View Full Version : Have you ever got the blame for something? That you didn't do?

04-05-2012, 04:03 PM
In school have you got the blame something you didn't do? What happened and was it resolved?

I remember when someone threw an aniseed ball at me and it bust my lip, I got the blame as 'I had been throwing them too' apparently, but luckily my friends told the teacher it was them throwing the sweets not me. Was annoying that I got the blame and the teacher didn't believe me when I said I didn't do it.

Yeah, anyway, what about you?

04-05-2012, 04:09 PM
omg loved throwing aniseed balls about

eh i was off for a week and when i got back i was called in to the headteachers office cause apparently i had been sniffing something in the toilets and smoking during that week lmfao it was girls sniffing crushed up paracetamol.... woo classy

04-05-2012, 04:27 PM
Two distinct moments that I remember. One was basically when a teacher judged me by who I sat near, I was apparently naughty and constantly talked yet I always listened (until after that moment when my hate for her grew even more until she moved me down which turned out to be fantastic as I actually quite liked the teacher in the set below). Blessing in disguise really.

A second is only somewhat, but basically I had an operation last year and my IT teacher said it was my fault (because of this event) that he didn't submit the coursework I had sent to him finished.

04-05-2012, 04:32 PM
Two distinct moments that I remember. One was basically when a teacher judged me by who I sat near, I was apparently naughty and constantly talked yet I always listened (until after that moment when my hate for her grew even more until she moved me down which turned out to be fantastic as I actually quite liked the teacher in the set below). Blessing in disguise really.

A second is only somewhat, but basically I had an operation last year and my IT teacher said it was my fault (because of this event) that he didn't submit the coursework I had sent to him finished.

I remember you making a thread and telling me on msn about the second one. Did it get sorted anyway lol.

04-05-2012, 04:39 PM
I remember you making a thread and telling me on msn about the second one. Did it get sorted anyway lol.

Yeah I made a huge rant, na I didn't as it wasn't worth the hassle and to be frank he's probably been fired now anyway; he was really ****.

04-05-2012, 04:55 PM
Same as Dbgtz.
I was judged by who I sat next to. This apparantly meant that when someone shouted out something from my area of sitting, it automatically had to be me or the other kid who did it.

04-05-2012, 05:43 PM
I've never really taken the blame for something very big as, well, I'm an unlikely student to misbehave in such a way that someone would really want me to take the blame. I've been falsely accused for some minor things through secondary school but I guess I just got on with it. :)

04-05-2012, 05:52 PM
I've taken the blame on purpose for my friend once when his phone went off. It's because I know the teacher was not going to punish me because she's awesome.

04-05-2012, 06:30 PM
i can see this turning into a massive rant....

my old english teacher lost my gcse coursework folder. Basically I was working on it and asked if could carry on doing it during my lunch break and he said 'that's fine leave it on my desk after you have finished and i'll put it away for you blah blah' so i was like yh ok and did what he said. Next english lesson he brought up all the folders to the computer room and mine wasn't there and he was like 'o it must still be on my desk' so i went down and it wasn't there. then he basically blamed me for it and said that i must of not put it there blah blah etc etc and made me redo my whole folder (it wasn't just the case of printing it off as half of it was hand written also there was a computer fault not that long before HE lost my work, some of my work had been removed from my school user area on the computers... great) I was fuming as it was like a couple of weeks before it had to be handed in and there was no way i could do two years worth of work in that amount of time. So yeah basically made a huge rant to the headteacher and other higher up people etc, then my teacher started having a go at me saying 'i could get fired for this, don't you see what your lies are doing (something like that)' so i basically told him where to shove it which he then reported and turned what I said into alot worse to what I did actually say to make me look like I was uncooperative and had behavioural issues (what a load of bollocks) thennnn a week before the work was supposed to be handed in, I FOUND my work shoved to the back of one of his cupboards in his room then he had the nerve to ask ME to apologise to him as he 'didn't' loose it and 'apparently' someone must of put it there. what an absolute ****. ******* hated that teacher with a passion. so glad I've left school now.

yh my skl was gr8...x

18-05-2012, 08:48 PM
Whatever my sister does wrong.. i usually get the blame lol

18-05-2012, 09:39 PM
In primary school I fell out with my best friend over a pink pencil with teddy bears on. It was mine but she was claiming it was hers and took it off me. I told the teacher about what happened and she asked us to stay behind at the end of the day, I remember her mum and my dad were present as well, the teacher asked what the story was; persisted with the lies, the teacher even suggested to cut the pencil in half (l o l)

In the end, she kept the pencil. Dirty little lier. ;p

19-05-2012, 05:46 AM
Yup, I was sitting in my chair and the deputy head-leader came into our class, some one lobbed a pen at her and because my pen was on the floor near the one some one lobbed at her I went up at tried to get it, she thought I was the one who lobbed it and she gave me leadership detention..

19-05-2012, 10:31 AM
yeah once, i remember i got blamed for drawing a penis and boobs on the whiteboard with a group of my friends and clearly i did not do that.

but my friends are getting punished not me.

19-05-2012, 10:36 AM
Well at home it's always happening because my sister's a liar + my mum believes her for some reason. So i always get told off. It's easier just to accept it now ;;

At school i've taken the blame for a few things before, either because it's my friends or the teacher won't care if it's me (i was a bit of a teachers pet) but most of the time i hate being told off for things i dont do!

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