View Full Version : Sad to think there are people like this in the world...

06-05-2012, 10:39 AM
Went onto Facebook today to see this on my timeline..

Warning: These images may cause distress to some people
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/392378_230086010429908_100002855337734_354170_1025 231507_n.jpg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/558585_230085723763270_100002855337734_354168_1537 460969_n.jpg

I'm aware that I will probably get some comments on this thread saying things like 'it's only fish' etc but fish still feel pain and breathe and all that. So before you comment with something like this don't bother because you're clearly shallow minded (probably still going to get some joker posting something like this to get +reps, although I don't find things like this funny at all). Also, I'm aware that there's worse things that happen in the world but if people can do things like this without any conscience then think what they'd let themselves do to other animals/people etc... Yes I know that just because they do things like this to fish doesn't mean they're going to go out murdering people but obviously there's something not right in their heads especially to think this is funny.
People are just sick. If I was there I wouldn't of let this happen and I was actually supposed to go as it was at the fair and a bunch of us were invited and I wish I had gone now tbh because this never would of happened.

What are your thoughts on this?

06-05-2012, 10:49 AM
are you allowed to post dead nemo on the forum

06-05-2012, 10:50 AM
that's actually horrible, why would you even do that ugh, the fact that they think it's hilarious aswell, it's pure evil.

06-05-2012, 10:53 AM
are you allowed to post dead nemo on the forum

don't know, don't see why not? but they don't really look like nemo they're just orange and nemo has white and black stripes :S

06-05-2012, 10:54 AM
nemo is a clown fish n000b
and what a terrible thing to happen to a poor fishie

06-05-2012, 10:59 AM
don't know, don't see why not? but they don't really look like nemo they're just orange and nemo has white and black stripes :S

because it's a dead animal and i wasn't serious when i said nemo

06-05-2012, 11:02 AM
Mm, that's sick. I'm not sure if they'll let you keep the pictures on here but tbh, what the people did is absolutely horrid. Reminds me of the time when 2 drunk Uni students put a dead hamster in an envelope and posted it to someone, urghhhhh.

People don't deserve to be around animals if they do that.

06-05-2012, 11:03 AM
because it's a dead animal and i wasn't serious when i said nemo

i've put spoilers on them and warned people so it should be okay
guess it was a 'joke' then

06-05-2012, 11:09 AM
I have a blind goldfish and I hate it

06-05-2012, 11:45 AM
This is ridiculous. I know when some people are drunk they do stupid things. But this? There's a limit tbh.

06-05-2012, 11:57 AM
Oh my god, that's vile. +o(
Eurgh, that's so gross. I don't see how they found that at all funny.

06-05-2012, 12:03 PM
People like this just disgust me. The fish still have feelings and things.
It sickens me to know that there's people out there like this..

06-05-2012, 12:05 PM
It's actually sick that they posted it on facebook

06-05-2012, 12:21 PM
no i agree with you
that's so sad ahhhhhh
********. like oh it's only a fish? its still an animal, i know you can't bond with it as much but still. it's sad.
what actually happened though? cause they said "it was either leave it to die or put it out its misery" or was that just an excuse considering they put vodka/other drinks in to a bag with it? ah i'm confused. either way, evil *******s. idc if its a fish, if you find killing of any sort funny then i think there's something very wrong with you :/

06-05-2012, 12:28 PM
That's just sick, how could you even find that funny?
Ugh people like this sicken me.

06-05-2012, 12:39 PM
Probably less cruel then how some fish die by fishermen.

06-05-2012, 12:45 PM
I don't believe in animals having souls and all that but anyone who wantonly kills things for no reason, especially in such a gruesome manner, is not someone that I would want to associate with

06-05-2012, 12:48 PM
Probably less cruel then how some fish die by fishermen.
really...? do fishermen get enjoyment out of it? do they take pictures of dead fish and post on their facebook laughing? (i mean yeah some would but they're sad as hell) do they fill a bag with vodka/frijj/cider etc in it to cause a painful death for their own personal pleasure? :S

06-05-2012, 12:55 PM
They wouldn't be laughing if someone did this to them. It's just not funny..

