NOT HC]
2 Pink Iced Corners
Heaps of anna rugs
Heaps of rainbow flags

Thanks guys <3 Slowly getting there, will keep this updated!

06-05-2012, 09:44 AM

1 purple
6 red

Plasto chairs and circle dining tables
1 Light Blue plasto chair [NOT HC]
1 dark blue circle dining table
1 green circle dining table
1 light-brown/orange circle dining table

Plasto Occasional Tables
3 yellow
1 purple
4 pink
4 light blue [NOT HC]

Anna Rugs
2 Blue Anna rugs
4 Green Anna rugs

2 Pink Iced Corners
Romantique clock [super urgent]

Will updated this thread fairly regularly. Thanks for looking. Add me if you have anything!

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