Just because they're animals doesn't mean they don't have feelings or knowledge. My chickens for example, they're so inquisitive they show genuine intellect. They get scared when you frighten them, they get sad when they're having a bad day, they hide when it rains to stop themselves from being wet. I used to think chickens were just chickens, stupid and it didn't matter. I have a changed opinions on a lot of animals now, esp because I've been brought up in and around farms all my life.

06-05-2012, 12:56 PM
really...? do fishermen get enjoyment out of it? do they take pictures of dead fish and post on their facebook laughing? (i mean yeah some would but they're sad as hell) do they fill a bag with vodka/frijj/cider etc in it to cause a painful death for their own personal pleasure? :S

I suppose in the sense of purpose, this is obviously worse. There are some fishermen who do just like to smack fish to death, but the conventional method (at least when this video was made) is that they slowly suffocate and some other horrible stuff happens in some occasions (like eyes coming out). My facts are slightly vague but I watched this video a few years back.

Anyway I was never comparing the morals of this person and the fishermen, just the actual cause of death.

06-05-2012, 01:01 PM
i'm glad to see that there are some nice people in the world haha

no i agree with you
that's so sad ahhhhhh
********. like oh it's only a fish? its still an animal, i know you can't bond with it as much but still. it's sad.
what actually happened though? cause they said "it was either leave it to die or put it out its misery" or was that just an excuse considering they put vodka/other drinks in to a bag with it? ah i'm confused. either way, evil *******s. idc if its a fish, if you find killing of any sort funny then i think there's something very wrong with you :/

not really sure but i know that they won the fish at the fair and decided to put alcohol and milkshake and other things into the bag and obviously other things happened to the fish but some how the fish ended up on the floor (dying obviously) and one of them decided to kill them, don't know how and tbh i don't want to know how but obviously the alcohol etc they put into their water helped to kill them :(
this is their response..
so one minute he's saying how funny it was and all that and how he's saying he looked after the fish and he didn't do anything wrong?
also as you can see here she did do something to the fish and she clearly wasn't look after them

06-05-2012, 01:10 PM
such a **** thing to do :l i don't think i could ever harm an animal like that; and saying "it's just a fish" is just a terrible excuse to cover the fact that they want to essentially torture another living being to death. need to grow up

06-05-2012, 01:20 PM
I agree with dbgtz. Comparing this to other animals killed by hunters or uhm humans, this is really less cruel. Like what about force feeding a goose to produce a fat foie gras? What about removing shark fins of shark and the list goes on. There are always attention-seeking ********* out there and they do whatever they like without using their brains. Ironic, isn't it? That's life.

06-05-2012, 02:07 PM
This is horrible, I can't believe people would do this and being drunk isn't really an excuse!

06-05-2012, 02:23 PM
Obviously hurting anything is horrible but i can understand why they don't think it's wrong. At the end of the day when my goldfish die I don't show any emotion whilst while flushing them down the toilet. I think the reason they're laughing about it and posting about it on facebook is because they know/think most people don't have any emotions for goldfish. Don't get me wrong I disagree with this completely but even on fishing boats regular sea fish just get flung around stood on, thrown at people for the laugh and those days not one person gave a ****. So if people are offended by this they must despise fishermen.

06-05-2012, 03:01 PM
It's sick this, can't believe people get enjoyment out of it its horrible.

Glen Coco
06-05-2012, 04:13 PM
that is a big fish!
but yeah that's cruel! gimme their facebooks pls.

06-05-2012, 04:20 PM
That poor fish, it's beyond me why anyone could torture animals and purposely harm them. :(

06-05-2012, 05:31 PM
I remember a while ago my sister went to the fair and saved this goldfish as people from her school were putting cola in it's bag and stuff, we called it Lucky and it managed a good few months. I thought this story was relevant and I know if she hadn't saved him he would have died too, I thought it was a chicken before looking at the comments on Facebook and regardless of what animal it was I think it's horrible. I like to fish myself but I wouldn't kill a fish purposely and I always put them back but looking at the second lot of comments 'he was looking after the fish' then he shouldn't have let that happen and he is as much to blame whether he hurt it or not.

06-05-2012, 06:03 PM
sick *******s. they probably only did it for lols and a few likes on facebook too.

06-05-2012, 06:11 PM
why would you even do that and find it funny. if they had vodka and wine they could've drank it i'm sure that would give them more of a buzz than killing a fish but whatever. these people must have such a **** life.

06-05-2012, 08:22 PM
Probably less cruel then how some fish die by fishermen. Yeah, because from what it looks like someone just stepped on them which probably casued them to die instantly, still kinda gross though. When fishermen go fishing they usually whack their heads on the ground a few times so they die, but a few times being whacked in the head can cause a great deal of pain especially if you dont kill them the first time, and also getting a hook in the mouth and being yanked on by a fishing pole would hurt quite a bit, so i actually do agree with what you've said there. Great point.

When i go fishing i hit the head on the cement as hard as i can so i can put them out of their misery, and then i filet the fish and grill it with lots 'o seasonings

06-05-2012, 11:30 PM
not really sure but i know that they won the fish at the fair and decided to put alcohol and milkshake and other things into the bag and obviously other things happened to the fish but some how the fish ended up on the floor (dying obviously) and one of them decided to kill them, don't know how and tbh i don't want to know how but obviously the alcohol etc they put into their water helped to kill them :(
I always wondered why they weren't allowed to give goldfish out, in Scotland,as prizes when I was younger, I guess this is why. I don't understand how this is remotely funny to them, just senseless killing.

06-05-2012, 11:46 PM
this actually made me heave

06-05-2012, 11:52 PM
This is horrible, poor fish :(

06-05-2012, 11:56 PM
you get k**** like that everywhere, think its funny to be complete ******s and think it makes them look cool. when they just look like ********s

The Don
07-05-2012, 01:07 AM
I agree with dbgtz. Comparing this to other animals killed by hunters or uhm humans, this is really less cruel. Like what about force feeding a goose to produce a fat foie gras? What about removing shark fins of shark and the list goes on. There are always attention-seeking ********* out there and they do whatever they like without using their brains. Ironic, isn't it? That's life.

Obviously hurting anything is horrible but i can understand why they don't think it's wrong. At the end of the day when my goldfish die I don't show any emotion whilst while flushing them down the toilet. I think the reason they're laughing about it and posting about it on facebook is because they know/think most people don't have any emotions for goldfish. Don't get me wrong I disagree with this completely but even on fishing boats regular sea fish just get flung around stood on, thrown at people for the laugh and those days not one person gave a ****. So if people are offended by this they must despise fishermen.

Lol, I thought you both were a lot wiser than you evidently are… There is a HUGE difference between fishermen killing fish and what these people did to this fish. Fishermen kill fish to provide food whereas here they killed it purely for their own amusement. There is context to everything and I can’t believe you are comparing this to fishing/hunting which is all about sustaining life.

07-05-2012, 01:52 AM
Lol, I thought you both were a lot wiser than you evidently are… There is a HUGE difference between fishermen killing fish and what these people did to this fish. Fishermen kill fish to provide food whereas here they killed it purely for their own amusement. There is context to everything and I can’t believe you are comparing this to fishing/hunting which is all about sustaining life.

You clearly don't understand where I'm coming from. I said it was wrong what they did but at the end of the day it's a fish, it's hardly worth a thread no mind a tear.

The Don
07-05-2012, 01:56 AM
You clearly don't understand where I'm coming from. I said it was wrong what they did but at the end of the day it's a fish, it's hardly worth a thread no mind a tear.

My post was in response to "So if people are offended by this they must despise fishermen." which is a ridiculous thing to say, the reasons being in my first post. I don't understand how by it being "just a fish" makes it any more acceptable to kill it for no other purpose than to put a picture on facebook and receive a few likes, or as a bit of 'banter'.

07-05-2012, 02:00 AM
My post was in response to "So if people are offended by this they must despise fishermen." which is a ridiculous thing to say, the reasons being in my first post. I don't understand how by it being "just a fish" makes it any more acceptable to kill it for no other purpose than to put a picture on facebook and receive a few likes, or as a bit of 'banter'.

Yes killing fish is a part of survival but fish aren't killed humanely by fishermen (from my point of view anyway) so I don't really see a discussion. I don't have any emotions for fish so I'm not going to pop in here and sob about what they did. As I said I don't agree with what these guys did I was explaining why i think they think it may be fine (even though it's not)

The Don
07-05-2012, 02:07 AM
Yes killing fish is a part of survival but fish aren't killed humanely by fishermen (from my point of view anyway) so I don't really see a discussion.

You seem to think I’m arguing about the methods in which fish are killed, which I’m not. Whilst yes, some fish are killed inhumanely by fishermen, they are killing them for a justified cause, the fish are going to use and are being killed for a reason, whereas here, some drunken messes decided to kill the fish for no other reason than as a bit of entertainment. That’s what I’m arguing about, and that’s why there is a huge difference between fishermen killing fish, humanely or not, and what happened here. Whether it’s just a fish or not, it’s absolutely sickening that someone would torture then kill something to amuse a few people on facebook.

07-05-2012, 02:19 AM
You seem to think I’m arguing about the methods in which fish are killed, which I’m not. Whilst yes, some fish are killed inhumanely by fishermen, they are killing them for a justified cause, the fish are going to use and are being killed for a reason, whereas here, some drunken messes decided to kill the fish for no other reason than as a bit of entertainment. That’s what I’m arguing about, and that’s why there is a huge difference between fishermen killing fish, humanely or not, and what happened here. Whether it’s just a fish or not, it’s absolutely sickening that someone would torture then kill something to amuse a few people on facebook.

I said about three times now that what they did is wrong and killing something for a justified cause or not is still wrong as they're still harming the creature when there is other ways around it. We can argue all day and my opinion will still stand. I'm not gonna post here 'this iz so sad r.i.p nemo mizz uxxxxxx thez guys deserve to be lockd up!!!' because how i view it is, it's a fish. If we aren't going to kill them humanely it's hardly setting an example. I'm sure a lot more people would be throwing dogs off bridges if it wasn't against the law but it's so they don't and before you reply with something like NO1 WOULD THROW A DOG OFF A BRIDGE OR HARM ONE IF IT WASN'T ILLEGAL you're fooling no-one but yourself.

They shouldn't have done what they did and just because fishermen don't kill them humanely isn't an excuse (just to point that out). I guess I have similar views to pescaterians. I just don't look at fish the same way i look at animals.

The Don
07-05-2012, 02:41 AM
I said about three times now that what they did is wrong and killing something for a justified cause or not is still wrong as they're still harming the creature when there is other ways around it. We can argue all day and my opinion will still stand. I'm not gonna post here 'this iz so sad r.i.p nemo mizz uxxxxxx thez guys deserve to be lockd up!!!' because how i view it is, it's a fish. If we aren't going to kill them humanely it's hardly setting an example. I'm sure a lot more people would be throwing dogs off bridges if it wasn't against the law but it's so they don't and before you reply with something like NO1 WOULD THROW A DOG OFF A BRIDGE OR HARM ONE IF IT WASN'T ILLEGAL you're fooling no-one but yourself.

They shouldn't have done what they did and just because fishermen don't kill them humanely isn't an excuse (just to point that out). I guess I have similar views to pescaterians. I just don't look at fish the same way i look at animals.

I fail to understand your analogy about throwing dogs off bridges. You seem to view it as acceptable to torture and kill fish because they are just fish, obviously you have no compassion towards them which I can’t change, but find it odd that you are trying to make their actions seem more acceptable. Surely you recognise that fish are living animals so I find it odd that whether or not a fishes life seems to hold any value to you, you can rationalise with these people.

Also, killing something for a justified cause is far more acceptable than killing for fun/enjoyment?

Seriously, what do you even mean with the throwing dogs off bridges part? Lmao

07-05-2012, 02:48 AM
I fail to understand your analogy about throwing dogs off bridges. You seem to view it as acceptable to torture and kill fish because they are just fish, obviously you have no compassion towards them which I can’t change, but find it odd that you are trying to make their actions seem more acceptable. Surely you recognise that fish are living animals so I find it odd that whether or not a fishes life seems to hold any value to you, you can rationalise with these people.

Also, killing something for a justified cause is far more acceptable than killing for fun/enjoyment?

Seriously, what do you even mean with the throwing dogs off bridges part? Lmao

Animal cruelty is illegal if it was legal more people would do it. Humane laws on killing fish aren't in place so why would people care if they killed a goldfish. I just don't show any compassion for fish, I can eat animals and feel guilty but when I eat fish I don't have any guilt. I just can't believe we are arguing about fish.

To sum up my opinion. What they did was wrong but it's not like they can get locked up for it as it doesn't fall under the animal cruelty act. I don't like fish, I don't get upset when they die, they just taste good.

The Don
07-05-2012, 03:03 AM
Sorry for the huge rant lmao, i just dont understand your point of view :P

Animal cruelty is illegal if it was legal more people would do it.

Generally speaking (if we are talking about active cruelty to animals rather than passive cruelty, which I think we are) cruelty to animals is usually a good indicator of serious psychological problems and is actually a known warning sign of certain psychopathologies, including APD ( also known as psychopathic personality disorder) so whilst there would be a slight increase in animal cruelty if legalised, I doubt it would increase much as generally, people who throw dogs off bridges tend to have deeper psychological issues and would probably do it regardless of it being legal/illegal.

Humane laws on killing fish aren't in place so why would people care if they killed a goldfish.

Again, I don’t understand this… There isn’t a law in regards to bullying yet generally speaking, a lot of people care about it which shows that action (law) doesn’t equate to value/care.

To sum up my opinion. What they did was wrong but it's not like they can get locked up for it as it doesn't fall under the animal cruelty act. I don't like fish, I don't get upset when they die, they just taste good.

It’s still upsetting that people would pointlessly torture and kill a living creature for no purpose at all, no?

07-05-2012, 03:26 AM
Sorry for the huge rant lmao, i just dont understand your point of view :P

Generally speaking (if we are talking about active cruelty to animals rather than passive cruelty, which I think we are) cruelty to animals is usually a good indicator of serious psychological problems and is actually a known warning sign of certain psychopathologies, including APD ( also known as psychopathic personality disorder) so whilst there would be a slight increase in animal cruelty if legalised, I doubt it would increase much as generally, people who throw dogs off bridges tend to have deeper psychological issues and would probably do it regardless of it being legal/illegal.

Again, I don’t understand this… There isn’t a law in regards to bullying yet generally speaking, a lot of people care about it which shows that action (law) doesn’t equate to value/care.

It’s still upsetting that people would pointlessly torture and kill a living creature for no purpose at all, no?

Bullying is illegal it just sadly isn't acted upon until the damage is done or a video goes viral. I'm not going into that though as we are talking about fish not humans. I do think some of your analogy's are hilarious because a lot of the time I don't really understand them and it just looks like you are drifting off onto something that is completely irrelevant :P. Torturing something like a goldfish shouldn't be allowed but if it makes me a bad person for telling how i feel so be it. Although those idiots killed them goldfish for no reason I don't feel upset or any sort of anger. Although I would do if it was towards an animal. Heck I even feel bad after killing a fly / spider. I'm not sure why I don't feel the same way towards fish, I just don't.

07-05-2012, 07:02 AM
Dw Richie I feel the same way

I don't give two ***** that the fish is dead

Actually I don't even care when people die tbh

BUT WHEN A DOG DIES I'm like awww :(

07-05-2012, 07:48 AM
Lol, I thought you both were a lot wiser than you evidently are… There is a HUGE difference between fishermen killing fish and what these people did to this fish. Fishermen kill fish to provide food whereas here they killed it purely for their own amusement. There is context to everything and I can’t believe you are comparing this to fishing/hunting which is all about sustaining life.

I only have one thing to say. It's neither acceptable nor unacceptable
Surely some people kill tigers for their skin or elephants for their tusks. Do you think it's acceptable? It's a tradition/culture.
And surely some people kill spiders just for the sake of killing it? Is it acceptable? Oh no wait. It's to 'protect' themselves cause they think spiders are gonna kill them lol. ffs it's called paranoid!
So, do you still think killing a goldfish for their own amusement is unacceptable? Who are we to say it's wrong/unacceptable when we are clearly killing animals for worse reasons? I think some people is blowing things out of proportion

I genuinely hope someday, we'll be able to know what's right and what's wrong.

The Don
07-05-2012, 10:08 AM
I only have one thing to say. It's neither acceptable nor unacceptable
Surely some people kill tigers for their skin or elephants for their tusks. Do you think it's acceptable? It's a tradition/culture.
And surely some people kill spiders just for the sake of killing it? Is it acceptable? Oh no wait. It's to 'protect' themselves cause they think spiders are gonna kill them lol. ffs it's called paranoid!
So, do you still think killing a goldfish for their own amusement is unacceptable? Who are we to say it's wrong/unacceptable when we are clearly killing animals for worse reasons? I think some people is blowing things out of proportion

I genuinely hope someday, we'll be able to know what's right and what's wrong.

No, I don't think it is acceptable for people to kill animals merely for their fur/hide/tusks etc but it is far more acceptable than killing for entertainment. It's a fallacy that you're trying to link the two as if they are the same things. I think generally speaking, everybody with morals realise it is not acceptable or normal for someone to want to torture and kill something for their amusement.

07-05-2012, 10:27 AM
No, I don't think it is acceptable for people to kill animals merely for their fur/hide/tusks etc but it is far more acceptable than killing for entertainment. It's a fallacy that you're trying to link the two as if they are the same things. I think generally speaking, everybody with morals realise it is not acceptable or normal for someone to want to torture and kill something for their amusement.

So you're saying it's unacceptable to kill a goldfish for entertainment but acceptable to kill a spider because you are afraid of it? c'mon

07-05-2012, 10:31 AM
Yes killing fish is a part of survival but fish aren't killed humanely by fishermen (from my point of view anyway) so I don't really see a discussion. I don't have any emotions for fish so I'm not going to pop in here and sob about what they did. As I said I don't agree with what these guys did I was explaining why i think they think it may be fine (even though it's not)
er fishermen try to kill them in the most humane way possible such as force to their head to stop their suffering once they're out the water. it's the kindest thing to do for the fish even if it's gruesome, better than leaving it in ice to slowly die... much better than piling it with alcohol and leaving it half cut on the ground. how can you possibly give these people an excuse for thinking it's fine to do that? to do that then post it all over facebook? i can understand stamping on a spider because our instincts tell us to fear them and that they pose danger. the hell is a fish going to do? its doing no harm, they won a fish at a fair and decided to end its life straight away in such a disgusting manner. it's your opinion and i understand its only a fish but to say you can understand why someone would want to essentially torture something is quite disturbing.

Generally speaking (if we are talking about active cruelty to animals rather than passive cruelty, which I think we are) cruelty to animals is usually a good indicator of serious psychological problems and is actually a known warning sign of certain psychopathologies, including APD ( also known as psychopathic personality disorder)
yup. i mean, maybe i'm just really sensitive but if i harmed any living thing i don't think i'd be able to live with myself. or maybe i just have morals. fair enough i'd get over a fish but it doesn't matter, to enjoy taking a life of any sort other than self defense and for pure enjoyment makes me feel sick and there's no way on earth i'd be around anyone that thought it was okay to do so. you don't have feel sorry for the animals or anything but to give an excuse for it or do it yourself absolutely boggles my mind.

Bullying is illegal
no it isn't. various methods of bullying and consequences of bullying will be illegal. its the method ('tortue') and motives (their own personal enjoyment) for why they killed the fish which is sad :/

Torturing something like a goldfish shouldn't be allowed.......Although those idiots killed them goldfish for no reason I don't feel upset or any sort of anger. Although I would do if it was towards an animal. Heck I even feel bad after killing a fly / spider. I'm not sure why I don't feel the same way towards fish, I just don't.
doesn't really equate to the rest of what you are saying and if this is the case then i don't understand why you're still arguing about it :S

Dw Richie I feel the same way

I don't give two ***** that the fish is dead

Actually I don't even care when people die tbh

BUT WHEN A DOG DIES I'm like awww :(
you're so lovely stephen ;p im sure that'll change one day :) like i don't cry over animals dying naturally or maybe even being hit by a car by accident (unless they were my own pets) but i certainly would if someone actively went out and killed them....

So, do you still think killing a goldfish for their own amusement is unacceptable? Who are we to say it's wrong/unacceptable when we are clearly killing animals for worse reasons? I think some people is blowing things out of proportion
yeah i do think KILLING for AMUSEMENT is unacceptable and can't understand why people would even ask that. i also think killing for fur is cruel too but most the people who do so are doing it to make money and i don't necessarily think they're evil people whereas someone who gets enjoyment out of doing it is and its sorta worrying for reasons akeam said, it shows deep psychological problems ;X. i'm not saying it's right, i can think killing a goldfish AND killing for fur can be cruel. there is no either or :S

No, I don't think it is acceptable for people to kill animals merely for their fur/hide/tusks etc but it is far more acceptable than killing for entertainment. It's a fallacy that you're trying to link the two as if they are the same things. I think generally speaking, everybody with morals realise it is not acceptable or normal for someone to want to torture and kill something for their amusement.
i needa rep you but think i gotta spread aha

wow arguing for a fish now i feel stupid hehehe. yuen are you serious though there is a big difference between defence and killing for enjoyment.

07-05-2012, 10:40 AM
What about mermaids, part fish part human, is it right to kill them? Discuss.

Edited by Lee (Forum Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly.

07-05-2012, 10:52 AM
er fishermen try to kill them in the most humane way possible such as force to their head to stop their suffering once they're out the water. it's the kindest thing to do for the fish even if it's gruesome, better than leaving it in ice to slowly die... much better than piling it with alcohol and leaving it half cut on the ground. how can you possibly give these people an excuse for thinking it's fine to do that? to do that then post it all over facebook? i can understand stamping on a spider because our instincts tell us to fear them and that they pose danger. the hell is a fish going to do? its doing no harm, they won a fish at a fair and decided to end its life straight away in such a disgusting manner. it's your opinion and i understand its only a fish but to say you can understand why someone would want to essentially torture something is quite disturbing.

yup. i mean, maybe i'm just really sensitive but if i harmed any living thing i don't think i'd be able to live with myself. or maybe i just have morals. fair enough i'd get over a fish but it doesn't matter, to enjoy taking a life of any sort other than self defense and for pure enjoyment makes me feel sick and there's no way on earth i'd be around anyone that thought it was okay to do so. you don't have feel sorry for the animals or anything but to give an excuse for it or do it yourself absolutely boggles my mind.

no it isn't. various methods of bullying and consequences of bullying will be illegal. its the method ('tortue') and motives (their own personal enjoyment) for why they killed the fish which is sad :/

doesn't really equate to the rest of what you are saying and if this is the case then i don't understand why you're still arguing about it :S

you're so lovely stephen ;p im sure that'll change one day :) like i don't cry over animals dying naturally or maybe even being hit by a car by accident (unless they were my own pets) but i certainly would if someone actively went out and killed them....

yeah i do think KILLING for AMUSEMENT is unacceptable and can't understand why people would even ask that. i also think killing for fur is cruel too but most the people who do so are doing it to make money and i don't necessarily think they're evil people whereas someone who gets enjoyment out of doing it is and its sorta worrying for reasons akeam said, it shows deep psychological problems ;X. i'm not saying it's right, i can think killing a goldfish AND killing for fur can be cruel. there is no either or :S

i needa rep you but think i gotta spread aha

wow arguing for a fish now i feel stupid hehehe. yuen are you serious though there is a big difference between defence and killing for enjoyment.

I dont want to be viewed as merciless or whatever but that is my opinion. Some people kill spiders because they think spiders are gonna harm them when they aren't. So, is that less cruel than killing an innocent goldfish? The spiders are innocent. Spiders will only be harmful/aggressive when you are harming them. It's not defending themselves. They are just going paranoid and you can't blame them obviously. I wouldn't blame the ones who kill just for fun. They wanted attention just like how some people go paranoid when they see spiders.

07-05-2012, 11:08 AM
er fishermen try to kill them in the most humane way possible such as force to their head to stop their suffering once they're out the water. it's the kindest thing to do for the fish even if it's gruesome, better than leaving it in ice to slowly die... much better than piling it with alcohol and leaving it half cut on the ground. how can you possibly give these people an excuse for thinking it's fine to do that? to do that then post it all over facebook? i can understand stamping on a spider because our instincts tell us to fear them and that they pose danger. the hell is a fish going to do? its doing no harm, they won a fish at a fair and decided to end its life straight away in such a disgusting manner. it's your opinion and i understand its only a fish but to say you can understand why someone would want to essentially torture something is quite disturbing.

yup. i mean, maybe i'm just really sensitive but if i harmed any living thing i don't think i'd be able to live with myself. or maybe i just have morals. fair enough i'd get over a fish but it doesn't matter, to enjoy taking a life of any sort other than self defense and for pure enjoyment makes me feel sick and there's no way on earth i'd be around anyone that thought it was okay to do so. you don't have feel sorry for the animals or anything but to give an excuse for it or do it yourself absolutely boggles my mind.

yeah i do think KILLING for AMUSEMENT is unacceptable and can't understand why people would even ask that. i also think killing for fur is cruel too but most the people who do so are doing it to make money and i don't necessarily think they're evil people whereas someone who gets enjoyment out of doing it is and its sorta worrying for reasons akeam said, it shows deep

I feel the same way as you do tbh and probably agree with everything you've said here. I am personally against fishing for fun like as a hobbie when they catch the fish and throw them back because they have put a hook in the fish's mouth for their own fun but I am also against fishing all together as for some reason I'm just emotionally attached to animals but I do understand that it needs to be done as we need food to survive etc although I don't like the fact that we kill animals for ourselves blah blah to eat blah but please don't go into that because it's just my opinion and I understand that millions of others are completely the opposite. I just don't understand why some of you are trying to justify these people's actions? And why are you comparing what they've done to hunting/fishing etc because it's completely different.. These people decided to torture these fish then do whatever they did to end their life and btw they didn't just step on it and that was the end of it, they tortured them beforehand (because it was 'funny').

I dont want to be viewed as merciless or whatever but that is my opinion. Some people kill spiders because they think spiders are gonna harm them when they aren't. So, is that less cruel than killing an innocent goldfish? The spiders are innocent. Spiders will only be harmful/aggressive when you are harming them. It's not defending themselves. They are just going paranoid and you can't blame them obviously. I wouldn't blame the ones who kill just for fun. They wanted attention just like how some people go paranoid when they see spiders.

Personally, I don't see why you're bring spiders into this conversation because killing spiders because you think 'they're gunna hurt you' or you don't like them or whatever is just as bad as killing goldfish for no reason (or for 'fun'). Killing anything for no reason is wrong in my eyes, whether it's a fish or a dog. Also, what? You're saying that these people did it for attention and it's the same as someone killing a spider because they're paranoid? No? what lol. They didn't want attention, they were just in the moment and thought it was absolutely hilarious. Plus killing for fun and killing because you're paranoid are two different things even though they're both wrong.

08-05-2012, 07:26 PM
thats just sick.

08-05-2012, 07:32 PM
I dont want to be viewed as merciless or whatever but that is my opinion. Some people kill spiders because they think spiders are gonna harm them when they aren't. So, is that less cruel than killing an innocent goldfish? The spiders are innocent. Spiders will only be harmful/aggressive when you are harming them. It's not defending themselves. They are just going paranoid and you can't blame them obviously. I wouldn't blame the ones who kill just for fun. They wanted attention just like how some people go paranoid when they see spiders.
lol just because people kill other things doesn't make either of them any better. plus i can't bring myself straight-up kill a spider (or anything for that matter) as i actually do feel bad.

08-05-2012, 07:39 PM
That's revolting. I hope they are never left alone with other animals because, although it is a fish, they wanted to willfully kill it and take photos of it. It does make you question their limits :/

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